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Beach, North Dakota
December 28, 2017     Golden Valley News
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December 28, 2017
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Page 8 Golden Valley News December 28, 2017 Rauschenberger: North Dakotans will benefit from new tax law BISMARCK - Tax .Commis- sioner Ryan Rauschenberger says the federal Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 will affect North Dakota tax- payers positively. "Our office has crunched the numbers and a vast majority of North Dakota taxpayers will benefit from this tax reform," Rauschen- berger said. "Since the legislation will double the standard deduction that more than 80 percent of North Dakota taxpayers take, North Dakotans will see more of a benefit than taxpayers in most other states." Rauschenberger went on to point out that the lowered federal tax rates and increased child tax credits are two primary changes that benefit taxpayers by reducing federal tax li- ability. The Office of State Tax Commis- sioner also conducted an analysis on how the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 will affect state individual in- come tax collections. Nearly all tax- payers will see significant reductions in their federal tax liability. How- ever, changes will vary for North Dakota individual income taxpayers based on how they benefited from personal exemptions and itemized deductions allowed under the old tax code. "The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 will have minimal impact on state individual income tax collec- tions," Rauschenberger added. "Our initial analysis shows a 1.5 percent increase in income tax collections for the second year of this bien- nium." North Dakota taxpayer examples, as well as the estimated impact to North Dakota individual income tax collections, may be found at More information on the Tax Cut and Jobs Act of 2017 may be found at Jane M.'Cook Dec. 28, 1967, 50 years ago: A group of Beach Jaycees toured Beach the night of Dec. 23 to inspect and judge the various outdoor light- ing effects. After plenty of thought and consideration, they selected Monk Gilman's home for the top honors. This carries a cash award of $15. Norb and Irene Finneman are sponsoring the appearance of "The Fabulous Mods" in person at the Golva Town Hall in an early New Year's Eve dance to be held there Saturday evening, Dec. 30. The Fab- ulous Mods are recording artists, and come from Fargo. Cowboy Christmas Tumbleweeds and brush, spray painted red and white, can make for a creative display. This display is in front of the Medora Post Office and is in the handiwork of resident Karen Putnam and Postal Service clerk Sarah Hegel. (Photo by Richard Volesky) Try this strategy for health goal setting As we wind down another year,~ about a mile. many of us are thinking about what * Make sure your goal is attain- 2018 will bring, able. If you do not have a treadmill Maybe we want to save more or the budget to buy one, then you money, get fit or wear a smaller will need to figure out another ap- clothing size. Improving our health proach for fitness. Maybe once the and having more wealth are popular Do you set regular goals for your- holiday season is past, a local mall New Year's resolutions, but unfortu- self in any aspect of your life? Set- becomes a good place to walk. Per- nately, many resolutions fall by the ting "SMART" goals has been a haps a school gym is open in your lo- wayside, strategy used by health-promoting cation for community members to Last year, I decided to get more entities for several years. "SMART" use. exercise. I went on a lot of walks and is an acronym for specific, measura- On the nutrition side, think about worked outside in our yard during ble, attainable, realistic and timed, ways to make the goal of eating more the warmer months. However, as Let's try out the goal-setting fruits and vegetables easy to reach. winter has arrived, I am ready to hi- process. Be sure to discuss lifestyle Remember that canned, fresh and bernate in my den until spring, changes with your health-care frozen fruits and vegetables all count Like many people, I leave forprovider; Write your goal on a piece toward the recommendation. Can work in the dark and I arrive home in of paper and attach it to your bath- you have fruit for a midmorning the dark. After a long day at my desk, room mirror or refrigerator as a re- snack and fruit as a dessert for din- I'd much rather cuddle up with a minder, ner? How about a cup of veggies for blanket, a cup of a tea and a TV show * Set a specific goal for yourself, lunch and dinner? Can you keep or magazine than seek out physical "I'm going to get fit" is not specific some carrot sticks and broccoli activity, enough. Here's a specific goal: "I am cleaned and ready to eat? I'm in an academic departmentgoing to walk on my treadmill dur- * Is your goal realistic? 'Tm with exercise science as a major, so I ing the news Monday to Friday." going to run a marathon" may be a know better. "I'm going to eat more health- realistic goal for some people but not I can think of lots of excuses to fully" is not specific enough as a nu- everyone. For example, getting into avoid physical activity, even though trition goal. Most people fall short of a habit of walking 15 minutes twice I am well-versed in the benefits. Dur- the recommendation for fruits and a day can have multiple positive ef- ing the past several weeks, the side- vegetables, so a nutrition goal could fects on your health. Make small, walks and streets have been ice rinks, be: "I will eat vegetables and fruits at positive changes in your diet, too, be- so staying inside where it's warm and most meals and snacks." cause then they are more likely to safe is a compelling reason. Eating 4 1/2 to 5 cups of fruits and last. My husband and I went to the vegetables is the average recommen- * What is your timeline for your mall to walk, but weaving around dation for adults; however, don't go goal? Maybe you will decide to be people during the holidays was diffi- from zero to five servings in one day part of a community walk or run in cult. We went to an indoor ice rink or you could experience a little gas- the spring. All this winter pretraining where we can walk around the trointestinaldistress, will tone your muscles and perimeter free of charge, but it's re- * Be sure your goal is measurable, strengthen your heart so you are ally chilly at an ice rink. If you decide to walk on a treadmill, ready. Maybe you want to be ready We have a ski machine and a then set a time goal. Walking at a to go biking with your kids or grand- treadmill in the basement. That's a moderate pace for 150 minutes per kids. long way from the couch, though, week is a goal for better health. On the nutrition side,perhaps you (Truly, we don't have a good reason.) Walking for 300 minutes per week is and your health-care provider would Regular physical activity reduces recommended for weight happy to see improvements in our risk for many chronic diseases, You also can measure the number your blood cholesterol or blood pres- including heart disease and diabetes, of steps you take with an inexpensive sure at your next checkup. Improv- and it helps us maintain our weight, pedometer, or step counter. Track ing fitness and nutrition can help To lose weight with physical activity, your steps a couple of days and then "promote those changes. most health experts recommend 300 write down the readings on your cal- minutes of physical activity per endar to track your progress. Set week. weekly goals; every 2,000 steps is Dec. 14 - Word and Communion Dec. 18 - Reading with Gary took was celebrated in the Chapel at 9 a.m. place at 2 p.m. in the Activity Room. At 10 a.m residents also took part in Harry and Elaine Begger visited Flo- exercises. In the afternoon, Deb and rence Finneman, Edie Abraham and the residents watched " Christmas A1 and Lucille Begger. Judy Curl's with Lawrence Welk ." Bank of the grandsons, Jacob and Samuel Stove- West employees were here to show land, stopped by to visit their grand- Santa around. He visited with all the mother. Barb Fulton, Janice good little girls and boys we have Stedman, Sarah Maus and Anna Moe here and our residents were all deft- and her girls stopped by to see Donna nitely on the "nice" list. Sygulla. Dec. 15 - At 8 a.m hair was fixed Dec. 19 - The pubic health nurse in the salon. This week ' s hair vol- was here in the morning. Exercises unteer was Judy Ridenhower. James with Deb took place at 10 a.m. Linda and Elaine Kremers visited Donna Tvedt sang for us at 10:45. Bingo Sygulla, Delores Kremers and Chris- was held in the afternoon at 2 p.m. tine Finneman. John Abraham and Devotions took place in the Chapel at Marly Abraham visited their mother 7 p.m. Ed and Cheryl Hammond vis- Edie Abraham. ited Donna Sygulla. Wendy Billing Dec. 16 - Reading with Gary was visited Tony Efta. held at 2 p.m. Dec. 20 - Mary and the residents Dec. 17 - Adoration was held at spent the afternoon cutting out and 8:30 a.m. Word and Communion fol- finishing Christmas stockings. After lowed at 9:30 a.m. A Community decorating the stockings we filled Christmas Event was held in the Ac- them with cookies, Reindeer C hex tivity Room at 3 p.m. Residents were mix, Christmas c runch, chocolates treated to the musical talents of local and candy canes. Attached to the musicians and singers. A choir of stockings.was a note of our thanks to men and women sang, bell ringers all the staff members here at the performed, children entertained, and Manor as our way of showing them solo artists shared their God given tal- our appreciation for all they do for us ents with us. After the caroling, the throughout the year. Coffee and residents were treated to holiday cookies were enjoyed after our proj- goodies and coffee, and enjoyed vis- ect was finished. Lois Miske visited iting and mingling with their after- Florence Miske. noon guests. It was a most enjoyable We wish you all the best through.- afternoon that the residents are still out this Holiday Season. Enjoy time commenting and singing their praises spent together with your loved ones, of all the wonderful local talent, and stay warm as our weather Irene Berger visited Florence Miske. changes to N. D. winter temps! Local wrestlers place third in Linton By Renee Orluck Mattem; and freshman Tyson Mat- Correspondent tem. Bowman County/Beach wrestlers The wrestlers' first tournament have begun their 2017-18 season this year was held Nov. 20, the New with their goal being to make it to the Town Early Bird, where all three State Wrestling Tournament in Mattern boys won their divisions. Fargo on Feb. 15-17. Dec. 2, they took their talent across Their practices take place in the border to the Sidney Eagle Invi- Beach with Robert Sperry and Devin tational Tournament, and Dec. 9, Steele coaching. Beach wrestlers co- they wrestled in the Bowman Rotary op with Bowman County to form a Tournament. The weekend of Dec. more complete team. The Beach 16, the team participated in the Lin- wrestlers include: seniors Dallas ton Holiday Tournament where 26 Samdahl, Caden Sarsland; juniors teams from North Dakota and two Samuel Clark, Brannon Davidson, teams from South Dakota competed. Riley Frieze and Clay Mattern; soph- The Bowman County/Beach team omores Brett Bosserman and Jacoby placed an impressive third. Additional copies the Golden Valley News are also available at: Beach Food Center Golva Grocery Golden Valley News Office, 22 Central Ave Beach In the Christmas spirit From left, Jared Mason, Emily Waiters and Job Christenson perform in 'A Magical Medora Christmas' at Trinity High School in Dickinson on Dec. 19. The music tour, in its third season, once again entertained audiences in Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota and Minnesota. Re- turning talent included Mason, former Burning Hills Singer and yodeler; Christenson, with an incredible tenor voice; former Burning Hills Singer and hostess of Medora's Gospel Brunch, Waiters; and Bill Sorenson, who supplemented his wit and magic. New to the Christmas show, but not to Medora productions, was Chad Willow on piano and banjo. Waiters wrote words to a tune by a new Medora resident, Kelly Swenson. The title of the song, keeping with the show's theme, was 'Christmas Light.' (Photo by Renee Orluck) Yes, Virginia, gift subscriptions to the Golden Valley News are available this season, and at any time of the year! Plus, from now until Jan. 5, 2018, if you wish send the recipient of your gift a greeting card announcing your year-long gift. The subscription will start approximately two weeks from the date of purchase. To order, clip and send the form below, or simply attach a note with the recipient's address, along with your check, to Golden Valley News, P.O. Box 156, Beach, ND, 58621-0156. This discount offer also applies to non-gift subscriptions for anyone who hasn't subscribed in the past year. Limited time offer! $5 off subscription prices! I" 'I ,Recipient's Name: I ,and Mailing Address: I I I I I I I Prices before this special discount, for residents in Golden Valley I I ' County, $34, per year; elsewhere in N.D $38; and for snowbirds and ! ! , out-of-state, $42. I I t