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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
December 23, 1937     Golden Valley News
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December 23, 1937
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWB The Golden Valley News A continuation of The Beach Advance and The Beach Review D. A. Wallace, W. R. Bratton, and H. E. Enderle Editors andPublishers A weekly published every Thursday at Beach, North Dakota. Entered as second class mail matter at the Postoffice at Beach, North Dakota. October 7, 1936, under the act of March 3, 1897 Advertising rates furnished upon request Subscription price $2.00 in No. Dak., Minn., Mont., and So. Dak., Elsewhere $2.50 Special Flood The North Dakota House of Mercy [is an inter-synodical Lutheran lnsti- I tution for a led moth°. Its pose is to reclaim the fallen for soci- ety and for God. Its work is largely At Medora Soon] a"ty, and its are pro.d mainly through individual giving with frequent help also from county wel- The News is in receipt of a communi- fare agencies. Cation from the U. S, Engineer's office Local committees are being organiz- at Omaha, telling of a public hearing ed in all county seats. The purpose of which Will be held at the town hall these committees is to serve as a con- to attend the game, and Elmer Rats- in Medora, on Friday, January 7, 1938, at ten a. m., under authority of a resol- ution of the Committee on Commerce of the United States Senate. The scope of the hearing will be that of determining whether any modification should be made in the Little Missouri baain report, Wyoming, Montana, South Dakota, and North Dakota, as published in House Document No. 64, Seventy-third Congress, 1st session, With respect to combining the interests of flood control and irrigation. All interested parties are invited to be present or to be represented at the above time and place, including offl- clais of any Federal agency or state, cottuty, town or local association, ~o DeMolays To Have Annual Xmas Dance The local DeMolay chapter has an- nounced that their annual Christmas Frolic dancing party will this year be held on next Wednesday evening, De- cember 29, and the usual good time is anticipated. The boys have arrang- ed for some good music for the ecca- sion 4and as in other years, will also serve a lunch in connection with the affair, at no extra cost. ALABAMA FOOTBALL STAR RELATED TO RAISLF.~S The News has learned that Ryba, one of the star players on the Alabama team which is to play in the Rose Bowl against California New Year's day, is i a nephew to Louis Raisler of Beach. Mr. Raisler is in California and plans Many Apply For '38 Licenses Already Bismarck--C. E. Van Horne, state motor vehicle registrar, reports more than 3,000 applications for 1938 auto- obile license plates have been received to date in his department, with more coming in each mail. Van Horne has been conducting a successful statewide drive urging all North Dakota motor vehicle owners to l have their new yea~, licenses purchased iby Jan. 1. Sheriffs in practically all counties were this week announcing the state law regulating purchases of licenses will be strictly enforced. Contrary to public belief, it is against the law to use a vehicle on state high- ways after Jan. 1 without new year license registration. A penalty which goes into effect on May 15, the deadline date, applies only tact agency between the home and the county communities. They are to help direct those who need such care to it he home; to cooperate with county tT~ welfare boards n cases where help ist needed to keep people of the commun-I~ ity acquainted with the work and tot promote morality w]'thin the communl-i~r~ News of the Town George Szudera was host to a number of friends at a fine goose dinner at the Hotel Beach Sunday evening, and ev- eryone present reports a very enjoyable time and George as a genial host in- deed. ler, his son, who is employed at Yuma, to vehicles which have not been in use Arizona, also plans to be present, since the first of the new year. de,re to present a flOOd control plan, Sunday night Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Or a combined flood~co!Itrol ~ h'riga- ( Hardy Idft by train for the west e0~st. tin plan, or whose interests may be[They intend flret to go to Tacoma to affected by such project. They will I spend Ohristmas with relatives there, I_ be given an opportunity to introduce I and from there will go on to California, I knd file their written views as to the iolanning to be there for the Tourna-I _ feasibility of any such projects, rnent af Roses New Year's Day. They! ~ Brief oral statements will be heard will remain for several weeks in Calif- but, for accuracy of the records, all fornla, according to present plans. 1 facts and arguments should be sub- Gerhardt Fonderick of Walla Walla,I mitted in writing, as the records of Washington, was here Friday visitingi~" the hearing will be forwarded for con- at the E. G. Sawyer home. He was~" si6eration by the War Department. Local Committee Named For House Of Mercy Friday A loom committee for the North Da- kota House of Mercy has been selected by Miss Clara Jones, field representa- tive of tJnat institution. At a committee meeting last Thursday evening at the H. R. Thompson home, the ~ollowing officers were elected: chairman, Mark Free, e; vice-chairman, Oiadys God, daxd~ secretary, Oliver E~erette. Other members.of Y~he local committee are Mrs. H. R. Thompson and Miss Sophie Jahr. Mrs. Jones, who called the meet- To Thank You for past kindnesses and to wish you again the Season's Compliments enroute to his home at Lehr, N D., to spend the holidays with his parents. 1 He has been in a CCC camp recently,,] a~d will be remembered as a former l employee of the Sawyer Hardware. t~2~ Variety Store Keep Your Home Comfortable Enjoy a comfortable lmme wlbm the cold wlater ~ in. Order yore. coal today . . . yeuql ~ve yourself money at these low ~ee~ PRICE PER TON Delivered $2.25 AARON SNOOK Call Phoae 20 1937 We Can Only Say~ May Peace, Prosperity and Happiness Be Yours Mr. and Mrs. Russell Denton were ~~ hosts to twelve people at a Christmas party Sunday evening. Three tables of bridge were in play ~nd a delicious lunch was served at the close of the e~ening, t~ Mrs. Delia Partridge of Dickinson, NYA supervisor for this district, was'~ a Beach visitor last Friday. 1 Wells Dickinson of the state high-'~ way department spent several days in Beach last week. He has been making test holes east Of Sent~ B~Utte. T. and T. Dress Shop Mildred Tobias Helen Tobias DOn'T THInH ZERO IT wOn'T HgPPEn HERE" ',m DEGREES BELOW ZERO TEMPERATURE REGISTERED HERE IT MAY HAPPEN AGAIN SO BE READY --INSTALL NATURAL GAS HEAT litOlITII!lll-|lINOTii BTILITIES CO. THURSDAY, DEC. 23, 1937 The social meeting of the Ladies I Give the News as a gift. The receiv- Auxfliary was held at the home of ler will be reminded of your gift every Mrs. Leo Tobias last Friday afternoon.~ week during the coming year. A Gracious Acknowledgement The unanticipated gift.., how can you gracefully express your apprecia- tion? Your photograph offers a happy solution. l~et us inake one for you today. WELCH STUDIO FRIDAY- SATURDAY SATURDAY MATINEE 2:30 P. M. Meet Comedy And News Sunday. Monday- Tuesday MATINEE SUNDAY AT 2:30 P. M. lUl$ tt '-LIVE, LEARN Wednesday- Thursday STUART ERWIN JEAN MUIR GLENDA FARRELL ALLEN JENKINS by ~. g. J,rome *rid J*¢k $choll A r-ma N~oMI P'~ Also A Comedy