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Beach, North Dakota
December 25, 2014     Golden Valley News
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December 25, 2014
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De ember 25, 2014 Golden Valley News Page 5 Hat Tips By Dean Meyer Beverly Nistler Beverly Nistler, 80, Linton, died on Friday, Dec. 19, 2014, at her home. Memorial services will be held at 10 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 27, at Myers Funeral Home Chapel, Lin- ton,.. Burial will be at 1 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 30, at the North Dakota Veter- ans Cemetery, Mandan. Beverly was born Beverly Mac Erickson, to Carl Louis John and Ethel (Tangen) Erickson on July 5, 1934,.in Beach. After graduating from Beach High School, she at- tended Presentation School of Nurs- ing in Aberdeen, S.D., graduating in 1955. She worked as a nurse from then until her retirement in 1993. Beverly married Walter Nistler on Jufie 26, 1961, and upon her retire- ment they moved to Linton to be were Linda and Bob Schiwal, closer to their two daughters. Jeanette and Ervin Geigle, Laurie Beverly will be remembered for and Kevin Schmidt and Ron Popiel. her love of family and her love of an- She will be greatly missed by her imals, family and pets - Psycho, Cat and Beverly leaves behind two daugh- Goldie -left behind. ters. and one son-in-law, Jackie and She was preceded in death by her William Schlosser of Linton, and husband, Walter, her grandson, Erik, Kristi Hansen and special friend, Bill her sisters, Lois (Popiel) and Lillian, Hanson of Gettysburg, S.D., one and her brothers Raymond and br0~her, Robert, three grandchildren, Lloyd. Ja.yden Hansen and special friend You may share memories and Ki~rsten Cronin, and Cody and Taryn condolences with the family at the Sahlosser and several nieces and Myers Funeral nephews. Especially close to her Home website: " Georgiane Pedeliski ~A Parastas for Georgiane PedeRski, 75, of Dickinson, formerly of Belfield, will be at 11 a.m, Friday, Dec. "26, 2014, at St. Demetrius Ukrairfima Catholic Church, Fair- field, with the Rev. Taras Miles cele- brating. Visitation will be one hour prior to the service with rosary and vigil to be held at 10 a.m. Burial will take place in St, Demetrius Cemetery, northeast of Belfield. Visitation for Georgiane was from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., Wednesday, Dec. 24, at Steven- son Funeral Home, Dickinson. Georgiane passed away Wednes- day, Dec. 17, at CHI St. Joseph's Health in Dickinson. gan Pedeliski; two great-grandchil- One way to keep warm while checking cows BLM seeks Hello, And a Merry Christmas to you and yours ! To most people, Christmas is a time for family and friends. A time to give thanks and a time to celebrate the birth of Christ. Oh, many people complain that Christmas is now too commercial, but dang, it's fun to sit and watch grandkids rip open gifts and scream with delight when they find the "shark teeth" they had wanted for a year were under the tree ! For many ranchers, it is the Christmas cow sale. I guess every sales ring in the Dakotas has a bred cow sale during the holidays. The family can come to town and ex- change those boots that don't quite fit and' tba'ehat thatqs the wrong color, and buy a trailer load of cows to take home before the New Year. And a good time is had by all. Now, speaking of good times, we preg checked cows the other day. I guess it was one of the more miser- able days of December. I think the high was around 12 above. The southeast wind was whipping new snow around and the vet hadn't told me he wanted a space heater, We told him to cowboy up. And dang it was cold. But, thanks to a couple of younger hands, they managed somewhat of a solution. We had a thermos of hot coffee to take the chill out of your bones. They also had contributed a bottle of something called "Fireball". Now Fireball is an alcoholic beverage that warms your body and soul from the inside. I think it would also be pretty darn good on pancakes, but Shirley nixed that idea pretty quick. I suppose the Fireball contributed to the good time we had in spite of miserable conditions. I've told you before we are a shar- ing family. We are like the Indians that greeted the Pilgrims. We share. What's ours is yours, and by coinci- dence, what is yours is ours. So we borrowed a neighbor's corral to work the cattle in. Because he had a load- ing chute we could load some cows out to take to another ranch. We don't have a loading chute. I bor- rowed one last spring, but I think I told you; someone wrecked it in the dark of night. The following are some of the Eugene J. Smith, 52, Dickinson; cases closed in Southwest Dis- Jason R. Smith, 37, Baker, Mont.; trict Court in Billings County in Micah T. Stair, 30, Knoxville, November: Tenn.; John C. Stiegler, 32, Ridge- crest, Calif.; Jordan L. Speeding: Brooke E. Arm- Thormahlen, 19, Williston; James strong, 32, Minot; Mary J. Baum- M. Trull, 50, Williston; Ronnie A. gartner, 32, Dickinson; James M. Watson, 51, Bismarck; Charles P. Braun, Belfield; Kenneth W. Wedde, 39, South Haven, Minn.; Bridgemohan, 42, Lampasas, Adam W. Hagen, 26, Wasilla, Texas; Billy R. Brutchin, 38, Alaska; Cody S. Kollman, 36, Hugo, Okla.; Ronald C. Buchart, Kensal, N.D.; Samuel I. Ogah, 27, 19, Parker, Colo.; Reyes A. Fairview, Mont.; Steven J. Wipf, Chavez, jr., 44, Arnegard; Brian 49, Sturgis, S.D. Chinn, 29, Greeley, Colo.; Fer- Simple assault: Christopher M. nando G. Correa-Reyes, 25, St. Kenney, 23, Medora George, Utah; Cassie A. Foster, 26, Disorderly conduct: Christo- Mandan; Mitchell D. Fuchs, 44, pher M. Kenney, 23, Medora Dickinson; Drew M. Fuecker, 27, Assault: Kory R. Mashek, 26, Windsor, Colo.; William I. Bismarck Gemaehlich, 30, Sweet, Idaho; Tampering with witnesses and Well, this neighbor that was kind enough to lend us his corral also has input on lease a couple of Shetland ponies. We as- sured him the ponies would not bother us. He could just leave them i~,~. v..., S in the corral. The easiest place to set that bottle The Bureau of Land Management of warming elixir was on the Ritchie is seeking public comment on eight water tank, near the chute. I had parcels nominated for oil and gas leas- thrown the lid away, confident that ing in Bowman, Williams, Golden by the time we were done with the Valley, Divide and Burke counties for cows, the lid would not be needed, a 15-day scoping period, which will As we neared the end of the job, end on Dec. 30. someone let out a holler. A holler that The preliminary parcel list as well sounded surprised and somewhat as recommended stipulations is avail- upset. He pointed able on the BLM Montana/Dakotas We looked over and that little websiteat: spotted pony was licking the top of Current and updated information per- our warmer! I quickly grabbed the taining to this sale, as well as other en- bottle before he could spill it, and vironmental assessments and lease then out of curiosity, offered the sale notices can also be found at this pony another shot. He curled his lips, web address. and quickly sucked on that bottle. He The public is welcome to con- loved it. But trust me gentle readers, tribute comments regarding these I did not give him enough to hurt lease parcel nominations by one of the him. following methods: But, the curious thing was, much Emailblm mt north_dakota lease like the relatives that helped that day, once that pony tasted that cinnamon Mail: North Dakota Field' Office; flavored whiskey, we couldn't get rid Attention: Paul Kelley; 99 2-3rd Av- of him. enue West, Suite A;Dickinson, ND Merry Christmas ! Dean 58601 Before including your address, phone number, e-mail address, or other personal identifying informhtion in your comment; be advised that your entire comment, including your per- sonal identifying information, may be made publicly available at any time. While you can ask the BLM in your comment to withhold from pub- Care required in operating a lic review your personal identifying vehicle: Colten E. J. Turner, 16, information, the BLM cannot guaran- Dunn Center tee that it will be able to do so. All Overtook where prohibited: submissions from organizations, busi- Shawn P. Jaeger, 44, Kearney, Neb. Disregarded stop sign: Darrien nesses and from individuals identify- J. Hathcock, 32, Jonesville, La. ing themselves as representatives of organizations or businesses will be Following too closely: Timothy available for public review. D. Davis, 32, Bronson, Texas; Tyler J. Rivette, 19, Alpena, Mich. Driving while license privilege is suspended: Hugo Badillo- Winners named Loaiza, 44, Fort Worth, Texas; Roy A. Emerson, 62, Williston; Lizette A total of $1,000 was given away J. Mason, 25, Portland, Ore. after the 20i4 Holiday Extrava- Front seat occupants not ganzapromotion held by the Beach belted: Brooke E. Armstrong, 32, and Wibaux, Mont., chambers of Minot; David D. Broeckel, 44, commerce. Belfield; Jesse T. Richardson, 21, Winners were: Ami Brookens, Rushville, Nob.; Kimyotta L. first place, $500; Katrina Willis, sec- Shepard, 31, Raleigh, N.C.; Jordan ond place, $300; and Jadah Kerr, attended school in Belfield. On Nov. John Reiss III, Sierra Reiss, and 12, 1957, Georgiane and PeterAlexandra Kaminski; one step-great- Pedeliski were united in marriage at great-grandchild, Evalynn Reiss; St. Demetrius Ukrainian Catholic brothers, Robert Smith of Liv- Church. To this union four children ingston, Mont.; and LeRoy "Buddy" were born: Patricia, Robert, (Delores) Smith of Belfield; sisters, Susan and Jeffrey. Shortly after Laverne "Toots" Luptak of Dickin- Peter's death on April 14, 1979, son, Janice "Jenny" (Louie) Georgiane moved to Belfield until Schlosser of Bismarck, and Mary 1992 when she moved to Dickinson. (Peter) Kuntz of New Rockford; spe- In November 2013, she moved to cial friends, Alvin Fichter and Mary St. Benedict's. Georgiane loved Jane Leiss; and many nieces and working with beads and making jew- nephews. elry; collecting dolls and pens and She was preceded in death by her enjoying, afternoon coffee time. husband Peter; her parents, Peter Georgiane is survived by her chil- and Magdalen Smith; parents-in-law, dren, Patricia (Ronald) Heiser of Mike and Wasalina Pedeliski; Dickinson; Robert Pedeliski of West- brother, Karl "Buster" Smith; sister- minster, Colo.; Susan Pyfer of Dick- in-law, Rosi Smith; brother-in-law, inson and Jeffrey (Susan) Pedeliski Albert Luptak; and niece, Shelly of BelfieId;sixgrandchildren: Nicki Schlosser. Pedeliski, Shannon (Kyle) Moe, Remembrances and condolences Joseph Pedeliski, may be shared with the family at Kitty Pyfer, Billy Pyfer and Mor- Georgiane Smith was born Sept. dren: Shayden and Kameron Moe; Eric C. Hampton, 45, Dickinson; informants in proceedings: Cyn- L. Thormahlen, 19, W-iltistorL ...... third place, $200. Each prize con- 61 1939, irt,rural South Heart, the one step-~randdaughter, Kim (Ranc6, ~' LorenA)Hendr!@S0n 25; Watford thia B. Eli, 40, Dickinson Failed to displaylca:r#ent reg- sists of 1/2 d~tughter,~of Peter and Magdalen David i~a~rrt~fa'~t~)Rc!~; ~e~step- ~ uv,o ~, ....... ,~,.-~, ............ ,, , Beach B~ks:~and, !/2 Wibaux Ctty; 41 omas : , t-foldhusen, 70, Faflure to register motor vehi- istration, plates tabs: Kimyotta ' "~"' :- : . ~' Bucks. r ' (Billmhn) smith. She grew up and great-grandchildren '~ ~ " ~ ! !r V'%' Ip"s~tch'' S'D'; Ste~,en J. Johnso~i, cle: Steven J: Wipf, 49, Sturgis, L. Shepard, 31, Raleigh, N C. Retrouvaille marriage 53, Belfield; Patrick A. Kallen- S.D. bach, 31, South Heart; Deidre A. Operated motor vehicle not Kessel, 23, Belfield; Daylen J. equipped with stop or turn: Langerud, 25, Mandan; Steven M. Steven J. Wipf, 49, Sturgis, S.D. Leasor, 33, Green River, Wyo.; Vehicle with tinted or driver Van R. Lewis, 68, Dickinson; Eric compartment window not to be D. Molina, 29,The Colony, Texas; used: Justin M. Krueger, 23, Hassan I. Ntawuruhunga, 30, Beach Williston; Jessica L. O'Shea, 29, Killed wrong species/sex of Glendive, Mont.; Joseph S. Perry, big game: Leland P. Wetzel, 56, 33, Vernal, Utah; Christopher H. Williston Pham, 38, Bozeman, Mont.; Drove or in actual physical Speeding: James A. Quinn, 45,control of motor vehicle: Kenneth Williston; Mackenzie B. Ramlow, A. Guhy, 54, Dickinson 23, Watford City; Jesse T. Richard- Overtook when unsafe: Shania son, 21, Rushville, Neb.; Alfonso A. Struck, 19, Sioux Falls, S.D. Rivera-Luna, 56, West Jordan,Drove vehicle other than per- Utah; Mattie K. Romanyshyn, 33, mitted by class license: James R. Fairfield; John E. Rowe, 41, Hast- Scranton, 68, Meredosia, Ill. ings, Minn.; Lyndon J. Rustad, 72, Failed to merge for author- Williston; Rigorberto Salazar, 47, ized emergency vehicle: Brandon Williston; Bradley A. Schiele, 44, J. Kellman, 26, Las Vegas, Nev. West Fargo; James R. Scranton, Operator failed to provide 68, Meredosia; Ill.; Jason P. Sever- child restraint device: Scott E. son, 50, Bismarck; Alecyn J. Sin- Holland, 28, Watford City; Colten tkowski, 35, Lake Linden, Mich.; E.J. Turner, 16, Dunn Center HOW TO SHARE YOUR VIEWS We welcome letters to the editor concerning issues of area interest or regarding stories and editorials that have been published. Letters should be limited to 400 words. Guest columns or opinion-editorials longer in length are also welcome. A writer can have only one letter or column regarding the same subject published in a 30-day time period, unless the writer is responding to a new aspect of an issue that has been raised. Letters and columns are a way to encourage public discussion. Thank-you letters and invitations cannot be published as letters to the editor, but can be formatted as advertisements. Please include your name, address and phone number on your letter or column so that we can contact you. Your address and phone number will not be published. Golden Valley News/Billings County Pioneer, P.O. Box 156, Beach, N.D. 58621; Our offices will be closed December 25 - 26 and January Ist for the hofidays. Year-end payments are accepted until 3:00 p.m. (local time) on Wednesday, December 31, 2014. Happy Holidays and Best Wishes for the New Year. weekend set for Jan. 23-25 BISMARCK - The Diocese of rate the values of Retrouvaille into ~: Bismarck Office of Family Ministry their married relationship. will sponsor the national Retrouvaille Retrouvaille is helping couples -t~ Weekend in Bismarck Jan. 23-25. put the pieces back together and re- Retrouvaille, a Christian peer build loving relationships. The word ministry program for couples in hurt- Retrouvaille is French meaning !'re- ing marriages, consists of a weekend discovery." experience and a series of six after- Call Joyce at (701) 204-7209 (toll care sessions offered within the three free: 1-877-405-7435) for additional ~ months following the weekend information. Registration is available phase. The goals of the Retrouvaille online at -to weekend are to promote personal and or -t~ couple healing; provide an environ- Space is limited and participants ment for spiritual growth; create an are accepted through an interview empowering environment; teach the process, which is strictly confiden- technique of dialogue; affirm the tial. The program is open to any mar- couples and help build their confi- ried couple regardless of faith dence; and help couples to incorpo- affiliation. Integrity Funds are sold by prospectus only. 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Golden Valley News/Billings County Pio- neer: P.O. Box.156, Beach, ND 58621 (701) 872-3755; .... * ..... I I I I Bill//Ii I l,iYj i:~, ~r Java Application Developers • Proficient in analysis, design & development Y¢ (Multiple postions). ~. ~r . Net Application Developers • Proficient in analysis, design & development #c Benefits include: Family Paid Health Care, Pension Plan, Sick & Holiday Pay, ~" & Flexible Work Schedule. X ~1¢ .~L Contact us at wv, P, - 701.328.1004 or TTY 1.8OO.366.6888 ] Steak & Seafood Night New Year's Eve, Dec. 31 .- Prime Rib, Rib Eye, Sirloin, Snow Crab, Shrimp, . , Lobster, Salmon, and Cod . From 5 - 9 p.m. Bartender on duty until 1 a.m. in the New Year! $29.95 per person for 2 choice combo. . , Does not include drinks. Reservations recommended but not required Restaurant Hours: Mon. thru Fri. - 7 a.m. - 9 p.m. Sat.- 10a.m.-9p.m. Sun.- 10a.m.-7p,m. "La Playa Fine Dining" 701-872-8226 ) 27 S. Central Ave. Beach, ND ~" INCOME TAXES YOUR LUNCH? 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