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Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
December 23, 1937     Golden Valley News
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December 23, 1937
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rtiE GOLDEN VALLE ~ NEWS , THURSDAY, DEC. 23, 1937 Greetings From SENTINEL BUTTE Business Men i:'j: ::N~ .i : : ~ :: ...... . . n -- A"~:n Tescher Is ants. a check of the region shows," he lrvln Bates, Loun- ~.v. said "and it has been brought easier ~ENTINEL BUTTEI . Placed On.All- to work out sound farm plans for I tv P P Teamfamilies who have satisfactory leasing : ~ ~ loneer asses State Grid Santa Claus came to Sentinel Butte "1 9 ~ ..... contracts." ~PridaY. The event opened with at °^-tinel But~in Bates lon~*lm~ Alvin T~cher, cen~er on me ~en~m: The Farm Security Administration ~'-nl~tmas program at the opera houset .o~, .... . s~ ~ el Butte zoo~Dan team ~or ~ne pa~.L makes loans to financially handicapped anrmaaf~l 'by various devartments of{resmeng oi this county, aied in his season, was placed on the an-state szx farmers er.d tenants who are unable ~l, ai which a nu~nber of well lsleep during Monday night at the Fred i man football team for 1937,.. recentl?, to secure credit elsewhere. Mr. Janze re~lt~red plays were presented. The t Stacker home south of town, where he iHe was termed by the opposing coacn- pointed out that in many cases the ap- I~Udtng was packed to capacity. At had been staying for a.number of Its and the pre~ as a "hard. blocker" plicants for these loans need credit not the ~lus~n of the program, Mr. years. Dr. V. G. Morris and Coroner ann a "good dexenmve man.'- only for livestock and equipment but ~Mrs, Santa Claus arrived by trucklJ. H. Lindt drove out to the Stackeri. This was Alvin's first year of foot- also for soil improvement items, such ~d gladdened the hearts of thelhome upon being notified..Death wasl~all and he ~nowco up well~ t_h.e___be: as lime and seed for permanent Pas'i younpters by a generous distribution pronunced as being out ~o heart fail-igmn!ng oI l~[le season, ann ture--the returr~ from which the ten- Of sweets along the street. The affalr~i ure. Bates was 70 years of age I steaoily, and it came as no surprme '~e~ied a tinge of the humorous,' The deceased came fuom Indiana to that he was given this place of honor. an impromptu kangaroo court, and the Jafl~ ~ a couple of ladies. The entire this county about thirty years ago, and took up a homestead south of Sentin- !Alvin is a junior in school and possibly will be back next year. Certainly this ant will not be able to realize in dol- lars and cents the first year. "Such loans are repayable over a five year period," the supervisor said, '~ n a d where the applicant is a tenant, I a satisfactory leasing arrangement ~,~ chain of diversio~ls was much enjoyed. Members of the W. B. A. were en- te~ Thursday for six o'clock din- ne~ at the home of Mrs. Olga Lardy. was in the nature of )arty, and the exchange ot determined by the draw-i ~ names. After a series o~ bridge ~amm prizes were awarded to Mrs. I~ ~, head prize, Mrs. J.W. Oardo m~r, and, Mrs. W. T. I~n'on, oomo, ~. Loule Hovland, honor, and ~W~ mu~h ~ by attend- a month at the Dick- Nick Uets returned o~ to his home here. He has aff~Aeted with rheumatic trouble for:~ time, and had an operation fothe removal of his tonsils in the hope that it might improve his condi. tton, The many friends Join in the hope that the Christmas season will be ~tened for the Uetz family by a rapid recovery of the head of the house. ~. Anna Wise, who has resided at Oolva, came to Sentinel Butte recent- ly to make here home with her daugh- ter, Mrs. Lloyd Yates, or the winter. Mrs. Julia Martin left Monday morn- Lug on an eastbound trip, being Joined by her sister, Mrs. Wad-1 ¢son, and proceeded on to Texas, where t they will visit their sister, and will1 ~spend the winter in the southern reg-1 ~, J, W. Gardner and daughter] ~rtan left Tuesday for Fall Ciaire, j ~., where they will spend the holt-} el Butte, where he farmed for a few years, -~d was later employed at var- ious plsces. In recent years, being un- able to work he has made his home with the Stacker family. He has no relatives here. Funeral services were held yesterday morning at the United Brethren church at Beach, and interrment made in the cemetery there. day sea~ri with relatives. Mrs. Ura Wyckoff was a Thursday evenLug vialtor at the home of her son Paul, west of town. Jay Brown, former resident and now of Spokane, Wash., passed through here last week on his way to Eat~ Rapids, Mich, having reclved word that his aged mother met with a serious accident several weeks ago. He stopped at Medora to visit his three sisters, and expect to make a more extended visit in this vicinity on his return trip. CHRISTMAS EXTRA SPECIAL CARDS E. I~. KENNEDY Sentinel Butte, N. D. is a credit to the Sentinel Butte high school and their coach, Duane Muth, as never before has it placed ~ man on the first all-state team. Bud Boisen and Rod Shoen received honorable mention in the report given by the Fargo Forum. Better Lease Arrangements Urged By FSA m Tenants and Owners Should Cooperate In Making lmpro~ Which Are Mutually Advantageous Better leasing arrangements between landlords ~nd tenants will be stressed by the Farm Security Administration as an aid in the rehabilitation of farm f~mllies and farm lands, Albert Janze County Rural Rehabilitation super- visor for the FSA announced from his office in here Beach. According to Mr. Janze, the need for .better lease contracts, including such provisions as longer rental periods, se- curity to the landlord for the pro- tection of his property and security to the tenant for reimbursement for im- provements made by him, has been brought convincingly to the attention of FSA workers during the two years ,operatton of the rehabilitation pro- "BetWeen 80 and 85 percent of our rehabilitation loans are made to ten- makes it easier to work out a practicali farm plan with suitable crop rotation i so that the loan may be extended over a longer period. The problem re_~olves i~self into developing a leasing cor~tract which will give the tenant more inter- est in cooperating with the owner in making improvements for their mu- MERRY CHRISTMAS TO EVERYBODY In the same old way The Butte Drug & Jewelry Co. Sentinel Butte tua] advantage." Farm Security is working hand in h~nd with Extension Service, Agricul- tural Colleges and other agricultural agencies in stressing the need for bet- ter leasing arrangements. At a recent meeting of the fire de- partmenL it was decided to again hold the annual dance on New Year's nite and committee were appointed to carry out the details. More complete details are given in a display ad elsewhere in this issue. HERE FOR HOLIDAYS Allen Severson, and Charles, George Jay and Robert Cooper arrived in Beach Sunday evening. Allen hv, s been attending the "U" at Grand Forks and Charles Cooper, who attend- ed high school here last year has been working at Buxton. The other three men are visiting at the L. A. Barrows home, also the Priess home in Wibaux and the Henry family in Belfteld. Ira Lake has been ill and under doc- tor's care the past few days. And may we be at your service to bring home to you Happiness and Cheer and may Health be yours for the Coming New Year Merry Christmas Happy New Year BOLTON and OAS Sentinel Butte, North Dakota 1937 1937 GREETINGS With Grateful Acknowledgement of your Past favors we extend to Best Wishes for a MERRY CHRISTMAS anda you HAPPY NEW YEAR MAMMOTH COAL MINE NORMAN RUNIONS JR. Operator No. Dak. CHRISTMAS GREETINGS Of MI think of none finer than had the pleasure of being The Gifts We Know, We hav Of ser- vice to you during the past year We hope our 1938 relations be,as friendly INTERSTATE BANK Sentinel Butte, North Dakota