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'Golden Valley News
December 28, 2017
The January 2018 monthly regular
meeting for Golden Valley County will
be Thursday, January 4, 2018 at 9 A.M.
in the Commissioner's Room at the
Golden Valley County Courthouse.
(December 21 and 28)
2018 Zoning Meeting Schedule
The regular meetings of the Billings
County Planning & Zoning Commission
are held on the third Thursday of the
month, unless otherwise stated. Meet-
ings are held in the Commissioner's
room of the Billings County Courthouse
at 1:00 p.m. If you would like to be
placed on the agenda for a rneeting,
you will need to submit an application
to the county zoning department.
Due to our advertising requirements,
the deadline for your zoning application
will be 3 weeks prior to the meeting
date. If no items are brought forth for
the agenda, the meeting will be can-
celled. Dates and times are subject to
change. Please see the zoning website
a t
CountyZoning.htm for the most current
schedule and applications.
Meeting dates are as follows:
Wednesday, January 17, 2018
Thursday, February 15, 2018
Thursday, March 15, 2018
Thursday, April 19, 2018
Thursday, May 17, 2018
Thursday, June 21,2018
Thursday, July 19, 2018
Thursday, August 23, 2018
Thursday, September 20, 2018
Thursday, October 18, 2018
Thursday, November 15, 2018
Thursday, December 20, 2018
Dated at Medora this 15th day of
December, 2017.
Stacey Swanson
Zoning Director
(December 21 and 28)
The City of Medora January regular
monthly Council Meeting has been
moved to Thursday, January 4 at 6:00
p.m. The meeting will be held in the
Roosevelt Room of the Medora Com-
munity Center.
(December 21 and 28)
Pursuant to Section 2(b) of Execu-
tive Order 11988, the City of Beach,
through the North Dakota Department
of Commerce, Division of Community
Services, gives notice that the City of
Beach has applied for Community De-
velopment Block Grant funding for the
city's sewer improvement project.
Proposed work items include re-
placing the east end sewer trunk line
and repair manholes that are deterio-
'It has been determined that the proj-
ect is located within the 100-year flood-
plain established in the Flood Insurance
Rate Maps. Maps and other project in-
formation are available for review at
City Hall in Beach, ND. The project in-
tends to avoid the floodplain wherever
possible. However, where the flood-
plain cannot be avoided, impacts will be
All interested parties are invited to
submit their comments no later than Fri-
day, January 12, 2018, to the Beach
City Auditor at Box 278, Beach, ND
58621, or by phone at 701-872-4103.
(December 28)
Hearing Notice
The North Dakota Industrial Com-
mission will hold a public hearing at
9:00 a.m. Thursday, January 18, 2018,
at the N.D. Oil & Gas Division, 1000
East Calgary Ave Bismarck, N. D. At
the hearing the Commission will receive
testimony and exhibits. Persons with
any interest in the cases listed below,
take notice.
at the hearing you need special facili-
ties or assistance, contact the Oil and
Gas Division at 701-328-8038 by Fri-
day, January 05, 2018.
Case No. 26359: Application of NP Re-
sources, LLC for an order amending the
applicable orders for the Cooks Peak-
Bakken Pool to authorize up to four hor-
izontal wells be drilled in the existing
1280-acre spacing unit comprised of
Sections 25 and 36, T.143N R.104W
Golden Valley County, ND, and to move
such spacing unit from Zone I to Zone
II; and such other relief as is appropri-
Signed by,
Doug Burgum, Governor
Chairman, NDIC
(December 28)
Hearing Notice
The North Dakota Industrial Com-
mission will hold a public hearing at
9:00 a.m. Wednesday, January 17,
2018, at the N.D. Oil & Gas Division,
1000 East Calgary Ave Bismarck, N.
D. At the hearing the Commission will
receive testimony and exhibits. Persons
with any interest in the cases listed
below, take notice.
at the hearing you need special facili-
ties or assistance, contact the Oil and
Gas Division at 701-328-8038 by Thurs-
day, January 04, 2018.
Case No. 26169: (Continued)Tempo-
rary spacing to develop an oil and/or
gas pool discovered by the Legacy Re-
serves Operating LP #1 Gearey Hori-
zontal well (File No. 12227), SWNE
Section 22, T.137N R.106W Golden
Valley County, ND, define the field lim-
its, and enact such special field rules as
may be necessary. Signed by,
Doug Burgum, Governor
Chairman, NDIC
(December 28)
Hearing Notice
The North Dakota Industrial Com-
mission wilt hold a public hearing at
9:00 a.m. Thursday, January 18, 2018,
at the N.D. Oil & Gas Division, 1000
East Calgary Ave Bismarck, N. D. At
the hearing the Commission will receive
testimony and exhibits. Persons with
any interest in the cases listed below,
take notice.
at the hearing you need special facili-
ties or assistance, contact the Oil and
Gas Division at 701-328-8038 by Fri-
day, January 05, 2018.
Case No. 26343: Application of NP Re-
sources, LLC for an order amending the
applicable orders for the Four Eyes-
Bakken Pool to authorize up to four hor-
izontal wells be drilled in the existing
1280-acre spacing units comprised of
Sections 8 and 9; and 17 and 18,
T.143N R.100W.; and to establish a
new 1280-acre spacing unit authorizing
up to four horizontal wells consisting of
Sections 6 and 7, T.143N R.100W
Billings County, ND; and such other re-
lief as is appropriate.
Case No. 26345: Application of NP
Resources, LLC for an order amending
the applicable orders for the TreeTop-
Bakken Pool to authorize up to four hor-
izontal wells be drilled on the existing
1280-acre spacing units comprised
of Sections 2 and 11, T.141 N R. 100W.;
and Sections 16 and 21, T.142N
R.100W.; to dissolve two existing lay-
down 1280-acre spacing units com-
prised of Sections 14 and 15; and
Sections 22 and 23, T.142N R.100W.;
and to establish two standup 1280-acre
spacing units authorizing up to four hor-
izontal wells per unit consisting of Sec-
tions 15 and 22, and Sections 28 and
33, T.142N R.100W Billings County,
ND; and such other relief as is appro-
Case No. 26356: Application of NP
Resources, LLC for an order amending
the applicable orders for the Ash
Coulee-Bakken Pool to authorize up to
four horizontal wells be drilled in the ex-
isting 1280-acre spacing unit comprised
of Sections 19 and 20, T.142N
R.101W Billings County, ND, and to
move such spacing unit from Zone IV to
Zone Vl; and such other relief as is ap-
Case No. 26358: Application of NP
Resources, LLC for an order amending
the applicable orders for the Big Stick-
Bakken Pool to authorize up to four hor-
izontal wells be drilled in each of four
existing 1280-acre spacing units com-
prised of Sections 11 and 14; Sections
15 and 22; Sections 23 and 26,
T.142N R.101W.; and Sections 5 and
6, T.142N R.100W Billings County,
ND; and such other relief as is appro-
Case No. 26360: Application of NP
Resources, LLC for an order amending
the applicable orders for the DeMores-
Bakken Pool to authorize up to four hor-
izontal wells be drilled in the existing
1280-acre spacing unit comprised of
Sections 32 and 33, T.142N R.101W
Billings County, ND, and to move such
spacing unit from Zone V to Zone VII;
and such other relief as is appropriate.
Case No. 26361: Application of NP
Resources, LLC for an order amending
the applicable orders for the St.
Demetrius-Bakken Pool to authorize up
to four horizontal wells be drilled in the
existing 1280-acre spacing unit com-
prised of Section 36, T. 142N R. 100W.
and Section 31, T.142N R.99W
Billings County, ND, and such other re-
lief as is appropriate.
Signed by,
Doug Burgum, Governor
Chairman, NDIC
(December 28)
Statement of Nondiscrimination
Roughrider Electric Cooperative
Inc is a recipient of federal assistance
from the U.S. Department for Agricul-
ture (USDA).
In accordance with federal civil
rights law and U.S. Department of Agri-
culture (USDA) civil rights regulations
and policies, the USDA, its agencies,
offices, and employees, and institutions
participating in or administering USDA
programs are prohibited from discrimi-
nating based on race, color, national ori-
gin, religion, sex, gender identity
(including gender expression), sexual
orientation, disability, age, marital sta-
tus, family/parental status, income de-
rived from a public assistance program,
political beliefs, or reprisal or retaliation
for prior civil rights activity, in any pro-
gram or activity conducted or funded by
the USDA (not all bases apply to all pro-
Remedies and complaint filing dead-
lines vary by program or incident.
Persons with disabilities who require
alternative means of communication for
program information (e.g braille, large
print audiotape, American Sign Lan-
guage, etc.) should contact the respon-
sible agency or USDA's Target Center
at (202) 720-2600 (Voice and TTY) or
contact USDA through the Federal
Relay Service at (800) 877-8339. Addi-
tionally, program information may be
made available in languages other than
To file a program discrimination
complaint, complete the USDA Program
Discrimination Complaint Form, AD-
3027, found online at filing cust, ht
ml (link is external) and at any USDA of-
fice or write a letter addressed to USDA
and provide in the letter all of the infor-
mation requested in the form. To re-
quest a copy of the complaint form, call
(866) 632-9992. Submit your complaint
form or letter to USDA by:
1). Mail: U.S. Department of Agricul-
Office of the Assistant Secretary for
Civil Rights
1400 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, D.C. 20250-9410;
2) fax: (202) 690-7442; or
3) email:
This institution is an equal opportu-
nity provider.
(December 28)
Official Proceedings on
December 19, 2017
(Subject to board review and
Meeting was called to order at 6:03
p.m. by Kinley Slauter. Present were
Aaron Axvig, Doug Ellison, and Jim
Bridger. Ben Brannum was absent.
Slauter reminded the Council of the
Commission decision made in April,
2017 that absent members can join a
meeting by phone only when deemed
an emergency by the Commission.
Brannum had notified the City Auditor
that he was going to be absent. It was
the consensus that there was no need
to have him phone in since there was a
quorum present. Minutes from the No-
vember 21 meeting were reviewed.
Steffen added that there was a name
error. Bridger made the motion to ap-
prove the minutes with correction of the
name error. Second by Ellison. Motion
passed unanimously.
Application No. 17-44, a proposal
from TRMF at 275 Broadway for a
bronze plaque to be added at new
Theodore Roosevelt statue base, was
reviewed. The bronze plaque would in-
clude a TR quote, sculptor name, dedi-
cation date, donor names. It would be
flat on the sidewalk right in front of the
statue. Ellison made the motion to ap-
prove No. 17-44. Second by Bridger.
Motion passed unanimously. Slauter
added that threaded studs would be
drilled into the concrete.
Under Misc. Business, a zoning vio-
lation regarding Application No. 16-45
was reviewed. Norbert Sickler's appli-
cation to add onto his privacy fence was
approved by the Zoning Commission on
12-20-16. The approved application
was for an addition that would be the
same as the existing fence. The con-
structed fence differs from what was ap-
proved. Slauter opened the floor to
Sickler for statements:
This started with his request to ex-
tend his picnic shelter
Comments were made that a 6'
high fence would hide neighbor's trailer
He was told by Slauter that if neigh-
bor applied to build a fence, he'd also
be approved
It's not safe to have a 6' fence all
the way to the property line
He almost saw an accident happen
in the area, and he doesn't want a law-
suit if there's an accident because of his
He feels there have been many
controversial requests approved
He feels ordinance needs to be
added with well-written fence require-
ments so it's clear for future applicants.
Slauter replied that quoting him is
misrepresentation. Regarding the con-
nection of the picnic shelter and fence,
there was no "this means that" and one
application was never contingent on the
other. The purpose of this discussion is
to talk about what was applied for, ap-
proved, and then built. The process is
to use the permit application to build
something. Sickler had agreed to the
terms of the application. Any applica-
tion can be built as approved, come
back to Commission for further consid-
eration, or just don~t build it. Something
different was built than what was ap-
proved without ever coming back to the
Commission. The process is for the
Commission to determine if there is a
violation and then make a recommen-
dation to the City Council.
Sickler would like a new a new ordi-
nance drawn up. He didn't build the en-
tire fence 6~ in height for safety
concerns. If it is found to be a violation
he feels it should fall under the new or-
dinance. Ellison added that Sickler did
understand the approval was for a 6'
fence and he consciously chose to build
it shorter. Changing the ordinance is a
separate issue. In the past if there's
been violations, entities have been
fined. There is a violation, and the
question is if Commission should offer
a period to rectify before taking to Coun-
cil. Bridger added that the Commission
had acted on an ordinance that was in
effect, so Sickler needs to adhere to
what was approved. Axvig also agreed
that this is a violation.
After further discussion, Slauter re-
ferred to the violation ordinance. Elli-
son recommends a rectification date of
May 15 and a fine of $250-$500. Sick-
ler added that he'll also have costs to
redo the fence. It was the consensus
of the Commission that a $250 fine is
appropriate for this violation.
Bridger made the motion to recom-
mend to the City Council a $250 fine
and a deadline of May 15, 2018 to bring
the entire fence to 6' in height or a May
15, 2018 deadline to remove the entire
fence addition, for not adhering to the
original approved Application No. 16-45
and City Ordinance. Second by Ellison.
Motion passed unanimously. This rec-
ommendation will be added to the Jan-
uary 4, 2018 Council Agenda.
Slauter added that Sickler makes a
good point that our ordinances don't ad-
dress fences very clearly. Ellison
agreed and that it would be worth get-
ting attorney and law enforcement
input. Steffen will check into "model or-
dinances" for fences.
There being no other business,
Axvig moved to adjourn. Without ob-
jection, meeting adjourned at 7:08 p.m.
Kinley Slauter, President
Carla Steffen, City Auditor
(December 28)
City of Medora Awender should have the same oppor-
tunity. Tczap stated the house is a
CITY OF MEDORA rental property and the renter does not
Minutes of Special Meetingpick out the colors. It was the consen-
sus of the Council to move forward with
December21, 2017 the estimates Tczap had presented.
Subject to Council Review andSlauter added that his personal hous-
Approval ing situation is similar and when renters
want to customize something, it should
Meeting was called to order by be done and paid for by the tenant.
Mayor Comeil at 10:00 a.m. Present Steffen presented a budget amend-
were Council Members Denis Joyce, ment for the Flex PACE loan interest
John Tczap, and Kinley Slauter. Ben buydown. Slauter made the motion to
Brannum was p~sent via telephone, amend 100-4100-490 by $43,000. Sec-
City Engineer, Mike Njos, was present ond by Joyce. Motion passed unani-
with Apex Engineer, Mike Berg. City At- mously.
torney, Sandy Kuntz, was present via
The Council reviewed the year-end
telephone, financials. Slauter made the motion to
The first item of business was to approve the financials and year-end
designate a polling place for the June vouchers as presented. Second by
12, 2018 election. Tczap made the mo-
tion to designate the courtroom inside Joyce. Motion passed unanimously.
the Billings County Courthouse as the 2831 DAKOTA PUMP
& CONTROL, Inc. 760.00
polling place for the June 12, 2018 city 2832 MID-AMERICAN
election. Second by Joyce. Motion RESEARCH CHEMICAL 5501.32
passed unanimously. 2833 ONE CALL CONCEPTS 8.00
Njos reported that the trip to Beulah 2834 THEODORE ROOSEVELT
to learn about their aeration pond was MEDORA FDTN 18500.00
helpful. The system seemed simple
and low maintenance. Berg and Njos 2835 Wally Owen 1246.55
explained how the aeration pond would
16220 AT&T Mobility 464.74
work. Cells 1 & 2 would be used, and 16221 BELFIELD AUTO
cells 3 & 4 would no longer be neces- SUPPLY, INC 62.35
sary. Clean water would be kept in cells 16222 BRETT OSTERMAN 35.99
3 & 4 or there could be other options for 16223 BUFFALO
those ponds. Tczap doesn't think those GAP INC. THE 120.00
ponds should be eliminated so the City 16224 CORDOVA
would still have more holding capacity CONSTRUCTION 14605.00
if there would be another boom down
the road. Corneil agrees but wants clar- 16225 FARMERS UNION 4439.24
ification that the Council is not inter-
ested in relocating all 4 ponds. It would & SURVEYING, PLLC 14978.75
16227 ITD 44.95
free up all that land and it is the only po- 16228 JAMESTOWN
tential land available for growth. If COMMUNICATIONS, INC. 907.00
there's any possibility of doing anything 16229 Legal Edge
different, it should be decided now.
Njos called the Forest Service about the Solutions, PLLC 2100.00
possibility of land on top of the butte for 16230 LINDBO WELDING
the ponds, but putting cells up there
would not be allowed under their current 16231 MFOA 30.00
16232 POSTMASTER 416.00
plan. Tczap added that other options 16233 Russel Lapp 40.00
had been looked at before. Joyce rec-
ommends going with option #1 that 16234 Bank of North Dakota42,096.50
Njos had presented earlier. Steffen Prepays:
questioned if the $1.5 to $1.75 million- 2830 ROUGHRIDER
dollar estimate is accurate for budget- 16207 ROUGHRIDER
ing. Berg explained the process Apex ELECTRIC COOP, INC 1640.20
would gothrough engineering the aera- There being no other business,
tion pond. There should be no unex-
Brannum motioned to adjourn. With no
pected costs by the time dirt work objection, meeting was adjourned at
begins. Njos added it is better to spend
money up front to narrow down the vari- 1:24 p.m.
ables. Tczap questioned if 2 engineer- Todd Corneil, Mayor
ing firms are necessary to work on this Attest:
project. Berg would be the wastewater Carla Steffen, City Auditor
expert, but Njos's local knowledge is an
efficiency. Corneil would like a formal (December 28)
workshop with TRMF in mid-January to
discuss future planning and how large Billings County School
the aeration pond should be. After fur-
ther discussion of cost, Slauter stated Board
he wants to see the project move for-
ward, but is reluctant to make a motion BILLINGS COUNTY SCHOOL
without exact costs. Njos can provide DISTRICT #1
a more line item estimate. Tczap also Minutes of Regular Meeting
feels more comfortable with that. Njos December 11, 2017
will have a ,better breakdown of costs UNOFFICIAL MINUTES
for the January 4 meeting. Clarence '(Subject to review and revision
Sitter questioned how mid-summer con- by the board)
struction will affect summer flow. Njos
replied that they have been talking
about the situation and they are think-
ing of phasing. The City may have to
rent floating aerators.
Corneil called for a 5-minute recess
at 11:40. Meeting reconvened at 11:45.
Ordinance 04-2017, Transient Mer-
chants, was presented for a 1st Read-
ing. Various sections were reviewed
with Kuntz and changes were made.
The fee is currently $25/day but Home
Rule Charter gives authority to the City
to set the fee. Slauter made the motion
to increase the Transient Merchant fee
to $100/day. Second by Brannum. Mo-
tion passed unanimously. This amount
will be moved into the annual fee
schedule. Kuntz will develop a new ap-
plication form consistent with the 1st
Reading of Ordinance 04-2017. Slauter
made the motion to approve the 1st
Reading of Ordinance 04-2017 reflect-
ing the changes made by Council. Sec-
ond by Joyce. Discussion-Chuck
Andrus addressed the Council regard-
ing a few more changes that he felt
should be included. Those changes will
also be reflected in the revised Ordi-
nance. Motion passed unanimously.
Article 6 of Ordinance 04-2017 re-
garding Outside Display of Merchan-
dise was reviewed. Slauter questioned
if Registration with City Auditor/Release
and Indemnification are really neces-
sary stating it is more important that lan-
guage be added that displays "may not
be on public walkways". Joyce stated
it is important that a Release/Indemnifi-
cation form be filed with the City Auditor.
Slauter made the motion to reflect
changes in 8.0601 that no registration
and no release/indemnification will be
necessary; displays "may not be on
public walkways" will be added. Sec-
ond by Brannum. Slauter, aye; Bran-
num, aye; Tczap, aye; Joyce, opposed.
Motion carries.
The loan documents for the TRMF
Flex PACE loan were signed last week.
The City share increased by $1506.50
since the October 3, 2017 meeting
when the interest buydown was ap-
proved by Council. Steffen stated she
needs to know if new amount is ap-
proved before cutting the check. TRMF
CFO, Clarence Sitter, explained that the
original schedule wasn't totally finalized
in October and he explained the reason
for the increase. Tczap doesn't feel this
increase would have changed the
Council's decision to approve. Joyce
made the motion to revise the payment
reflecting the $1506.50 increase. Sec-
ond by Tczap. Slauter will abstain as a
TRMF employee because of the finan-
cial nature. Joyce, aye; Tczap, aye;
Brannum, aye; Slauter, abstain. Motion
Tczap presented estimates to re-
place carpet and paint at the law en-
forcement city house. The same carpet
and paint are available that was put in
the other city house in 2016 at small
cost increases. Tczap referred to the
city lease regarding the renter's re-
sponsibility to decorate and furnish the
leased premise at their own expense.
Joyce added the renter would pay if an
accent color was wanted and they
would pay to switch it back upon mov-
ing out. Lapp stated that he was al-
lowed to pick carpet and paint colors
when the house was built and he feels
The regular'monthly meeting of the
Billings County School Board was
called to order at 4:00 p.m. MT, Monday,
December 11, 2017, at the DeMores
School in Medora. Present were mem-
bers Lynn Arthaud, Joey Kessel, Stacey
Kessel, Mike Klatt, and Julie Reis. Also
present for all or part of the meeting
were Principal Shae Peplinski, Assistant
Principal Danielle O'Brien, Business
Manager Tammy Simnioniw, Mainte-
nance Shawn Thomas, James
Wosepka, Marjorie' Jensen, Jan
Kuchera, Bill Kessel, and Kevin Kessel.
Stacey Kessel moved, Joey Kessel
seconded, to approve the consent
agenda, which included the Minutes
from the November 14 regular meeting
and the December 4 special meeting,
and the addition of three items to the
agenda. All in favor.
James Wosepka reported to the
board that he had completed the audit
for the school district for fiscal year
2017 ending June 30, 2017. All was sat-
isfactory. Klatt moved, Reis seconded,
to approve the audit report for the pe-
riod ending June 30, 2017. Roll call vote
with all in favor.
Fuel oil bids were opened by
, Arthaud. Creative Energy submitted a
bid of $2.35 per gallon of #2 fuel oil and
Missouri Valley Petroleum submitted a
bid of $2.8597 for #2 dyed fuel oil.
Stacey Kessel declared a conflict of in-
terest. Joey Kessel moved, Klatt sec-
onded, to recognize the conflict and to
allow Stacey Kessel to participate in
discussion and voting. Roll call vote
with all in favor. Klatt moved, Reis sec-
onded, to award the fuel oil bid to Cre-
ative Energy at the bid price of $2.35
per gallon. Roll call vote with all in favor.
Shawn Thomas provided a written
and verbal report on maintenance is-
sues which included a list of items that
need to be addressed.
Arthaud requested that job descrip-
tions of all staff be reviewed to update to
address ADA and Veteran's preference
protocol. She also recommended mov-
ing supervision of custodial staff to
Shawn Thomas and moving supervi-
sion of Thomas directly under the
board. Reis moved, Joey Kessel sec-
onded, to approve moving supervision
of custodial staff for both schools to
Thomas. Roll call vote with all in favor.
Arthaud moved to transfer supervision
of Shawn Thomas to the school board.
The motion failed for lack of a second.
Thomas asked the board if they would
provide compensation for the added re-
sponsibility of supervision by allowing
him to drive the school pickup to and
from home. Reis moved, Arthaud sec-
onded, to approve. Roll call vote with
Reis and Arthaud in favor and Joey
Kessel, Stacey Kessel, and Klatt op-
posed. Motion failed. Arthaud asked for
volunteers for a committee to update
the job descriptions. Stacey Kessel and
Reis volunteered.
Arthaud reported that she had re-
ceived the completed Principal evalua-
tions from the board members and was
in the process of compiling. She will
compile the results and have the evalu-
ation filed by December 15. She re-
ported that initial review indicates a
good evaluation.
Peplinski and O'Brien reported on
upcoming events. Peplinski informed
the board that the DeMores Student
Council held a fundraising event at the
school over Cowboy Christmas and had
a good turnout. She also reported that
DeMores School was awarded third
place for the Medora Christmas deco-
rating contest. Recognition was given to
Jessie merger who worked hard on the
decorating. O'Brien stated that the
school website needs to be ADA com-
pliant by January 31, 2018, and that it
is near completion to convert. She
stated that due to ADA compliant regu-
lations, the website will need to be very
basic. O'Brien reported that after the
Prairie public input meeting held De-
cember 4, surveys turned in thus far
were 1 neutral with pro and con com-
ments, 4 against and 13 in favor of the
project. Peplinski and O'Brien reported
that all teacher evaluations that need to
be completed by December 15 are
Arthaud and Joey Kessel reported
on the discussion and tentative terms
agreed to when they met with the South
Heart School District transportation
committee on November 29. No action
will be taken until both school board
committees have had a chance to get
input from their respective boards. The
Billings County School Board members
were in consensus that the initial terms
were agreeable to them. Action will be
taken once specific terms are outlined.
Meetings with Belfield Public School
board transportation committee mem-
bers will be scheduled in January. Bill
and Kevin Kessel raised questions and
provided comments regarding bus
Reis moved, Stacey Kessel sec-
onded, to approve the second reading
to adopt Accessibility Policy ABDA. Roll
call vote with all in favor.
Simnioniw reported that she will at-
tend a WDEA Education Committee
meeting in Williston on December 15.
Administrators from schools in oil pro-
ducing counties will meet with legisla-
tors to discuss potential oil and gas
distribution proposals planned for next
legislative session and the impact to
school revenues.
The board reviewed information
from legal counsel regarding how to
proceed with moving toward four-year
terms with elections held every other
year with the county's general election.
Per 2017 schOol election results, the
school board makeup will be two mem-
bers from the newly formed Director
District 1, two members from the newly
formed Director District 2, and one at-
large member. The board is now com-
prised of three members from Director
District 2, so per NDCC, the board will
draw to determine which of the three
will become the at-large position.
Stacey Kessel moved; Klatt seconded,
to approve the drawing by lot to deter-
mine which of the three board members
in Director District 2 (Joey Kessel, Mike
Klatt, and Julie Reis) will be the at-large
position. Roll call vote with all in favor. A
drawing was held with Mike Klatt deter-
mined to be the at-large member. Klatt's
term will end in 2019: ~ ; :
Stacey Kessel and Peplinski gave
the RESP report.
The board would like to hold day
time meetings in January and February
to give Student Council members a
chance to observe school board meet-
ing procedures. The meetings will be
held as follows, January 9 at 1:30 p.m.
at Prairie School in Fairfield and Febru-
ary 13 at 1:30 p.m. at DeMores School
in Medora. The board members will do
classroom visits prior to the start of the
At 5:50 p.m the board recessed to
move to the Resource Room for the
public input meeting. The meeting re-
convened at 6:00 p.m. for the public
meeting regarding the Prairie Expan-
sion project. Billings County School Dis-
trict administrative staff and board
members provided information regard-
ing the project and answered meeting
participants' questions. Meeting atten-
dees were given a survey at the con-
clusion of the informational meeting
requesting feedback for or against the
project or comments and suggestions
regarding the project.
The meeting was recessed at 6:50
p.m. to conclude the public input portion
of the meeting and the board returned
to the board room to finish the regular
meeting. The board meeting recon-
vened at 7:00 p.m.
Peplinski reported that West River
Special Services would like to contract
with the BCSD to provide a Special Ed-
ucation teacher from January until the
end of the school year at a contract rate
of $21,000. The board asked Peplinski
and O'Brien to meet with the Special
Education teacher and then schedule a
special board meeting to discuss.
Peplinski reported that Belfield Pub-
lic School will have a 14 passenger ac-
tivity bus for sale and asked the board if
they are interested in purchasing it. A
price hasn't been set yet. Discussion
was held on how this vehicle could be
utilized for sports activities and class
field trips. Simnioniw provided the board
with a report showing the cost of utiliz-
ing large capacity buses for these types
of trips. The board will study and once
the cost of the activity bus is deter-
mined, they will decide if it is cost effec-
tive to purchase the vehicle.
The board read a thank you note
from Kira Craig.
Reis moved to adjourn, Joey Kessel
seconded. All in favor. Meeting ad-
journed at 7:45 p.m.
Lynn Arthaud, President
Tammy Simnioniw, Business Man-
(December 28)