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Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
December 26, 1935     Golden Valley News
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December 26, 1935
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"On Whirlwlrid Wlieer' THE BEACH REV~W V V J I Up Driver, Not Car, Escapes Control, I Says Henders°n ADVENTURERS' Advises Safety Pedal CLUB for Sudden Mishaps Se;ar'ate s ot pes CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA.-- A new auto appliance to prevent With 7 Million Times tm b :r ::nitd°nft:llsuS:rh°u:s ath= y' rawt- which took the life of Belgium's Force of young queen was described by Dr. Yandell Henderson, Yale uni- Rotors' Speed Exceeds 16,000 Miles an Hour CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA.-- The cream separator, that takes cream out of milk by high-speed whirling, has a smaller but vastly faster scientific counterpart in a 16,000-mile-an-hour centrifuge at the University of Virginia. This device, which develops a centrifugal force equivalent to 7,000,000 times gravity, is to be used in an effort to separate chemical isotopes, which are different-weight atoms of the same chemical elements. Reporting to the National Academy of Sciences meeting here, Dr. J. W. Beams, University of Virginia physics professor, told of adapting hiz high- speed air-driven rotor apparatus to the new highly important atom problem. Doctor Beam's rotor device can spin In a vacuum and attain velocities as high as 21,000 revolutions a second, or a rim speed of over 16,000 miles an hour. At these speeds the centrifugal forces produced are in excess of 7,000,- 00 times the force of gravity. Strength Only Limit. The only limit to the speed of rots. ties, Doctor Beams indicated, is the strength of the rotor. Under the great centrifugal force, the spinning metal files apart. So hazardous is the research with Bttle g-inch diameter rotors that It is carried on behind a barricade consist- ing of a wall of sand 4 Inches thick held in place by l~/~-inch thick wood planks. For larger rotors, still more protection is needed. Describing the separation of isotopes, Doctor Beams said: "Because of the new methods recent- ly found by many different experiment- era for disintegrating the atoms, It Is very important to obtain samples of the various pure tstopes so that the results of the atomic disintegrations can be clearly analyzed. At the pres- ent time we are undertaking this prob- lem of separating Isotopes, and the method Is briefly outlined, although no results are as yet ready to be reported. Differ in Atomic Weight "Isotopes have the same atomic number but different atomic weights. Therefore In a centrifuge the heavier isotopes settle out under the Intense centrifugal force faster than the light- er ones. "In addition to separation by centri- fuging, the rotor is made to select the heavier molecules of a gas or vapor directly. Thls Is easily aceompllshed because the velocity of a molecule de- )ends upon the square root of its mass. Since the peripheral velocity of the rotor can be made greater than the average molecular speed of most sub- stances, the rotor can easily be set at such a speed that, roughly speaking, only the faster (lighter) molecules can enter a hole on the periphery." versify professor of applied physiology, at a meeting here of the National Academy of Science. The device would prevent the type of accident now explained by the phrase "the car got out of control." In these accidents it Is not the car but the driver that gets out of control. Pro- fessor Henderson said. A self-pre- serving reflex action of the human body that "could not be eradicated in a million years" is what makes motor cars in perfect condition suddenly "get out of control." Babies Have Reflex. The reflex action Is a "self-righting reflex," much like that which causes a cat, no matter how It is dropped, to twist around lind land on its feet. It occurs In all animals. Even a new- born baby has it. No training can eradicate it. It is a righting reaction to recover balance and regain support for the body. In the driver of a me- tor car, it may be brought into play by a Jolt or by a start such as any driver may experience when he sees a child run Into the street ahead of his car. "When it occurs An the driver of a car," Professor Henderson explained, "the Impulse that don~nates him is to steady himself in his seal He grasps the wheel with his whole strength, his arms stiffen, and he Is as likely to steer off the road as along it. Simultaneously an~l as part of the same nervous and muscular complex, he performs another act so instinctive that in many cases he is entirely un- conscious of it. His legs are forcl~ly extended and his feet are pressed down hard. Suggests Safety Pedal. • 'Any motorist, no matter how ex- perienced, who is suddenly and severe- ly jolted, instantly reacts to steady himself in hts seat; and in so doing he presses his foot down hard on the accelerator pedal." The result Is that the car tears along at its highest speed, "out of con- trol," until It runs into a tree, wail, over a ditch or overturns. The remedy Professor Henderson suggests is a safety pedal for the left foot at the spot where this foot nor- really, rests when not on the clutch. Heavy pressure on this pedal, which would occur with the same reflex that drives the right foot down hard on the accelerator, should either counteract the pressure of the right foot on the accelerator an*d allow the throttle to close, or it should turn another butter- fly valve In the carburetor and shut off the power. Stimulating Climate May Cheek Leprosy, Says Dr. C. A. Mills ST. LOUIS.--The drive of a stimulating climate such as is en- joyed in the northern part of the United States, may be an effective cheek to the spread of leprosy, Dr. C. A. Mills of the University of Cincinnati college ot medicine told members of the American Society of Tropical Med- Icine at their meeting here. Doctor Mills sees leprosy sweeping over the entire world in the next cen- tury, as it dld in the Middle Ages, if the trend toward higher world temper- ature continues Meanwhile, he sug- gestB me'dug the Natqomd Leprosa- rlum from Carvllle, La., a place of low climatic drive, to Bismarck, N. D., the most stimulating spot available. A stimulating climate Is a vitally important ,faCtor for the existence of both men and other animals, Doctor Mills believes as a result of years of investigation of the relation of climate to health. The climate which he finds leads to increased bodily vigor, vitality and resistance to Infection Is one characterized by frequent dally changes In temperature without great extremes of heat and cold. Comparing the distribution of lep- rosy over the earth with the vigor of the climatic drive shows that the re- gions of least stimulation are the ones where leprosy is worst, Doctor Mills pointed out. Poultrymen Learn to Color Eggs--on Inside I WASHINGTON.--Poultrymen are now being told how to color eggs. No--not for Easter, not this far ahead. The idea is to color the egg Inside the shell, making the yolk pale yellow or deep orange, to suit the egg-buying customers. Small amounts of pimento or chltt pepper In regular rations will give the Feed- The official family at Bismarck, consisting of the heads of depart- manta and executive officials, met at a dinner recently, sponsored by the executive committee of the Nonpartisan League. Several im- promptu talks were made and North Dakota officialdom spent a very pleasant dinner.hour. ANOTHER MURDER MYSTERY The attorney general's office was asked for assistance in solving the Haga murder mystery in McKenzie county recently... Haga was shot and killed under mysterious cir- cumstances and his wife. is accused of the crime. Assistant Attorney General T. A. Thompson and Spe- cial Investigator Chris Martineson were sent out to assist local au- thorities. So far, the matter hen "~ot been solved. $ $ $ ASCERTAIN SEED NEEDS Governor Welford recently sent out a query to the various county auditors in the state to ascertain the seed needs for the coming year. Over half of the counties have been heard from and from the fig- ures already in, it appears as if the needs for seed will be far less than last year. The figures range from nothing to $400,000 in the different counties. The federal government sent into the state $12,000,000 for the purpose in 1935. OFFICES TO REMAIN OPEN With the exception of Christmas Day and New Year's, all offices in the state capitol will be open dur- ing the holidays .... The execu- tives and their forces will take days off, but enough of the force will remain on duty to take care of the routine work and receive call- ers. So if you are planning a busi- ness trip to the state capitol dur- ing Ghristmas week, you can find someone on hand to take care of your wants. HIGHWAY PROJECT FINISHED Completion of the National Re- covery Work Relief program of the highway department was made Oct. 1, 1935. The program began Oct. 1, 1933. Final checking after the program was completed show that 258 miles of road was graded, 388" miles reshaped and 1,086 miles was graveled. This was paid for as follows: $900,000 came from the original Public Works Adnlinistra. tion, $45,755.81 from the state high- way department for materials, $43,- 996.38 from the same source for ~uipment, rentals and labor; $169,. 388.10 from the various counties, and $2,552,138.96 from the Federal Emergency Re-employment Admin- istration. A total of $3,711,286.25 ~ was expended. $ t~ HOW'S THIS ONE? North Dakota has one lone refer. an of Roosevelt's famous Rough Riders, who were the heroes of the major land battle of the Spanish- American war, San Juan Hill ... The veteran is Col. Dave Hamilton, now equipment engineer of the North Dakota highway department. Col. Hamilton says that there were at one time several veterans ot thin fighting unit living In the state, as there was a number enlisting from here, but now, so far ns he knows, he Is the only one left. However, If there are others In the state, which he does not know about, he would be glad to hear from them. If any reader of this column hap- pens to be one, Col, Hamilton would like to get in touch with him. $ $ $ FORTY-EIGHT HOUR LAW Jack Hammelsmlth, deputy com- missioner of agriculture and labor, In charge of the labor division, an- nounces that he is going to enforce the forty-eight hour law for women tn all instances wherein violations come to his knowledge .... Num- erous complaints have been made in regard to the violations of this measure since the rules of the NRA have been called off. However, there la a state law in which the labor week for women is set at forty.eight hours, and Mr. Hummel. smith solicits the assistance of states attorney~, the legal frater- nity in general, and public-minded citizens in seeing that the law ie enforced. $ * * EMERGENCY COM. MEETS A meeting of North Dakota's Emergency Commission took place at the ~ffice of the governor this week .... This board that rarely meets, consists of the governor, secretary of state, and conrmisslon.' er of agriculture and labor, The reason for the meeting was to find il ~ By FLOYD GIBBONS Famoue Headline Hunter. ALOT ofswell stories seep through the tent-flaiSs of the circus when it comes to town, and a lot" of the adventures that take place in that exciting business are often not seen by the audiences. Carnivals are pretty much the same way. Ever since I can remember I've had a secret yen to travel with a circus. Haven't you? Richard T. Powers, our entertainer, had that same yen and went through with it. Dick Joined a traveling circus and earuival when he was only four- teen and he's been In the business ever since. He'e twenty.two now. The most exciting thrill In his exciting life happened to him two years age on a Ferris wheel in Middlobor~ rll never forget the first Ferrls wheel in this country. It was brought over from Paris, where It had been the big attraction at the Paris exposition and set up In Chicago during the first Chicago World's fair. I wu only a baby at the time, but I can still remember, the thrill I got riding around In that thing high above the roof tops. Afterwards they put it up On the north side of Chicago and I was a steady customer. Dick's Job Was the Kind You Dream About. We~ sir, Dick had a swell Job on the Ferris wheel at the Middleboro carnival, He could hop on and off the giant wheel and ride as many times al he wanted to without it costing him a cent I'd a paid money for a job like that. Dick got ao used to It that he could jump on and off while It war moving. Like the fellows who work on mechanical amusement devices, ha liked to g~ah hold of the steel rail that ran around the cars and swing himself aboard like an acrobat That was a lot of fun and spectators used to marvel at his recklessnes& • he wheel was run hy electricity and operated by an electrician in the huh. One day, when business was not so good, Dick made a sensational hop aboard the moving wheel and swung himself into a seat. He sat hack an¢ admired the scenery as his car swung to the top of the high arc. This Ferris Wheel Held Unadvertised Thrills. He was alone in the car and decided he would hop off when he came down end step aboard another car. Dick grabbed hold of the steel rod all ready tf let go and make a graceful landing when~Zowie ! Something like s thousand needles shot up hls arms and into his body. He realized in a flash what had happened. The electricity had gone hay.wire somehow or other and the power had charged the steel rail. He tried to let go to drop to the ground, but ha couldn't release his grip. The electric power held him to that rail as if in a visel Up went the wheel for its next revolution. Dick was too high from ths ground now to drop, but he tried to swing into the car. Still he couldn't le! go. Two hundred and fifty volts of electric Juice has a way of holding on t¢ Dick Was Too High Now to Drop, •felIow aud there In mid-air Dick hung like a trapeze artist and watched the ground get farther and farther away. Dtck was on the outside of the wheel, out of sight of the engineer, who knew nothing of his plight. Far below he could see spectators gathering to watch what they considered another thrill • , Crowd Cheers as Dick Is "Getting Killed." It was a thrill all right, Dick says, but one he had not planned. He tried to signal with his feet, hut every move was Just taken for another dare-devil Itunt. " 'As the wheel brought him to the top ha euddenly went white at the theught of what might happen to him If the engineer suddenly shut off the power. The shock had so numbed hie arms that he was sure he could not hold on, Using ell his fast ebbing strength he swung one knee over the went up from the ground and Dick ground his The dumb.belial Didn't they know he was getting Evg. Now the Ground Was an Unwelcome Sight Dick was able to hold on. better In his new position, but suddenly a new HIe head Just missed one of the uprights of the wheel; he as It grazed his hair. Dick says he is certain his hair Was on end. he next one to But It was and It looked like he had a bad for He teeth aad waited. ~ldn't stOpl The ~uice stayed on and glued ImOr DiCk te like a fly on flypaper. A~ the wheel started up on another turf% DIC~k stm-ted to let~out and Dtok was so high now that he couldn't take a chance on falling. Go areund he went again on the doggonc~t Ferris wheel ride & man : decided'he would yell for help when his body was even with the on the next descent. But, by the time he had made another complete the shocking electricity and the horror of hie situation had made him 'Round She Goes--Dick's Life in Balance, off place wlth~t a sign and, believe It or not, that ~nd that way--six times 1 id have been there yet If one of the manaiiere ~ariager, of course, didn't know anything about running wild through that bar and he thought Dick showing off and was afraid to climb off the rod. Dlek*s ear was even with the ground he signalled the engineer got ready to bawl out his reckless attendant. the current was off Dick dropped to the ground like flo~r f Fortunately he wasn't hurt;, but he couldn't stop shaking for f the whole thing, Dick says, was when one of if he wasn't afraid to do stunts like that i because, you see. "the show must go on." But off. ~-~WNU aervleL Attractive and SimpleRag Rug By GRANDMOTHER CLARK This design is very attractive am4 a Mmple rug to make if a square rug Is desired. This ru~ measures 3~ inches and requires about 3 pounds of rags to crochet. Each section crocheted separately and then ~lp-: stitched together. This model prove~ that really charming rugs can be made from rags. This is known as "Arbor Window" rug and should be made up in colors to match the fur- nishings In the room. This is one of the twenty beautiful rugs shown In our rug book No. 24, Full directions are given for this rug and also the nineteen others. fifteen cents to our rug for rug book No. 24. If you need a' hook to crochet your rug with send twenty-five cents for both hook and rug book. Address Home Craft Co., Dept. C, Nineteenth and St. Louis Ave., St. Louis, Me. Inclose a stamped dressed envelope for reply when writ- ing for any Information. No Need to Suffer "MorningSickness" "Morning sickness" -- is caused by acid condition, To avoid it, acid mu~ offset by a/ka//s--such as magneda. Why Physicians Recommend Milnesia Wafers These mint-flavored, candy-like wafem rail ~ of magnesia in solid fro-m-- most pleasant to take it. Each mouth and and insure ~ vos~ the waste matte~ that bloated fe~ and discomforts. Milnesia Wafers come in bottles of~0 and 48, at 35c and 60e respectively, and ;n convenient tins for your handbag contnia- /ng ]2 at 20c Each wafer isapproxinm~ one adult dose of milk of magnesieb good drug stor~ sell andrecommend them. Start using these deSdemb effecU~e anti.acid,gently laxativo wafers tod~ Professional samples sent free to re~ist~ physicians or dentists i frequent ts made, on prbfessional letterhead. Sd~-t ~a~l~, lac., 4402 23rcl St., Long Island City, ~ Y. 35¢ & 60c 20c tins TANNING HIDES $050 La~ I~ther, ~.¢#. D~r, Cte& and ~ ~ Chrome Tann~ ~z~ mad u~. Maki~ ~ a¢ Mitten, ~Oc a 9a~r az~ t~. ~~ ~ wml--x ' . ez.-~ ou~-~esi s wrong? to end Wants Mental Tests for Governmental, Political Leaders T ESTS of mental and emotional soundness for every govern- gestions of Dr. Stewart Paten, neur0- biologist and student of prOblems of war, were followed. 17~MIII~X~y' "/~ders must be physically add zhentally~ sound. That is mnlver- •ally agreed, Doctor Paten pointed OllL Yet little or no attention is tmld to the equally Important requirement of sound mental and emotional qua~fiea- • ties in our goverum~l and l~olitlear leaders who are engaged in the vital business 0f'diplomattc negotiation, 'dls- cushion and arbitration. Peace Needs Technique. Making peace,-the rational and peaceful settlement of dlsputes--re- qulres definite apd particular tech- niques and methods of appreac~. A great deal of v~luabte, energy. Is wast- ed in promoting rather than in prac- ticing peace because of lack of appre- ciation "of this fact, only too well known to the physician who deals with mental ailments. , "Mental hygiene, as time goes on, can assls~ the American people in find- ing Peaceful and~ratlonal solutions of their personal business, industrial and pollt|eal problems," he sald. "Man is gradually ]earnlng to fuse impulse and reason, and Unless the strain iz to~ great, he often succeeds In being peaceful, sane and human." I Child;' are still