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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
December 22, 1938     Golden Valley News
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December 22, 1938
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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• !!I •938 rl4iL~ THURSDAY, DEC____= '22__!, 193__~8 o 38 Lleense Re. 7 eeipts Over Million ,s lAnd Half Dollars ~~ Bismarck--Receipts from sale o motor vehicle license plates in North Dakota for 1938 will total well over a million and a half dollars, says C. E. Van Home, State Motor Vehicle reg- istrar. The gain in receipts was accomplish- ! ed despite a decline of 4,300 new cars and trucks sold and licensed during ~! the year. Total of licenses Issued in 1938 will be at least 1,000 more than ~A~ the 174,890 regIstered in 1937. iMotorists thIs week had started use Of 1939 license plates, vermillion on ~ white background, in compliance wtth i a state law that makes it !llegal to J operate a vehicle upon public high- ways after the first of the new year without current license. Approximately 6,000 applications for 1939 have been handled to date. Par- tial installation of new equipment will ml~ it possible to send abettt 20,000 application forms to vehicle owners completely filled out and ready to sign. When the new equipment is com- plete by 1940, the department will be able to place license plates in hands of each owner in a month's time Van Home said. Receipts f o r November totalled $9,S09~. THE GOLDEN VALLEY Nature's Yuletide Gift From verdant forests throughout northern America, treea to grace the nat/on's Christmas morning are ahipped each year. Th/s picture was taken in Maine, where 1,500,000 trees are being felled for the holidays, te be loaded for shipment to all parts of the United States. BUTTE CRIBBAGE TEAM WINS FROM ALPHA ings, Thursday evening. A combined Christmas program of An eight man cribbage team f~m the Hillside and Haigh schools will be .Sentinel Butte . Joul~eyed in toji the lhe:d on Wednes~tiy evening, Decem- .~.Jpna community -~)!esaay nl~ Oiiber 28. Evelyn/an~ Edna Nelson are last week to the RolCrt Sonne~ farm|the teachers o~ thee schools home where they pl~ed the~ibbagel ,_ . ._ .~. ." - - team of Alpha. T~ final ~re was ' ' ,J • ~, ~ . i r. J. Fulton were l~each lisltors Wed- 7424 to 7091 polr~j with ~;Rens~rom, I ~esdav ~r~ Woodsend ~aved at the White Otremba l~ching ~sm~nn J~_ /. Ij: ~.. - -, "- 1 i- He oboom K ~ ' ' the Al']~naries wooasena n 1or a v s~. i g . o was re-- , Mrs. A. E. scheffer a. Dickinson pha team presented Smith, visitor Tuesday and Cook, and Peter- ),~rs. Full• ,~ son. Busch ..he Oolva SunshJ~e 947. ?,k,r:nesday at the Alpha will :-L:a:n~nd an:l : on the 21st :erT~d Lo a goodly )f mern- Butte there, time ~er~ and visitors, meeting inel Butte took ~ last ~ ~i]l be held with Mrs iie Page on day night but not received January 4th, unless otherwise cha~ gJ:~. resul's as yet. ~< s were installed at the G~o. The leaked out that Hvm:,mond and Leo Rising homes on they are also considering Beach as :.'' , ,,uay. opponents in the near future. .......... IVe have a few Christmas Cards for ast minute ne~ds at the Golden Val- :v News office. FOR SALE--One Short Horn roan bull with papers. Call at Golden Valley H.u•vester Co. C.C. Clark. May w~ this opportl to wish ea~ everyone A Christmas and a CARIN!.E - . ". _~ ~ ~ "~:~.~l,.~ Dinner and luncheon guests atfl~ne home of Mr. and Mr% hoe home Sunday we~' A. E. Scheffer, Beach and Mr. and trig. The Jolly Whist "ed Saturday at the Mrs. Julius Larson. eight games of played. Prizes were Scheffer and George Gearey and Alfred received low, and the traveling prize was also awarded Milk O. GeareY. The next party will beN~ld the first part of January, ~939. ~ Several ~iend~ a~neighbers went out to th~ho~e ~rs. Frank Schouboe-~I~u~L~ evenin_~ if she was not surp~ she shou~have been. Those present were Mrs. John Shafer, Mrs. Bert Covert, Mrs. ~eo. Gearey, Mrs. Alfred Scheffer, Mrs. Andrew Peterson, Mrs. George Ham- mend and Mrs. Julius Larson• Cards, a fine lunch, and visiting were pass- times for a pleasant evening. Friends extend sincere sympathy to the relatives of Mrs. Roy Hartse who passed away at the city home in Bill- CITATION AND NOTICE HEARING ear STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA. a e County of Golden Valley, IN COUNTY COURT. - . | Before Hen. A. E. Kastien, juage i Duripg this,~o~ filet year IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ANSON V. COWEE, A~SO of b~iness in Wiba~x, it KNOWN AS A. V. COWEE. DE- has be~ a pleasure ~ SeT- CEASED. ve you ~Kd we want ~o ex- Clara Cowee Pet a~cer ~ • i ) ~ pre~ ou~i_ncere appreci- v~. ) ationof ..,~-.v--~'_'~,'~ni" "~t~"a~'e Mernle Cowee, Angeli o-.) I wee Samael. Virgel ?Od~l} ~ i we have been~ldlirded. • violet Cowee Alton andlkll ) ~ We hope thaC~e will other persons lnterestld,) ~ Rosponden • Nndenli')-A-l'AORTSiP ~T merit a continuance of this to.theTHEaboveSTATEnamedOF respoiMlentWa_nd fine support during the all other perl~na interestld ill the estito of Allen V. Co~heJt also known as A. Y. Cowee. De~ed; You, and eacll of yoL are hereby notified that C~ira Cciilltte, the Pe- titioner herein,~i.has |filled in this Court a copy o-f ~khe ~asll Will and Testament o~ Ans~li V.% Clpwee, also known as A. V. Co~ee~l~te of the Town of Wibaux in~h~ J~ounty of Wlbaux and state of ~tana. De- ceased, and the probate _N~hereof in the State of Moritana duIy~tuthen- ticatedo with her petition, praying for ~he admission to prooate o~ coming year. DIES A: lV~I.SSOULA Wibaux--Word was received here last week of ~he death ~f Mrs. Roy Hartse at Missot~la• ~as the youngest daughte~ of ~n~k Mrs, E. J. Law= rence. ~r ~her ~d away Nov.: 9th. Sh~ ~ves he%~husband, two sons, h~=~d father,~ur sisters and brothers besides ~ther relatives frien~is to mourn h]~r passing. We NEWS IIIII IIIII I ,,, ......... ,,T, ~LOST--Large canvas, south of Wibama FOR SAL~.--AI1 modem 5 room hOU~ GARNER Reasonable reward offeredl~t~: in good condition. Write Mrs. Edlttt Klederoski, Wl~aux, Mont. If-2tp aparrenberger, Portage, WISe., or t~ Axel Johnson was an over night Dr. I~.ons for particulars. I0-tf guest at the Fred Wassmann home ESTRAYED--from farm east of Beach, ~ ~w~r ~s~ #A..~.~ ~.t. on Friday. / e e iacea calI Dra..~ea ~ ' ....hes et- Also k--r ---., ~- ~- • "~ on left side - 11 -- - "" d .... ' .... ' ~"~' Vic Renstrom and ~:Art Unoerv~0d . ua T. l~. nu son. ~_~ ~_,~ hauled hogs to Beac~ Fr day. ~ ~ ~~ Mr. and Mrs. Ge~ge Stull~d Pal FOR SALE OR RENT--Modern seven FOR RENT--Furnished modern apart° were callers at the[~Funk~bme on room house. Write .Mary M. V~le:/~ ment. Minnie Smith, Beach, Phon~ Saturday. |~ Wyola, Mont. 10-~. 89-J. ti Mrs. Herman Wa~n~ and Maur-I .... ice were Alpha call~n Tuesday• t~~~~~~~~~~ John Benson was a visitor at the ................................ I~ Elmer Howard and Herman BrOck-I ~ meyer homes on ~rsday. i~ ~ " =~ Joe Dietz an~