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Beach, North Dakota
December 27, 2018     Golden Valley News
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December 27, 2018
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Page 4 Golden Valley News December 27, 2018 Notice NOTICE OF JANUARY MEETING CHANGE The regular January meeting of the Billings County School Board will be held on Tuesday, January 15, 2019, at DeMores School in Medorabeginning at 5:00 p.m. There will be time on the agenda for public questions or com- ments regarding the proposed four-day school week. Anyone needing special accommodations to attend the meet- ings may make arrangements by con- tacting the District Office at 623-4363 or 1-800-366-6888 TTY, 6889-Voice (December 27) Hearing Notice NOTICE OF HEARING N.D. INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION OIL AND GAS DIVISION The North Dakota Industrial Com- mission will hold a public hearing at 9:00 a-.m. Thursday, January 17, 2019, at the N.D. Oil & Gas Division, 1000 East Calgary Ave Bismarck, N. b. At the hearing the Commission will receive testimony and exhibits. Persons with any interest in the cases listed below, take notice. PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES: If at the hearing you need special facili- ties or assistance, contact the Oil and Gas Division at 701-328-8038 by Fri- day, January 04, 2019. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA TO: Case No. 27256: In the matter oT a hearing called on a motion of the Com- mission to consider the appropriate ac- tions or measures to be taken for existing and future horizontal wells completed in the Bakken and/or Bird- bear Pools in the Ash Coulee, Beaver Creek, Bicentennial, Cinnamon Creek, Cooks Peak, DeMores, Elkhorn Ranch, Morgan Draw, and Roosevelt Fields, Billings, Golden Valley, and McKenzie Counties, ND, with a portion of a Bird- bear Pool well open hole in the Bakken Pool. Signed by, Doug Burgum, Governor Chairman, NDIC (December 27) City of Beach CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS PUBLISHED SUBJECT TO THE GOVERNING BODY'S REVIEW AND REVISION A regular meeting of the Beach City Council was called to order by Mayor : Henry Gerving on December 3, 2018, at 7:00 pm. Present when the meeting was called to order was City Council ~, Andy Zachmann, Bev Wolff, Jeanne Larson, PWS Randy Dietz, City Auditor Kimberly Gaugler, and Sheriff Scott Steele. Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Roll call was taken. Marman, Benes and Walworth were absent. Vouchers - Wolff moved to approve the following vouchers, second by Lar- ; son. Motion carried unanimously. 20140 Beach Area Chamber of Commerce 1,100.00 20141 Beach Food Center 414.28 20142 Beach Park Board 2,435.99 20143 Beach Volunteer FD 1,624.65 20144 Boss Office Products 578.80 20145 CNH Industrial183.85 20146 Farmers Union/NAPA 4,910.57 i 20147 G & G Garbage 3,000.00 , 20148 GV County 9,435.87 20149 GV News 187.88 20150 Hach Co. 68.54 20151 Highlands Engineering 130.00 20152 Jandt Plumbing2,651.52 20153 Jill Schatz 54.25 20154 Kimberly Gaugler 173.53 20155 Marman Construction 3,850.00 ; 20156 Midstate Communications 201.19 20157 Midwest Doors of Dickinson 275.19 20158 MDU 1,225.99 20159 ND DOH-Chemistry Lab223.63 20160 ND League of Cities 129.35 20161 NDRWSA 240.00 20162 Normont Equip.4,980.00 20163 One Call Concepts 8.40 20164-20170 VOID 20171 Prairie Lumber Co. 662.65 20172 Railroad Management Co. 470.82 20173 Randall Dietz 24.39 20174 Rohan's Hardware 379.40 20175 Southwest : Water Authority 10,608.44 20176 Stockwell Cleaning 275.00 ! 20177 Total Safety 110.00 ; 2,0178 Verizon Wireless 174.68 ',-889~5-88991, 20126-20127, -88989 - 88979, 20133-20138 Wages for November 24,062.75 20128 City of Beach286.09 20129 Unum Life Insurance 33.24 20130 Blue Cross Blue Shield 593.00 20131 Blue Cross Blue Shield4,260.76 20132 USPS 202.60 -88990 First State Bank 2,466.06 -88978 First State Bank 2,798.90 -88977 - NDPERS 2,785.84 20139 City of Beach128.32 Minutes Minutes from the meeting on No- vember 19, 2018. were presented. Zachmann moved to approve the min- utes, second by Larson. Motion carried unanimously, PW Report PWS Dietz presented a written re- port. Zachmann moved to purchase a double check valve, second by Larson. Motion carried unanimously. -Auditor Report Thank you correspondence from Travis Jenkins and Maciah Heckaman was read. Gaugler reviewed her written report. Gaugler reviewed an Application for Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) to televise 2,500 linear feet of ' sewer mains and make spot repairs. Larson moved to submit the application presented, second byWolff. Motion car- ried unanimously. City Hall will be closed December 24th & 25th in recog- nition of Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Larson moved to approve giving $200 in Beach Bucks to full-time em- ployees and $100 to part-time employ- ees, second by Zachrfiann. Motion carried unanimously. Engineer Report Street Project 2017- Reseeding and warranty work: A meeting with the Contractor, City Attorney, and Street Committee will take place either De- cember 20th. Sanitary Sewer Project - Once At- torney Bouray has finished a Title Opin- ion the project can be bid, pending USDA approval. Committee Report: Streets/ Sewer/ Water - Nothing new to report. Liason - Wolff reported the commit- tee held a conference call with the Con- sultant administering the Business Retention and Expansion Survey. Questions for the survey are being compiled. Employee Review Committee - Mayor Gerving requests all Employee Evaluations be completed prior to De- cember 31. Police - Sheriff Steele was present to provided information on weight re- strictions and 48 hour parking. City Or- dinance Chapter 5 - Law Enforcement Department was reviewed with Sheriff Steele. Animal Control - Mayor Gerving mentioned an individual was interested in providing Animal Control services. Unfinished Business Request for sign from Grace Church - Discussion. Zachmann moved to table a decision until the next meeting, second by Wolff. Motion carried unani- mously. New Business An Application for Raffle submitted by Beach Buccaneer Booster Club was rcvicw~d. Zctohmc.ln moved to tp- prove, second by Larson. Motion car- ried unanimously. Gaugler reviewed the proposed En- terprise Fund Budgets. No other business was brought for- ward. Mayor Gerving adjourned the meeting at 8:30 p.m. ATTEST: Henry Gerving, Mayor Kimberly Gaugler, City Auditor (December 27) City of Medora City of Medora Minutes of Regular Meeting December 4, 2018 (Subject to Council review and approval) Meeting was called to order at 6:00pm by Mayor Todd Corneil. Present were Council members Doug Ellison, Tracy Sexton, and Kinley Slauter. Mike Njos was also present. John Tczap and Sandra Kuntz were not present. Minutes from the November 6 Coun- cil Meeting, October 18 Special Utility Committee Meeting, November 15 Spe- cial Utility Committee Meeting, and No- vember 29 Special Utility Committee Meeting were reviewed. Slauter moved to approve the minutes, seconded by Sexton. Motion passed unanimously. Department Reports City Engineer Mike Njos provided updates on projects. Comments on Agenda items are reflected below. The temporary lighting bollards are up for viewing so members can choose the style for shared path lighting. Njos will advise more information on the height of the lights and the light patterns avail- able. City Attorney Report - Sandra Kuntz was not present. A written Police report was re- viewed. Chief Lapp's request to have a Salvation Army bell ringer at the MCC was approved. Dell Beach and Brett Osterman pre- sented written monthly reports. Public Works is putting up about 25 wreaths and they are in need of replacement. It was suggested wreaths be replaced for next year, Kinley and Beth Clyde can help look at pricing. The Public asked why the trees in front of the MCC weren't decorated. It was stated that MCC/Public Works had complaints that the real trees hadn't looked the best so the decision was made to buy and dec- orate some artificial trees out front. City Auditor, Gary Ridenhower, pre- sented his monthly report. Reported revenue was reviewed. A proposed schedule for 2019 Council Meetings was reviewed. Slauter moved the 2019 Council Meeting Schedule be approved as presented, Sexton seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 2019 COUNCIL MEETING SCHED- ULE JANUARY 2* 6:00PM FEBRUARY 5 6:00PM MARCH 5 6:00PM APRIL 2 6:00PM MAY 7 6:00PM JUNE 4 7:00PM JULY 9* 7:00PM AUGUST 6 7:00PM SEPTEMBER 3 7:00PM OCTOBER 1 6:00PM NOVEMBER 5 6:00PM DECEMBER 3 6:00PM *MOVED FROM 1ST TUESDAY Old Business Lagoon Project update -The landowners have been contacted about easements and the process is pro- gressing. The Grazing Association agreement has not been obtained. The time table for lagoon construction was reviewed and discussed. Weather is the biggest risk in the schedule. The plan is to be ready to switch to the east ponds by Memorial Day. Sexton moved that approval be given for Njos to proceed with advertising for bids on the lagoon project the week of December 18 with bid opening planned in mid-January. EI- lison seconded. Motion passed unani- mously. The engineers will work with the contractor selected to move acqui- sition of equipment, completing dirt work, etc. along to protect or improve the time line. Elkhorn Project Update - Njos pre- sented a report on the lagoon capabili- ties, etc. He does not recommend adding any more sewage to the system until the lagoon project is completed. Clarence Sitter asked for.clarification on what "completion" means, Njos will dis- cuss with Apex and advise. Tennis & Basketball court project up- date on bidding - Mike Njos - nothing new to report. Curb, gutter and tree removal issues at 420 Broadway- The issue is contin- creases - Slauter proposed we discuss 43133 Ameripride Services Inc.199.37 ued until the next meeting, proposed 2019 wage increases for em- 43134 AT&T Mobility 48.80 City Attorney update on HR Policies ployees in a Special Meeting. The Spe- 43135 Linda BAcon 325.00 and Procedures -There will be further cial Meeting will be scheduled in 43136 Barbs Upholstery discussion when the City Attorney is December. and Refinishing 15.00 present in January. Ellison moved we accept the finan- 43137 Beach Food Center 217.06 Rough Rider Electric - Ordinance cials as presented, Sexton seconded. 43138 Leanne Benes 63.00 01-2018 Reading - Slauter moved to Motion passed unanimously. 43139 Bighorn Resort 97.76 approve the first reading of Ordinance 2952 MID-AMERICAN 43140 Boss Office and 01-2018, Sexton seconded. Motion RESEARCH CHEMICAL i530.63 Computer Products Inc. 187.98 passed unanimously. 2953 ND RURAL WATER 43141 Brosz Engineering Inc.1,050.00 Potential for carving Medora's image SYSTEMS ASSOC 240.00 43142 Bureau of Education & in old tree - Mary Griffin - Core sam- 2954 NORTH DAKOTA Research Inc. 269.00 pies were completed and the tree is DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 223.63 43143 Capital One Commercial 61.31 mostly hollow. Mary presented several 2955 NORTH DAKOTA 43144 Casey & Kirsch options on how to proceed. Ellison DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH75.00 Publishers 45.00 moved that Slauter work with Mary Grif- 2956 ONE CALL CONCEPTS 3.60 43145 Cenex fin to develop a plan for the old tree and 2957 SOUTHWEST Fleetcards/CHS Inc. 138.08 move forward, with the outcome likely WATER AUTHORITY 2240.26 43146 Chi St. Josephs to be cutting the tree off at about 4' and 2958 Wally Owen 3989.95 Health Clinic 141.00 using it as a base for signage, possible 5231 EHC, LLC 75012.00 43147 City of Beach 869.23 carvings, etc. Sexton seconded. Mayor 5232 BERGER 43148 Cobbelstone inn Corneil commented that if it is neces- ELECTRIC, INC. 2002.29 and Suites of Linton 827.99 sary to take the tree all the way out that 5233 HIGHLANDS ENGINEERING 43149 Comfort Suites he would prefer a tree be planted in the & SURVEYING, PLLC 5422.50 of Bismarck 79.00 spot. Motion passed unanimously. 16898 RAILROAD 43150 Connecting New Business MANAGEMENT CO III, LLC 214.01Point/Ultra Inc. 3,519.00 TR Presidential Library update - 16900BNSF 43151 Corner Market/NFL Doug Ellison reviewed Board Minutes Railway Company 40589.00 Associates Inc. 21.32 and a letter related to a site survey that 16918 AT&T Mobility455.05 43152 Country Inn and he obtained from the Library Board. 16919AT&T Mobility 141.68 Suites of Grand Forks 210.00 Doug will update everyone as input i~s 16920 APEX 43153 Hauck Travis 2,366.72 received. Documents will be available Engineering Group 9033.00 43154 D&E Supply in the Auditor's office. The CVB re- 16921 BELFIELD Company Inc. 43.30 ceived a request for a letter of support AUTO SUPPLY, INC 56.22 43155 Dakota Dust-Tex Inc. 259.70 for the Library. Slauter will work with El- 16922 BERGER 43156 Dakota Water lison on a draft for the next meeting. ELECTRIC, INC. 959.92 Treatment Inc. 562.00 They were encouraged to be cautious. 16923 BILLINGS 43157 Discovery Benefits Inc.1,020.00 There is generally good support for the COUNTY PIONEER 326.20 43158 Elite Card concept but we have not received any 16924 BLACK MOUNTAIN Payment Center 1,312.33 real input on what we are being asked SOFTWARE, INC. 6418.00 43159 Farmers Union tu ouppu, t. I00 o DnAUN DISTRIDUTINQ 10.20Oil Corp. 3,570.91 Utility Committee report - Kinley 16926 BRUCE NORTHROP 7029.75 43160 Flasher School 11.11 Slauter presented an update on the 16927 BSN SPORTS 9778.94 43161 Golden Valley County 3,799.75 meetings and actions of the Utility Corn- 16928 CHILLER 43162 Golden Valley News/Billings mittee. He thanked all who have partic- SYSTEMS, INC 2787.48 Co. Pioneer/ALBN Inc. 275.66 ipated in the analysis and Meetings. 16929 CORDOVA 43163 Sonja Groll 66.50 For Water, there is a Southwest CONSTRUCTION 4790.00 43164 Harlow's Bus Sales Inc. 123.91 Water 18% rate increase January 1 and 16930 DAKOTA 43165 Hartleys School we propose increasing rates to cover it. DUST-TEX, INC. 160.70 Buses Inc. 67.44 Sexton moved we increase water rates 16931 DICKINSON TIRE, INC.656.34 43166 Wayne Heckaman 87.50 effective January 1, 2019, with the 16932 FARMERS UNION 1480.88 43167 Holiday Inn Express Water Usage charge increased to $5.90 16933 FISCHER SAND and Suites of Bismarck 208.00 per 1000 gallons from $5.00 per 1000 AND GRAVEL 1727.31 43168 Houghton Mifflin Co 362.45 gallons, base rate of $17.00 to remain 16934 GALLS, LLC 191.92 43169 Innovatie Office unchanged, and the Bulk water rate in- 16935 Hellickson Solutions LLC 1,780.60 creased to $10.00 per 1000 gallons Ranch Partnership 13136.25 43170 Jaymar Business from $7.00 per 1000 gallons. Ellison 16936 HIGHLANDS ENGINEERING Forms Inc. 83.96 seconded. Motion passed unanimously. & SURVEYING, PLLC 4953.75 43171 John Deere Financial 479.46 For Sewer, our out of pocket costs 16937 Legal Edge 43172 Mainstay Suites 178.00 are expected to increase about $15,500 Solutions, PLLC 2100.00 43173 Math Counts Foundation140.00 per year with the new lagoon project 16938 MARMAN 43174 MDU Resources and we would propose to recover these CONSTRUCTION 7300.00 Group, Inc. 6,729.75 costs plus break even meaning we 16939 MENARDS- 43175 Mid-American need to recoup about $30,000 in total. DICKINSON 1123.41 Research Chemical Corp. 157.77 Analysis was done and the proposal is 16940 MID-AMERICAN 43176 Midstate to charge $4.00 base charge plus $1.00 RESEARCH CHEMICAL 130.46 Communications Inc. 790.12 per 1000 gallons of water used for 16941 MIDSTATE 43177 ND Center for sewer. This approach is being widely TELEPHONE COMPANY 680.71 Distance Education 507.00 used by other cities. We also need to in- 16942 North Dakota 43178 ND Council of vestigate how to manage the usage of Firefighter's Association 100.00 Education Leaders Corp. 456.00 grease traps as grease drives some 16943 PRODUCTIVITY 43179 ND High School major costs. We will work with Rural PLUS ACCOUNT 72.34 Activities Association 50.00 Water and others to develop proposals 16944 SOUTHWEST 43180 NDSAA of Bismarck 480.00 on how to improve our sewer situation. WATER AUTHORITY 44.54 43181 North Dakota For Garbage, Mary Schneider and 16945 STAPLES 232.43 Counseling Assn. 393.00 Dennis Streitz did an analysis of our 16946 STEIN'S, INC 35.90 43182 Northwest Evaluation garbage situation ihcluding estimates of 16947 THEODORE ROOSEVELT Association Corp. 3,3,~0.00 volumes by customer, Special situa- MEDORA FDTN 10.59 ~ ~.~L%!83~No~hwest Tire Ir~c. 1 eL~8;45 tions, etc. We have excellent garbage!~ " 16948 DEAN AND 4318 Nova Fitness.Equipment 4,300 service with 7 day pick up in summer. DEB RODNE 2969.00 43185 Olsons Service LLC 516.89 There are many inconsistencies in the~ PAYROLL 11/2 8484.01 43186 Prairie Lumber Corp. 382.47 handling of rates, offseason charges, PAYROLL 11/16 10829.22 43187 Productivity etc. that need to be addressed to as- PAYROLL 11/30 9484.96 Plus Account 1,123.79 sure fair and equitable handling. The. RENT CITY OF MEDORA 225.00 43188 Red Rock split of garbage between TRMF and RENT CITY OF MEDORA 225.00 Sporting Goods Corp.103.85 City customers was found to be very FIT EFTPS 3006.08 43189 Resources For close to estimates. Slauter reviewed a FIT EFTPS 2590.78 Educators Inc. 478.00 proposed rate structure and rules and FIT EFTPS 5699.66 43190 RESP 50.00 proposed we move forward with imple- DEFERRED COMP EFTPS NDPERS 43191 Lori Rising 265.82 .menting changes in rates, establishing DEFERRED COMP DEP 295.00 43192 Rohan Hardware 434.08 "vacation" rates for October through GROUP TERM LIFE 43193 Runnings Supply Inc. 99.98 March, and establishing fees for con- NDPERS HEALTH 7983.00 43194 School Nurse Supply Inc.85.36 nections, transfers and reconnection NDPERS RETIREMN 43195 School with the goal to implement rules and NDPERS 4621.06 Specialty Payments 333.07 rates which are fair and reasonable to 16907 DENTAL 43196 Smart Computers operate. There was much discu'ssion INSURANCE AMERITAS 554.62 and Consulting LLC 329.99 about the proposals and we will pro- 16916 AFLAC 575.46 43197 Robert Sperry 971.43 ceed as follows to complete further 16917VISION 43198 Devin Steele 17.50 analysis and discussion so changes INSURANCE AVESIS 63.01 43199 Amanda Stoltz 63.00 can be implemented by April 1: Announcements of meetings. The 43200 Raynette Szudera 280.35 -obtain competitive bids from deadline for Zoning Applications is Fri- 43201 West River garbage contractors for comparison day, December 7 @ 12:00pm with the Student Services 5,843.61 -communicate the effects of pro: Zoning Meeting being Tuesday, De- 43202 Westlie Truck posed sewer and garbage rate changes cember 18 @ 6:00pm. Deadline for Center Corp. 217.50 -discuss and investigate various options Council Agenda Items is Friday, De- 43203 Wex Bank 291.40 for rates, rules, etc. cember 28 @ 12:00pm and the next 43204 Wild Vines Market LLC 29.99 -Council to review data gathered, Council Meeting will be Wednesday, 43205 Lacey Wojahn 202.00 recommendations, public input, etc. - January 2 @ 6:00pm. 3833 Carol Bartz 78.99 work toward April 1 implementation of Slauter moved the meeting be ad- 3834 Beach Closeup 631.96 changes, journed. Ellison seconded. Motion 3835 Beach Food Center141.89 Further discussion included: . passed unanimously. Meetingad- 3836 Beach Student Council 415.88 -Increases in tipping fees at Dickin- journed at 8:32pm. 3837 Braun Distributing-Queen son have increased costs. We expect Attest: City Candy 267.08 increases to continue. -7 day service is Todd Corneil Mayor 3838 BSN Sports-Collegiate very good for those who need it but Attest: Pacific 1,275.00 what about for those who don't?,Gary Ridenhower, City Auditor 3839 Coca Cola Bottling -Those who use the services should : (December 27) Co. of Dickinson 420.80 pay for them. 3840 Country Inn and -Get competitive bids and outside Beach School Board Suites of Grand Forks 490.00 the area rates to compare. 3841 Davies High School 64.00 -Mayor Corneil - he appreciates the 3842 Elite Card hard work that has been done but he PROCEEDS OFTHE REGULAR Payment Center 2,467.95 feels more work is needed to identify MEETING 3843 Farmers Union Oil Corp. 272.61 who is generating the garbage and as- OF THE BEACH SCHOOL BOARD 3844 FFA of Beach 166.05 sess the costs fairly. We need to dis- Unofficial Minutes 3845 Food Services of America152.77 cuss concerns, more information on Subject to Review and Revision of 3846 Sonja Groll 32.89 alternatives, etc. the Board 3847 Logo Magic 295.00 -Tracy Sexton asked if we want to try' December 18, 2018 3848 Karen J. Maus 35.08 to cover our costs or not? Input was that 6:00 p.m. 3849 Minntex Citrus Inc. 3,361.95 we do but we also want to assure that Room 11 3850 National Pen Company 94.94 the charges follow the costs, and we all should pay our fair share. Members present were Kimberly 38523851 JNovaMarkFitnessand CrystalEquipmentNesvig14,00019.00 -Doug Ellison, we may need to look Gaugler, Robert Sperry, Mike Van, Mark 3853 Pepsi Cola at more tiers of rates. Lund, Carrie Zachmann, Misty Farn- Bottling Company 189.00 -The level of service we expect/need strom, Dave Wegner, Wayne Hecka- 3854 RDJ Specialties Inc. 196.66 is a primary driver of cost. We also need man, Lynn Swanson, and Chris 3855 Wal Mart Stores Inc. 252.56 to consider the impact of not having our Kittleson. 3856 Wild Vines Market LLC 110.00 garbage removed promptly on the Walter Losinski, Michelle Swanson, 7309 Beach Food Center 28.06 cleanliness of town, etc. and Amanda Roland were visitors. 7310 Dean Foods Inc.1,118.70 We will schedule meetings in Janu- President Gaugler called the meet- 7311 DEP-Food Distribution 430.89 ary to review inputs, and further discuss ing to order at 6:00 p.m. Gaugler rec- 7312 Food Services to move forward, ognized visitors, of America 4,220.20 Sanda Holsten sewer request -Gaugler reviewed the agenda. Weg- 7313 Shauna Maus 100.25 tabled until the City Attorney can be her recommended adding an agenda 9535 Mathew Larson 63.00 present, item to New Business 9B, item ii. - Pol- 9536 Donnell Michels63.00 2019 Liquor Licenses - Auditor Ri- icy DJA-AR - Procedure For Selecting 9537 North Dakota Bureau denhower presented the information on Substitute Teachers. Consensus of the of Criminal Investigation 120.00 2019 Liquor License renewal requests, board is to approve the agenda with 9538 Donnell Michels63.00 Chief Lapp and the City Attorney repre- amendment. 9539 Donnell Michels63.00 sentative have no issue with the re- Farnstrom presented November 14, 9540 Donnell Michels63.00 newals. Ellison moved we approve the 2018 regular meeting minutes. Motion November Payroll 381,579.56 renewals as presented, Sexton sec- by Sperry, second by Van Horn to ap- Wegner presented communications. onded. Motion passed unanimously, prove minutes. Motion carries unani- Thank you from the Deb and Miscellaneous Business mously. Randy Dietz family for the plant. Christmas Bonus for employees - a Farnstrom presented general fund, Thank you from Bob Lasater for the chart with the proposed Christmas activity fund, food service fund, general help, understanding, prayers, concern Bonuses for employees was reviewed, fund manual checks, and November and well wishes during his recovery. Slauter moved we approve the Christ- payroll. Discussion. Motion by Van Lynn Swanson arrived at the meet- mas Bonuses as presented, Ellison Horn, second by Zachmann to approve ing. Wegner presented public participa- seconded. Motion passed unanimously, all bills and payroll. Discussion. Roll call tion. Proposed 2019 employee wage in- vote carries unanimously. Walter Losinski distributed and dis- cussed a quote for sound equipment for the Beach High School Gymnasium. Facilities committee will review and bring back a recommendation. Wegner presented expulsions. Expulsion appeals for two students were presented. Zachmann asked to be recused from discussion and voting due to her position with the Golden Valley County Sheriff's office. Consensus of the board is to allow Zachmann to re- cuse herself from discussion and voting on both students. Expulsion appeal of student #1. Motion by Sperry, second by Lund to enter into executive session as per FERPA 20-USC-1232-G. Motion carries unanimously. Time was 6:20 p.m. EXECUTIVE SESSION Gaugler called the meeting back to order at 7:09 p.m. Gaugler called for a motion to affirm the expulsion. Motion by Van Horn to affirm the expulsion. Gaugler called for a second. Gaugler again called for a second. Gaugler called for a second to the motion for a third time. Motion fails for a lack of a second. Discussion. Gaugler called for a motion to reverse the expulsion. Mo- tion by Lund, second by Sperry to re- verse the expulsion. Discussion. Gaugler called for a roll call vote; Yes vote-reverse the expulsion, No vote-do not reverse the expulsion. Sperry-Yes, Van Horn-No, Lund-Yes, Gaugler-No. Motion fails for lack of majority. Discus- sion. Gaugler called for a motion to af- firm the expulsion. Motion by Van Horn, second by Lund to affirm the expulsion. Discussion. Gaugler called for a roll call vote; Yes vote-affirm the expulsion, No vote-do not affirm the expulsion. ~ porry- No, Van Horn-Yes, Lund-Yes, Gaugler- Yes. Roll call vote carries. Expulsion appeal of student #2. Motion by Sperry, second by Lund to enter into executive session as per FERPA 20-USC-1232-G. Motion carries unanimously. Time was 7:27 p.m. EXECUTIVE SESSION * Gaugler called the meeting back to order at 7:51 p.m. Gaugler called for a motion to affirm the expulsion. Motion by Lund, second by Van Horn to affirm the expulsion. Gaugler called for a roll call vote; Yes vote-affirm the expulsion, No vote-do not affirm the expulsion. Sperry-Yes, Van Horn-Yes, Lund-Yes, Gaugler-Yes. Roll call vote carries. Gaugler called for a five-minute break. Gaugler called the meeting back to order. Wegner presented facilities. Brosz Engineering has inspected the high school track field for repairs. Discussion. Wegner presented new business. Establishing a building fund to be placed on the June 2019 election ballot was discussed. Bond attorney has been contacted. Discussion. Policy HCAF-Food Service Pro- curement Policy was presented and dis- cussed. Motion by Zachmann, second by Lund to approve the first reading. Motion carries unanimously. Policy DJA-AR - Procedure For Selecting Substitute Teachers was pre- sented for the first reading to be re- scinded from the November regular meeting. Discussion. Motion by Lund, second by Van Horn to rescind their first reading motions from the November regular meeting. Motion carries unani- mously. Wegner distributed and presented N&D budget revision. Discussion. Mo- tion by Sperry, second by Van Horn to approve revision. Motion carries unani- mously. Wegner distributed and presented SW Title budget revision and chart of account changes. Discussion. Motion by Sperry, second by Zachmann to ap- prove budget revision and chart of ac- count changes. Motion carries unanimously. Wegner presented miscellaneous business. Wegner did not have anything to present for RESP. Gaugler did not have anything to present for RACTC. Farnstrom presented business man- ager report. Securities pledged reports from Western Cooperative Credit Union, First State Bank, and Bank of the West were distributed and reviewed. Motion by Sperry, second by Van Horn to approve securities pledged. Motion carries unan- imously. Kittleson presented day treatment report. Swanson presented elementary principal report. Swanson is communicating with Prairie Engineering P.C. and Hulsing & Associates Architects P.C. about the proposed elementary entry addition costs. Discussion. Elementary playground fence re- placement was discussed. Swanson has contacted Dakota Fence. Pre- school inspection report regarding the playground fencing was discussed. Re- moval of the playground dome equip- ment piece was discussed. Heckaman presented high school principal report. Final test days begin tomorrow, December 19th. Beach student activity organiza- tions have been very successful with fundraisers for numerous charities. Dis- cussion. Wegner presented superintendent report. Pam Aman has resigned from West River Student Services. Terry Tucker will be returning from retirement and be her replacement. Discussion. Four-day school week information was discussed. Gaugler inquired about the status of the 2016-2017 yearbook and the 2017-2018 yearbook. Discussion. Gaugler discussed the January meeting date and time. Next regular meeting will be January 9, 2019. Gau- gler called for a motion to adjourn. Mo- tion by Sperry, second by Lund to adjourn. Gaugler adjourned 8:20 p.m. Kimberly Gaugler, President Misty Farnstrom, Business Manager (December 27)