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December 23, 1937 |
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Best Wishes To You From
The Golden Valley News
Walt Hod Deac Judy Donie Jonesy
Farmers Union
Adopts 9-point
Farm Program
Adopting a nine point farm program,
~'armers Union Terminal association
stockholders last week debated a plan
for breakup of the Farmers National
Grin C~orp.
Adoption of the program assures un-
lty among a large group of farm or-
ganizations for that national agricul-
tural program. The same program
previously has been adopted by North
Dakota farmers and over the week-
~a~ was approved by the wheat confer-
euee and representatives of ~ half doz-
en leading mid-western farm organ-
The Farmers National Grain Corp.,
a child of the federal farm board, took
over business of cooperative grain mar-
keting agencies throughout the coun-
try. There now is a heavy demand for
its abolition, and return of the,market-
ing organization ~o regional agencies.
The terminal association's resolutions
committee proposal for the break up of
the corporation would make it largely
an educational and supervisory organ-
The resolutibn would limit the Farm-
ers National operation to:
i. lV~arketing surpluses for export.
2. Contracting with the federal gov-
ernment for the account of regional
coporations, and be the contact agency
between the federal government and
Joan Crawford and Franchot Tone in "The Bride Wore Red" l
At the Rose in Glendive next Sunday, Monday and Teusday
the regionals.
3. Carry ou~ a nation,a2 program GET HEARINGS JAN. 18-19
providing for
(a) Surplus disposal for export or Bismarck, N. D.,~Hearings on the
relief, clemency pleas of life-termers William
(b) Crop insurance. Gummer and Francis Tucker have
(c) Supervise the ever normal gran- been set for Jan. 18 and 19, respect-
Special Session
on bills to pay the traveling expel~
Of Congress Ad-
journs Tuesday
Washington, Dec. 21~The senate
passed the housing bill Tuesday, 66 to
4, the house sent it to conference and,
with these things done, congress glad-
ly concluded its special session and be-
gan thinking about Christmas.
The wage and hour bill, rejected by
the house, was reposing in a labor
cammittee pigeon-hole the farm and
housing bills, aproved l~y both branches
in different Iorm. were in the confer-
ence s~age, government reorganization
and regional lanning had received no
more than committee consideration.
The congress completed action only
of the rnember~Mp and the wage~ Of
the pages, a bill to lend our portralt~
to ~n art gallery, one ~o amend the
credit union act and a resolution a~-
ing the agriculture department what
had been done to prevent the distrib-
ution of an elixir of sulfanilamide.
The senate devoted the final day
to debating the housing bil_J, a ~-
ure int~mded to promote a boom In
home.bultd~ng bY reducing the ~am-
cing cost. It would do so, amon~
other things, by cutting the pre~ent
down payment on small homes in hallo
and cutting interest and carryin~
charges on more e2~borate types of oon,,
Miss Judie Lievens of the News for~
was taken suddenly ill on Tuesday eye-
ing of this week and was compelled to
remain at home part of the day Wed-
ar4y. Pluapne'rvise marketing plans and the : ls:elrY'ta~?s~idE." ~)tC~ehrneclePmaerdn°y abp°a~!
~r* • *r~ mrrr, • ~ use of credit by ~all regionais. IKalnz,catiOns BerthaWhich Dalemay andbe consideredi~arry Smith.are~.~" With a full and sincere apprecia- "~
W~th ~'~e,~t ~/|~he,~ ~ I 5. Lea,~e terminal properties, and' ~hc~e of Emma Haga Floyd John-
, " ................. ~ t'zub-lease them to regionals. ' i son, Ed Vandiver, GUS Reinhold, Anna
, 6. Hold memberships in all impor-
~r~. ~ i taut grain exchanges, for use of re- i ------ y tion f. p b.
~' l, or ~ ~ Igionals if needed. I ¢*~ oF ~,~ o our_leasant usiness ..
" ~ t 7. D:rect a national education~M pro-' I wish to thank my friends for the
~-ram and carr-, on the fight for na ~many remembrances and klndnesses
!t.~ ~ ~r ,r~. , ~ ]tSionai leglslation. "lextended me and my family during relat~ s, we put aslde the
Very Merry Lhrlstmas ~ i ~aT~agre~me~ts !~:teP?t~flofwe=sme~nth~aveThlrenC~::r~
. ,, -pea yes es~eno, os , ~ on. 1
k~r ~ I D.L. O'Connor New Rockford, N. D.,~rnuch ap~preciatedDona" _ "1 ~ routine ot every-day_ _
~i~~ And ma- ~ood fortune be ~ Ipresident of the association, presidedI la walace
~ ~ "7 ? ~ fat the meeting. 1 ~''~~?~"
:i ~ withyou ~ - I ln~ wt~a ~ n~n business
Throughout the following year ~[Kellog,Famous ~2;: :: ~:~g to wish to our friends an especial- ~
~ ~Y ~ I ~" * - ~" IDec: ~ 3~ 20
~ Vlnlomat, vies ~e ~s 3~ = o2
Golden V 11 V ' I r Dec. 19 28 14 .02~
~t In St. Paul~°° =0 ~ ,, ly full measure of Holiday
_a.~e: Harvester Co. .,, Dec ~, ~ ,~ o,
. ~ -~: = ~ ~~ _
C. C. (Shm) Clark ~I St. Paul, Dec. 21--Frank B. Kellog,! ~,- nannlness z
N __ __ t~'~ I who served ~s world court Judge, am- Th e Markets
BEACH NORTH DAKOTA ~.bassador to Oreat Britain, United{ "
' ~ " '" 6 18tales senator and secretary of state, I Went .......................... 87
~ ~'N}did at his home here tonight Hel Flax " ""~[~lt A MERRY CHRISTMAS ~:~
N " "~ ~'~" ~: " " " • ........................... l.'r~
~~~~~1~~I~1wo.~.-~o -.~ ~,.~o~.~,.~. _ I o~ ............................ ,~
i ~ ~ IKelr~lo°~ah:~abse~ iunCnfaWt~ngrh*~thpe f%erl :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .'~ ~ ".~
== ~ ~ I more than a year. His illness became} Corn ......................... ... ,65~
" i critlcal early in November, when he l Cream, swee~ .... 36c ~.... 3~ ~ and a ~ ]
-- -. was stricken with cerebral thrombosis. , Butter ...... 32c Eggs ...... 30c
|~I~at~ ~/I~IW~ Pneumonia complicated his condition ~. ~ ~'
• .PlU%,I LVtL4LJL ~aSaturday ~md he lapsed into a ~T~~~-
The Golden
Valley News
Dr. J. A. Lepak, attending phy-
sician, said premature announcement
of Mr. Kellog's death at 7:10 p. m., 18 COAL
minutes before it occurred,~ resulted
from an authorized statement "The Dellvere~
condition responsible for the inaccur-
unusual,"ate reportheWas,aid.Of course, not at all ,~- _~In Your Bin
Marvin Ramstad returned Tuesday ~teeker Mine
from Parkland,, Washingt~ where he Phone 73 for prices
has been attending college.
Here's to a full measure of
Christmas joy. Here's holi-
day cheer that never
Merry Christmas
Happiness being a state of mind, forget crop
failures, depression and war, enjoy
this will give you a good start for. a
We insure Happiness and Prosperity for the
and a ~ day when Fire Strikes, IF you have one
Happy New Year ~ of our Good Insurance Policies
Istead Insurance Ag
Richard Ha ency