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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
December 22, 1938     Golden Valley News
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December 22, 1938
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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i¸ : ]~ THURSDAY, DEC. 22, 1938 __ ~TIE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS ) The Golden Valley / ( Walt Hod Judy Winnie Jonesy lu"asonsInstall morning for Pierce, Minnesota, where Mr. Kippley plans to visit his folks' for a week or so. t Who Hasn't? 0ffi T d y Miss Theresa Thompson of Redl cers ues a Lodge, Montana, and Miss Helgal Thompson of Livingston, Montana, t were expected home this morning to! At the regular meeting of the local spend the hoidays with their parents, t Masonic lodge Tuesday evening at the Mr and Mrs. Henry Thompson and Masonic Temple, officers for the en- family. year were insballed. A. J Pavllcek and children of Sno- Preceding the meeting, at 6:30 p. m. homish, Washington, are expected here a bountiful turkey dinner was served this weekend to visit Mr. and Mrs. and greatly enjoyed by all present, Matt Smith during the holidays. Mr. the committee in charge, which Pavlicek Is a son in law of Mr. and of Masons who reside here Mrs. Matt Smith. ,but are not members of the local C.H. Hall of Ollie, Montana, was lodge, were highly complimented on the a Beach caller Tuesday. meal.° Leonard Alguire, who has been ill for Those installed were as follows: some time, is reported as slowly im- Roy C. Oech~Worshipful Master. :proving each day, which is good news Ernest D. Nelson--Senior Warden. to his many friends. Ouy Cox Junior Warden. Ste~er Ekre reports that he received A. E. Kastien--Treasurer. a telegram Tuesday informing him of ,Each Christmas season hundreds E. M. Enderle--Sccretary. the death of his brother's wife in Rev. W. A. Smith--Chaplain. Washington. Sympathy is extended, of plaintive notes to Santa Claus, like the above, find their way to tho H. W. Blair--Senior Deacon Miss Mary Jane Alguire, Albert Oil- Post Office department's dead let- W. D. Schulz--Junior Deacon ~:n, Leo Hildebrandt, Maurice Hardy, ter office. Others reach the town of H. B. Lovell Senior Steward ~ Iie~e LVons and Joe Niece, all of whom Santa Claus, Ind. Randal Thompson---Junior Steward. !are stu:hnts at the Dickinson normal, Stoner Ekre--Tyler. i,~:urned home Wednesday to spend the Rai[wa~ S~a~iorl Carols i..,~i~ay~ with their folks. LOCALS ,: a~!d Mrs. Bob Butterfield from ~¢~ake Travelers Relax ~. 'r,~nv:5, Slsk., arrived here the firs~ '.o[ ~ast week to visit ~vlr. Butterfield's In metropo']itan railroad stations James Lyons, who has been attend-! sre~ts, Mr. and ~-~.i~s. J. C. Butter- throughout the country this holiday ing schoo~ at Orsnd F31k.; is F,':'e tc field. They plan to leave for Cole Ville, season, hurried travelers will halt to spend th£ holidays, w~-~ his lath~r, \v;~d~., around the first of the year to the strains of Christmas carols echo- ing from lofty ceilings and long cor- Dr. ,~f. W. Lyons and ~arnily. :n:ke their home. Otto Nordin of Sen,::,~ei Butte was Mrs. Mary Noble ,accompanied Mr. ridors. Originally adopted several a p]eu~ant caller at the News off%e and Mrs. Guy Curl and son last week years ago in New York, the idea has spread each December to more Tuesday ~o points in California for a visit with cities until railroad station music Robert Kastien of Lo.,c'i XV~,',ming, :rends and relatives, has become a tradition. a son of A. E. Kastieu of Beach a~- J.E. Meto~lf of Trotters was a vis- The concerts were started because rived in Beach Tuv, s't~y from a tr':p ;*:.'" in Beach Tuesday. railroad officials decided "everyone to II11~o~% Indiana and Ohio to renew Dr. H. B. Museus of Dickinson was was in too much of a hurry" around old acquaintances. Ite continued on his .~ visitor in Beach Tuesday. Christmas time, and that if people Wednesday mo:niug could relax before starting their Wm. Klpp!eT, accompanied by FOR SALE---~is range and gas homeward journey they Would have Nagel, who kas been employed h~'ater. Write to C. H. Hall. Ollie. a better time. at !he Klppley faro,, left Saturday 12-2tp ~ .'. ; " ." ~',, like to see, we take this means of as- ~ e ~t~-~ suring you ot our appreciation~f '~; ~ your fine patrVnage amt wml~yo~/u~ • . ~ . ~-hm]ted success and h~pplness~ 193(9}-- ~_ MERRY CHRISTMAS and a ~PPY:NEW YEAk THE PARK CAEE Mr. and Mrs. Elmer ~I~brook WE W SH " ~~¢-'~'~ : YOU ALL . ~' E{ ~ A }IERRY CItRISTMAS . ,:.~ II~l ,~ I/lllt"/lllll " ~ ~ ~ i l , s, Seasons Greetinqs HAPPY YE~, 1 ]e ]e it Has Been l PI, and we trust our e approval. May this C ~tmas bring you every happiness JOtlNSON MOTOR CO. Phone 10 Beach, No. Dak. PANCAKE SUPPER A SUCCESS Over 200 people were served at the Panckake and Sausage Supper held last Thursday night in the basement of the local Methodist Church. Guy Cox and Roy Oech were kept very busy frying the sausage while Roy. Moore mixed 45 pounds of flour into the batter for the pancakes: The Markets Wheat ........................... 51 Flax .......................... $1.60 Oats ............................. 14 Barley ........................... 18 Rye .............................. 19 Cream, sour .... 22c sweet .... 24c Eggs ...... 24c Butter ...... 25c Phone Your News to 39 THE WEATHER m Dec. 14 43 25 Dec. 15 40 22 Dec. 16 35 19 Dec. 17 37 20 Dec. 18 34 12 Dec. 19 3~ I~ Dec. 20 33 4 Here's a toast Ma Merry Christmas ~ l~n H C Go arvester o. ~! !=- 5 ~'~ ..~ C. CLARK ew a Merry anti Happy Chr] stmaS-J this 'be your best ALL! AND A VERY , MERRY ~ = CHI/ISTMAS Even as the Spirit of Gd~d Vi~!],t"~ increased: ~ CHRISTMA~ T'.IM~ / So may our assocmtion gt~w in mutual accpr, and confidence GILMAN OIL COMPANY i Beach, North DakotaGolva, North Dakota :¢~ • ~~ :~~ A Merry Christmas ~ %~j AndA '~~:"~ . Prosperous( New l~hanking you for your 1o, a~e durin~ the past year BEACH CO-OP GRAIN CO. Directors and Management o _ . _