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December 26, 1935 Golden Valley News | |
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December 26, 1935 |
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:s News
• ~~ evening, December 19,
Misa'~i~he'r and her pupils gave a
Trotters school.
a large tree r~o delight
for old and
and Mrs. Fisher and Mr.
and Gladys
Beach attended the af.
Tr~ters Sunday School and
Smith Creek school g~ve a very de-
program at the church on
20th. Rev, and
ellen and Mrs, Herb Hesse
of ~ch were among those present.
H. H. Burchette and J. A, Vin-
Mr~ and Mrs. Clms. Clark, or
Clark, Mont.. were Sunday dinner
g~est~ of the Voyne's.
Mrs, O~:~K, Otaley underwent a
m~JOr -,operation at Bismarck on
~Uq~ia~, o~ last week, and is getting
along a~ ~1 as can be expected at
this t~md.~ -~
Miss Smith. teacher of the Wilson
e(:hOoL went to her home at Minot
to spend the holidays.
~h~ "young son of Carl Carlson
who was taken to thp Dickinson hos-
~+Rltl, sllfferLRg with a ruptured ap-
pendix over~t week ago. is recovering
we ,are glad to 1"sPort.
The meeting o'f-the S~ uth Side Aid
1~ been pqstponed from Jan. 2rid
t~ January ]Oth. rt will be held at
tim church parlors.
Miss Helen Robertson returned on
~Wednesday from Moorhead to spend
h~r vacation at her home here.
The Henry Madison family were
Sumtay dinner guests at the Thor
Falkvord home.
$. Q. f~awhead and son came out
tn their farm Satnr lay on business.
Mr. and Mrs. Stevens were supper
8Ue~ts at the Wm. Voyne home Fri-
day evetling.
$. R. Andre and family left on
Monday for "Steele, N. Dak.. where
~'~ey will s~pend a week visiting rel-
ies and friends. Elbert Nelson of
Beach will keep the home fires burn-
~uriag their z~bsence.
-Golva News
The Golwt high school boys and
~irl~ basketball teams motored to
Hie Tuesday night, the girls being
Victorious with a score of 12 to 34.
the boys losing with a score of
$$, Tony Kreitinger, Bud Haigh,
and Joe Abraham took
' :~t~em~ down.
Frank Halgh, accompanied by Mr.
and Mrs. Charlie Huffman of Carlyle,
Ed ~tde of Alpha, left Friday
east, Ed going as
Huffmans to Chtca-
Green Bay, Wis.
spend Christmas with
Bernice and Tom. lie
gone about 10 days.
Schmitl and
helped Mr.
Schmitz dress turkeys
team came
night to be defeated by
of 17 to 34.
t the Golva
program, to a largo
was enjoyed by
even the coming of Santa Claus
di~ed the gifts, candy and
the teachers all
respective homes in
Dakota and Minnesota, except
Hurd, who went to
Christmas with
Mtss Wlnandy, Ralph Jacobs
out to attend
program at Kathryn
~ilZkoot '~ursda~ night.
Sharer came home from
spend Christmas with
H. O. Funk and
Jr.. and Mr, and Mrs,
left .SatU~ay morning for
a~tl Minneapolis where
holidays. Mrs.
from Chi-
about a
+ business has enabled us to improve and t6 expa6 , and ill strive during the coming year to'render an
even greater degree of service to you. May 1936 be f!Iled ith peace and prosperity for:all!
ROY NOYES and the Force of the COZY CAFE and TAPROOM
om/~ +.~ e~, I Ill "/I
Is SOMa parts of the country hills are taken for granted., .'anti good steep
ones, too. But for someof us who live in flatter coun:ry, hill driving Is
not so familiar.
As a matter of fact, there are several conditions
===ffi~'.'.: ..,+...:.,..:::~
.+. _,. ,o o,v. ,. _ .+
especially it the altitude is high. For instance, a ear
_--: that develops 100 horsepower at sea-level, has only
~~.~.~ ~2 horsepower at sm altitude of 5000 feet, ~nd only 60
~~~- horsepower on top of Pike's Peak.
Another thing i~ that sometimes grades are de-
ceptive and we don't realize how steep they are, if
there is no level ground to judge by.
,,~ j/,~~': : So if we go one road trip and happen to get £nio
country where hflI~ are hills, we often have no ides
.+.. +~ .~ of what Is in store for us. Like as not, we will come
~+~ % rolling up to a bill. taklng it for gr~mted thm+: wc'1:
• :'::+ mak, the grade. But before we've gone very tar we
find that our power seems to be giving out. and we're
~lowihg down. Then we rer-1~ we must ~t te second gear, but we're J~v
If we ha-en't found out so late that there We are. stalled on a hiIH " "
Now people who drive on hills all tim time say
one thing to remember is that there's nothing llke ~.~ ~.~
a good start. Of course, this is true, because the ~= :::::~:~
minute we start up, gravity starts to work and work +.-~, ~ =::::~'W~
fast+ Yard-by-yard it uses up our momentum tail by- /f ~ [~k~\
and-by that momenttm~ is just about gone. Then we ~ ~ L_
have to shift to s lower gear to increa~ our l~ower. "~l ~_~_1 "-'~] B-~
Ext0erkqtell us that by far the most common fault ) ~ ~ ~ F~
in hill-climbing is failure to shift to s lower gear y/~ ~/,
soon enough, So just to be. sure, some drivers set a ~ ~ ~T/'~/m=~
definite point at which to change gears. The con- ~ " /fdZ/~'~ ~
sensus of opinion seems to be that we should always ~ ~":-_"~. ~/~-~
. . ,, ~ f //~. =..".-~.~
go ate second gear as soon as our speed gets down ~.~. ~ ./~.-~
t~ 20 runes sn hour. ..... ~.:-,\~ /,//~.'-~
There a/'e thnes, however, when we want to stop ~'~"~'J /i//..:~-. "~ :
on a hill. $6 it's important to know how to start again, with our car:on am
upgrode, And there seem to be two methods used by experienced dri-¢er~-,
~+r.o+ 11 ~r.O+
Some use their foot brake to keep their
cars from rolling backward, put their engine
in low gear and accelerate slowly with the
hand thr~:',t-% gradually engaging tl~eir
clutch and releasing the brake at the sam~
time. Other good drivers do exactly the same
thing, only they use the hand brake and the
foot accelerator, But both groups tell us it
doesn't make much difference . . • to use
whichever method we happen to like ths
Now there aren't many hills that car~
can't climb nowadays.., and what goes up
must come down. And that's wbere;~,Ave
have to look out for momentum. He .~y
have been a friend in need when we ~ere
Beach Bantams
vs. Golva
Friday, December 27th
coming up hill, but going down he'll ~m~tw~y with us if we aren't Careful.
And if there are any sharp curves or any fend bumps or tOose gravel we~lave
to be careful 0r he'll pitch us right off theyoP J.
Many drivers say that we should gO dO~a a hill ~.:-: ~ .:~
in the same gear we would use to get up. lnother ~ :~:,~~
words, if it's Iteep enough so we would ha~e to gO Up
,n or .v~ t,w gear, t~ wed ~t~ ~ ~to ~ ~ ~"~-~ ~'~ ~'i
mat same ~ ~ors we ~t down. ~ our ~ is~ ~'t I"
in second or low gear. our en~ine wor~ as a very
effective brake, and be~ddes it mvu a ~t of wear
3n our real brake~. ~
Speaking of gears, experienced dr!yore say we
should never, under any condlUon, ~t~e our
clutch and coast down hill. That's just what momen-
tum is waiting for. Just give momentum It ~t~.rein, .~
without Our engine to check it. and nobody an tell ~.~
what's going to happen. ,.
VTm.h ~ do get in countc~ wh~) peol)/e are used
to driving on hills all the time, it may selnu to us that they take thosa hi~
without the slightest eonoern. But ff we were in their cars with them
and could watch them closely, we would see that they take all them pre-
cautions we have mentioned, just as a matter of habit. And one thing i~
They make it a rule never to pass other cam on hills, or get on the wrong
side of the roa¢l, when they can't see faren0ugh ahead to be sure whether
ar~o~'s coming.
~t ,, ...... L ~ l
Grand Champion Steer of 1935
'Pat's Blue Ribbon. black Angus steer raised by Clod 1~ Xoder of Wellmtm,
Iowa, was declared the grand champion steer at the International Live Stock
eqg~ltion In Chicago. The animal was auctioned to a Chicago packer~at
$ l~o~nd, brln~Ing $&l~O to it~ ~ou~ owner, who is showh £hove~wWa the ~-
Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Doblar were
callers at the Abraham home on l~rF-
day evening.
Mrs. Houck has returned to her
home after being in tke Beach
pital for a few days. She is much
improved in health at this writing.
Merry Christmas to all'
doesn't compare to the seems
pictured above. If you want to
avoid such calamities, use our
radiator solutions at the first
signs of cold weather.
Jalma.s, Early pr~ldbltim~t~ .
Japan's first prohibition regulation
was promulgated In the year 646 when
the drinking of sake was forbidden ex-
cept on certaln occasions and none
could be consumed following any ha,
tlonal calamity such as an: Oarthquake,
drouth or flood.
Delhi News
Harry Hill. who has been in the
Beach hospital, has returned to the l
Dick Kerr home mUch improved.
Mrs. Olaf Abraham was helping',
her mother, Mrs. A. F. Doblar. can
meat on Wednesday.
Kenneth Imrson called on Ivan
Glower who is working at the Olaf
Winger farm.
J. P. Reeve and wife were week-
end visitors at their ranch north of
Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Abraham and
children were callers at the Fred
Roberteon home on Thursday evening.
Floyd Hobbs and Olaf Abraham
helped A. F. Doblar butcher on
Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Easton were
shoppers in Beach on Saturday.
Richard Moore and Mr. McClena-
hen of Trotters way were delivering
horses in Beach on Saturday. They
returned home as far as the Olaf
Winger farm and spent the night.
Teddy Blue. and Ern Dailey were
Christmas shoppers in Beach on
Tuesday. )' ~(~II~
Mrs. O. W. Youells has returned
from Bismarck where she had been
to see her daughter and Mrs. Holm-
Help Kklneys
Harold and Kenneth Abraham were
Sunday callers at the Olaf Winger
Kenneth i.,arson and Ivan Glower
were callers at the V/m. Jandt home
on Sunday evening. Both boys have
worked for Mr. Jandt during the
The children of the T. D. school
were taken to the Indian Hill school
by their teacher to practice for their
Christmas program on Saturday and
Drive in today and let ~ I~Ye
your car a complete wi~ter-~v-
erhauling. Shift the worry to
our shoulders.
W. C. Schulz
With Christmas and the New Year approaching,
we extend to our customers and friends+lhe wish
that the future will bring in abundance all things
that go with Health, Happiness and Prosperity.
We are again offering bargain prices on
Our guarantee is the same on these i tree- ++
tors and machines as you would receive on new
farm ~plementg.
Dealer m MeCornu'¢k-~~ Farm ~ :+
And Imemmional,
Sentinel Butte
Friday to spend a few days with her
+. Mrs.. /.Jarred iNess visited in town
on Saturday.
............... ill)
A 1927 Pontiac coupe, will sell
c~ or trade for a good graiR drill
or stock car. Can be seen at Warren
Clar~s in Beach,
Services every Saturday.
Sabl~th School .................. II A. M.
Church Services ..................... 12 noon.
Romantle Cauttle
The castle at Adana, to the north-
east of Tarsus, in southern Turkey.
dates back to 782 and was built by
Haroun Al Raschid, of "Arabian
Nights" fame, The magnificent stone
bridge in this town was built in the
time of Justlntan.
~'F'ne Forgotten Man"
The expression "the Forgotten Man"
was used by Byron. Earlier it wU
~eed In a poem called '~he Common
Lot." In 1888 Willies-G~almm Sum-
ner, professor at Yale unlversi~, de-
i~rlbed the forgotten man.
, ;' ' IIU .......
Norway Not $o Cold '
Because the northern part of Nor-
way tiPS into the Arctic Circle the
erroneous impression prevails that it
Is a cold country, Instead, it "has
milder eltmate than a~y other Country
in the came lt~tltude~~ ': :
Myrtle Johnson returned Frid~
night to spend the Christmas vaca-
tion with her folks at Alpha. Myrtle
is attending Jamestown college.
Eugene LaMeres returned from
Richa.rdton on Friday to spend the
Christmas vacation with his folks.
The Congregational church is hold-
ing Christmas morning services at
7: 00 Wednesday A. M.
Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Mason left
on Saturday for Grand Forks where
they will spend a few days With
their son Sewall and family.
Kenneth Sheen returned Monday
evening from Kansas City to spend
a few days with his folks.
The Sentinel B~tte Independents
played the Alpha basketball team at
Alpha Sunday afternoon. The game
was very exciting, ending 41 to 40
in favor of the Sentinels.
Vivian Noram is home to spend the
holidays with her parents here.
The Sentinel Butte teachers left
over the weekend for their various
homes to spend their holidays, Miss
Fairfield; Miss
Sentinel Butte; Miss Kremenetsky to
Warlord City; Miss Burhans and Mr.
T0veY remained in Sentinel BUtte,
;and Mtss Augustadt to Goodrich.
Mr. Burhans in