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December 23, 1943 Golden Valley News | |
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December 23, 1943 |
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U' Carl Moen has been staying at
il~aker the past several days.
Z~ Carl Rest was taken to Baker
~-raimday for medical attention be-
~|~ cause of a severe attack of the flu.
l-.~ Mrs. E. J. Martin was taken to
Hthe hospital at Baker Saturday
after being ill several days.
H Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Beach were
][~ SUpper guests of Mr. and Mrs.
t~, ~verett Plummer on Sunday.
S~~' Mr. and Mrs. Bud Bowen of Har-
lan, Iowa are the parents of a
I~| baby boy born December 14th.
| Mr. and Mrs. Roy Holder eli
I/ Cabin Creek were supper guests at i
the Pat Plummer home Sunday.
~1 Mrs. John Schlect and infant
~:1 daughter returned hom~ from the
~| hospital Tuesday. ..
.| Mr. and Mrs. Murrey Mumner
~:| and Oscar Keener were Sunday
glmsts at the Ernie Stark home.
• Mr. and Mrs. Wallace' Pray, Ken-
neth and Harry were Supper guests
at the Fay Shepherd home Friday.
Mrs. Charles Abrams spent sev-
cacti ~ays last week with her
~other, Mrs. Cynthia Stark of
Baker, who has not been well.
Langdon and Langdon, ranchers
the Little Missouri, shipped a
~aUnber of carloads of cattle from
-~Mr..and Mrs. Dave McCann of
~lbaux w~re visitors at the A. F.
Elater home Wednesday. Mr. Mc-
had sheep shipped from here
that day.
The Misses Eleanore Slater of
~lllings and Jewell Slater of Helena
arrived December 20th at the home
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.
1~. Slater, to spend their holiday
If you ~- to buy or NIl
t~nothinV; Lf you need help
wlnt • Job, you osn got
from Nowa W/nt Ads.
No~ad ~optod fo~ 1us then
1~ pe~ insertion. A mnrvlce
~.of 25c will be made for
, M0R SALE--Poland China. Boars.
'~ LeWis Odland, Beach. 12-2tp
':*~BALE--1 Chevrolet motor,
: 1933~ and four wheel trailer. Tom
Zabrecki. 12 -2tp
~R-R SALF_e--One good 3-year-old
. .buck sheep Paul Wehrman,
: ~k~ntlnel Butte. 13-1tc
&NTED---Experienced wai t r e s $.
Top wages, good hours. Cozy
Care, Beach. 12-2tc
I~R SALE---19~ Chevrolet coach
In good condition. Frank Kukow-
ski, Beach. 11-3tp
~,~R SALE--1935 Ford V-8 coupe.
~'~'~eilent condition, good rubber.
C: H. Stecker. Phone 84W. 13-2tp
~'~T~Friday, a pair of white wool
• mittens with blue cuffs. Leave at
News office. Mrs. Gurnia Rlsll.
:: 13-1tp
l~)ST~Hub cap for 1941 Oldsmobile
between Alpha and Beach. Finder
leave at News office for reward.
Ed. Kouba. 13-1tp
~'~M--M FOR SALE--On account of
Door health, will have to sell
farm. W.P. Witthof£, Route two,
Beach. 12-2tp
~Two keys on chain with'
red dlce. Owner may have same
by paying for this ad. Call at
News office. 13-1to
Dig, $~0; one whiteface buck
Sheep, $10. Chas. Lingk, Beach,
N.D. 13-1tp
Mr. and Mrs. June Blllington
were Sunday afternoon visitors at
the Carl Rose home.
Robert Bendixon of Mobridge, S.
D. is staying at the home of his
aunt, Mrs. George Rustad, and at-
tending school here.
Mr. and Mrs. Fay Shepherd and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Plummer
and son, and Mr. and Mrs. Cloud
Baker were among those at Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Jesfield
spent, the day at Miles Cits, Wed-
nesday. Their son, Jimmie, stayed
with Mrs. Ross Cameron during l
their absence.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hudson and
family w.ere supper guests of Mr. t
and' Mrs. Byron Hudson at Baker
Saturday evening. They also at-
tended the .show.
The Ed Hartse family were hosts
at a dancing party for the com-
munity at the Slater school Satur-
day evening. A good time was had
by all and a lovely lunch was
served at a late hour.
Grandma Bowen of Harlan, Iowa
died the~e December 14th. Mrs.
~org~ :Waterland ~nd Mrs. Arnold
Beach, her granddaughters, went to
attend 'the funeral. Mrs. Bowen
was eighty-six years of age.
Mrs. L. G. Wetzel and infant
daughter returned home Monday
from Manhatten, Mont., where they
had visited the former's parents
for Several weeks. Her father has
not been well for the past few
Kenneth Pratt of Cabin Creek,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Pratt,
was the honor guest at a dancing
party at the hall Friday evening.
A large number of friends attend-
ed and at a late hour a tasty lunch
was served. He was presented with
the usual gift of money. Kenneth
leaves this week for induction into
the Marine Corps.
Mr. and Mrs. John DeBoer were
Glendive shoppers Mpnday.
A1 Irons drove to Beach Saturday
to spend the weekend with his' dad.
Mr. and Mrs. Louie McManigal
were callers at the Gustafson home
Leighton Nunn and Gene, and
Karold Zlebarth went to the Aud
Ntmn ranch Friday after calves.
Mr. and Mrs. Werner Nistler
were Sunday dinner guests at the
Chas. Otremba home Sunday.
Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Bush and son
called in the Alpha community on
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Pasching
were Sunday dinner guests at the
H. A. Schmitz home.
Mrs. Leighton Nunn entertained
the Alpha Birthday Club Tuesday
and served a delicious dinner.
Gloyd Bury returned home Tues-
day after spending several days at
St. Paul, Minn.
Mr. and Mrs. He~lry Olsen and
son were Beach shoppers Friday.
Mr. Olsen had dental work done.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sonnek and
family were callers at the A. G.
Fasching home Sunday evening.
Donald Nunn and Mrs. Fred
Wohjohn transacted business in
Medora Friday.
Mrs. Otto Johnson was an over-
night guest at the home of her
daughter; Mrs. Leighton Nunn on
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ziebarth
and son and Mrs, Milton Ziebarth
were Saturday evening callers at
the Karnes Johnson home.
Mr. and Mrs. Vic Carlson and
Miss Cora Tungsvick of Sentinel
Butte were Sunday dinner guests
at the Robert Sonnek home.
Mr. and Mrs. John Howard and
daughter were Sunday dinner guests
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
Mrs. Harold Ziebarth entertained
the U. B. Ladies Aid Thursday.
A delicious dinner was served by
the hostess. The ladies exchanged
it 8ALE--Two black-white belt- christmas gifts.
• ed boars One ...... ire' Miss Mary Lou Gamroth came
• ~nes~er wn ,
weight ~t~,,t nn= ~ .... ~. ~ I home Saturday from Dickinson,
~. J. Roll. t~lv, ~ ~lwhere she is attending school,
........ ""~ n with
/, ~ [spend her Christmas vac~tio
I~YED'-~ne light gray n~we, lher parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nick
~_.~}. 1bE., and one light gray[Oamroth.
~ ~eming, 1600 lbs. Both have [ V--
halters on. Notify C. E. Carlson, --- ..... - ...... -=::-~
to pay .tl 'cn=:
it. Wilson. 1,2-2t,p
R SALE-=~omplete set of new
farm Light Batteries; also late
model Plymouth sedan. Write
Wallace A. BJelland, % Best
Hotel, Glendive, Mont.. 12-2tc
ST-Registered 3 mo~th Collie.
Brown and white. Large dog,
Answers to the name "Cappy".
$10,00 to anyone who can give in-
formation to return of our dog.
Bill Robe, 04 7th Ave. W., Dick-
t~n. l~-4te
~VAVE, ~e--Do your
~rn Permanent with ~harm-Kurl
Klk Complete equipment, ln-
~uding 40 curlers and
!:,~ ~y to do, absolutely ~
P'ratsod by thousands, Includ~
~ s~ .M..~C:e~de, glamorous movie
i ,:,~ t~ "- ~oney refunded if not sat-
Mrs. Schumacher left Tuesday
for Minnesota to visit friends and
relatives there.
Mr. and Mrs. Reinhardt Fischer
and Jerry were guests at the John
Fischer home on Sunday.
Mrs. Mary Waterland and Mrs.
Arnold Beach left for Iowa, called
there by the death of their grand-
Mr. Myers and son have been
visiting Mrs. Myer's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Earl Stark the past two
Mrs. Lora Strahon entertained
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Covert at a
turkey dinner at her home on sun-
day afternoon.
Mrs. Ed Martin was taken to
the Baker Hospital Saturday P. M.
with bronchial pneumonia. Every-
one wishes her a speedy recovery.
The U. B. Ladies Aid Christmas
party was held at the home of Mrs,
Claud Lund Thursday. The house
was prettily decorated for the oc-
casion. Excl~nge of gifts was held
and a lovely dinner was served.
___ '.Jean Hart,_e, ~ep;rfer= h=~e
froSmgt TeCxlaa;enCea ?~iLnh is
Earl Higby was confined to his
home Wednesday with the flu.
Frank Fulton is working at the
N. P. shops in Glendive.
Quite a few from Carlyle at-
tended Santa Claus day in Beach visitor in Olendive Monday.
Saturday afternoon, m
David Lunden has been confined
to his bed the past week with
the fin. I AMERRY
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Hartse and
Jean, and Harold Fulton were
Glendive shoppers Friday. i CHRISTMAS
Mrs. W. L/Hammond and Grace
and Mrs. Ed Martin were shoppers i TO EVERYONE!
in Baker Tuesday.
L~wrence Maus of the U. S. Navy
left ~'uesctay~ for ~his station in
"" "" " ! BUTTE DRUG
Mr. ~nd Mrs. Gerhardt Fischer
and Earl made a buslne~ trip to
Dickinson Sunday, returning Men-
Mary MeCask~Y, Reporter
(Too Late For Last Week)
Lyle Adams made a business trip
to Dickinson over the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gamroth were
on the sick list with the fiu during
the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Nielsen and
family are now nicely settled in
their new home, which they pur-
chased and remodeled during the
past year.
Pat McCaskey started work at
the Texaco Service Station In Beach
last Wednesday.
Mrs. Lee Gross left last ThursdaY
evening for South Dakota, where
she will spend a short time at the
home of her husband's parents, be-
fore continuing on to Join her hus-
band, who is stationed in Missis-
sippi. Mrs. Gross spent nearly two
weeks visiting at the home of her
sister, Mrs. Godfrey Pesha.
Harry Hill was among those who
were on the sick list last week with
the flu.
O. L. Olsrud, Pastor Tel, 154
The Christmas service on Christ-
mas day 10:20 A. M.
The Sunday Schooi Christmas
tree program Sunday at q :30 P. M.
Christmas service and program
Sunday 10:30 A. M.
Sentinel Butte:
Christmas service and program
Sunday ?A30 P. M.
Mrs. Mark Freese was a business
Thursday, December 23, 1943
Rev. Wm. Fred Hake, Pastor
Beach, North Dakota
High Mass at Midnight.
Mass at 9:80 A. M.
Rev. Win. l~ed Hake, Pastor
Sentinel Butte, N. D,
MaSs at mld~ght.
V "
Rev. John Roberts, Pastor
Church School at 10:00 A. M.
Morning Worship service at II:00
A. M.
• Young People's meeting at 7:30
P. M.
Choir practice Wednesday at
7:~0, ,P, M~~
Sentinel Butte:
Afternoon service at 2:00 P. M.
Young People's meeting Monday
ac 7:30 P. M.
Sunday School at 10:00 A. M.
Afternoon service at 4:00 P. M.
Rev. MacTavish, Pastor
Sunday School at 10 A M.
Preaching service at 11:00 A. M.
Young People's Society at 7:30
Choir practice Wednesday at 8:00
P. M.
Children's Christmas party and
program Wednesday at 3:00 P. M.
at the, church.
Choir practice, get-to-gether and
lunch Wednesday at 8:00 P. M. at
the church.
V - -
St. Philip's, Montana
Christmastide Mass Schedule
Midnight High Mass followed by
Second Mass at 8:30 A. M.
Third Mass at 10:00 A. M,
Sunday, December 26: High Mass
at 10:00 A, M.
New Year's Day: High Mass at
I0:00 A. M.
Sunday, January 2: High Mass
at 10:00 A. M.
V,. H. DisSen, Pastor
Christmas program 1~ridaY eve-
ning, December 24th at "/ P. M,
Christmas service December 25
at 10:30 A. M.
No service sunday, December ~6.
He's one of our most important war workers--the
American farmer, His efforts, and results, in face
of heavy odds deserve the thanks of all. We're proud
of out farmer friends along Greyhound routes.
We're pleased to serve them and glad to think
we may be helping them as they help Amcrica~
Bus Depot
Beach, N. D.
Not /ro~ the standpoint of
custom only do we send you this mess.
age o/Christmas cheer, but with genu-
ine appreciation o] our pleasant assoc-
~ iations in the past." We extend to you
our, best Wishes, and may happiness
and prasperity be yours through zll the
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Will
i Red Owl Store
We're glad because it is the one
day o/the year when it is possible
to cast aside the artificial dignities
o] every day living--the one day o]
the year when people can be them.
selves and express sentiments th~t
are too o/ten suppressed. May we
resolve to strive [or a continuation
~j this wholesome attitude through.
out the coming year, with more
tolerance toward all, w~h a genulr~.
spirit o~ brotherhood prevailing in
our every transaction. With this as
the background o/ mtr activities,
we ]eel sure that the people o] this