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Beach, North Dakota
December 25, 2014     Golden Valley News
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December 25, 2014
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Page 2 Golden Valley News December 25, 2014 Russell R. Zinsli Nov. 4, 1927 - Dec. 17, 2014 grandchildren, Lily Grant (age 2) and Russell Zinsli, formerly of Sid- Halley Grant (age 2 months). Rus- ney, Mont., was an awesome father, sell was preceded in death by his grandfather, companion and friend! wife, Betty Zinsli, and his grandson, He could light up a room with his Christopher Jones. jokes and smile. He was a simple man of simple He is survived by the love of his means with a heart larger than life. life, Ida Barlow; his children, Sherry His irresistible smile and friendship Anderson of Sidney, Mont., and will be greatly missed! Terry Zinsli of Elizabeth, Colo.; also, A memorial service will be held four grandchildren, Dawn Anderson in Sidney, Mont., in the spring of of Missoula, Mont.; Ashley Grant of 2015. Missoula; Willie Jones of Bennett, Ponderosa Valley Funeral Serv- Colo.; and Wesley Anderson of ices, Parker, Colo., was in charge of Steamboat Springs, Colo.; two great- arrangements. NDG&F to maintain current system The State Game and Fish Depart- meetings were set up to encourage ment has decided to not implement public input on options for changing its proposalto limit deer hunters to the way deer licenses are distributed, only one l!censcfor the 2015 season, because of a significant reduction in While it is still months before the the state's deer population. 2015Fseason is set, that means deer In 2014 Game and Fish allocated hunters will again be able to apply 48,000 deer gun season licenses, for deer gun and muzzleloader lottery compared to more than 140,000 li- licenses, and also purchase ancenses as recently as 2008. archery license. In addition, Game and Fish used Game and Fish Director Terry the recent fall round of district advi- Steinwand said the decision involved sory board meetings to further dis- several factors, including substantial cuss the resulting proposal. "Over the public input both for and against the past year," Steinwand said, "we've proposal, and significant costs had a thorough and healthy discus- needed to put the new system in sion on the Department's role in pro- place, viding opportunity." "One of our goals is to increase For instance, in 2013 about the deer population statewide, and 10,000 hunters had both gun and bow we can still work toward that under licenses, while just over 20,000 the currefft system," Steinwand said. prospective hunters who applied for a Under the proposal that Game and gun license did not receive any type Fish offered in early November, in of deer license. 2015 deer hunters who received a lot- "This was a social issue more than tory deer gun or muzzleloader li- it was a biological issue," Steinwand cense, or a gratis license, would not said, "but it is Game and Fish's re- have been able to purchase an addi- sponsibility to address how our poli- tional archery license, cies and regulations affect hunters as Game and Fish drafted the pro-well as wildlife. We will continue to posal based on public input and com- look at all feasible alternatives for fu- ments following eight special deer ture years that will provide opportu- meetings held in February 2014. The nity for the most hunters possible." BLM seeks input on lease parcels The Bureau of Land ~is seeking public comment on eight Mail: North Dakota Field Office; parcels nominated for oil and gas •Attention: Paul Kelley; 99 23rd Av- ileasing in. Williams,enue: WesL Suite A; Dickinson, ND ~Golden Vallry,'Divi'de and Burke 58601 .......... 'countie~ for'a l~5-dfiy Scoping period, which will end on Dec. 30. The preliminary parcel list as well as recommended stipulations is avail- able on the BLM Montana/Dakotas website at: Current and updated information pertaining ito this sale, as well as other environ- mental assessments and lease sale notices can also be found at this web address. The public is welcome to con- tribute comments regarding these lease parcel nominations by one of the following methods: E m a i 1 • !blm mt north_dakota_lease_ca@ bl Before including your address, phone number, e-mail address, or other personal identifying informa- tion in your comment; be advised that your entire comment, including your personal identifying informa- tion, may be made publicly available at any time. While you can ask the BLM in your comment to withhold from pub- lic review your personal identifying information, the BLM cannot guar- antee that it will be able to do so. All submissions from organizations, businesses and from individuals identifying themselves as representa- tives of organizations or businesses will be available for public review. Please support your local merchants! USDA announces crop program expansion The USDA's Risk Management gram was added in Choteau, Hill, Agency (RMA) recently announced Liberty, Pondera, and Toole counties an expansion tO2015's county spring in Montana. crop programs ...... Federal crop insurance policies The soybean program was addedare sold and delivered solely through in Divide, Grant, and Stark counties private crop insurance companies in North Dakota. The mustard pro- and agents. Locally Owned and Family Operated Serving Southwestern North Dakota and Southeastern Montana Funeral Directors Jon StevensonNic Stevenson Tom Muclde Bill Myers Personal tech products desic Dear Savvy Senior, Can you recommend any tablets, smartphones or computers that are specifically designed for seniors? I would like to buy a device for my technology-challenged grandmother so she can get online and keep up with her grandkids better, but it needs to be super simplified so she can use it. Holiday Shopper Dear Shopper, There are actually several new tech products on the market today that are designed specifically for older boomers and seniors that are unfamiliar or uncomfortable with technology. These devices come equipped with simplified software, big, vivid features, less clutter and better cus- tomer support packages, which makes them more appealing and much easier to use than mainstream devices. Here are several top senior- friendly options to look into. Smartphone If you're thinking about a smart- phone for your grandmother, check out the new GreatCall Touch3. Made by Samsung, this Android smartphone has a 4-inch touch- screen with an organized large icon menu list on the home screen that provides users simple access to often-used features like the phone, text messages, camera, pictures, email and Internet, along with your contacts and apps. ned pecifically for seniors These devices come equipped with sim- plified software, big, vivid features, less clut- ter and better customer support packages, which makes them more appealing and much easier to use than mainstream de- It also has a 5-megapixel camera, a full-size onscreen keyboard, and offers a variety of health and safety features like the 5Star app that lets you immediately speak to a certified social networks, weather, news, $699, and the 22-inch "Telikin Elite agent 24/7 who can identify your lo- cation and get you the help you games, camera and pictures, II" for $1,079 - these computers need. Urgent Care, which provides Google, the Web, apps and more. come with built-in speakers, a Web access to registered nurses and doc- It also has a 2-megapixel front camera, microphone, wired key- tors for advice and diagnoses. And camera and 5-megapixel rear cam- board and mouse. They also offer a MedCoach, which sends medication era, and comes with 24/7 phone sup- "tech buddy" feature so you can ac- reminders, port, a bunch of tutorial videos, and cess your grandma's Telikin com- Available at or 800- a "Real QuickFix" tool that con- puter remotely from your computer 918-8543, the Touch3 sells for $170 nects users to technology support to help her when she needs it. with a $20 introductory discount, agents over the Internet who can ac- Running on Linux software in- plus a one-time activation fee of $35, cess the tablet and fix problems, stead of the standard Windows or and no-contract is required. Monthly Desktop Computer Mac OS, the Telikin is also virus-re- service plans that include unlimited If you think your grandmother sistant, comes with a 60-day trial pc- would like a desktop computer, the riod, a one-year warranty and free 5Star and Urgent Care service start Telikin (, 800-717-tech support. at $25. And their data plans start at $2.50 per month for 20MB. 7640), which has been around for It's also worth noting that Telikin three years now, is an excellent has a partnership with firstSTREET Tablet Computer choice. - a senior product direct marketing If you're considering a tablet, a Ready to go right out of the box, company - that is also selling the top senior-friendly option is AARP's this all-in-one touch-screen com- 22-inch Telikin for $1,079, but have new RealPad, which costs $189 at, puter displays a big button menu on rebranded it as the "WOW! Corn- the screen at all times, providing puter for Seniors." pad or Walmart stores. " Produced in partnership with simple access to most functions like Send your senior questions to: Intel, the RealPad is an Android the Internet, email, games, video Savvy Senior, P.O. Box 5443, Nor- tablet with a 7.85-inch touchscreen, chat, photo sharing, news and man, OK 73070, or visit SavvySe- It provides a clutter-free simplified weather, and more. Jim Miller is a contributor home page with large text icons to Available in two sizes - the 18.6- to the NBC Today show and author frequently used functions like email, inch "Telikin Touch" that costs of "The Savvy Senior" book. vices. Hearings scheduled for pro BISMARCK - The North Dakota Department of Health will hold three public information sessions and hear- ings on proposed TENORM rule changes in January. TENORM is short for Technolog- ically Enhanced Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material. It's created when naturally occurring material is removed from the earth and is con- centrated by human activities, such as mining or oil and gas production. TENORM, for the oil and gas indus- try, is found in filter socks, tank bot- tom sludge, and scale that forms inside well pipes and equipment. Informational meetings will begin at 5:30 p.m., with the official com- ment hearing beginning at 7 p.m. Please note that the dates of thes meetings have changed and are one week later than the. previously-an- Out your M one Where Your House N local i~dependent ^~'r strengthen our businesses are ~ communi~,y yOof best va!ue and our economy Golden Valley News p.o. Box 156, Beach, ND 58621 (U.S.P.S. Pub. No. 221-280) Staff: Richard Votesky, editor/ reporter, Jane Cook, office and news assistant and Tawnya Bul- ger, correspondent. The Golden Valley News is pub- lished each Thursday, 22 Central Ave., Suite 1, Beach, ND 58621 by Nordmark Publishing. Periodicals postage paid at Beach, ND and addi- tional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Golden Valley News, P.O. Box 156, Beach, ND 58621. Please allow two to three weeks for new subscriptions, renewal of ex- pired subscriptions and for address changes. Contact Information • Phone: 701-872-3755 • Fax: 701-872-3756 Emaih goldenandbillings@ Subscriptions: • 1 year: $34 Golden Valley County • 1 year: $38 elsewhere in North Dakota • 1 year: $42 out-of-state and snowbirds • 9 months: $25 In-state college rate The Golden Valley News is a proud member of the North Dakota Newspaper Association. All content is copyrighted. nounced dates. The hearings are scheduled as follows: - Williston, Jan. 20; Williston Area Recreation Center, 822 18th Street East - Bismarck, Jan. 21 ; Environmen- tal Training Center, 2639 East Main Avenue - Fargo, Jan. 22; Fargo Public Safety Building, 4630 15th Avenue TEN North Representatives from Argonne National Laboratory will be in atten- dance to present information about the TENORM study and answer questions from the public. The public will be able to make comments on the proposed rules at these meetings. The public may also forward written comments to the M rules NDDoH through Feb. 6, Written comments and communications should be directed to Scott'Radig, di- rector, NDDoH, Division of Waste Management, 918 East D-{vide Av- enue - 3rd Floor, Bismarck, ND 58501-1947. Further information on TENORM is available on the NDDoH website at: The votes have been counted, and / after the 2014 ";In shows that =tes and measures... T MOST EFFECTIVE in communicating with voters Ahead of TV, personal visits, radio, direct mail and phone calls. • The medium MOST RELIED ON by voters Ahead of the Internet, word of mouth, TV, radio, direct mail and outdoor. • MOST USEFUL in helping voters make decisions Ahead of websites/social media, TV, radio and direct mail. 701-223-6397 ~ E 866-483 - 7900 o r 701-483 - 7900 ThL, Week's Local Forecast Weather Trivia OuR £t¢$R~ • . CO~fE$ THROP6H, Farmers Union Oil Co. 701-872-4471 Interstate Cenex 701-872-3590 ,0T S!Uffl Hot Stuff Pizza ' 701-872-3190 i Thursday Friday Saturday Snow Possible Partly Cloudy Partly Cloudy 26/9 20/12 21/4 Precip Chance: 30% Precip Chance: 10% Precip Chance: 10% Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Partly Cloudy Mostly Sunny Partly Cloudy Mostly Sunny 17/1 20/2 24/10 25/11 Precip Chance: 10% Precip Chance: 5% Precip Chance: 10% Precip Chance: 5% ii' Wind speeds need to be at least how fast for there to be wind chill? • qdm gI 1V :ao suv