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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
December 23, 1943     Golden Valley News
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December 23, 1943
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Thursday, December 23, 1943 It's a very pleasant, cheering custom to renew friendly associations during the Yuletide by extending to you our sin- cere wishes nor a Happy Christmas. And our optimistic predictions of a Prosperous N~w Year. We are ~ooking forward to serving you in the NewYear and hope that increased patronage will make our services even more satisfactory. GOLVA TRADING COMPANY BERT COVERT, Manager GEF IHG$- from USto you Once more it k our oompllments of the eeason and expre,, our hope that the New Year v.'n bring to you end yoors the abun- dance of good things and good honlth you dddy deserve. And on thk impe~a.t c.:cub. we wlsh to thank you ,incerely for yew generous patronage the pes~ year end we pledge a continuance of our established quality and H. B. LOVELL Beach, North Dakota THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS JOY OF CHRISTMAS Joy is the keynote of Christmas. "Be not afraid; for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which shall be to all the people: for there is born to you this day in the city of David a Saviour, who is Christ the Lord." Good tidings of great joy! A Savior is bern! This was the message of the angel that caus- ed even the joy bells of heaven to ring in the night of Jesus' birth. This was the heavenly proclamation that found its echo in the sublime song of angel multitudes filling the sky: "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good-will toward men!" God wants His children to share in His own perfect joy. He created man in His own im- age and placed him in a Para- dise where he might the bliss of God's own fellow-I ship. It was a place of unming- led joy. The peace of heaven brooded over the earth. No teardrops ever fell in Eden's blessed bowers. But sin entered in. The holy fellowship with God was broken. Sorrow and death became man's portion. The very ground wa~ cursed with thorns and thistles because of man's transgression. Eden became a melancholy memory~ a Paradise Lost. But Christmas tells us that the Joy of heaven has again come to earth. God's plan for man cannot be frustrated. The joyous message of the angels tells us that a Redeemer is come. God's own Son is God's unspeak- able gift to mankind, that in Him sinful mortals might know the joy of God's salvation. In Christ, the Child of Beth- lehem, we may also experience the joy of reconciliation with God. The beautiful fellowship that was broken in Eden has been restored again. Many may walk in sweet converse with His holy Maker, and know the joy ot His abiding presence. Because of God's Christmas gift we may also know the joy of a heavenly hope. The gates of Paradise have been opened again to the chlldren of earth. Mortal man may again have ac- cess to the Tree of Life. To be "forever with the L~d" has be- come the crowning hope of mankind, and with that hope has come into the human heart a "joy unspeakable and full of glory." Here, then, is the real cause for Joy on Christmas day. It is centered in Him in whom alone true joy are found. Christ is the "Joy of heaven to earth come down." Redeemed by Him, we shall understand more fully the message of the angel: "Behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy." And with Mary we shall sing: "My soul doth magnify the Lord, and my spir- it hath rejoiced in God my Sav- iour." v PEACE AND GOODWILL What strange words in the midst of a war-torn and bleeding world as we in this second grim year of war turn our thoughts to Bethlehem and to Him who is called the Prince of Peacel But there is war, you say, and not peace today. That is true, but herein is revealed the mys- tery of the grace of God. namely, that the peace which Chris~ brings permits the soul to rest in God even amidst the roar of cannon and the bursting of bombs. To every troubled soul that cries to heaven, he de- clares: "Peace I leave with you. my peace I give unto you, no~ as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." The song of the angels on Bethlehem's plains is for men of good will and its promise of peace is to them alone. "Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to men of good will." The spirit of Christmas is an In- vitation to a way of life that if accepted by mankind will ulti- mately bring about the brother- hood of all men under the fath- erhood of God. The Prince of Peace still reigns over the world. He will in due season overrule evil and restore peace on earth. Ages may pass before HIS reign of peace shall everywhere be es- tablished, but the day of His full ascendency over every island and continent is speeding on. Let us not only pray for peace but let us carry the peace ot God in our hearts throughou~ the entire year and keep alive the warmth of human kindness. Newspapers are said to mould public opinion. After long exper- ience on that job one editor says it's about like trying to mould pea soup. V Kids love playthings, and when ~ey get somewhat older some of ~hem will be looking for a plaything in the form of a wife or husband. People s t~,u~ are said to make a heap of trouble. We need them nMShty bad before Christmas, to /t~k Imsta~e smmlm with. CHRISTMAS AND FRIENDS GO HAND IN HAND.. All too often we take our friends for granted. IVe are ~ware of the [act that every day sees some evidence of the friendships o/the people whom we strive to serve and too /requently we neglect acknowledging these kindnesses. But at Christmas, when we pause in the busy whirl of everyday routine things, we become conscious of our short- comings, and wish to convey in this message our heartfelt " thanks ]or the good things that have come our way. To you, our friends, we wish you a Happy Christmas an~ a New Year o/Health and Prosperity. TEXAS COMPANY Ben Thompson, Consignee TI-tF= SI::ASON'S GRF_I::TINGS AND ALL GOOD WISt-II:::S FOR Till: NFW YI:::AR May you have, on every day of the New Year,. the same happiness which we are sure will be .yours on Christmas day. BEACH CO-OP GRAIN CO. BOARD OF DIRECTORS-- L. C. Zielsdorf H.H. Halstead J.F. Hardy Lewis Odland George Oech Martin Ueckert Guy Cox L. J. ALGUIRE, Manager J.C. ALGUIRE, Asst. Manager