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The two highest acreage crops in labor and management of $31 per about $10 to $15 per acre in the east-
North Dakota, soybeans and wheat, acre in the north-central region and central, southwestern and south-cen-
project limited returns to labor and returns of $7 for the south-central and tral regions. Losses between $6 and
management in most regions for southeastern regions. All other re- $18 per acre were projected for the
2019, says Andy Swenson, North gions project losses ranging from $1 north-central, northwestern and
Dakota State University Extension to $10 per acre. Malting barley proj- southeastern regions
farm management specialist,ects losses by region between $20 "The southwestern, north-central,
Generally, hard red spring wheat and $90 per acre. and south-central regions had the
projects a return between $5 and $10 Projected losses for growingmost crops that project a positive re-
per acre. lentils range from $35 to $70 per acre turn to labor and management,"
The strongest return, $22 per acre, and for large chickpeas about $ I0 per Swenson adds. "However, the returns
is projected in the northeastern re- acre. are modest."
gion, but losses of $5 to $10 per acre Projected prices for sunflowers For most crops the projected total
are projected in the northwestern, and canola were also lower, relative costs per acre were slightly higher
south-central and southern Red River to last year's budgets. Oil sunflowers than last year's projections. Fertilizer,
Valley regions project a slight profit in the south- interest expense and expenditures for
"Surprisingly, soybeans project western region, breakeven in the chemicals were higher. Expenditures
positive returns to labor and manage- south-central region, losses of about for seed was generally similar to last
ment in all but one region, despite $5 to $10 per acre in the northwest, year. Crop land rents for most regions
lower soybean prices compared to north-central and east-central regions declined and projected crop insurance
last year's budgets," and larger losses elsewhere Projected expenditures were generally lower.
says Swenson. "There is a pro- returns for confection sunflowers var- Swenson cautions that the budgets
jected loss of $10 per acre in the north- ied greatly, from $55 per acre in the are guides for large multi-county re-
eastern region, but. for the rest of the south-central region to a loss of $77 gions and that returns and costs can
state, returns range from $1 an acre in per acre in the northern Red River vary considerably between producers
the southem Red River Valley to $33 Valley. Canola projected negative re- within a region.
per acre in the north-central region, turns ranging from near breakeven in Also, the budgets estimate returns
The third most popular crop by the north-central and southwestern to labor and management with noi
acreage, corn, projects losses in all re- regions to losses of nearly $70 per consideration of price and yield vari-
gions. A loss of $5 to $10 per acre is acre in the southeastern region, ability, or risk. A perfect "apples-to-
projected for the western regions and Flax showed positive returns of $4 apples" comparison of crops is not
for the southeastern, and losses be- and $18 per acre in the northwestern achieved because different levels of
tween $20 and $40 per acre are pro- and southwestern regions, respec- labor and management, and risk,
i jected in the other regions, tively, but negative returns elsewhere, exist.
Dry beans, malting barley, lentils Field peas 0nly projected a return to The NDSU Extension-developed
land chickpeas normally show rela- labor and management of $13 in the budgets are available online at
:tively strong returns, but weak prices north-central region and losses rang-
:for these commodities caused 2019 ing for $20 to $50 per acre in other agement/crop-budget-archive, or by
'profit projections to be much lower regions. Durum wheat projected a re- searching online for NDSU Crop
Dry beans project a positive retum to turn to. labor and management of Budgets.
Kailee Tescher 'pies' teacher Markie Toso as part of an effort to support area food pantries.
~Courtesy Photo)~1~
Chronic wasting d detected
MEDORA - The DeMores Ele-
in new area of North kota mentary Student Council challenged
all Medora students to donate items
to the area food pantries, and a total
Three deer taken during the 2018 unchecked. Since 2009, 14 CWD- son. "The very few options that we of 353 items were collected.
North Dakota deer gun season have positive deer have been found in have available are aimed at reduc- The effort was approved by Prin-
been confirmed positive for chronic North Dakota, and all previous ing the number, duration, and in- cipal Shae Peplinski. The challenge
wasting disease, according to Dr. cases were from within hunting unit tensity of unnatural congregations started with a set number of items;
Charlie Bahnson, wildlife veteri- 3F2, which includes parts of Sioux, of deer - that is a major risk factor students were to donate to reach a
narian for the North Dakota Game Grant, Morton, Hettinger and for spreading any contagious dis- goal. The reward would be getting to
and Fish Department. Adams counties in southwestern ease." throw a pie in a teacher's face. Stu-
While two of the positive deer North Dakota. Additional regulations in 3F2 in- dents were asked to vote from five of
were taken in unit 3F2, an area of "Our experience with CWD include transportation restrictions to the teachers who agreed to the chal-
North Dakota known to have CWD, 3F2 over the past 10 years has reduce the likelihood of infected lenge. The students met the goal very
the third was taken from Divide shown that you can still have good carcass parts being moved to new quickly and voted for Jan Kuchera to
County in deer unit 3A], previously hunting opportunities after CWD is areas of the state and serving as a receive the pie.
considered free of CWD. discovered in an area, but you have source of CWD. At that point, the ante was upped,
"Unfortunately, the positive deer to be proactive in managing it," The department will consider and once again, students met the
in Divide County doesn't come as a Bahnson said. "Over the last several implementing similar regulations in goal; enter a second teacher from list,
big surprise, since CWD was found years, we have found it in less than response to the CWD detection in Mat Larson. This idea grew, and it
in Saskatchewan just a few miles 1 percent of the deer tested from Divide County in the comingended with three more goals being
north of Portal, N.D. last spring," 3F2. That's a number that we can months. "CWD is the most serious set and met. So, Peplinski, Chantel
Bahnson said. "Our focus needs to live with, but if that number starts disease threat to the future of big- Fulton, and Markie Toso were fortu-
now shift to taking measures to to climb, there will be real impacts game hunting in North Dakota," .nate enough to earn their very own
limit the spread of CWD within Di- to our deer herd." Bahnson said. "We owe it to our face pie. The teacher drew a name
vide County and to reduce the Special regulations previously children and our grandchildren to for each student who was to do each
chances of it being introduced to put in place in 3F2 have included do everything we can to combat it." toss.
new parts of the state." prohibiting hunting deer over bait. More information about CWD The items collected were donated
CWD is a fatal disease of deer, "There is no treatment or vaccine and regulations regarding CWD are to the Belfield/Medora and Beach
moose and elk that can cause long- for CWD and once it's in an area, available on the Game and Fish food pantries.
term population declines if left it's there indefinitely," said Bahn- website at In addition to students, staffers
and parents donated items. A large
number of items came from Pete
Students reach goal, teacher gets pied in face
Teacher Mathew Larson receives a pie from Rubi Johnson.
(Courtesy Photo)
m " State's financial rati g revised to stabl
AMIDON - Winter brings the opportunity to clear the neighbor authority agree ent to reduce fuel loads in the ~
500 to 600 brush piles that are a result of the work ac- pine stands, n e
complished on the Ponderosa Pines Thinning Project this The Ponderosa Pines Thinning Project decision,
summer, signed in May of this year, identifies five priority areas in BISMARCK - Moody's Investor"Recent declines in oil prices will ance by ensuring that ongoing expen-
The piles will be burned as weather conditions allow, the northern portion of Slope County, where prescribed Service has revised the state of North likely result in some economic and ditures don't exceed ongoing revenues,
the U.S. Forest Service says. Once begun, burning will mechanical treatment of ponderosa pines will occur. Dakota's issuer rating outlook from revenue volatility, however the state's while also proposing to transfer $315
last for several days and smoke will be visible for long Work within the listed priority areas will occur over a negative to stable, citing the state's energy economy and financial reserves million to the Budget Stabilization
distances. Burning of the brush piles will begin once multi-year period as funding is available, progress toward a structurally balanced are well-positioned to weather some Fund to help fill the rainy-day fund to
there is at least two-inches of snow cover in the area. The project is intended to improve the health and re- budget and replenishing reserves, short-term disruptions at this time," the the maximum allowed.
Fire crews will monitor the brush piles during burning silience of the pine stands to assure viability into the fu- The stable outlook "reflects the release stated. Moody's warns that "failure to re-
and will continue to monitor the piles until there is no ture. state's progress towards structural bai- The state's Budget Stabilization store structural balance and replenish
threat of a restart. Burning the piles is the final step Shannon Boehm, district ranger, Medora Ranger Dis- ance and rapid restoration of reserves Fund was drained last biennium, from the budget stabilization fund as cur-
needed to complete the work accomplished so far. With trict, said, "Removing the brush piles is a critical step in as the economy and revenues continue $573 million down to $38 million, to rently planned" could lead to a down-
the goal of increasing the pace and scale of landscape treating the unacceptably high accumulations of ladder to recover from the 2016 energy reces- cover a massive revenue shortfall. Gov. grade in the issuer rating. An issuer
restoration, the Dakota Prairie Grasslands (DPG) and the fuels that create a threat of catastrophic fire that threatens sion," Moody's stated in a news re- Doug Burgum's executive budget rec- rating is an opinion on the ability of an
North Dakota State Forest Service'entered into a "good private lands, and the unique pine resources." lease, ommendation restores structural bal- entity to meet its financial obligations.
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