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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
December 22, 1938     Golden Valley News
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December 22, 1938
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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While Shepherds Watched THE GOLDEN VALLET" NEWS THURSDAY, DEC. 22, 1938 Livestock Increase AMAZED SANTA CLAUS Stores To Close , G.E. Longstreth and Franklin Bell- i mont drove to Dickinson Friday and A ti ip d Thi .t~oo~o~ meetings there. , FINDS 33 STOCKINGS i n c ate s IN MARYLAND HOMEr Attention of everyone is called to~ Give a subscription to the Golden Wlt' "n-e l'n tate ~ho fact that many of the stores in Valley News for a Christmas gift a~! " LEONARDTOWN, MD.--No less Beach will close at 6 p. m. this com-tbe remembered 52 times throughout than 33 stockings are hung by the inj" Saturday night, December 24th, ithe year. chimney with care each Christmas due to the fact that it is Christmas! Large supplies and reiat,ivety low eve at the home of Mr. anti Mrs. eve. a,.:d others plan to close shortly ..... prices of feed grains as factor.s th.:t L.J. Sterling here. after that. will encourage continued liberal feed- The couple has 17 children, who Most of the stores plan to remain] ing of live~ock this winter and spring with the grandchildren and in-laws closed all day M_~nday, December 26, alld bring about further increases in add up to the grand total of 33. also, and people are urged to do their production of meat animals are em- Santa Claus can hardly see the lSh°pping early and stock up for the phasized in the annua outlook for ag- fireplace for the stockings when he double holiday. ricult.ure just for North Dakota just slides down the chimney. But he l published by the NDAC exLension never fails to fill them all. In the] CHRISTMAS CAROLS service, t years since he started visiting the i Last Sunday evening a group oft In the North Dakot~ outlook Harry Sterling home, Santa has found that young people led by Miss Stough i O. Anderson, extension econop, ist, l another caller, the stork, also has Miss Kiser and Rev. Grove went over points out that "a decrease in the the Sterling address in his book. town singing Christmas Carols to shut slaughter of cattle and calves can be ~; Each year there has been a "new 'ins and at the hospital. The group expected because of the desire of farm-I addition" to the Sterling household, :of young folk represented the Congre- ers to hold their stock from market or in the homes of their children, gational Christian Endeavor, the Sod- "It seems fairly certain," he adds. As Santa's burden has become olity Girls of the Blessed Virgin Mary THE JOY{ "that barring drouth, cattle nutabers greater he has cheerfully risen to and the United Brethren Christian will tend to expand for some year:+ '+ the needs and found plenty of toys Endeavor. Folowing the Carol sing- 'Its indeed a ut even ~ith tl~ st~alle~ total and other "goodies" to go around, ing, a lunch was served in the Con- one reserved slaughter of cattle and calves antici- But he has to replenish his supply Church basement, joyment . . . pared for 1939, the increase in the after each visit to the Sterling is that it country is expected to result in a home. A baby boy was born to Mrs. Oswin thing downward rather than an upward Schmitz at the local hospital Wednes- trend in cattle prices in the next few Late Yuletide Observed day morning. years unless there is a greater con- By Orthodox Christians - ' sumer demand than is looked for at . J C yCo present. Conforming to the Julian calen- LOST--One 32x6 Zenith truck' tire and dar, thousands of Americans will rim on highway No. 16 south of l • • • The Department of Agriculture econ- not celebrate Christmas until Janu- Beach. Finder please return for omists believe that for the country as ary 7, 14 days behind the Gregorian reward to E. M. schmitz, Golva. 12p :=- ......-_+_=:- +:---=_+__+,___ & photographic reproduction of the famous Christmas painting, "Am a whole, the effect of production in- calendar. These people are Rus- creases will . . ~lthelrds Watehed,"tle e tile bl by Carl Mueller, noted German artist. The paint- :and fat .............. a~t,tlY noted first for hogs slans, Serblans, Armenians, Bulga- ~~~~J~~J~]~~~~ ~! In ~u~. .... ~ .Of .Christ5 was executed in Dusseldorf in 18815 b~r~ ~o , .................. rlans, Syrians and Macedonians-- ~ ~t, was nrst lmnnsneti In the vmted States in 1936. ~o _,,~. ..... ~- u.urmg ~ne nex~ zew followers of the Christian Orthodox ~[~ Illl _ _ _ ~ earsU~ra~t expansion oz sheep hum- church. Greeks and Rumanians, 1~ ~ , j~ ][wt~Jrtl~,~slt~,lrl ~7~ l active throughout the year.' Y , with .the !ncrease most pro- also of the Orthodox church, mark ~, ] _~l~~ t~, llll~Utlilll~ltlUll ~LPll ~ O N D A has been challenged for ouncea m yne s~a~es where hum- ristmas on th Gregorian 1 ~ I [ | t~tt-i-"n~[ /,tws4~s~.f_¢~...~= .~ ,,~.,o ] j~ I its statement that foreign license cars bers .were rectuced most fol,owtng the Ch~ but adhere te the 7iulian 3alen- -- . ~ .... t, N D tli.hw i are now paying 25 percent or more of ~~ dar in observance of Easter Sun-~~~~$ • • -- ~,,~ssL ~ ot~ Jt~ }the net gasoline tax received annually Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smeby and day. ~II~l]~~W~~:. J~ lr~ 1 "~" ~'w~'l~Y the state highway department the Fred W°jahn were in fr°m the Alpha ~/~~~ ~ ~[~P~|IPt~II~JP~|| h'~ |vl~|| I Minot man said. He pointed to the country Tuesday J Ifact that a recent study just conclu- ~'~ ~~ ~ ~~|~2~:~,Q~?.~ -- lded in Montana showed that 33 1-3 ~~~~~-~~~.~~~ I~ l~il~l~illiillillllli+~IL]~li:~:ill~i~i~!-~lJlilWlli~~ Minot, N. D,, Dec. 21--New factslpercent of the net tax income of that _~ ~ ,~ ,~ ~a~ ~ m~ +~ +m~m~ m~ ~ ~~||[[]]1]||][~~~,~I~!.~]~/~[~[ bearing u~on a continuation of North[state came from foreign license cars. ~@ 1/11 Ill ~'~mm~ ~ _~ ,~l~Itll~-- -- ~~ !~ -T='a~~ , -- I "The Montana study also revealed ~ ~ " ~l~'- l:~,,3~tas highway construction pro-+ , + J~ ....... +the fact that all persons who claimed ~ ~~J ~ ~ -, ~'~'~IJT~+~ t .... ~ ~,~ gram in lt~ were announcea here to- tax refunds during the year totaled ~,- ~~ -~~/ffl~ te~q I/t/ o ~- .+ .,~t~, ~s~,, -- ~ f ~ j~ day by R. J. Coughlin chairman of !3 fl percent of the population A sim- ~ + + ..... ~ ~ - ~ ~ " the special highway committee of the i ilar study in North Dakota Is expected _~ ~J~_~~~~ ~ ~ W~th th, eold-fash~oned sort of fi~ndship ~-- ~reater North Dakota Association. tto show perhaps 10 percent of our ~,, ~ t~zj~l~:..lm~.. -+-~z/~4~f~McA~ tt~ t/~ ~ _!_ • --- -~. ~.t:_~_ • ..... m~• ~. , +- "Dur 1938 more tha 2000 menI e Z~ ariacheer, we join a nappy nOll{l~: hJg , n , tpeople are now benefitti,*~,~ from thes ~ "~ -- + '--'~- ~ ~ [ Y were employed throughout the sum- i refunds, but even this figure is far ~ J~ ~season to say thanks for Yh~r friendsh~ns mer aria, ear£y zat£ months m highway!below the tolal number which we had ~,- ~ ............... : ..... - ~r~ II/t/ , . ~- . , . ~ \ ,. • r ~1~ proects,' Mr. Coughlin stated. "~nthough would be sharing in these re- ~ ~ - + ~ ~ ~ana association ana WiSh you a corolal.., z equal number would be engaged in i funds which may exceed $L200,000 this ~ ~ ~ s~ ~ ~srlt~T~x~xr ~'~TXW~TCSr~t~C'~ t~ similar work next season, if we eltherlyear. The Montana report reveals ~ ~ ~ ±¥151~1~I U1"11~1i~11¥1/4_/3 il~ manage to match federal funds of the fact," according to Mr. Coughlin, ~ ~ ~/~ " t~ $4,000,000 now available in the state, i"that numerous business firms, as ~ ~ ~ NAf~,,~ D,,~,~ ~li+IT,~l~ll,. "'-2 or if we alter ,our statutes so that we well as some :farmer~ were gainin~ .. • • "]~Th ~l~f~ ~ ~"~ 1¥111~. D~t:::i~ 19" q~lq.:l| can qualify for these funds without excessive reft~ndS.+'' +:' ++" ¢:' -- ~ ",' +' + AI~O: I~+ + .... ' + ~I~---.~--... ,.,,..... ,.,. ,. ,. ,. ,,. ,. ,. . ,. =~ matching. In addition hundreds of .... ~ • , ,'~ ~.~ I ~l+ll ji$4~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ;~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ lr~lt contractors, oil jobbers, firms selling Haye you been considering taking a .,. tarry. ~ ! z . ~, ! , . #~11~.~..,~.~ ......................... ~-Z road equipment and road materials, as business course? If so why not enter ~ ~t/lCh Yall lntl yall~. I {i ~I~9'~'$~~75:~$$~$~'~x~$~$~ well as other t ,, ~*_,aa ~-~u z ~llu ~Vul :• ax payers, would be en- Mankato Commereial College, Man- ~ " : t~l~ , abled to keep their employment rolls kato, Minn., Jan. 2. ~ ! ~It I ~+v, ~ :~ _~' ~i ,,, ~ * • i ~2~ ' ~ ...... --+-+---------+__--++- .... --:++_-++ '+ Merry Old Fashlone C ls mam tz , - + , -++ii+ ++o }lay the New Year bring a full meas-, , ure of Happiness and to ouri + i -m OYOU8 I.IDA i