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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
December 23, 1937     Golden Valley News
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December 23, 1937
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The Golden Valley News ~. ~ And THE BEACH REVIEW And THE BEACH ADVANCE Funeral Services Held Yester- day afternoon From St. Paul's Lutheran Church Here • One of the fine young men of Beach passed away last Saturday afternoon at the Deaconess Hospital in Sidney, Montana after an illness of about a month, in the person of Clement Gey- er, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Gey- er of this city. When he first began ailing he'was quartered in the hospital of the CCC camp No. 2761 but was transfei'red to the Deaconess I-Iospltal at Sidney where he remained until the end came. R gul~r b;ood transfusi ns were ne- v~sary because cf au inward bleeding, w'th members of his camp being the donors. Though at times his condition ,~ .,- h~pe ul, still it s.on became appar- e~:t t.hat unl ss there would be a great im9rc:en~nt, life could not remain. ~a~urd~y m~rnlng, he began sinking ,:~ ,!-'!v ~n~ the end came several hours later. C~em nt Eilsworth Oeyer was born in Beach Juu~ 25. 191~. Spending his -ou'h aur~ attending the p~l~ ~ch~is ~af Beach he entered the loc~l high schoo! in the fall of 1~2. Three years later he enrolled with the Citl~rm Con- ~erwtlon Corps and was ~ed to Camp No. 756 at I~ramer, North Da- kota. After a year at camp he return° ed to Beach to finish his high school course, gradl~tting is~t sprh~. the past summer he worked at'Fargo and Moorhead and returned to reen- list with the CCC's and this time was assigned t~ Camp No. 2/61, leaving here in October to be stricken in s~ short a time. His age at his passing was 20 years, 5 months ,and 23 days. Hi early passing is mourned by his sadly bereaved parents, 6 brothers, Duane, 19; Lloyd, 17; Harlin 16; I~le, 9, Herman Jr. 7; Robert 4, and four sisters, Marion, 14; Fern, 3; Rlta 2, and Velma 5 months old, ~II of whom are at home with the exception of Du- ane who is at the CCC camp at Medi- cine Lake Montana. was a ~ithful member ofI St. Paul's Ev. Lutheran church, in which church he was baptized, con-t firmed and from which burial took place Wednesday at 1:30 p. m., with Rev. H. J. Trinklein Officiating.. Emma Rca, Sim- mons Is Married To Hebron Man The many friends here of Miss Em- ma Rea Simmons will be pleasantly surprised to learn of the recent mar- riage of that p.~pular young lady. She reported to the News that she was married at Wlbaux to John F. Lunn of Hebron and as a honeymoon trip went to the west coast, via Washington and Oregon, returning through Utah and a southern route. They were in Beach some time ago, while returning from the trip, but at that time no one here knew of the wedding. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Simmons, and is very well and favorably known here, h~ving atte'nded Beach schools for several years, and spending the greater part of her life ~in this vicinity. She has a lm~e circle of friends In and around Beach who Join in extending to be~t wishes for a long and hsppy wedd- ed married life. Mr. Lunn is from Hebron, graduatin~ from the Taylor high school, however, - in 1~, and is very well known in that section. At present the newlyweds are residing in Hebron, but they m~y leave ~soon. The News Joins in extendin~ con- ~wtulatkms to the happy ~uple. Merry Christmas to alll @isd ~om~g man Is taking, no chances on b~n: o'; erlooked on Christmas moraing--a~d he is ~vi~ his order earl~ ......... Maria, Wallace, i eh :'" a . .... . m umt " Mains, Eastern John Rice Wed Sun. December 5 Well Known Local Young Couple Say Vows In West; To Reside In Colfax, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. M. O, Wallace in- form the News that they are in re- ceipt o~ word from their daughter Mar- Jan that she was married on Sunday afternoon, December 5, to John O. Rice, formerly c f this • city. Both these young folks are exceptionally well known here, having spent practically all their lives in Beach. According to the letter received by the Wallaces, I the ceremony was performed in Harry Rice's trailer h~use at Lewiston, Idaho, by Rev. Calvin Barkou, an Episcopal minister of that place. Marian left Beach on Nov. 28, and spent about a week visiting with an aunt in Spokane before she was mar- tried. She is a graduate of the local high school with the class of 1935 andi has been employed in several local busi- ness houses d~qng the past couple years. John is the ~econd son of the late Dr. H. L. Rice, is also a graduate of the local high school and also of the Agricultural college at Fargo. ~e iS a registered pharmacist andh~s been employed in a number of places around the state in the past three y~rs. In September he went to Washington, and is now employed at Colfax, in that state, where the newlyweds plan to make their future home. Both these youn~ folks have a large circle of friends in aald around here, who unite in extending to them every good wish for a I~ and happy wedded 'life, and the News is glad to add their congratulations to them. Mrs. Edgar Johnston and her moth- er, Mrs. John Hubble, returned Mort- ality ~ D~Ito~ after havlng been there since Friday. Watt Johnsc~ went to Dickinson Monday to attend z~ Ford meet~ there returning tO Beach on Ttum~y afternoon. Wins Over Ollie i Stars Hold Joint Tuesday Night Installation Tues. On Tuesday night the Beach high Large Crowd Present for An- school basketball team won from a nual Event Of Local Masonic hard fighting Ollic team by a scare of Organizations 18 to 13. The score was very close throughout the entire game, the half Tuesday night the Masonic Temple ending 10 to 7 with Ollle leading, was the scene of a large gathering of Joe Nlec~ and Don Trinkleln showed Masons and Eastern Stars, their wives go:d form for the local team and did and husbands, the occasion being the most of the scoring while Vic Berg annual installation of officers for the ,~nd Carl Sliper accounted for most of c-ruing year of both organizations. their teams scoring. ~ The event b~gan with a sumptuous C nsiderable improvement is noted in turkey dinner at 6~0 p. m., that was the local quint over their first few greatly relished by all. From there the games and after the holic~ys Coach'meeting adjourned to the lodge rooms, Tobias expects his boys tv hit a win-,~where after a short opening and bual- ning streak. ~' ~aess session, the Masonic order intall- Band director tlylland was on hand ed their officers, they being as follows: • with his group of musicans who pepped .'ohn Raisler~Worshipful Master the the fans with several sn~ppyl R:,y Oech--Senior Warden up Ernest D. Nel~on--Junior Warden tunes which are always enjoyed. " I The preliminary game was played by'~ A. E. Kastein--Treasurer the Freshmen and and Eighth grade' E.M. Enderle--Secretary teams, the first ye]r men proving t~~ Rev. W. A. Smith--Chaplain be the superior team. ~ Win, A. Moyer--Senlor Deacon Win. D. Schulz--JUnior Deacon , Last night Wednesday. the high A.R. Miller-~enior Steward school ~eam journeyed to Sidney to H.E. Euderle---Junlor Steward play the high school team cf thatI H. W. Blair~Tyle~ place, the results of which will be A short recess was then taken, efte~ found in next week's Issue. 1 . which the Eastern Star Installed the following: Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hathaway on, Mrs. Alice Edkins--Worthy Matron Sunday gave a birthday parw, honor- E. M. ~derie---Worthy Patron ing their son Donald. There were 20 Mrs. Florence Hanson--Associate Ma- present for the occasion, with five ~ron. tables of whist in play. Oeo. R. Osterhout---Associate Patron Mrs. Charlotte Carlson--Secretary DOLLS AND DOLLS Mrs Minnie Z Sml~-~,~ure~ Mrs. Hlidora Huber--Conductress Mrs. Jessie lq~istead~Asso~te Con- 2~ctress. Mr. Grace Ho~ek--¢h~platn Mrs. Esther Meml~-O~w~J~t Mrs. Edslla Oech.--Adah Mrs. Luella 8ch~th Mrs. Helen. J~er ~.w~ ~y~.h~ I Mrs-~~ I or so was ~pe~t La ~, ~ wlXI~ [ the ~thertn~ dl~pe~t Was Pioneer of Golden Valley County, Coming Here In 1906; Funeral Tuesday The n~ny friends here and through- out this entire region of M~. II. P. Crosaman, pioneer resident of the Golden Valley, were deeply ~-leved tO learn that this esteemed lady had passed away zt the local hospltal Sun- day morning, following a brief lllne~. Her condition was known to be quite serious, but all had Joined in hoping that the worst would not oecur up until the final moments. Mrs. A. F~ Scheffer of O~rlyle, who was one of the lo~ time /~dends of the deceased, subnflte the following obituary, which very nk~ely ~ the high esteem in which Mrs. Or0m- man was held by everyone who had tl~ privilege of her ~quaintan~e. Arzina R. Blue was beta January 6, 1884 at Winnaishuk Iowa and passed away Sunday, Dec, 19, 1867 at ~keh, N. D., at the age of 73 y~tr~ 21 mcmthe and 13 d~ys. The cause of death be- ing heart trouble. On Sept. 14, 18Sl she was united in marriage to Harlan Page ~ at I Sioux Falls, 2" Dak., where they apent their early married life. Three child- ren were born to this unkm. Two sods and one daughter, I)ar~, O~ and . ~. ~. ~ -latter .~m l~m~l .... her in death several years ago. Mrs. Crossman was on of the early settlers, her husband taking a home- stead south of Sentinel Butte in the G~trner yicinity in the spring of I~, on which they reaided until moving to Beach In the fall of 1~6. l~vin~ previously bought a home here. Mrs. ~roesman was a f'mn believer in her church, uniting wtth the Con- gre~tionalists at an early age. She was a faithful worker In the Ladies Atd, the Sunshine Society and Homemakers clubs, a devoted wife and mother and a true friend 2nd kind neighbor to all. • She leaves to mourn her death, her beloved husband, one son Darwin of Chleago, one grand-daughter, I~res~ Crossman of Chicago; two Maters, Ar- vetta Brant of Chicago; ~nd Mrs. Nora Dell Scott of Wales, N. D., besides a host of friends. The funeral services were held from the Methodist church Tuesday after- noon wltl~ Rev. Grove officiating. Mrs. Harold Owens sank two beautiful selections, ' Kindly Light" and '~here is Res~ for the Weary." Miss Bovey accompanied her at the piano. Pallbearers were long time neighbors and friends: Ed Sheen, Guy Curl, Al- fred Scheffer, George Gearey, Hammond and Frank Sch~uboe. Mem- bers of the Sunshine club acted as honorary pallbearers. Interment was made in *the Beach cemetery be~e her two chlRlren. Sincerest sympathy is extended tO those left to mourn the passing of a devoted wife, mother, aunt and friend. Jr. Chamber Has Fine Meeting On Last Thurs. Nite Regular meeting of the local Junior Chamber of Commerce ~a~ held last Thursday evening at the Hotel Beach, with a good attendance. The ma~tin~ began with a 7 .o'clock dinner, follow- ed bY two fine vocal numbers by Miss Vera Helm, accompanied by Joseph Hyliand at the lZ~o. Dale Sorenson and Fr. W. F. Hake were introduced as guests, after which Father Hske gave a very intereetir~ informal talk on the reereatAonal pro- Ject which is now Just slm'ti~, pre- ~ent headquarters bei~ in lSt. Jim's Hall. A brief general dl~cusalun ~f the matter followed, with the remflt that the club went on record as bein~ stronsly in favo~ of the pro~e~. Other routine buainess wits disposed of, a~k~ whAeh the dice were "rolled" fo~ .the attendance contest, and the