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John Zuber in the Wells County
Free Press should win some kind
of an award on this caption "A
Real Story," it reads:
Newspaper Office.
. o
; y.--Fargo" Forum. " I
-- - ~ ~JMlllllilmfEM!
A ~erry ~ristmas is extended to
eve~ne. Y
Felc~aann and
visi t~s at the Joe
M~; Nehls were
Bea~ on
Gordon an overnight
guest at the home grandpar-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Stoddard
Grant S. Moore, Iqtstor
Sunday, December 25th:
Sunday School at 10 a. m.
Christmas Sermon at 11 a. m.
Christmas anthem by the choir.
Epworth League at 6:30 p. m.
The pastor will give a Christmas
message at this service.
Christmas program and tree Satur-
day evening at 7:30 p. m. Everyone is
Hospital Notes
~obert Clarin of Oolva is suffering
with a fractured leg. He entered the
local hospital Thursday of last week.
~uff~ne Hathaway had appendectomy
on Thursday of last week.
~rs. Howard Stockwen had tomtl-
lectomy last Stmday.
Mrs. Floyd Bcseerman entered for
treatment last Sunday, remaining for a
few days.
A baby boy was born to Mr. and
Mrs, Clifford 8chaal on Monday of
this week.
Try the Want Ads
,,, ._
Minstrel's Shrine
This monument at Oberndorf,
Austria, honors Joseph Mohr, who
wrote the words to "Holy Night,"
and Franz Gruber, who wrote the
music for one of the world's most
beloved Christmas hymns.
Christmas Wreath 'King'
Started as Shoemaker
Thrown out of work when a shoe
factory closed last year, Mervin
iFlanderM came back to his home
town and set himself up as the
loader of Maine's Christmas decora-
if ion business. Flandere' success sto-
17 started with a ball of string,
'Some barrel hoops, some spruce
boughs and a llttle ambltion. Now
ho'x perfected a gadget that speedx
t~t.ho wreath-making proces| by
umu. Shoemaking, he says,
ean't eompare to the wrea~ bu~
I *again tal~g up housekeeping. Mrs.
l er home on Saturday. Mr. Lund,~r was i
t employed at the H. W~dard ~rm in I Metcalf has been ill for several weeks
~the early years and ~s a~old ac- and remained at the Ber~ Sperry
lqua~tanee of the Stee~r fa~ly, home until her recovery. Vecil Met-
i Friends and neighb~'s ~thered at calf and son Gary staved at: the J. E.
;the Ellis Steeke~{home S~lrday night Metcalf home dm'in!z that gin~.
'to help him eel~brate'~lls birthday, tZev. Grove preached a fil~'e Chris~-
]Whist was pla~ed~ghroughout the eve-!mas sermon last Sunday Mrs. Warren
]ning and at nlidr~,~ht an appetizin,~ Clark accompanied Rev. Grove to Trot-
[lunch was served~ ~e guests departed ters to serve as organist. Rev. Grove
l in the wee hours~:of Nm nmrning wish-
ling Ellis many m~e ~ppy birthdays.
] We were sorry to hear vf the death of
~Judge Stoddard. Sincere sympathy is
extended to all relatives.
"" As Christmas Rolls
Mrs. Ellis Ayers is expected back
from her visit to Oakland, Calif., the
latter part of the week.
We are sorry to ~hear of Mrs. Gif-
ford's illness. She ~as been a lSXtient
at the Beach hospital for oveLa week.
suffering from he~ trouble. ~)n Sun-i
day a week ago ~,~he C~es King i
family came from Glendt~ to visitI
Mrs. ~lfford. Ch~rl~ m~d daugh-i
ter drove off to ~tter~'~to visit Mr. I
Gifford and child~ ~le Mrs. King
remained ill Beach ~:i~ her mother.
Mr. Gffford returned to, Beach with
the Kings so that he might visit his
wife. We wish Mrs. Giff(~£d a speedy
recovery. =-
Mrs. John Greenup is staying at the
home of her daughter, Florence BOS-
serman, for a few weeks to do her
housework, as Mrs. Bosserman recent-
Located ~e
V. HaP~ster
And Sales Force
~each Estabished 1907 No. Dak. ~
May this Christmas Season be one of~
Joy ~ you and yours,, and but a fore-
runner of theHa~piness ~nd Pros~r-
ity &at wfsincerely ~o[~ will be .:
ou~ through the co '~ ear .
Y i~ ~n~y
.'~ . \
We hav6,~ssed our flr~ milestone in
Beach and it has inde~ been a
pleasure to serve you. We truly
hope that this feeling is
We Wish You~ \~\,\,
And a Pros~rous New Year
The New Year of 1939 wiil final us striving more
than ever to be of still, greaN~i service, that we
may merit the patronage of those whom we have
pleasure of serving
Alvin Feragen, Prop.
Guarantee Mutual Life Co.
will find you Happy and Prosperous
It's been good mighty good to know you
and do business with you. We've
enjoyed serving you during
the past year
and we now sincerely wish that this
, thoughts revert gratefu!lY to ;e who BARKLAND a
~' ~:; have made p.sible our ~ogress. We :,: WALL DRUG
~~ ly Harvester Bldg. "~anm s neaequar~ers
extend our Ih~rtiest G~ttings for ~ocated in the Golden Val. ~ ~. - ) .... ,,
ay the arthto~ HAPPY NEW YEAR I
tree be bri your
promise of a
come---and i 'have
all of the de hin tgs
thatday theg° tO emos ofh'li'all Smith's Standard Service 1 $ I
the year.
%"et-: Frankie Smith Earnie Schmit
¥ |Jl y