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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
December 31, 1931     Golden Valley News
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December 31, 1931
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"7 "C H T i . ~,'~ i THE BEACH ADVANCE W. ¥. CUSHING, lgDITOR AND PUBIASHER Men~ber National and State Editorial Associations ~LIMHED AT BEACH, NORTH DAKOTA, BVERY THUIgMDAY ~ntered at postofflce at Beach, North Dakota, on May 8, 1908, as second class Btflmeriptions in North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana and Minnesota, $2.00. To all other states, $2.50 Ad~resi all communications to the DEAC~-I ADVANCE, Beach. North Dakota OFFICIAL CITY AND COUNTY NEWSPAPER SASKA~_~ICH MAN Wflltston Herald: The richest man in the world is not Henry Ford, John D. Rockefeller, or %he ruler of one of the upper provinces in India, who has diamonds big as m~rbles by the chestful. The richest man in the world lives at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. He admits it and you will admit it too, if you will carefully ponder this statement from him re- cently publ~hed in The Rub, at Saskatoon: We have passed through a panic, suffered from a crash on the stock market, and are now more than half way through t, he depression, and I am 8till rich. '~t may be true that I have much less to live on than I had a year ago, but it Is certainly true %hat I h~ve just as mu~h as ever to live for. The real values of life are unshaken and solid . . . "Thee depression has not lowered the value of a single friendshiP. Nelgh~rs still greet u8 in the same old cordial way, business associates believe in us, and our sons hold us in high respect. The wife's welcome at the close of day has not deprecia~ed in the least, and our daughters ~ue to lavish their affection upon us with the same old extra~a- My faith in the goodness of the universe is unimpared. By that faith I am emboldened as I face defeat and de,pair. The prayers my mother taught me and the faith in God instilled in me by a devout father remain as priceless treasures no depre~ion can touch. "No nation becomes great by ,becoming rich. Neither does a man find enduring satlMactlon in life by OWNING something---only by BE- COMING something. The most degrading poverty is that which results from killing the spirit that the body may be saved. "Ivnis depression is a challenge, not a catastrop'l~e. A generation that has conquered the air and sent giant ~planes circling the, globe, which has ~lunged into the deeps and disported on .the ocean s floor, which has climbed above the clouds and lived in the stratosphere, is now faced with the challenge to rise above its dependence on mere things and seek,an emancipation of the spirit of man, 'The last six months have been for many men a thrilling spiritual adVenture through which they have discovered their real ,wealth. Bereft of dividends and profits, .they are discovering ,.the sustaining powers of a strong reiigiou~ faith, the abiding values of courage, heroism, charity. can business to a standstill, ,but character is beyond its reach. It can rob us of all we have, but it cannot affect what we are. The deepest satisfactions of life--.those which come from sharing and ,~rving---remain secure. ' I am still rich .because I am independently rich---none of my wealth depends upon business conditions o_~r market re po_rts." I~'~AG OUT THE SKEL'IE)NS In another column of this paper we publish a synopsis of the re- port of the audit of .the Bank of North Dakota and its Farm Loan de- partment as taken from the ,Bismarck Tribune, friendly as are we, to the bank awl the department. The story is very in~terestlng to students of economic positions, yet from it anyone can get a glimpse of a situation full of peril to the taxpayers of the state, And few, ,probably, know that as a `begirming to the long series of taxes, that will be added from .time to .time ¢~hrough this imperfect plan of loaning money, they are al- ready taxed to make wp the interest on the ,bonds sold to raise farm loan money because the theory of the law is not working ou~ as antici- pated. Most of these well meant plans for relief of the people under public au~ic~ fail because the plans are generally based on their working out without mi~advenSure, action of the elements, or human frailties, and in few instances era`body the same safeguards that hard-headed business concerns carry against such con,tingencies, and which, of course, demand higher charges. All such issues in state government are too little spoken of. The ~olRlclan may be depended upon not to call attention to any faults in an Issue ¢liey think is popular. That is not in their line of philosophy. But in these days when all. avenues of taxation are being scanned closely to see where cut-outs can be made, the whole skeleton of government must be shown if tbe defects are to be discovered and remedied. Other- all ~he talk about tax reduction is the veriest bunk. For our own part we are skeptical that any real good will come out of the ~n~ent discussion of taxes. There are too many thousands especially ir~eres~ed in this or that thing which adds to .the taxes to en- able the disinterested to overcome the activity of the interested. We are all for cutting off the perquisites of 'the other fellow, but will fight to the dea~ for our own. An~ there you are. O TIME FOR SERIOUS THIN~I~O -----o----- It is a sad .thing in American politics that the best fitted men for of.rice cannot always to got to ,become candidates. This is because a man in ~rivat~ life may be the outstanding citizen, beloved by all his fellows, but .the moment he runs for office he is subject to the foulest kind of slanders, mud slinging and character-destroying whisperings. In all parties, as a rule. good, honest and understanding citizens are hominoid or renomir~ted for office, and they should not he subjected to the slush stuf.f that generally goes their way. The o~ficial acts of a candidate for renomination--and these are the only thin~s that should really interest the voters--are subject rightfully. to dissection, a~0roval or disapproval, and on that issue .the battle should w~ge, ins~ad, as too often is the case, on a lot of stuff totally irrelevant to the campaign. Also~ in cases where new men seek office, their plat- form and proposed policies are %he main issue, and i,f these are intelli- gently discussed, the voters and taxpayers may be assured that the can- dtdate elected has been chosen alter the issues have been thoroughly un- d~ and all knowing wha~ may be expected. And then, too, let us give proper consideration to the candidates on the .tickets other .than for the of, flees af presider~t and governor. These two offices are merely cogs in the wheels of government, and if the plnior~ with which .they mesh are not made to fit, the machinery of government goes wrong and efficiency is lost. If ever there was a time ,for the vo~er to give earnest study and con- ~ideratlon to the vital questions now seeking solution to the end that all Our PeOple may gain from legislation and executive acts the .things most essential to his or her ha4~plness and prosperity, that time Is now. It is no time to listen to the bickerings of candidates, the sp,~eading of csmpaign lrrelevazmies or the exploitation of ~etty personal grouches that concern nobody bu~ the ,persons Intimately connected with the mud ~inging and mental eruptions. The a~frontery of Japan in ordering ~he Chinese to retire from Manchm~t. their own territory, is a piece of brazonry only possible to pull on a People ur~prepaxed to protect thern~}ves. C~ina is a country large enough to set the United States dvwn in and still leave a large border around the outside, and, if united and properly organized, could no~ only lick Ja@an, but take her territory to boot, ,bt~t being unprepared tot trouble, is at the mercy of any nation .that wants a piece of her ground. Yet we ha~o in this country thousand._s of well meanlrtg people who would ~Tace the .United States in the same unprepared state as Otflna. ° 0 ' a general opinion that the ~ol~tieal csmpaigns, and county, will dirty fairs, ff that or, whene er mere is a ny- o- All of this overproduction in cotton down South may indicate thal~ the boll weevil is laying down on the job. Twent Y & (From Beach Advance files of De- first of the following week for the cem`ber 29, 1911) [ A. C. at Fargo to take the pl]arm- Rev, Ira Hawley delivered his,f acy course. Caleb Heath also was first sermon at the U. B. church[to attend the A. C. at the same in Beach and was well received, time. A new cafe, known as the Edge-I Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Thill were the Ueckcrt attended the Town Boars meetina in Beach Wednesday. Mr. Wilson. teacher of the Zook ~:ehnol. and pupils gave a Christ- m:,s pro?'ram for the parents of the pupils Wednesday ni_~ht. Ervin Ueckert attended the De- Molay dance in Beach Wednesday night. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Uerkcr~ aavc a Christmas dinner par~y at their home for Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith and family, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Ueckert and family and Mr. and Mrs. A1. Ueekcrt. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zook had as their guests Christmas day, Mr. Charles Kramer. and Mr. and Mrs. Ado Neudeck and daughter tile. spend the winter. On Christmas day, 1911, JesS Clark was married to Miss Chris- tine Anderson, in Dickinson. He was operating a farm a few miles out of Beach at the time. The Advance was carrying a mild newspaper skirmish with J. W. Bri~ton. Sunset Lodge No. 88 presented Mrs. A. E Kastien with a fine lea- ther couch as a Christmas gift in appre~ation of the many fine things she had done for the lodge. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Witzig went to Black River Falls. Wis., for a visit with the old home folks. W. S. D~vis was down from Al- berta for a visit. Heinle Wiedow was to leave the and Merle, ~,ere in the cityas in Sentinel Butte./allagO guests of the Mark Lovells. ] Mr. and Mrs, ~[. J. Trienklein Helga Thompson won a beauti- and, family ill Beafh and Miss Viola ful doll that was glven away by the Schleiwietz ~f B#lfield were Sun- Beach Drug Co. day afternodp ~rnd evening x isit- The families of Mr. and Mrs. M, ors at the W~.]Roesler home. P. Griffith, Hans Larson and the Mr. and MRS'. Wm. Ueckert and ALPHA A few of the ~tpha young folks gathered at the O~man home a week ago Sunday in the evening. The Hillside and A~pha school held ,their program at the Alpha school house Wednesday evening. They had a very fine program and a large crowd attended, A few from here n~otored to Beach Christmas eve f3r midnight mass. Hemncs' were guests at a Christ- mas day party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Hede. N. D. N~chols of Medora return- ed from selling a carload of horses at Newark. N. J. Mrs. Willis Wallace gave a fine reading at the Christmas exercmes of the Bonnie Vie~w school. E. Lloyd left for a visit at Osh- kosh. Wisconsin. He has since died and his family now reside in Cal- ifornh~. son's Sunday evening. A card party was given at the M. B Hogc:booln home Friday eve- ning. Mr, and Mrs. Tungsvick and family were guests for Christmas dinner at the Wienreis home. Edith Carew spent a few days visiting Edna Wassmann. Mr. and Mrs. Ziebarth, sons Mil- ton and Harold and daqghtcr Mar- garet and Mr. and Mrs. R, L. John- sign and daughters Mildred and Myrtle and Doris Odman were sup- ' per guests at Mr. and Mrs. Pete Hagen's Sunday evening. family spent very enjoyable eve- ning at the ~. F. "Polly nome last Sunday evening. A- number of games of whist were played and then a delicious lunch was serv- ed. Miss Louise Zook gave a card party for her friends at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zook last Sunday evening. Carl Ueckert spem Christmas eve at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Ueckert. George Smith. son of Mr. and Mrs. Charley Smith is mounting the hill to recovery again after 'be- ing sick for the past three weeks. Miss Eleanor returned home on Sunday after spending a few days with her cousin, Miss Irene Ueck- art. Mike Neudeck from Beach wa.s down in this neighborhood Sunday imnting coyotes. He was accom- pained by his brother Ado. STATE POULTRY SHOW TO BE HELD FEB. 1-4 The Thirty-eigt~th Annual State Poultry show will be held at the A few young folks tried out the City auditorium, Fargo, February ice on the river Sunday evening. 1 to 4. according ro Prof. O. A. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wassmann Barton, secretary-treasurer of the and family were Christmas dinner state poultry association, North De- guests at Andrew Kohler's. kota A~'icultural college. The Perry Bury motored to state poultry association, under on Wednesday to spend Xmas with whose direction this show is held, is one of the oldest poultry asso- guests at the Zie,barth home for his sister arid her husband, he re- elations in the northwest, and but dinner. The Alpha U. B. church held. its turned on Sunday. few associations in the United program at the church Thursday Mr. and Mrs. White were Sunday States have held shows continuous- evening. A few Xmas songs were dinner guests at the Bury home. ly as long as has .this one, says Mr. sung by different parties and also Santa Claus brought Mr. and Barton. a number of recitations and other Mrs. Otto Johnson a radio for Officers cf the association are J. selections were given which were Christmas, so they are doing quit% R. Fri~by, Lisbon. president; J. J. very well received. A large crowd a little tuning in now, also. Phelan. Fargo, first vice president; attended. Mr. and ~VIrs. John h'ons spent V. Y. Champeaux, Hatton, second ,Emma Leivens ~as a Sunday visitor at the Irons home. Evelyn Odman who is employed at the Rev. Roscoe home, spent a few days at her home during Christmas. Mrs, O~man and family and Mr. and Mrs. A1 Iror~s and family, Mr. and Mrs. John Irons and Fayette Lun~blad were supper guests at the Zled~rth home Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. "Wllkens and famfl ere evening callers at Otto John- Xmas day with hIs home folks. Admirer: What a charming necklace." Film Star: "Yes, is'hi it ador- able? Made entirely of my wed- ding rings.'"---Punch London. Film Star: "Will you love me when Fm o1~?" Third Husband: "Don't be si.lly, dearest. We'll be divorced, long be- fore that." vice president; Leander Bratland, Lisbon, third vice president; and O. A. Baxton, secretary-.treasurer. Premium lists will be ready for distribution about January 1, and all application.s for lists should be addressed to O. A. Barton, at the Agricultural college. Business men of Fargo and vicinity have made the show ,possible through their fi- nancial support. ADVANCE ,.ADS GET RF_~ULT8 need REGULATING? CASTORIA WILL DO ITI When your child needs regulating, remember this: the organs of babies and children are delicate. Little bowels must be gently urged--never forced. That's why Castoria is used by so many doctors and mothers. It is specially made for children's ail- ments; contains no harsh, harmful drugs, no narcotics. You can safely give it to young infants for colic pains. Yet it is an equ~liy effective regulator for old~r charon. The next time your child~ha~a little cold or fever, or a diges~i/e upset, give him the help of Cas~bria, the children's own remedy. G6nuine Castoria al- ways has the name: CASTORIA The tire.ln'oof Hotel in Minneapolis Wuhlngton at 2nd Ave. S. to all budnem acdvltieo, d~u~, Jobbers and retailers. imitations Unless you see the name Bayer and the word genuine on the package as pictured above you can never be sure that you arc taking the genmne Bayer Aspirin that thousands of physicians prescribe in their daily practice. The name Bayer means genuine Aspirin. It is your guarantee of pmit~--your protection against the imitations. Millions of user~: proved that it is safe. Genuine Bayer Aspiriu relieves: llea dachesNeuritis Colds Ne,:rolgia Sore Throat Lumbogo Rhcumatism Tot,t hache No harmful a/ter-effeds follow u~e. It does not depr~s the