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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
December 23, 1937     Golden Valley News
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December 23, 1937
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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THURSDAY, DEC. 23, 1937 THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS S_ | -- ~ I v.qli go to her home in Aber:le~n, S. in Beach. s on I UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH f change was a feature of the afternoon, has been visiting. .... [[Hlen~ ~.~rV !D., Miss Shellard t3 Ada, MEnu.sofa; The annual Christmas pl(gram p -] Herman Grove, Minister i Mrs. N. A. Heath returned to Beachl Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Simmons left ¢ Miss Jahr to Dickinson" and Miss s~icd bv the high ~crool Friaay eve-I last Thur .......... ....... ' ._ : A: - .- . ...... ~. ~,~ h,, o ! --- I shay zrom a couple of months l~Tiaay zor r~elmvilie wisconsin, where ......... nd ~ ...... ,,- - lar^e audience ~ ........................... ~ visit with relatives in Monticello, Minn 1 they plan to be for a few weeks Mr ~cnool closes on L~ecemoer zz a Mr r~ynana replica ~ am going ~o ~ • • I ............ ' . " _ ~ .... :" ' ...... ~ • ' . ............. ~ ~eacn uninea worsmp service a~ es~ta ~immons tOOK a carloaa oz norse8 will open on Janua.ry ~. '±ms was saulDwight and I will be there from me .Miss iAuvall WlU spena nor vaca~lon! .... " ............ ~" . I . . . 1 ,, iu:lD a. m. DOnala Vlr~s a mlnls~erlal~ M' " aown zor sale. pews for all the students who had a- time I get there until I leave Mr. at Casselton N D. and at her homeJ¢, ............. , .... ' .... i lss Mattze Thompson and Miss Ev- Of ' '. ' • i~:t.u~zenL Wlii give ~e uzw~g~. *el W reaa~, decided what they were going t Schroeder will go to his home at in Minneapolis. Mrs. Ooddard will .... i yn hompson returned to Beach Fri- do with two weeks vacation. P!attsville, Wisconsin. spend her vacation at her home InI Botla .C. ~ s. at6.30.. .... i day night from Moorhead where Ev-I U new subscriptions to the New~ -Most of the teachers will leave for Mr. Sandness, Mr. Tobias, and Mr. Beach. Miss Hagen will go to her[ ~reacmng ~.y me pastor a~ '~:~u. -elyn has been attending Concordlalwill be used as Xma~ gifts this year. their homes immediately Miss Evans~Milier will spend their vacations here home in Hillsboro. Miss Irons is go-I -. watch .~lgn~ ~ervices a~ me church c~llege the past quarter, and Mattie Who will be the 12th? ~~ ~ lug to Valley City and will spend hert ..... • . ................. "- ~" ' • • • l~ew ~ear's 15ve '~ - vacation with her sister there Miss Ollle unliled worship services at 10: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~;~ ~/$ ~.oslnsK1 will remain in ~each. Mr. - • ]~ e~ ~ ............ If Carlyle Sundav School at 10 30 ~ ~ j~ ~,~--~.~--~ ~,~r~~~~:~l '~----,-,~_-£~ .. Wmien is going ~o hiS home in ~u ax, ~ .... ~,~, ~ ~ .~a i ~ - Iq-q7 IflVflllq Cllltl_qTfflflq Iq37 E 'The grade sch::ol paper "The Junior Aipha preachingservicesat3:00. !~ " lift 2M URiC|L| U gl= == | g=|= = =~l U / ,~ttff Hi News" eonsksts of five sheets It A training" institute' " will be held for, r~ ~~~tt ~. ~l~titl}~,~.~~j~Ji~~ ~..~.l~ ~. contains news from each grade, jokes the Circuit meeting one day at each,~ =~~J~jkl~ME!~~-- [~!~'~ ~~!t ---~]~:~ ~ ar, d a stor"~ written b" one of the place. Preaching services at 8 each ~ -~-~,A~~k~~.~_a~J=:::==~ | ~:::~-~--- ~ :~.~.'2~ .:~ .... ~ m • Y ~ . --- ---- _ ~ k~ ~~] ~ ~ students. The paper is published evemng. Carlyle, Dec. 28; Alpha, Dec.! ~ --:~~~,14~il~'~~l~:=:~l::=-- li~ • ,~ ~~_~\ - ~ ~ tl{|g,,I\~_~I~F~.k~A|NHA~--,'~ '~ m^~+,,,. 29" Ollie Dec. 30. Study classes 2 to'~ .-.--~ _. qiE'~'.~ll~-~l----'---"~'~ ~_~ ~~~~ _~ 4:30 each afternoon studying "The, ~ ~~'1~~ ~ .... ~ Life of Christ." i~ //-,~~&iJ~~~~~i~'~, (X .~!" ~" ~~]]~t]~-f~lilii = Hlgllw-v/11M.v Pot luck luncheoa each evening at' ~a /.__~V ~~fjW~ ~.._~ D}~ i,l~[~,.~~lt~t~l'll~ ~ ~ J J ,: . . 4937 ~~,,~--~~ Le 3 8. Be Completely - ~---~- ~~ -- ~ ~~~11~i~ ~ , ,,~ . ,,Local Items ~ ~___ _.=__ ~1 raven next lear ~ t~" |i[~w, rl, ttlia."m~ra~mml[~rzi i~ A ~a 7at -----" Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Prociv of Sid-l~ ][~lJ~[~J~~]~L~iL~Ij-~ j~- ~ ney were Beach visitors Sunday ~ r~ I~ . ~r ' Looking ahead to a year of record __ . . • [~ I0 ~ree~zou .... _~lactivity in the field of tourist promo- . M~..A.C. Stone went ~o Olendive: ~ * ~*~ " Ito~ in 1938 th~ P~in~ Northwest ms~ weaneoay, returning Friday. ~ Y ~ J Tourist association has pledged Whole- ~v~ms ~a.rvel E~bele, who has been! ~¢1 • staying a~ me r~ ~ ~awyer nome ~r • n 1h sale cooperation with GNDA and other " " i ]g At thischeery seaso wt allgood ~?North Dakota interests durln~, 1938 while attending school here, leaves to- ~ff ~L-~i~~_]~ ~][~r~v A ~ ~! ................. "5==.__ ~__ day for Eldrldge, N D to spend the ~ Ul~ l~.~ll u_r~llkl~tL£ ~" -- !vinces affiliated u~ith th- ~e=,~iatiem nonoays w~m nor mother and her aunt. I ~ . ~2 Mrs Russell Denton was hostess to ]g- Wmhes for your Happiness ]gand led by Washington with an annual ,~ _" ..... [~ me ~ ann ~o cmo at her home Tues-, advertising budget of $250,{}00, are to day afternoon A Christmas gift ex i feature the completic, n of paving on " " ~]~~~~~~~~ Highway Local Items i " ,, ' ~ t Ia Evelyn Zopfi • Ida Holthe ~!u. S. 10 in western North Dakota, in In grateful appreciation for your pat- ronage throughout the year, may we express Hearty Good Wishes for a most MERRY CHRISTMAS PARK CAFE Beach North Dakota i It has been a pleasure to serve you, -_~and we wish to extend our hearty greetings for every happiness~, H. E. NELSON Expert Radio and Electrical Repairing At the Community Repair Shop Beach North Dakota We have found that Friendship in Business counts for much and we are very grateful for yours .... II • Let us wish yOU a very MERRY CHRISTMAS..,~" I .d " .... I HAPPY NEw YEAR ~'~ i PALACE: BAR t B,,,h, No. , H.A. hom,,,n, l We now have an Adult class, so come everyone at 2:30. Our Best Wishes Nay the coach at ~> yore" door bring you all the joys of this H~iest of Seasons! SAWYER'S COMPARE OUR PRICES Before Buying Elsewhere We meet or beat them all The Butte Drug & Jewelry Co. Sentinel Butte N.D. In the good old fashioned manner and with all our heart behind each word We Wish You Everything that could make for you a A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS And A PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR ~WW~WW Farmers and Merchants Bank