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December 29, 2016 Golden Valley News Page 3
The effort to deny Donald Trump
of the presidency by luring his elec-
tors to vote for some other candidate
was doomed tO failure.
At the outset, most of the electors
were chosen by state conventions
and state executive committees be-
fore the party's presidential candi-
date was known. They were pledged
to vote for the national nominee, no
matter who it turned out to be.
While a number of electors ad-
mitted they did not support Trump,
they had to honor their pledge. After
all, electors are stalwarts loyal to the
core who would never disgrace
themselves by walking away from
any party candidate.
The effort to dry gulch Trump
was sponsored largely by Democrats
who were asking Trump electors to
vote for Hillary. Talk about dream-
in,,v~. The reason Trump won the
election was because many of his
voters believed Hillary would be
If Clinton would have urged her
electors to go for Mike Pence, the ef-
fort may have picked up some steam
because many ideological Republi-
cans would feel more comfortable
with him than with some unpre-
dictable newcomer.
Another reason the effort was fu-
tile: 29 states and the District of Co-
lumbia have laws that require the
electors to vote for the candidate for
whom they appeared on the ballot.
These states had 304 legally-bound
p Trump' drive doomed to failure
N. D. Matters
By Lloyd Omdahl
Hat Tips
By Dean Meyer
delegates - a strong majority of the
538 electors.
North Dakota does not require
electors to vote for their presidential
candidate but their loyalty is more
binding than any state law.
Because we have already had two
elections in this Century in which
candidates who won the popular
vote lost the electoral vote, we can
expect an ongoing debate over
changing the Electoral College.
It will be a replay of the 1970s
after George Wallace captured 55
electors. His success in the Electoral
College drove the U. S. Chamber of
Commerce to launch a nationwide
discussion on changing the system.
At the time, conservative writers
concluded that the winner-take-all
feature of the Electoral College
forced presidential candidates to
pander to small minorities in order to
carry a state.
In the debate, U. S. Congressman
Ed Gossett alleged that it wasn't fair
to have a winner-take -all system be-
cause it placed a premium on a few
labor votes, a few Italian votes, a few
Irish votes, a few African American
votes, etc. etc.
But campaigning has changed
since 1968. It appears that the lever-
age of minorities in urban states has
become negligible and conservatives
can be themselves. Hello,
Shirley told me I had to write a
The campaign for presidency has Christmas story. I should have writ-
already changed. In 2000, the top 10
ten one last week. Before Christmas.
states visited by George Bush and A1 She said I should find that poem I
Gore included Texas with 84 cam-
paign stops, D.C. with 47, Pennsyl- wrote about the cowboy at Christ-
mas. I kind of remember it. Like I
vania 39, California 3 I, Florida, 30, kind of remember some of the pass-
Michigan 29, Ohio 21, Tennessee words to get on sites that 1 really, re-
21, New York 20 and Missouri 18. ally need. But I can't find the poem.
Compare this to 2016 when only I can't remember it. My phone rings
six states were visited more than 10
times by the major candidates - and 1 get letters wanting the Christ-
Pennsylvania 23, Florida 20, North mas poem. Oh, it doesn't ring often.
I think once a couple years ago. And
Carolina 18, Ohio 16, Virginia 12 l did get a letter about my column.
and Iowa 11.
Apparently, a new kind of swing But the writer just said, "If she were
married to me, I'd either be dead or
state strategy dominates today's divorced!"
campaigns. This could mean that
Gossett's argument is no longer valid But while searching for the
and minorities no longer have lever- Christmas poem, I started thinking
age. So perhaps the winner-take-all about one of my favorite Christmas
system no longer forces conservative programs. In Harding County.
candidates tothe left. I've told you about Harding
While Electoral College reform County before. It's the county that al-
ways has the high wind warning
provides interesting fodder for de- when you watch the weather. It is a
bate, it is purely academic as long as county that is short on topsoil, and
constitutional amendments require long on gumbo and sagebrush.
two-thirds of Congress to propose Sheep, cattle, jackrabbits, bald ea-
and three-fourths of the states to rat-
ify. gles, prairie dogs, and hardy people
inhabit it. I've written to you about
Even if the proposal could get the community efforts when it comes
through the Congress, it would die in to fighting fire, putting on a county
a handful of small states where pea- fair, and raising their kids. I'm not
pie believe they have an edge in the
system. You can bet abolition of the sure if there is anywhere else quite
like it.
Electoral College would have tough We went down last week to cele-
sledding in North Dakota, even in
brate Christmas with Carm's family.
Oh, it was a few days late, what with
the storm and all. But we were lucky.
It was the night of Gracy's first piano
recital. Yes, piano recital! I knew that
would excite you!
Well, I admit, I wasn't real ex-
cited. I mean how could it compare
with poker and pinochle! But you
know what, it was magical!
It wasn't held in a concert hall. Or
even a school gym or an3)thing like
that. No, we headed over to a Jack's
house across the Little Missouri. The
moon was shining brightly off the
snow of the past week. Winds had
died down so you could see the few
yard lights along the way. Gage was
watching for rabbits and trying to
make sure I didn't hit any. I did hit
one, but I think it was a glancing
blow, because we couldn't see him
on the way home.
When we drove around the drifts
and into the yard, there was a beauti-
ful log home decorated for Christ-
mas. And when you went inside, it
was magical. The good china was set
out, a bowl of punch, and everyone
brought a few snacks. Chairs were
lined up facing a baby Grand Piano.
backed by a flickering fireplace (real
wood), and Christmas decorations
decked the balls. Really!
And the piano students were
there. Along with their instructor.
The boys and girls were transformed
into young men and women. The
girls wore black satin-dresses and
heels. The boys had suits and ties.
The piano teacher had traded her
Carhart coveralls for a black gown
and gold jewelry. You know how I
dress. I felt a little out of place.
We sat there with friends and
neighbors, listening to Christmas
music, played from memory, by a
group of kids that was learning more
than music. There was a violin num-
ber. Short songs. Long songs. One
young lady had graduated to lessons
in Spearfish, and I think will soon go
beyond there.
As I sat there that night, it gave
me a good feeling. To see kids learn-
ing that it can be cool to dress up.
That learning can be fun. That you
don't need a video game or an i-pod
to enjoy yourself. That the distance
between neighbors doesn't have to
be measured in miles. I've learned
that before I guess, but sometimes I
need reminded.
I'm sure in the morning; the ties
were replaced with neck scarves, the
suits and dresses with coveralls. I
would guess the piano teacher was
feeding cows, and the black gown
was hung back in the closet.
But for one old cowboy, thank
you. That year you made my Christ-
Later, Dean
Science, regulatory process should prevail in DAPL approval USDA seeks grant applications to support businesses
Other Views
By Ron Ness
N.D. Petroleum
The information
has been shared,
but all too often it is
drowned out by the
drama and emotion
that have engulfed
this discussion. It is
time to bring these
facts to the fore-
structure, otherwise known as
"brownspace,'" and so a better al-
ternative seemed to be to follow the
present route of a natural gas
pipeline btfilt in 1982 and a high
voltage transmission line - the
route that was ultimately chosen.
The decision had nothing to do
with race. It had nothing to do with
money. It had everything to do with
minimizing the impact to land.
which has been a major goal of the
industry for more than a decade.
Additionally, because it ran along
the same route as existing infra-
structure (areas that have already
been cleared not once, but twice) it
drastically decreased the chances
that cultural artifacts would be dis-
turbed. Even then, Energy Transfer
Partners (ETP) were diligent in sur-
veying the route to ensure that cul-
tural artifacts were not disturbed.
To suggest that discrimination
played into the route decision lacks
all logic. The pipeline crosses the
Missouri once 14 miles upstream.
from Williston's water intake and it
will also cross several other rivers
and streams along the route, includ-
ing the Big Sioux River near Sioux
Falls, S.D., the Des Moines River in
Iowa, and the Mississippi River.
These resources are important.
which is why ETP also went above
and beyond the state and federal re-
quirements to ensure that our hind
and water resources would be pro-
tected in the unlikely case of a
The debate over the Dakota Ac-
cess Pipeline has become one that
is centered almost entirely on emo-
tion and politics rather than reason,
logic or science, as was proven
~vhen President Obama refused to
,uant operators the final easement
required to complete the project.
That decision marked a disturbing
day for America because it en-
dorsed the fact that lawless, intim-
idating and terrorist behavior can
be rewarded.
But this decision doesn't change
the facts. These are facts that have
gone largely ignored, and there are
many, many people who simply
want straight-to-the-matter an-
swers. We field many of these
questions, and some individuals
even offer advice or opinions:
"Why not make the pipeline
extra thick?"
"Could the company monitor the
pipeline regularly?"
"Maybe it should follow in the
path of existing infrastructure off
the reservation?"
Our answer to these questions,
which are a simple "It is" or "It
does" leaves many of these inquir-
ing and eager-to-learn individuals
shocked. "Why isn't this informa-
t:ion being shared?" they'll ask.
The information has been
.~hared, but all too often it is
drowned out by the drama and
emotion that have engulfed this dis-
cussion. It is time to bring these
facts to the forefront.
Among the facts often ignored is
the citing of the pipeline. It is a
common misconception that the
pipeline was originally slated to run
north of Bismarck, but was
changed because the "people of
Bismarck didn't want it." This was
not the case. The pipeline was
never a serious option for the peo-
ple of Bismarck to even consider
because there were too many pa-
rameters that made it an unviable
option, including the fact that it
would have been 11 miles longer,
crossed 33 additional waterways,
affected 48 miles of "greenfield" -
or undeveloped lands, and it would
have been nearly impossible to
build because of the North Dakota
Public Service Commission's re-
quirement that a utility not be
within 500 feet of a dwelling.
In addition to this, it is preferred
that new infrastructure run along
the same corridor as existing infra-
For subscribers, your subscription's
expiration date is on your
address label.
It's time to send in your
payment if your expiration
is 3 weeks away.
mishap. At the Missouri River
crossing in Morton County specifi-
cally, the pipe will be 92 feet below
the riverbed, which is 88 feet more
than what the federal government
requires. Gravity alone dictates that
any leaks will not make it near the
river, but despite that, ETP planned
for additional safety features, in-
cluding extra-thick steel and double
walls to help prevent corrosion and
mitigate any possible leaks. It will
also have shut-off valves on both
sides of the river so that if state-of-
the-art monitoring technology
senses even the slightest change in
pressure, the section will be shut
down until it can be inspected and
repaired. The pipeline will be mon-
itored 24 hours a day, 7 days a
week and 365 days a year by full-
time operations maintenance staff
including aerial inspections every
ten days, which is more than the
federal requirement of just 26 times
per year. This pipeline truly will be
among the most advanced in our
nation. Should an incident occur,
stringent regulations ensure that the
company takes responsibility to re-
mediate and reclaim land at its own
Most important, this is a legal
pipeline that followed all the rules
and regulatory process for permit-
ting. This is admitted by the Army
Corps of Engineers that approved
the permit and recommended to As-
sistant Secretary of the Army for
Civil Works Jo-Ellen Darcy that the
easement be granted, it is con-
firmed by Standing Rock Tribal
chairman who is quoted saying,
"That pipeline had every right to go
through," and it was confirmed by
tour federal judges.
Many facts have been ignored in
the argument for this pipeline.
Those who truly want the facts can
visit for a
list of this and other information
with sources. We only hope that
calmer heads may soon prevail, and
we can return to the North Dakota
way where we come together to
work toward solutions and progress
for our state.
USDA Rural Development is a part of giving those ideas some of technical assistance; establish re-
seeking applications for grants to the financial traction to succeed." volving loan funds; and to support
support rural businesses and help The RBDG program, authorized rural distance learning programs
create jobs through the Rural Busi- through the 2014 Farm Bill, is de- that provide educational or job train-
ness Development Grant (RBDG) signedto assist the startup orexpan- ing.
program, sion of small and emerging private Since 2010, USDA Rural Devel-
"The RBDG is one of the more businesses and/or non-profits in opment in North Dakota has fi-
innovative, flexible ways we can rural colnmunities. Eligible appli- nanced over $5.5 million to 77
help rural and small businesses, and cants include public bodies, govern- recipients through the RBDG pro-
non-profits, increase economic op- ment entities, Indian tribes and gram. Applications are accepted
portunities and provide jobs for non-profit organizations, year round, but to received funding
rural North Dakotans," said Ryan Grant funding can be used to ac- in 2017 applications should be sub-
Taylor, USDA Rural Development quire or develop land. buildings, mitted to the North Dakota office by
state director. "If you have an idea phmts and equipment; build or im- 4:30 p.m. on March 31. For addi-
for your community or tribal nation, prove access roads, parking areas, tional information on how to apply,
or for a new rural business, don'tlet utility extensions, and water and contact (701) 530-2037 or visit
this deadline pass by. We Want tobe waste disposal facilities; provide our
Customers encouraged to monitor
natural g
meter, furnace vent areas
Montana-Dakota Utilities Co. en- can cause the regulator and meter to
courages its customers to' inspect malfunction and result in a hazardous
their natural gas meter and furnace situation. A buried regulator may be-
vent areas to make sure there is not a come clogged, affecting the supply
buildup of snow and ice. of natural gas to the appliances.
Customers should clear the snow When melting occurs and the snow
and ice away from the meter set and becomes wet and heavy, it can put
the furnace vent area. pressure on the meter setting and
Also, anyone operating snow re- cause strain on the associated piping.
moval equipment needs to be aware In extreme cases, the possibility ex-
of objects buried under the snow, ists that the piping could break.
which can include natural gas meters Customers should also inspect the
and risers, area around the furnace vent to en-
Accumulations of snow and icesure snow and ice is not blocking the
North Dakota's free ice fishing weekend
is December 31, and January 1, 2017.
Resident anglers may fish that and Fish Department prior to partic-
weekend without a license. All other ipating. Registration is available by
ice fishing regulations apply, visiting the Department's web-
Those interested in darkhousesite,, or through any Game
spearfishing that weekend must reg- and Fish office. Legal fish are north-
ister with the North Dakota Game ern pike and nongame species.
We welcome letters to the editor concerning issues of area interest or regarding
stories and editorials that have been published.
Letters should be limited to 400 words. Guest columns or opinion-editorials longer
in length are also welcome. A writer can have only one letter or column regarding
the same subject published in a 30-day time period, unless the writer is
responding to a new aspect of an issue that has been raised. Letters and columns
are a way to encourage public discussion. Thank-you letters and invitations cannot
be published as letters to the editor, but can be formatted as advertisements.
Please include your name, address and phone number on your letter or column
so that we can contact you. Your address and phone number will not be published.
Golden Valley News/Billings County Pioneer, P.O. Box 156, Beach, N.D. 58621;
If you believe damage has oc-
curred around the meter set, please
call Montana-Dakota at 1-800-638-
3278 so the problem can be repaired.
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