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December 28, 2017
Golden Valley News
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Shown is the Bismarck Police Department car that was involved in a Dec. 21 crash. (Courtesy
In memoriam
For the third year in a row, someone has anonymously placed a Christmas wreath at the
Golden Valley County Veterans Memorial in Beach. (Photo by Richard Volesky)
By Richard Volesky tiac G6, while Rachel Crain, 21, Helstad's vehicle. Both vehicles then
Editor/Reporter . Killdeer, was negotiating a U-turn in entered the ditch and came to a rest,
WATFORD CITY - A two-vehi-a 2001 Honda Civic into the south- the report said.
cle crash occurred on Dec. 22 at bound lan e of the highway, accord- Both vehicles were totalled.
about 1:50 p.m. on U.S. Hwy. 85 ing to a N.D. Highway Patrol media Crain and Helstad were transported
about five miles south of Watford release, to the McKenzie County Hospital by
City. Crain failed to yield to Helstad, the McKenzie County Ambulance
Alyssa Helstad, 20, Crosby, was and in turn, Crain's vehicle was Crain was issue a citation alleging
traveling northbound in a 2010 Pon- struck on the left side by the front of an improper turn, the report said.
Alleged drunk driver crashes with cop car
BISMARCK - At 2:18 a.m. on second vehicle, driven by Andrea trol vehicle. Road conditions were
Thursday, De c. 21, the North Lawler of Linton, was traveling snow covered at the time of the
Dakota Highway Patrol responded to west on East Rosser Avenue ap-crash, but the weather was clear.
a two - vehicle injury crash in Bis- proaching the intersection where the Lawler wastested for alcohol im-
marck at the intersection of North traffic light was flashing red. pairment and placed under arrest for
7th Street and East Rosser Avenue. Lawler failed to stop at the flashing driving under the influence of alco-
Officer Dawson Rogstad, Bis- red light and pulled out in front of hol. She was also cited for failure
marck Police Department, was on Rogstad's vehicle, according to a to stop at the red light. Lawler and
patrol traveling south on North 7th North Dakota Highway Patrol her passenger, Kellan Geiger, Bis-
Street in a patrol vehicle Rogstad media release marck, were not injured Rogstad
came to the intersection of 7th Street Rogstad applied his brakes andwas treated and released at Sanford
and East Rosser Avenue where the struck Lawler's vehicle on the pas- Medical Center with minor injuries,
traffic light was flashing yellow. A senger side with the front of the pa- the Highway Patrol said.
with snowp
conclude marijuana rin BISMARCK - The North Dakota
Highway Patrol (NDHP) and the
BISMARCK - The North' Dakota on resp66dingfo cff s received, posed rules considered by the leg- . North Dakota Department of Trans-
Dei artment of Health (NDD6H)Di- The on l 1 i iVe'Admi'r t tta : ul C6m- portation (NDDOT) remind-mO-
vision-of Medical Marijuan a has the D vision o'fMb.xli al M' u" 'uana ' : '
"rmttee at a March 2018 meeting. If torists to use caution and aliowi safe
completed six scheduled public hear- website after the required information the legislative committee approves traveling distance behind snow-
ings to obtain oral comments regard- has been submitted to the North the proposed rules, the earliest they plows.
ing the proposed administrative rules Dakota Legislative Council could be effective is April 1,2018. On Dec. 20, the NDHP reported
for the Medical Marijuana Program The NDDoH's goal is t0 submitThe NDDoH anticipates having three crashes involving snowplows
Written comments were accepted necessary information to the North an open application period for man- on Highway 2; two of the crashes oc-
through Dec. 26. Dakota Legislative Council by Feb. ufacturing facilities shortly after the curred near Tioga and the third oc-
Department staff will now work 1, 2018, in order to have the pro- proposed rules are approved, curred near Towner. On Dec. 21,
another crash involving a snowplow
occurred on Highway 85 south of
NDSU offers updated cropping alternative program
The North Dakota State Univer-"Producers can compare these
sity Extension Services has updated 'break-even' prices to expected mar-
the Crop Compare program, which is ket prices to see which crop is most
a spreadsheet designed to compare likely to compete with the reference
cropping alternatives, crop," says Andy Swenson, NDSU
The program uses the direct costs Extension Service farm management
and yields from the 2018 projected specialist "Grain prices can move
crop budgets for nine regions of quickly The program provides a tool
North Dakota, but producers are en- for producers to check the changing
couraged to enter the expected yields scenarios until final planting deci-
and input costs for their farm sions are made this spring "
The user designates a reference It should be noted that an under-
crop and enters its expected market lying assumption is that fixed costs,
price Depending on the region, a such as machinery ownership, land,
broad selection of nine to 18 crops and the owner's labor and manage-
are compared. The program provides ment, do not vary among crop
the prices for competing crops that choices and therefore do not neei:l to
would be necessary to provide the be included in the analysis.
same return over variable costs as the "In practice, there may be differ-
reference crop. ences in fixed costs that should be
Influenza outbreak at home considered resolved
GLENDIVE, Mont - Eastern Mon- other illness symptoms, so we are con- precautions given to volunteers while
tana Veterans Home (EMVH) has re- tinuing to follow specific infection con- in the building.
leased updated information regarding trol precautions ," she said.A repeat influenza outbreak could
the respiratory illness that has affected Visitors are allowed at this time and reoccur so residents are being moni-
many residents, they will continue to be edu ated on tored regularly and symptoms are being
Christy Kemp, EMVH a dministra- how to protect themselves due to on- reported to IFC.
tor, said a review of EMVH's influenza going resident respiratory symptoms EMVH will continue to update the
outbreak was conducted and it was de- Visitors are encouraged to limit time state health department of the facility
termined that the actual outbreak can be spent by small children and those with daily. Visitors are encouraged to call the
considered resolved. " However, we immunocompromisedstatuses.Activi- nurses station for updates at ( 406 ) 345-
still have residents with respiratory or ties will be resumed with educational 8855
considered," Swenson says. "For ex-
ample, there may be additional labor,
management and risk associated with
a competing crop. If all the labor an.d
management is provided by the
owner-operator, it would be consid- SIOUX FALLS, S.D. - Emma
was the most popular name for new-
ered a fixed cost and could be ex-
cluded. However, the producer born girls at Sanford Health in 2017,
should add some cost if he or she while Jackson topped the list for
would only want to produce the crop boys Both names were also the
when an adequate reward would be most popular across the health sys-
received for the extra time and man- tem in 2015.
agement required relative to the ref- Emma returns to the top spot after
erence crop " ranking third in 2016. Jackson. also
A similar rationale could be used commonly spelled Jaxon. did not
if a competing crop is considered rank in the top five in 2016. Harper
and William were the most popular
higher risk. The Crop Compare pro-
gram is available at names last year. The top five baby names for 2017
ment/tools, for girls and boys were:
1. Emma
2. Lillian, Lily
3. Abigail, Abby
4. Nora, Norah
5. Harper
Williston. No injuries were reported
in any of the crashes.
It is recommended to reduce
speed ahd dotibl e the n6i'rrtal foll0 v-
ing distance when followin ia" fiow-
plow. Motorists are urged to not
drive through whiteouts or snow fog
caused by crosswinds or plowing of
snowdrifts Snowplow operators will
pull over and stop when it is safe to
allow traffic to pass. It is important
to know where the plow is on multi-
lane roadways. The plow could be in
either lane or on the shoulder.
Emma, Jackson top baby
names at Sanford Health
1. Jackson. Jaxon
2. Grayson, Greyson
3. Henry
4. Liam
5. Theodore
Sanford Health is one of the
largest health care systems in the na-
tion, with 44 hospitals and nearly
300 clinics in nine states and four
Please support
your local
Billings County School
OFFICIAL Minutes of
Special Meeting
: -" ' December~J,2017:
County School BOard was called to
order at 6:00 p.m. MT, Monday, De-
cember 4, 2017, at Prairie School in
Fairfield. Present were Lynn Arthaud,
Joey Kessel, Stacey Kessel, Mike Klatt,
Juiie Reis, Principal Shae Peplinski, As-
sistant Principal Danielle O'Brien, Busi-
ness Manager Simnioniw, and
members of the public.
The purpose of the meeting was to
provide information on the Prairie
School Expansion Project, answer
questions regarding the project, and so-
licit input from the meeting participants.
Billings County School District ad-
mimstrative staff and board members
provided information regarding the proj-
ect and answered meeting participants'
questions. Meeting attendees were
given a survey at the conclusion of the
informational meeting requesting feed-
back for or against the project or com-
ments and suggestions regarding the
Reis moved, Joey Kessel seconded.
to adjourn. All were in favor.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:15
Lynn Arthaud, President
Tammy Simnioniw, Business Man-
(December 28)
From our family to yours:
N w
- MJ Plumb'rag, Beach
Thank you to a[[ of our loyal customers/ ~l'
Tax bill completed without tax on advertising
Congress has recognized the im- requirement for tax cuts to be paid change in advertisers' ability to
portance of advertising in the U.S. by for with other revenues deduct advertising expenses had
electing not to impose a new tax on NNA's Rowell, publisher of Theswirled around the tax writing com-
this economic driver, according to Lancaster News, Lancaster, S. C mittees for the past three Congresses,
National Newspaper Association expressed her appreciation to several as various proposals to raise federal
President Susan Rowell. members of Congress, includingrevenue were considered. She also
Congress adopted the Tax Cuts Reps. Vern Buchanan, R-F la. ;Mike thanked many NNA members and
and Jobs Act of 2017 in mid-Decem- Kelly, R-P a. ; and Rick Renacci, R- their congressional delegations who
ber. The president's signature was Ohio, as well as many others for ar- heard presentations during the past
expected shortly after Congress com- guing against advertising taxes in the three years on the importance of ad-
pletes one last step to waive its own tax reform bill. Proposals for a vertising.
Due to the upcoming holiday, our usual noon Friday :k.
deadline for ad orders and submitted news items is
being moved up a day.
deadline for the Jan. 4 editions is noon, Thursday, Dec. 28.
Happy Holidays from the Golden Valley News :'
and Billings County Pioneer/