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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
December 26, 1935     Golden Valley News
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December 26, 1935
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HAPPy A ~ • " And SENTIN~, ]~U~'rE REVIEW OFFICIAL PAPER OF GOI DEN VALLEY COUNTY AND THE CITY OF BEACH ,VOLUME 5 ,PRO :E ' "; ..... LANGER.AND i i, j i m i ' WIN OVER 1 HIGH TEAM I FOUND LAST FRIDAY NITEI Jury Trial Brings In After Seven After ha~ing . tWice before rough ~he United s~tes government on 41urges defining conspiracy to bldek ~dministration of an act of congress, ~ ~rmer- Governc¢ W~lliam LaRger and his two aides. R. A. Kinzer and Frank A. Vogel,, were acquitted at Thursday by a jury of 12 men who debated the possibility of guilt for seven lmurs. The third trial oP- ened D~esmber 6, and went to the jury at 5 p. m. Wednesday. At the same trial Senator Oscar H. ~rickson, ch~alrman of the North ~)akota state central Reupblican com- mittee, was 1Ye~d from similar cha~ g~s by dir~ct aeq~ by presiding Federal Judge J. Lee Wyman. Sioux ~alis, S. Dak..o Who was called to h~r the action after petitions or predjudice had been filed against Federal Judge Andrew Miller of tht~ ~et. It was in May 1934. that the orig- inal conspiracy ~trial was started, to end 3une 17 in a conviction that was ~ater reversed by the circuit court of appeals. The second trial ended :November 15, when the jury failed to agree. Three Way Verdict Judge Wynmn In his charge to the ~}ury Wednesday stated that any one of three verdicts might be returned. I Guilty, as charged. ~.. Not guilty, as charged. 3. Any one or more of the defend- ~nts guiltY, as charged. Under the law such cl~rges plac- ed by the federal government carry a minimum penalty of two years im- l~sonme~ and $10,000 fine. The extent -ed~~tbe ~ punishment woul& have res~ with Judge Wyman, had the defendant~ been found guilty. ;$ud~Wyman In his charge to the :blry,, emphasized the defendants are presumed innocent until their guilt has been established by competent evidence beyond a reasonable doubt." "Reasonable d(~3bt," Judge Wyman said, means ~xactiy what the lang- uage emplo~_~slgnifles.'" • .~M-udt Be Sure ""A Jurol*~aY be said to entertain ~rea~mmb~'~loubt if, after weighing carefully ~ facts in the case in the light of ~[istice., he cannot morally say he 'l~convinced of the guilt of the defefl~lants. "If yoq~cannot say to yourself 'I ~n morq~ certain of the guilt of ~--~ef~its,' then you entertain a ,~rea~,~ble doubt' and it will be Y~ur ddi~ to return a verdict of not .guilty. ~e other hand, if you consid- ~'case. beating in mind all of *~te~e.~tetotm. and are morally oct- fain of their guilt, then your verdiCt ,should be a verdict of guilty." In deciding as to credibility of' witnesses an& weight of testimony ~tt the trial, the ~urors should take "Into e~slderatlon ~he feeling of pos- Y =~ible bias and manner and demean- ~)r of the witnesses on the stand while testifying, and the 'reasonableness' of their story~ ~udge Wyman said. No Dispute Tie etated that there w~as no dis- puts that the federal government furnished the state, upon ,application Of Langor, when'~governor, funds and that ~I~~. m~bniee were -It al~ BEACH, GOLd~EN VAX~NY COUNTY. NORTH DAKOTA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1935 T BRIGHT FOR NATIONAL GU,ARD" HERE [ ~ . "/ I% Ill II E~kson el Devils Lake. and treasur- e~Charles Strehlow of Reeder. Het- linger county. George Strum, Norms Stepanek and l~dna Erikson are three of the four 1935 winners of the outstanding club member award. The fourth award went to teens Luedtke of Medina. Stutsman County• The 1935 institute was attended by 517 delegates from 47 counties. SENTINEL BUTTE SGHOOL HAS CHRISTMAS PROGRAM --tl enjoyable scho51 Christmas pro- g4m was presented at the Sentinel Bu~tte opera house last Friday even- ing, the numbers consisting of: Music--H. S. Band I~ecola. A musical Christmas Story Close of First ] Half '[ Officel~S of the North Dakota 4-H ~11 [Club Achievement Institute, elected The alumni basketball team used]f°r 1936"'at the closing session of their height to advantage in tbe last l~uhe dl?5o~:e~ll:S:::t~l~?~t;:n P=" half of their game with the htghl~o:tant part in the activities of the school here Friday night and stretch-[state club organization. FrOm left to ed their one point half-t~me lead to[right, are president, George Strum of a final score of 45 to 21 in their[Hastings, Barnes County; Vice-presl- favor.'~here was little to choose be-lident. Norms Stepanek of Wheelock, twesn the two outfits the first half]Williams county; secretary, Edna and that period ended 14-15. In the] ........ last ..half the alumni opened up Wlth]--~-~ ..... an overhead game which the corn- " ..... t I SENTINEL BUTTE STUDY par~tive~y snort high scnooJ earn I GLUB HAS XMAS PARTY could not cope with and soon piled up a comfortable lead. J --il Irv Thompson of the alumni was] The Martin home was the scene of high point man of the game, bagging]a beautiful party on Tuesday even- six field goals, five of them in the ling when Mrs. Lyle Martin opened second half and a pair of gift shots • " l her home to the Sentinel Butte Study Albert Gilman was high scorer for [Club for their annual Christmas the high ~chool with four field goats Party• and ~ free throws. The box score: FG l~r PF AlSUi~, Guerdon 3 0 3 Evans. Dougl~s2 0 I Evans, Donald 3 0 1 Oech, Roy 4 0 1 ~omp~on. Ted 1 0 I ~bol~l~ml, 1rv6 2 Thompson, Vic 1 0 0 Davis, Carl 1 0 0 Jones, Bob 0 1 1 TOTAL ........................................................... 45 BEACH H.S. FG FT PF Gilman. Albert 4 3 2 Geyer, Duane 2 0 1 Hanevold, John 2 0 1 Ramstad, M~rvin1 0 2 Beckley, Maurice 0 0 1 The house was beautifully decorat- ed in the Christmas colors and there were two decorated trees, one large one in the hall and a smaller one on the dining room table. Covers were laid for sixteen at card tables and dinner was served at. 6:30. The husbands of the members were the gaemts. Mrs. Mason ~- was- ed~se~t on account of illness and Mr Nunn was unable to be present. After the dln• ner bridge was played at four tables. The play resulted in prizes going to ~Ist, 2nd. 3rd. 4th grades and Glee Club "Wand Drill--Sth-Gth grades, Harmony Band Selections--lst-2nd grades Christmas Drill~Sth-6th grade boys "Christmas Strlke"--7th and by Santa Claus "~',Following the Program cake and coffee were served ~o all a~ the school house. Mrs. Wagner. high lady, Smith, high gentleman, Christmas gifts were and much fun was derived from the fact that the men received ladies presents and the ladies received the gentlemen's presents. Several stunts and contests were carried out later in the evening. This annual event is a source of much pleasure to those participating. The court house was the scene of a nice little Christmas party last Saturday afternoon when the various county officials gathered, exchanged gifts and enjoyed an interesting and rather original program. After the program delightful refeshmeuts were served. Colored Cage . PLAY AT U B CHURCH and Fr,~u, - ' " i ~ The seniors of the United Brethren distributed church will give an after Christmas play Sunday night at 7:30. The title of their play is "It Happened in Bethlehem." The purpose is to con- vince certain shepherds that the Babe is thee Messiah. There are four- teen characters including Mary, Jo- seph, shepherds and wisemem. S. B. FIREMEN TO HOLD ANNUAL DANCE JAN. I The Sentinel Butte Volunteer Fire]ings department announces that it will[ stage its annual dance this year on1 New,Year's night, Jan. l~(not New Yeax s Eve.) The Burns orchestra will play and a good time is assured I all who attend, l Artists HANDEL'S"MESSIAH" ISTATE "i PRESENTED HEREANOl ATMEDORACGC CAMPl GENERAL BeachuCnht:Ta:d CrgCt Boys BE HERE Cantat~ ii The Badlands Newsettc~(Medora CC Camp}--For the past month the chorus of Co. 2767 has been Practic- ing ti~e Messiah by Handel. This Is a famous c~ntata and is familiar to most ])eerie. Those who do not rec. ognize tbe name will recognize some of the music, for parts of it are broadcast over the radio every Christ mas and Parts of it are sometimes all of it is put on by church choirs all over tim United States aml in many foreign counlries. Probably the best known part of the music is the Hallelujah Chous This will be heard from most broadcasting Slat- lions before or on Christmlas. The camp chorus practiced this with 1he Beach Congegatonal choir which was trained and directed by Bey. Isllinger~" and Miss Stough. one of the Beach public school teachers. There were 28 singers in the combin. ed chorus. Solo parts were taken by Rev. and Mrs. Ellinger, Betty Miller and Dor- othy Noyes. The chorus was put on in the camp suing and was night at Beach. The recreation hall was crowded to capacity~and the aud ience seemed to be appreciative of tl~ts wonderful music. Many visitors were present from town, ................... lIlT .............. CARD OF THANKS "-41 We extend our heartfelt thanks to all the friends who helped and com- forted us during the recent injury to other members of the family and loss of our beloved husband ~tnd father, We want especially to thank those who gave the musical and floral offer- at the services. Mrs• J. W.~ Hubble Mr. ~tnd Mrs. Harry Hubble and son. Walter. Warren. Boyd and Huge Hubble Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Johnston and family. To Play At Sentinel Butte ~ll ~ Mass Meeting Call~ For Court Room At 8 P.M. Indications that Golden ty may get the guard company and were given a big boost t h e news ~hat Frayne Baker Of Bismarck, state com- mander of of the National Guard, will be in the city next Monday, Dec. 30, to look over various sites for the building, and to look things over in general. His, visit here at that time will no doubt b'e a strong determin- ing factor in ~whether or not Beach will get the armory and NationaI Guard company, as Gem Baker is one of the key men in deciding what town' in North Dakota shall get these. A mass meeting of all Golden Val- ley county citizens interested in the proposition will be held at 8 p. m. Monday evening in the court room here, and everyone is urged to at~enfl this meeting, and to show that Beach and Golden Valley county are one behind the plan. able location, and every be made to the strong for the- proposition nex~ number of local citizens have been Gen. Baker will be guest of at a special Lions club next the Golden Valley hotel, and is slata~ to give a brief,address at that time. in regard to the It is understood and national guard com~ are approved, construction of building would probably start abmlt next April 1, ............. ,~tll DEMOLAY ANNUAL CHRISTMAS DANCE TOMORROW NIGHT - II - Tomorrow (~riday) night there will be held the annual DeMolay Christ- mas Frolic, a-dancing party that has gained widesPread recognition as cBe of the outstanding good times of the they have ever put on, and a real time is in prospect. Good music has been obtained, and a suecees f~ party seems assured. KUHFELD IN AUTO ACCIDENT When retuyning trip last fore the Neice, Joe 0 1 0 TOTAI.r"~ ............................................................ 21 _ -fill PAUL WISCHOW HONORED AT PLEASANT SURPRISE PARTY II- A group of neighbors and friends gathered at the Paul Wischow farm last Saturday evening for a surprise birthday party on Paul. progressive whlst was played, high prize going to Fred Kannenberg and Mrs. Alfred Ueckert, and low to Mrs. W. T. Pederson and Leslie Premo. A very delicious lunch was served at mid-. night~ Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kannenberg, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Pederson, Mr. and Mrs, Win. Ueckert and daughter Eleanor, Mr. and 4Vlrs. Alfred Ueckert and son Darrel, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barrett, Miss Emma Lievens, Mr. and Mrs. John Hougen, and Leslie Premo and daughter Avis. All left for their homes at an early hour, wishing Paul many more happy birthdays. i[11 BEACH.BANTAMS HAVE TWO GOOD GAMES COMING UP ,iF A fast basketall game is in pros- pect at the local gym this Friday ev- ening, Dec. 27, when the Beach Ban- tams meet the strong Golva Inde- pendents. These are practically the same teams that put on such a battle in the final game of the independent tournament last year and their setto Friday night should be plenty inter~ esting. On Jan. 11, the Miles City" Inde- pendents are scheduled to play here and lovers of good basketball are assured of a real exhibition When they meet the Bantams. The Miles City aggregation has ouite st reput~ tion in Montana tndependen[,b~ket- ball circles and the local boys ar~ out to "do themselves proud:' their ;~easment~ Judge Wyman stat- ,~.