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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
December 24, 1942     Golden Valley News
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December 24, 1942
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Thursday, December, ,, 24, 1942 .f THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS i I i IIi i I I L Santa Claus No Fireman, So Be Careful While jolly old St. Nick packs a bag full of good cheer, the old gentleman unfortunately brings with him a lot of fire hazards as well. whatever nature, directly or ind.r - deal to ruthless, pagan dictators, ectly, points to that event intended but it can mean a great deal t to usher in a new order in a con-leach and every one of us if we in- fused worM. That all it meant and lcline our thoughts in the prope means has not been fullfilled yet, d'rect.on. emphasizes, instead of minimizing, its true signifmance. If prosperity is bought the tax- ...... payers will have to pay for it and Christmas may not mean a great get none of the credit. I I I $ Aside from the tragedy of a Christ-  . mas ruined by fire, there is an ad- O4    ditional ominous note in the fact  -- -------  t not be ,= , -U hat it may possible to re- _ ' :._ -. . . .  t ...  T T E WAS a small boy named place the property at all if it is  II@ /ne management ana •TaW OT lrnts srm  Tim who had never been destroyed ," firm extend Christmas Greetings and i i j. more than ten mi!es from i Extra precaution will be necessary  • ,,:ok ,€ ................... ". :. .kA "" his home in the Ozark hills, rlis It his year if fires are to be avoided. ¢ . , v I I   a teacher stud he couldn t even bound ! Old strings of colored electric lights  New lear. .m Arkansas,-his own,. state, but wha }will be used in place of new ones,  . his teacher aian z now was now ,. It has been a pleasure to serve you.  .......... ]due to the scarcity of the latter. -- weu ne KneW the mounam  . . .............. 1-" i Ths should be avoided, unless the  cricz ana me nlll slopes clrc ea -,- REED SERVICE STATION  with green-goLa'- pine ree" s that, irrsulat:on, is perfect. Candles and ED -- MRS. REED  BERNIE  bounded his father's tiny farm. He t°P en hght-s are .,danger°us: The   also*" zne- w what it took to kee t, a n°me wm nave the usuat nazarus. ,,                   family of six children and that for wincident to Christmas tree, package   , , , ,, as long s he could remember his rapping and non-flameproof cotton 4 ............ father's farm had scarcely been i and festooning.  • - ............. able to produce enough to stretch Festoons of highly flammable ma-            J        over every need. ' I teriais usually constitute the major '  .. It was just before Ch.ristmasifeature of the decorations of clubs, --   :  " g ....... i gatherings and celebrations are  . # #  she knew what ] ..... ' ,  _ May the joys of the Christ- iZ /A--// . ...... . o^ runner sucn conaiuons, where nre - _ ._ [  I-I,m, --  ?4//"-2//Y ha hey t flashed across the assembly room  •as 8•croon qo with you ,_ #/q often d t _ n aa 11I'---I -/'2/-ddl  been forced to ]covered with combustible decorations  throu-,hout the €om|n'- -- Ipl00_IJ_ I'1! /"/ remain on the }of various types, causing a stam- . .  '    Ill / hacking of a few [pede, with resultant loss of life by  y@rs an{L lllay yOU tClZ@ •  g -. --V'l}l ties to be sold to [fire or by being crushed during the ., of h,.---iness b- -rl--u. -- A =o;.1 T.k.. I .... " " IP[! the railroad for /ensuing panic, and the more or less  "' " " "" 9 : ................   dire necessitieI [serious injury of many others in the  onod by the acknowledg-  "'" l'/IkI that practically Laudience. ' --t ^f ,,..,,,. .t.|Ri;^. [ a 'hIot2f:: l;tt?e thasatI aP:;?to ct:ly d :[ Yh:t ;ar Pa  Ot your past t;rl ' 1 g Hotel You can get a beautiful room with a private   ! one And trees P "g " ' PP" g  • ':. • r paper and other combustible rub- - v bath for only $2.25, and if you don't want to spend that  _' don't grow over bish, which accumulates so rapidly  , W@ gah?r OUr  Of I nlgnt ne COUICL i. much, they have three different types of plain rooms   .t .... : ......... [during the Christmas rush season. __ nappmess oy giving out , .... =,  € y mc u, All exits and aisle s oul . with runnmg water that have access to a nice pubhc J /- on her husband s " s h d be kept  service to thlI ©ommu- R h [unobstructed at all tmes, the exits ., tub or shower bath. The prices on these rooms are so Jl - face t at he was ....... "  . "  --s.. --.A ..... AI.! ,..A amazingly low that you wouldn't believe me if I told ]ate and back bretA:2 :hdecSPf 7sfn?tmeqpm:rehouidre IUnn g"  'Z ... v'.v, vu v 5   ne'uett wmnoI tot your you, so just stop in and have them tell you themsel es ,, I finding a few logs tough enough for spected in all properties and made " . • "'" ,ffi. ; ......... ;n Fo,-o" II the commission man to buy ready for instant use If there is  prosperhy and good . .......... z ........  " .. i As she looked out of the window no extinguisher in the home, a 1  '.l'T'_ St I and saw the passing cars of winter bucket of water should be instantly I  .... •   ] touristers" on the new scenic road available. I .2. -- e fl "  the government had built through  ARTIN IMPleMeNT ft : tI .1 the hills, she wondered by what ....... lffi- J.IILilIll±1 IIIII2KN£VlLNJ. ll 5LJtJe --  l maic folks o,,M .... + ...... nrscmas means ne aawn Ol gL I.,u .... a ..^ .-^ ^ ,:,._ Chmstmmty at a time when the lL SENTINEL BUTTE, NORTH DAKOTA ................................ . world had nearly lost all h0pe It  [ that to go traveling. But she hadnt • I "lmany moments to spare on such came to bring out wha George[ / thoughts, for her husband had re- Ellit calls "our rarer, better, truer I v # o , ,, . __ turned to say that the ax was self All our merry-making, of/t  "   1   1 '   I one Could one of the children " -- , J ave" taken it? -- -- ..................... 2 __ . aay oezore Chriszmas ne was -  I  lent as he unhitched his team in -. /II I .---" i - r " • " I , I f l f  the wagon lot. Christmas tomor-  "I'l ?I um ad - I;  " I I I I % I  I row and he had been forced to L IIiId IIIIhIIIlI$ I/d! ,,, / r-I I ) I J . I. bring back the load from :own. The  II III I,=,1 IIlILIIllrI IflD; commmsion man had been truly  mm  iilw III IIIIVIII I I I III  I g . i m r qll I f I I / sorry, for he did need ties; yet F _ , _ [ % / / I )  V I 1%- I I  none of these were large enough. "  I . I " • . ', , He crept up to a windo--, lost L.JUK Wt)M .  in the sense of failure that made l bm [kmse6mse00 him ashamed to walk to his own r h V I / door. There an odd sight straight-  IIV/l00 IIItll I Ill t=" L ] I I  _  ened him. Inside were Tim and   , v  his mother joyously trimming a  ] J tf Christmas tree. Tim raced to the # " I " r   door to keep the younger children   I I I from bursting gleefully into the It/@  " I I ' room and learning its great secret. r I ...... aIIII I X W@ When the father entered the ][fl  I II IIrllrlill n l inil[lll 1 Ik =  house, no one asked him about the  li MImInv IHIIl/milIIt  ties. "Dad, dad!" Tim shouted.  .,. Is ulmmmlmli mnmmmmm00/iTUn00lP - "Do you know those red berry .,- II I IIl II II Hi IIIIV  g trees that grow g . " _ way up the L ,. " A HADDV MI:W Vl:Ag -hardCrick?to AwfUlget to.  " g but when I found em I thought M llrIlUl lqI-ll uI.-l'ImI ) g g We sincerely hope that the New Year will be filled with • peace and contentment for all. If s a genuine pleesure to re- mind ourselves of the happy re- lationships we have enjoyedthe pats year and to promise you that every effort will be made during the €o•rag twelve months to serve you as effi- ciently as has elways.been our custom. + $i L Schulz Garage and Case Agency g g g g g g BEACH, NORTH DAKOTA they were so pur- ty I took some to school. The teacher s a i d, 'that's holly' and then I read about holly and learned that folks will pay for it to have it for Christmas. So I gathered a lot of it and made me a holly stand up on the new road just hopin' they would. And dad, they did buy itl Stopped their cars and said, 'Why it's holly; who would have thought we'd find it herel' They wanted so much I had to work aw- ful hard getting it, but gee, it was fun l I wanted to surprise morn and you, and now I'll tell you both that I made $27.82. There's $20 right now in that bureau drawer left after buying our Christmas. Gee dad, I love this old farm l It's got lots of surprises on it yet. This one ain't the last one." The father brushed a tear from his eye and kissed his wife. Then he shook hands with Tim. "You're the kind of son a man can be right proud to own," he choked. "But dad, will you forgive me?" the boy suddenly implored. "Why Tim, forgive you what?" the father asked in surprise. The boy led the way to the kitch- en. "You see dad, I just had to have it?" The father pretended to frown as Tim pointed and then he winked. "Well, being as it's just about Christmas for us, as well as the rest of the world, I guess I'll have to overlook it." For there in a far corner of the room stood the ax. It was Tim who had borrowed it. /E look Forward to sending you our sin- cere good wishes for a happy Holiday. It is • pleasure to us be. cause it gives us an opportunity to thank you for all you have done for thls firm. Your have been liberal in your patronage, l your friendship and good will--the com- bination of which spells progress for any ! organization. • " You have been good fo us--may Santa be just as good to you. Your T E X A C 0 Dealers "Stub" Noyes, Consignee # NOYES CABIN CAMP W.C. SCHULZ GARAGE : # BEN'S SERVICE STATION JOHNSON MOTOR COMPANY H. H. BURCHETTE, Trotters HAZELWOOD MOTOR COMPANY, Wibaux ED. KRUGER, Carlyle FISHER GARAGE, Golva BY'S SERVICE STATION, Sentinel Butte f