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Santa and the Bossermans
Santa Claus poses for a photo with Bosserman sisters, from left, Andrea, Cassie, Grace and
Ellie, during an open house at First State Bank in Golva on Dec. 13. (Photo by Richard Volesk j}
The Beach High School Future
Business Leaders of America is con-
ducting a community service project,
"Mapping Our Hometown Treas-
The project this year is to make
community maps for distribution at
Beach businesses and at the Tourist
Information Center. The purpose of
the project is to increase awareness
and provide informa!ion about the
businesses in the crmmunity. A
committee is in fl . process of recre-
ating and updatin a map of the city
of Beach with all local businesses
and emergency contacts listed and
In November, they sent out letters
inviting our the "hometown treas-
ures" to promote their business by
purchasing an ad for the back side of
the map. All of the money collected
for these ads will go toward the cost
of creating, printing and distributing
the "Mapping Our Hometown
Treasures" community business
If the FBLA has not contacted
you please contact them by Jan. 8 at:
BHS FBLA c/o Carol Bartz, P.O.
Box 368, Beach, ND 58621, e-mail:, or contact
Carol Bartz at Beach High School
(701) 872-4161.
The g0al is to have the maps com-
pleted and distributed by Feb. 1,
2015. Each business will have the
opportunity to revi.ew and approve
their ad before the maps are printed.
Each participating business will also
have the oplion to receive a pad of
50-100 maps of Beach to have avail-
able in their business.
Committee members are
Lateasha Lechler, Troy Steele,
Casey Rieger, Sofia Muruato, Kobi
Allen, Matthew Hildebrant, Maken-
sic Mattern, Madison Stockwell,
Taryn Hoffer, Abigail Wilhetmi,
Catie Loftsgard, Rebeka Padilla and
Breenna Davidson. Their advisor is'
Carol Bartz.
"We know how important our
local businesses are to the life of our
community - they are the treasures of
our economy - our hometown treas-
ures," said Bartz.
o!! rig being' 'in
B3/R'e, hra d ol y i. +i D aO - a dGas Division. ......... "Th'ePianning &:Zoning Commis-
Editor/Reporter - : Rdiitivety new on the agenda of sion0n Dec. 18 opted to not regulate
BELFIELD - A sign of the timesthe Billings County Planning & Zon- the number of stacked rigs on a site.
may now be what isn't seen on the ing Commission have been requests It may be that a rig would only be
horizon, to stack, or store, drilling rigs on stored for a time period as short as 10
For the first time in about three agricultural property. Permission to days, for example, while a rig crew
years, there aren't any oil rigs do so has to be granted in the form of is waiting for it to be moved to a new
drilling in the area around Belfield. a variance because agricultural land drilling site.
There are, however, a number of is being used for industrial purposes. Swanson said that most of the
fracturing or well completion opera- The county has bad three applica- permits the county has reviewed fn
tions ongoing, Which keeps the local tions, for ~,ariances, said Stacey the last few months have been for
gas stations and oil service compa- S~vanson, the county's zoning direc- rural residences or agricultural
nies busy. tor. The variances are for a total of buildings. This year has had about
Statewide there are about 171 oil about 8 to 10 stacked rigs, said the same number of zoning appli-
rigs drilling, while there were 191 Swanson. cations as last year, with about 50
drilling at this time last year. The de- "Some of the rigs are still active applications, which relate to build-
clinein crudeoil prices is thought to and waiting for new drilling loca- ings, subdivisions and land use
be a factor, tions and some are being decommis- changes. The busiest year was 2012
The closest significant number of sioned," Swanson said in an e-mail, with 96 applications filed, and
rigs is six located in western Dunn Once rigs are no longer stored on 2011 had just under 50 applica-
County, east of the Billings County a site, the land would revert back to tions.
border, according to the Northagricultural use. ©2014GVN-BCP
Clarin wins again .... "
Beach High School senior Channa Clarin poses with the first-place award she received in
Belfield on Dec. 6, as the district winner of the American Legion Oratorical Contest. She will
now go on to the next level of competition to be held Jan. 10 in Watford City, according to
Beach faculty member Rod Merkel. (Courtesy Photo)
Marc Barra of Energy Resource Group, owner of the former Fryburg school property, speaks at
a Billings Planning and Zoning Commission meeting on Dec. 18. (Photo by Richard Volesky)
By Richard Volesky connected to the vacant Fryburg Barra urged the commission and
Editor/Reporter school, would be intended to serve an the audience members to support
MEDORA - The developer of a area larger than Billings County. He Brown's project. He's been ap-
proposed lodge at Fryburg was urged said he knows of one company that is proached about selling the property for
on Dec. 18 to meet with concerned driving 70 oil field workers from use as a truck depot or as a compressor
residents as a possible means of mov- Dickinson to Montana. The market re- repair shop. A truck shop could have
ing the project forward, search for the lodge extends from the appearance of a scrap yard, but
Richard Brown, project managerMcKenzie County to Slope County, he Brown's lodge is a better option, Barra
for Morgan Chase Management ofsaid. said.
Jackson, Miss., reviewed Plans for a Brown said the lodge would use a Resident Laura Grzanic said that
three story, 238-unit lodging facility at security system that is designed for the oil boom situation now is that there
a meeting of the Billings County Plan- college campuses. The lodge would are quiet times during the day when
ning & Zoning Commission. Previ- have a zero tolerance policy for alco- traffic is low, but if the lodge is built,
ously, the commission was presented hol and drug use, and one of the lodge she's worried that there will be activ-
with a 318-unit project, which the owners would be on site at all times, ity continually,
commission turned down. Residents he said. Additional issues brought into the
objected that the project was too big The project is financially feasible discussion by representatives of com-
for the unincorporated town, and the and makes sense because the vacant panies hired for the project included
commission agreed, school is there, and it can be used to statements that the proposed waste-
Brown's more current idea is that a house the lodge's amenities, said water system for the site is well ac-
project with fewer rooms would make Brown. cepted by the N.D. Department of
the lodge more acceptable. The project is a model on which the Health, and that the lodge would meet
But the sentiments of the commis- company wants to build a brand, said whatever standards the county's zon-
sion and the residents didn't change Brown. ing ordinances require.
much on Dec. 18.About 25 people, in- John T.czap, chairman of the com- Cathy Cerkoney, commission
cluding planners hired by Brown, at- mission, noted that Brown was pro- member, said she'd like to see mem-
tended the meeting, moting the lodge as having high bers of the Fryburg community have
Stacey Swanson, the county's zon- standards. But Tczap said he was con- their own meeting with the project de-
ing director, said she wasn't convinced cerned what would happen in five velopers to see if the concerns can be
that the county needs 238 units. The years, if the lodge is sold, and the new worked out.
Vision West ND plan, which included owners have lower standards. Anita Kessel, another commission
a study of the county's housing needs, Marc Barra of Energy Resource member, added that the former school
showed a demand for about 150 units, Group, a Louisiana company, ' owns was sold with the idea that it would be
and about half of those units are al- the former school property. His com- developed into something. Everything
ready available, she said. pany was successful about two years that's planned for it can't be opposed,
"I still don't see the need," said ago with approval of a lodging facil- she said.
Swanson. ity that included skid shacks, with The get-together for the residents
Swanson also said the plan for the about 225 rooms, which was more like and the developers was scheduled to
Fryburg lodge was lacking in details a man camp seen elsewhere in oil begin with an open house at the for-
for its sewage treatment plant, country. Barra said that project failed mer school from 3-5:30 p.m. on
Brown told the commission thatbecause he made mistakes and Thursday, Jan 8, with a meeting to
the proposed lodge, which would be "teamed up with the wrong people." start at 5:30 p.m.
We \ ill be closed
Dec. 26. We'll also
close at 2 p.m. on
Dec. 31. and
will be closed on
Jan. 1. but xvill be
open on Jan. 2.
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