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December 22, 1938 |
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eV|ves Ritual
iOf Log Burning
~dents of this high-perched town
] on the great Divide celebrate their
' modern Christmas in an old-fash-
Iioned way, by burning the tradi-
tlonal yule log.
Each year the log is secretly
cut, notched and tied with hempen
cord, hidden among the trees and
irocks awaiting the finder to whom
goes the honor of dragging it into
j gown.
Last year for the first time
Palmer Lake burned its yule log
I in the town hall, where local fire-
men built a huge stone fireplace
wide enough to accommodate a
ii four-foot log. Previously the cele-
bration was held in a private
home where fewer guests could be
• accommodated.
The hunt for the yule log starls.
at 1 p. m., when all participants
summoned by a bugle to meet
in front of the hall.
The yule log has a colorful his-
tory. In Scandinavia, where Thor,
the god of thunder, was wor-
ibJped, great log fires were built
along the rocky shores both at
mid4ummer and mid-winter in
+order to propitiate him. for his
rumbling wrath,
When the early fathers substi-
tuted the feast otthe Nativity for
that of Mithra, the Persian sun
god who was worshiped on De-
cember 25 in early Rome, a dif-
ferent note crept in. Yuletide be-
.~ame a time for feuds to cease.
In England, before the Reforma-
tion, bringing in the yule log was
Dickinson. N. D.--Malnstay of the
)ickinson State Teachers college quint.
I C.C. Clark, M. L. Walker and John
Vlnquist drove to Dickinson yesterday
on business. They planed to drive
back a new 1939 Oldsmobile car, pur-
chased by Mr. Walker.
I Lawr+nce Nistler and family were
~ln from Wibaux Saturday.
IWord has been received" here that
i Mlss Marian KJedroski underwent an
an important part of the Christ- appendectomy operation Monday fore-
mas festivities. The community noon of this week at the hospital in
usually gathered in the hall of the Columbus. Montana. and she is re-
lord of the manor, where the log i portecl as coming along nicely now,
was kindled with due ceremony j which is good news to her friends here.
all partook in the wassail cup, I Hector Cameron is helping out at the
+a ~weet cider flavored with fruits ~Miller's store this week as Cole Nue-
~and spices.
i dick has been on the sick list with a
1~+ +°~iI
C'I Rober~ Stone arrived here Wednes-
LOCAL~ Iday morning from Trona, Calif.. to
MrS. O. R. Niece took Mrs. CharlesIst~nd the holiday season with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Stone.
lReadinger, Mrs. Willis Wallace and This is Bcb's first visit home since
son Stanley to Olendive saturday af- leaving here four years ago anti need-
ter noon On a shopping tour.
E less to say that he has many friends
Miss Virginia Young and Miss Marne here glad ~o see him ~gain.
-O~rldCk of Sentinel Butte spent the Miss Kathteen Bolsen and Mrs. Lyle
weekend In Beach. Martin of sentinel Butte were shoppers
Leo. Hess and Albert Streitz return- in town Wednesday. Miss Boisen is
+ed to Beach from La Conner, Wash- home from Winona, Minn.. where she
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Helstrom, form-
~B~h. -~l,~. ~.~
etr horife al5 Faro
visiting relatives and friends
here during the holiday season.
~er~bers cf the Beach 4-H club held
~+fpieasatit Christmas party at the M.
IL. Lov~D home Thursday nlght, a~
~vhich they re'de candy and enjoyeo
a gift ,gkchange.
And may the New
Year be fill/cd with
Ha and
od will.
May we also thank
xonage w,e have en
and hope that we m
of your friendship
Your Rexall Store
To You All,
With Best Week End
ington, where they have been employ- is attending college.
~ed L he
two years.
LOVE + + +
Monday night Mr. and Mrs. Tom
IRaderandd,aughterJoan, returned ~IHOMPSON'S [00D MARK[T:
:from Chicago and Detroit, wheretheyPEPPY 61RLS
l~ave been the past two years. They
~rove a new Plymouth car b~ck and
,ei~route home stopped to visit Miss ~OU can b~¢o cjb ~WeDeliver Phon $$
:Irene Hudson at New Rockford, N.D. PPY
Mrs. Laurence Turnbull is in the~?C nd,Old T me" hil la
local hospital for treatment. , " +
,., ~.w. 0,,~.. ,q : + y y , w eit sts31625c ~
:the city Mond,+y on business connect-
with the ONDA, was a pleasant -~-
~+., ,.+~,.o. to ,~, ~+ ~~+__-+ ocoae+
tlmm wttl-~ t~ ©~ tIDJA_g, r .l!S~-
remembered 55 times throughout ~~LY--6~D~+~h+~--~U~h'~e
--''-" ~BUTTER CREAMS ... .... lb.box23c
Johnston's Choco~ox. $2.23 ~
:ALMONDS ..... ~:i? :W"" 21bs. 45c
~Grapefruit, large, seedk{~s... 6 for 23e ~
++ORANGES, Navels ........ 2 doz. 27c
89c ~
17c ~BANANAS, firm, ripe ..... 3 lbs. 20c
~Radishes, Cranberries, Green Tom-
ol OX 690z. 65c +
I UHAYThe Sa+p+ +
+,..,+, ...3 bars 19c +
Wo me~/
Wishing you all
the year.
APPLES, Winesa
Lettuce, crisp,2 for 23c
LARD, ~ pounds ................ 23c
CANDY, 5 pound box ........... 89c
PEAS, No. 2 can, 3 for ........... 25c
iii H
See our Big 4-page Christmas circular
for complete Holiday Savings in all
departments of the store , ,
As Christmas Comes Around We
realize how much friendship
means. And so we take this op-
portunity to extend to all of you
• 0 '~
"Yuletides Best
Sentine ers
Elevator Co.
Sentinel Butte, North Dakota
Why Not Make This Christmas A ~
Happy One -- By Saying It With ~
MIX CANDY, Old Tyme, 3 lbs..+. 29c
ZPeanut Brittle, 3 lbs. ...........
CHOCOLATEn~¢,,.~,,o, 3 lbs. .29c
Chocolate Covered Cherdes, lb :23cg
PEANUTS, fancy grade,\No. !,~ .10C ~
+ APPLE CIDER, gal jug .~ ~I~. .... 49c +
+Pumpkin, 2 No. 2% lb. cans ~ ...... 19c +
m~+~,..,,.~, 3 ~ -,ar+e cans ...... 20c
LARD, Swift's crt. ..... 79c
Crackers, by, lb. box, 14¢ ~
ks iii ~L-~ ~
~--- '-- ac
l'otatoes in new lb. s
APPLES, fresh, per lb. ............ 5c
~Texas Grapefruit, the sweet kind,
Large, seedless, dozen ......... 39¢
Booth's Special Select Oysters, per Pt... 45c
Fresh Frozen Wall Eyed Pike, lb ...... 15c
Season's Greetings
Humble in spirit.. Mindful to our respon-
sibility to society ~ .. Deeply grateful for
g the many blessings of life... Earnestly
hopeful that we have merited your good
will and the business you have given us and
~gratified in the knowledge that we do
strive to serve you, we ave happy to pause
in this Yule Season of gladness to wish for
you and those near and dear,to you "A o,,o
~Merry Christmas" and that the NewYea~~~
of your fond-
will bring a full realization
A MERRY CHRISTM4S ~ estHopesand Dreams.
m- and a +-+ + F. T. Reytlolds Co. ....
Happy and Properous New Year m
BUD+ .... TEDil~ Beach, l~orth Dakota ~ :i