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Beach, North Dakota
December 24, 2020     Golden Valley News
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December 24, 2020
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Page 10 ' Golden Valley News December 24, 2020 COMICS l i l Amber Waves by Dave r. Phipps 3? NOTACREATURE WAS .2; . STRRING. '0 u _ King Crossword-— ACROSS 1 Doctrine I .‘ did Sean Connery play the character 9 III ;: ,- , 4 Commotions ‘2 13 E? {51.3 , 8 Mid_May. :: “iii 12 3°33“: F. I. I. : - a eca j ,\“'. 1. MOVIES. In how many mov1es 13 "Arrivedemi" James Bond? 14 "30 be It" I i; 2. ADVERTISING SLOGANS: 15 Wordplay i: What product is touted as “the fabric SPeCWIStS of our lives”? 17 Hindu royal 3. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: How 18 Locate many laps do drivers have to complete 19 Piece Of in the Indianapolis 500 race? ‘ cheesecake? 4. HISTORY: How many Pyramids 20 Subsequently of Giza (qupt) were constructed? Reedy 5. MUSIC: Which pop song repeats 24 Concoct 'nemw mubu llv 'oul ‘emlpuks samma fiulx cacao u ‘1 a) 01 N O \l 01 ; i the chorus, “Wh can’t ou see? You 25 Good news 45 WHAT'S THE ONE THING § THE ONE THING I REALLY: belong with me”; y for bargain 5 YOU REALLY, REALLY s . REALLY, REALLYWANT 6. LITERATURE: What kind of nov- hunters .- 5 WANT FOR CHRISTMAS % FOR CHRISTMAS IS... TO e1 is written in a series of letters? 29 Bard's 3 THIS YEAR, JUNE? THE i} ON 7. MEASPREtlz/IENTS: How many "always" C o I . cups are 111 pm Unrefined 47 Between jobs "Mayday!" 27 hills and Y M5“ 8-MYTH0L0GYIWhatiSIhC home 31 Id counterpart 48 Carnival city 8 Leatherneck fever 1 Z“ "’ “the Greek SOdS? 32 Ruins 49 Remain 9 Mideast 28 Deteriorates 1 g I», 9' ANATOMY: .HOW mUCh 0f the 34 Touch 50 Ball—bearing nation Staff Z 3 adUIIhumanbOdylsmade “POfWater? 35 Cincinnati items 10 Options list In poor taste ;; g 10. GEOGRAPHY: What IS the most team 51 Agent 11 Use scissors 34 "— She if .3 densely populated continent on Earth? 36 Gets up 16 Gush forth Sweet?" E, ' Answers 37 -— Valley DOWN 19 Snapshots Strategic tricks “~ 52 1' seven (California ski 1 Mischievous 20 Sleeping, per- 37 Turfs s. 2, Cotton resort) tyke haps Resign ; ‘9 3_200 40 Family mem- Old French 21 Release — Major ;: V 4_Three ber coin 22 Cafeteria 40 Competent :1 ' 5, “You Be1on With Me”b Ta lor 41 Cather's 3 2001 movie, stack 42 Illuminated out on a I by Gary Koperva swift g y y "One of —" “—, Inc.“ 23 Greet the 43 Rhyming l I BET No ONE 0N Illle DEATH BED EVER SAID,"I WISH I‘D SPENT. MORE nME AT lzipistolary . 42 Expfenséve g Sheena" 25 will?” t 44 tTribute ; l t ll n l . . cups sea 00 eglmen 0 Na e ear : 1H; apnea But I BET Arcw PEOPLE SAID, I Wlsl-l 1‘ gfigyETLINSUI—TEP ° 3. Olympus 46 Platter 6 Scull tool 26 "— Dictionary“ 45 Tofu base : THAT ANGRK. CRAZH” LOOKING GUY WAVING A SNOW 9. About 60% © 2020 King Features Synd., Inc. 10. Asia JUST: Like &‘ Dogs by Dave T. Phipps ‘ SOMEONE UP THERE IS SLIPPING. NORMALLY YOU WAIT UNTIL I GET NSIDE AND TAKE MY JACKET OFF. 'peruesai slum: II . 'aul ‘exaolpufis Seaweed l lllli‘iilllllllilllll!It . lltlllllllllll I .‘l/u. by Ryan A. Berenz 1. What Atlanta Falcons player had his house set on fire by Lisa “Left Eye” Lopes of hi —ho group TLC in 1994? OR I’M 2. Who Eecall'he the first Swedish 305T PARANOID? 7-. ' golfer to win a major championship ' with her victory at the 1988 US. Women’s Open? An anthropomorphic citrus fruit named Otto is the official mascot of what university’s athletic teams? V - 44.....le 99116 e Fumes“ the Year ,. 7 Award a’ii'nltonor'‘c'ifi'iiv'fiati‘li‘ro Football Hall of Famer? 5. Following his retirement from the Boston Celtics in 1963, Bob Cousy returned to the NBA in 1969 as a coach (and occasional player) for what NBA team? 6. What two—time Norris Trophy winner (1992, ‘97) had his No. 2 jer- O O “ sey retired by the New York Rangers? It 7. What ‘motorsports facility occu— n r pies the former site of Florida’s World War II-era Hendricks Army Airfield? by Charles Barry Townsend p-..n....-.. ...... I THINKIALEXA I5 6WIN6' 0N M6 at v.- e e I: u .4 paNaSSJ study not our ‘eiaolpuks sainreej Bulx 030m 'tvmtr 7&2? 'pe/uasai slufill llv 'oul “aleolpulls salnleed Gui). 030w Answers 1. Andre Rison. 2. Liselotte Neumann. Syracuse University. Can you identify the “stinging” words figgfiiimafilloyals- asked for in the following questions? (all of 6. Brian Leach. me words end 3""9‘ ) 7. Sebring International Raceway. I © 2020 King Features Syndicate, Inc. YELLOW JACKET JOUSTING! 'aul 'aleoipuits seimeeg {Sum 030w he number of bones h the d. W See 1. What sting has excessive pride? it you can dig up the same number as she did. 2. What sting cures hunger? i ‘ What sting writes for someone else? sum as punoi Alias ‘tileei sill Bullmoo lON Itemsuv 4. What sting is found in bakeries? I a Illustrated by David Coulson I 5. What sting is found in theaters? ASEATI'LE SPRITZER! a. What sting is found in schools? V What word, in an Oxford English Dictionary, do 7. What sting makes you laugh? people in Seattle always pronounce incorrectly? l 5: r1 8. What sting leaves you hungry? By Lucie Winbome » ,A com MM m neva 9. What sting do farmers love? “can "' eq M p M 10. What sting changes bread? Snakes can help predict earth- . t ' 9 . ' * CHAIN REACTION! Take the seven letters printed below “WM‘S‘tng C'éans V°“”°°m- quakes They can “in” a °°mmg , . l . . 12 What sun rums old boats? earthquake from 75 mues away, up to r t our diagram and place them in the circles so that eight 9 five daysibefore ithappens. I; four-letter words can be read, top to bottom, along the Pu h 1 H th ii connecting lines. All the words will begin with the letter in re cocoa can 6 P Preve“ 0° t . decay. . the top Circle. , 15,,“an .2, A d. t R H. hf M r .Buusn .u Mme .Ol .suusam .6 guns”. v - ccor mg 0 .oger 1g le , 'UJEP '9”? A K N RT U 'Builsefq 'L 'BullsellL '9 'ugseo 'fiultsmd author of “The Phys1cs of Christmas: ‘8090 “II-"BF ‘aunP 'XUTIP "MP WP ilumqllai‘wm 01501 5919MSUV '5Ull90lI9 '8 ‘Bulisaed 'z ‘5“!35909 "L isJSMSUV From the Aerodynamics of Reindeer to the Thermodynamics of Turkey,” Rudolph’s red nose is probably the THE Y’LL DO IT EVERY TIME BYAL SCADUTO result of a parasitic infection of his respiratory system. FEEL/N6 HEREEA PICTURE OFA t - The original game of Clue, pat- 7HEN EUNW OF REAL 0L9 WV?” ented in 1947 by a British man who OF I950NM‘I invented it to pass time during World CLA55 WAG IO YEAR? . War II air-raid blackouts, included a EEFORE'" lead pipe token made of real lead (it was eventually replaced by steel, then pewter). The original version also ‘ gnu-1.” up)”, _ .‘w _ ‘oul 'eleaipufls semleeg Bum 030m 'ranvsa :1 included slightly more exotic weapons ‘JeBuol sl pleeq s‘erues '9 'lailood seq 5: 11kt; hypqdfirlmc Synnge and an Irish 180:) sfiog 'g 'iloelq sl locum 19:) 'y 'luaieglp sl waned )plig ’9 ,: wa ingstic. "re 0 sslfiw in ' "02 919900 3 ' : i: Tumgam" . 81 ll . .Pl. 8 a >I IQ l q .BlUBSL saouaragla é was a an name :; EIIEI El Ell IIIIIEI EBB E BEE :3, V HEB EIIIEI EEI El EEIEEI M‘I/M‘fiANQINA-‘HOW oumo-«uo E El EIEIE It Lovemyoumuor've c .9 BOTHEIZATALL! EIEIIIEIEI EIEIEI mmewmemt/ «a e ‘ IALWAYécoOK Itlll EIEI 5: cocaine-u /~o not ‘1’, ‘9 LlKErHis-o- EIIIIIIEI EEIE . if Q Ilium BEIEIBIIIEI r. ' -’ 13,4 w e at. mm Ell mam ,_ a. [Y 57" ‘1 *1) e . W ‘ , MEIR] Elfin MEI] 37 - ~ .12” ‘ -. 'sulw Lzmwlluoilnios _r “ ll i’t/ ’-o<uv'~‘~—", W , ' i. A ~ 4 If I ' “3va for details! :3 -.....-lili-'lllllIlWlIllmu l I, 12w __ promssor) Bum _ . . ,y p