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December 22, 1938 |
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SENTINEL BUTTE ,owo~ ~ that of Luther Dawson. also
,listed as having been a former rest-
- ~~, " _,.ma~p~I~ dent of this county. 'rl~e ]atter ha~
never been heard of ~round here, and
Miss Margaret Boisen, who is em-
ployed in the office of the Farm Se- this gives rise to wonderment as to
curtly Administration at Medora, spent the probability of Claude L. having
.... with home folks accumulated a Junior "Dad" D~wson,
me weezena
............ t 'and had withheld the news from his
witn Mrs. J.,otue novmna as nos "l-,~ "-"--d- '-ere Perhaps the "Gun~
' it iu~u ~'~ ~ " " ~ ~ ~"
ess members of the Woman s Benef . .
' . ......... J s~er was oeing taken ou~ among them
Assocmuon were p~easanuy en~ermmea
at the home of Mrs. George Wosepka to get wised up early in life on the
ways of acting among the elite of the
Wednesday afternoon, big town. And then again, the as-
Two gas masks were recently addedI
to the equipment of the local fire de-isumpti°n
~ Junior
partment for use in entering smoke 1Dad''
filled buildings. ]know, would one.
Fred Goebel returned Wednesday Anyway, the list of guests included
from Beach where he spent ten days the~ great and near great among for-
at the hospital receiving treatment mer residents of this state, headed by
for an ittack of pluerisy and lure- Senator and Mrs. Lynn J. Frazier. Mrs.
bago. Gerald P. Nye, and a long list of
Miss Kathleen Boisen arrived Sat- names with a familiar ring, folks who
• urdaY afternoon from Winona, Minn- have taken a more or less prominent
esota, where she is taking a course part in North Dakota affairs during
in dietetics at St. Theresa college. She the past 25 years.
is spending the holiday vacation at The meeting of the North Dakota
the home of her mother, Mrs. Mar- Society was preparatory to the ob-
garet Boisen. servance in 1939, of the 50th annlver-
Having lost part of a thumb as a sary of the statehood of North De-
result of an accident while blocking kern.
the wheel of a tractor, Emil Weliner
is confined to his home with his hand The Pack Rats
strapped to his side while a piece of Trouble Paul
skn is being grafted from his body
onto the end of the injured member. Mention in this column last week
At a rece~~' ~meting of the vinage of a pack rat episode at the Leonard
Trester farm brought to light another
'board, Bob ~lhulz, ~proprietor of the
al~pointed as the story of a similar nature which took
IOcalthird garage,ward mez~er~S ~,: of the village place years ago, and created a mystery
board to fill the unexpired term of which required several decades of time
William Higlin, recently removed to to solve itself.
When Paul Thoemke came out to
--~GI ~19i~hel' has made a not- this country during the homesteading
a~rove~t in his recreation days of 30 years ago, he filed on a
I~!o~.equlpm~ with the installation claim in tl~e Trotters country, and
of~'~ bar an41r ff$ck bar which he ac- erected thereon a ~omestead shack.
quired fron~Jtm|Odenbaugh at Having completed it,~e fotmd him~._~
The piece o~fL~we may look familiar a Job with a threshing m~ine, an
before leaving home, secur~y [as tened
to some of ~ old timers, having ed~ --~°~
gqrae~d the Fred SpeVaCei[ dis~ ~3 dW2oo:Owe and pla¢ ~'V
In the proprohibition days, • !
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Melius and Returning home a few weeks
daughter Yvorme, arrived Sunday he found everything as he had left
from Deer Lodge, Montana, for a visit with the exception of a~tin can co~
at the home of Mrs. Melitm' parents, taining several wrenche~.~MJ, an as--'-
Mr, and Mrs. Otto Will. They left sortment of nails he had~']ei~ on the
Monday for ~ where they table. The contents of tl~ tilt can
will spend the holiday season with were missing.
relatives, and expect to make a few Here w~. a real mys~qry, as an in-
weeks visit on the .return trip to Deer speetion ~ the building sl~ed that no
Lodge. enmmce .~ad been forced. ~{~-mg the
years ~had served as ~ member
O~erve Nordin ~zdvermuw of the I~ce forc~ at Winona, MJime-
On the occasion of the ~$th, or sots, he~d det~ with the light ling-
silver wedding annivereary of Mr. and ered t~ of\ I~ck rat of the human
]M[rs, Otto Nordin, a group Of friends variety jnd had:landed a good many of
had never
and neighbors gathered at their farm them "i~/: J ail,~t he heard
home south of town Sunday afternoon of the #ort~kota pack rat.
help them celebrate the event. Tht As t~xe ~nton and Mr. Thoemke
kbout little thieves
of the guests was a complete heard ~o~the
to the Nordins. but they were which ~ most of the homestead
on ~ occasion of their an- shacks~ ~ suspected what might have
~t #sing remembered and become'of his hardware. But Z
~wrsary. ~ -- a amount of searching would disclose
The visito~ brought material for whereabouts until years later, after the
lunch which !~as enjoyed d~a,~ng the ravages of time had deteriated the old
afternoon. ~urse of sllver~as made shack and it was tom dowrl.
up among th gue
ed to Mr. an~Mrs. Nordl~ as s . ~ in a far corner under the
~ Of the ~, aecomp~led by ~ht of the sl'mCk.
wishes and t~ hope tl~ they mighf
enjoy many ~aore a~vermrtes 0 ORDER ANDcATIoNNOTICE' OF PUB-
their wedding .~ay. ~ No. lOa~ A~ LAW
Attending ~ts ~ere: Mr.. _and IN ~HI~ DISq~lgloq~ COURT OF THE
Mrs. Alfred ~0~ Mr. ax~t 1~r~. UNITEDDISTRIC~S~ATESoF NoRT~FOR THE
Art Reinhol~ al~tmlly, l~g~r. ~.u DAKOTA S0U~ffHWEST-
Mrs. Harry Ois0n and son, Mr. and ERN DIVISION
. Mrs. Lloyd Yates, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Unltederica, States of Am-l
Rink, Mr. and Mrs. Otto PetersHie Petitioner.)
Mr. and Mrs. 'Nets Watdal, Mr.. and vs. )
Golden Valley Coun-)
Mrs. Fred Stacker, Mrs. Myrtle Blck- t y, North Dakota, a)
nell, R. C. Doyle, Mrs. lnga Carlson MunlcLpal Corpora-)
~lon; )
and sons Victor and Carl, Miss Ruth Troy B. Lassell; )
Tungsvick and Guy Honnold. Mable Lassell, or Mable)
J. Lassell wif~ of Troy) ,
- B. Lassell;~ )
Mary C. Kelly ) f"
Will Hold Anmml Dance E.J. Curtln;~ ) i~ -~
Frans HJal4[~er John-)~"
In llne with a custom which has son, also ~nown as)~
bee~ observed without exception for Hjalmar ~hnson; )~
Wife of Fra~ Hjalmar]~
the past 25 years, the Sentinel Butte Johnson v~ose giver~
Volunteer Fire Department will hold name is u~nown;~
The F I r s t ~2qationa~
Its annual New Year's Ball, the date B a n k of ~Sentin~)
being Monday, Jantlary 2nd. Butte, a co~oratl~J)
its successo~'s~k~nd ~-)
At a meeting of the members held signs" - ~ )
Wednesday evening, committees were j.W. ~urn_er aside:)
ceiver of tne ~l~t~
appointed to n~ake cel~in that good National Bank of)
music is provided, that there will ~e Sentinel Bute, an in-)
lots of eats available, and that the ingS°lventcorporation,nati°nal bank)his)
dance hall will be appropriately dec- successors and as-~
orated for the occasion. ~ d~l{~ ~Igns;
J; G. Bertrand; )
Is always an enjoyable affair, where .Wife of J. G. Bert-)
the elders as well as the younger el- rand, whose given)
name is unknown;)
turn out for an all around good William Lubitz; )
Olga Lubttz, wife of)
William Lu'bits; Miles)
The mJtin so~ of incon~ with M. Smith; )
this volunteer organization de- Interstate Securities)
Company, a corpora-)
its incidental expenditures it the tlon; )
Those members ap- Charles M. Drew; ~ {
Harold Hott~e;
making an Wtt~ o~ ~?id H~the,.)
~aorifice for the good of whose d~q~namo Is)
unkno~h ; !=~ ).
the cause. Tt is hoped that the eat- B.H. W~son; ~ _:.~ ,~
lSemT of riMs ~ Will repeat the wife of ~B. ~L~wn~'qb~ ,
whose tgiven ~ame I~., ,
~dwm ~ have shown ~mra unkn~,¼"n; l .~---°~~.~
w0r~ oK~ kl the put ye~M~, Milton V~ Dugg~n~ ~ ~
• ~d will make ~ l~e~8~mt as poeslble Wife of ~ton ~..~ug') ~.
gan, wllt~ gteen) ~"
~k Of ~ ~ a~ name is uff~nown; )
of tk~ts and solicl~ng dm~. l~r~sk a. ~ow; )
Ethel Beddow, wife of)
and material for the dance sup- Frank R.- Beddow;)
Johann Beeker; )
Wife of Johann Beck-)
Only Dece~UY a local re.donee Was or. whose given name)
from destrneflon by fJ~e~ the iS unknown )
G.. W. Cohn, Jr; )
equlpme~lt ~nd the ~ William Ohlendorf; )
margin by WhiCh Caroll Ohlendorf, wife)
~ of William Ohlen-)
Contributions on the dorf; ,, ' )
of the local people toward this Mathllda Krumrey; )
The Bankers F a r m)
dance are rot an ordinary do- Mortgage Company,)
a corporation; )
They are an investment. M.J. Gupton; )
William E. Eddy; )
William E.)
• ~" ][]~n Atf~d9 Wife of
Eddy, whose given)
i W~gtOIt ][~trty name is unknown; )
-- of ~ state dailies carried a M.W. Marshall: )
Wife of M. W. Mar-)
i aC~0unt of a~ breakfast meeting shall, whose given
the '~North l~kota Society" In name is unknown; )
Miles W. Marshall, if)
D. C., the gathering be- living, or If de-)
~harge of Pre~degtt Kazel B. ceased, h i~ heirs,)
devisees, legatees ex-)
formerly superInte~de~t of ecutors and adminis-)
~t&te. tr~tors whose names)
and addresses are un )
"IS ~e tl~ Of forl~ known; " )
N~ ][~kOt~ nOW l~d~ l~beg~ C. Parker, as)
adsa~tnistr&tor w i t h)
~. ~ the'Will annexed" of)
~ iS "t][~ ~ the estate of Miles)
~V!fe ,)[ Miles YV. Mar-)
I shall, whose given)
II~(l|l~ is unkuo%vn, if)
living or if deceased,)
her heirs devisees, le-)
farces, executors and)
administrators whose)
names and addresses)
are unknown; )
Allen K. Marshall, in-)
dividually and as Ad-
ministrator with the)
VVill annexed of the)
estate of Miles W.)
Marshall, deceased ; )
':[he Comptroller of the)
Currency of the Unit-)
ed States of America,)
us successor in in-)
terest to The First)
National L a n k of)
Sentinel Butte; )
Golden Valley Coun-)
ty, North Dakota, a)
Munic!pal Corpora-)
tion ; )
All other persons un-)
known claiming any)
estate or interest In)
or lien or eneum-)
brance upon the land)
described in the Pe-)
tit ion.
Upon consideration of the Petition
in Condemnation of the United
States of America, as subsequently
amended, filed herein on the 15th
day of February 1938, by Powless
W. Lanier United States Attorney
for the District of North Dakota,
acting under the instructions of the
Attorney General of the United
States, at the request of the Sec-
retary of Agriculture seeking the
condemnation of certain lands in
Golden Valley County, North Dakota
for the establishment of and for
use in connection with the Little
Missouri Land AdjuStment Pro- ]
ject, which said lands are described
as follows, to-wit:
WY~ of fractional Section 'X;
and the NW~ of Section 17,
Township 14.~ North ][~ange 103
more or less Golden
County, North Dakota.
TraCts ~-~4, ~-2584a, S-~b,
All of geeUon 15. 17, ~11 and
the gW//4 of Section ~ all in
Townskip 140 Nortk Ramge 10~
West, in Golden Vnlley C~mm-
ty, North DakOta, _esmt~inls~
2~ acres, ~ or iee~. ..
Tr~eta S-,~S~-/~,. b, e.
NWV~WV~ ~'/~SW'~ of See-
tJon ~! NW~4* NVsSWV~ of Bee-.
ttom g! AW Seetion ~!g! All of
Seetlou ~1~ 81J l u 51~tPlZ~m
North. INdj~e 103 ~j~emt, ~ den
Valley ~un(~. ~tb I]~tkota,
eoututni.flK 1,~1~ 4~erem, mo~o ew
T/:~ihe:~estate ~en for .aidpub-
lic uses :: is t]~ full fee simple
title thereto s~ect .to and except-
ing all ~xl~ti~ public road~, public
utility ~set~ts and rights of wwy,
as no~ lo~ted on and or across
parts ~Lf ~ld lands.
AndfiPl~ c0nsideration of the A.f-
fidavi~ ~'Otto Haakenstad, Specmt
Attor~ for the Department of
Justice, Fargo, North Dakota here-
with filed,
Golden oValley County, North Da-
kota , a mun)cipal corporation,
Beach, North Dakota;
Troy B, Lassell, Sentinel Butte,
North Dakota; or Beach, N. D.;
Mabel Lassell, or ~Mable J. Las-
sell, wife of Tru¥ ]~ Lassell, Sent-
inel Butte, Nortl~:Dal~ta, or Beach,
North Dakota; ~
Mart C. Kelly, ~, Mlnne-
E. J. Curtln 6811 Stony Island Av-
enue Ch~4~o, Illir~ls;
Frans HJ$~l'm~ Jo]~fison, also known
as H:h~lmSr~h J~hneon, Trotters,
North "Da~t~
Wife o ~lr--a#~ HJalmar Johnson,
whose give# n~kme is unknown,
Trotters N~th ~akota;
The First 'N~lona~ Bank of Sentin-
el Butte. ~ co~poration, Sentlno
el Butte N°rth~Dsak°ta'~tss~gn; its suc-
cessors and ss~g ;
J, W. Turner~t~ receiver of The
First National Bank of Sentinel
Butte, Sentinel Butte, North Da-
kota, and lnsovent national bank-
ink corporation, his sunoeuors
und amril~; _ _ ~
J. G. Bertrand, Jefferson ~out-nDa-
Wife of J. G. Bertrand whose glv-
en name is unknown, Jefferson.
South Dakota;
William Lt~bltz Perham, Minne-
Olga Lublits, wife of William Lu-
bitz. Perham. Minnesota;
Miles M. Smith. Indianapolis. Indi-
Interstate Securities Company, a
corporation. MinneapOlis, Mlnne-
Charles M. Drew, Minneapolis Minn-
Harold Holthe, SheYenne. North Da-
Wife of Harold Holthe, whose giv-
en name is unknown. Sheyenne,
North Dakota;
B. H. Wilson. Medora, North Da-
Wife of B. H. Wilson. whose given
name is unknown, Medora~ North
Milton V, Duggan. Sioux City, Iowa;
V~'ife of Milton V. Duggan, whose
given name is unknown Sioux City,
Frank R. Beddow. Sioux Falls,
South Dakota;
Ethel Beddow, wife of Frank R.
Beddow, Sioux Falls, South Da-
Johann Becker. Scotland. South Da-
Wife of Johann Becker, whose given
name is unknown, Scotland. South
G. W. Cohn, Jr,, Amldon, North Da-
William Ohlendorf, Bowman. North
to make clai~'~ for the compensation The
to which they deem themselves to
be entitled: and it is further order-
ed that a copy of this Order and
Notice shall be published once a
week for tWO consecutive weeks in
the Beach /~,eview, now known as
Golden Valley News, a news-
paper of Golden Valley county, pub~
fished at Beach North Dakota; and
it is further ordered that in the
event of your failure to appear.
answer or demur to the petition fli-
ed herein with the clerk of this
court, wihin fifteen days after the :~'~%
service of this Order and Notice up-
on you. exclusive of the date of ser-
vice, and file a copy of your answer
with the Clerk of this Court, whose "'~
office is in the Post Office Building
at Fargo, North Dakota, and in de.
fault thereof, the Court will proceed
to a hearing and adjudication of =~/~
said suit.
a copy of this Order and Notice of
Publication be served by the Unlted
States Marshal for this District, or
one of his deputies, ~p@n ~WI known
defendants who ar:~f rq~Idents of
this State, or who m~,l~ sojourn--
ing within this Sta ~ ~ who ca~
be found within th~ Stile of Nort~
Dakota. ~ ~r . ~ ,~
a copy of this ~e T:~nd Not~ of
Publication be ~ai ~[ posted to
each of the _perSons khow~y this
ann Notl~e ~ rein~ore de-
slgnated as n~ sims--of ~he
District of Nor~h-~ ~[~ota, within
twodays after the ~ ~e of the first
Punncation hereof, ~ ch copy to be
addressed to the last hewn place Of
residence of such pe one.
Dated th'.s 23rd ~ of November
A. D. 1938. ,:
Checker Club met "Wednesday
evening at the Hotel Beach. The club
now boas~ a membership of 12.
Among the Christmas shoppers I~
the metropolis on Monday was Walter
Searing of Skaar.
for you and yours
Judge of the United States
District Court for the Dis- ~
trier of North Dakota.
Decenlber 15-22 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "-~ ~"~ -
In Extending Greetings Of Also
Thank You For A Year Patronage
F. W. Houck, Mgr. Beach, N. l)aL
A Merry Chrutmas to You A
Our Best Wishes
Caroll Ohlendorf. wife of William
Ohlendorf. Bowman, North Da-
Mk?lt~i, venue.KrumreY'Madison. Wisconsin2217 W. ; Lawn g In thegood old fashioned manner and with all a
The Bankers Farm Mortgage Com-
pany. a corporation, St. Paul.
Mtnneso ; i .hinde wish,
M. J Gupton, Wibaux. Montana;
WilliamNorth Dakota;E" Eddy,, Sentinel Butte, ou[rheart be ac we ou
Wife of William' E. Eddy. whose 0,~':" d
given name is unknown, Sentinel
Butte, North Dakota; ryth eo d a I
M. W. Marshall, address unknown;
wife o, w. gi.. make for
en name le unki~own, aflarees un-
Miles W. Marshall, Medora. North :" ~
Dakota, if living, or if deceased.
his heirs, devisees, legatees, eX-
ecutors and administrators whose
names and addresses are .o- l VERY MERRY !
Robert C. Parker, as Administrator
with the Will annexed of the es-
tate of Miles W. Marshall, de-
ceased. Wsstfield, Mass~husetts;
Wife of Miles W. Marshall whoso
given name is unknown, a~dre.~
unknown, if living, or if deceased,
her heirs, devisees, legatees, eX-
ecutors and administrators, whose ~ :"
names and addresses are un-
and as Administrator with Will
annexed of the estate of Miles W.
Marshall, deceased Westfleld.
Massachusetts; ' - c
The Comptroller of the curren ¥
of tl~e United Statee of A~meriCa~ --..~/
as successor in interest to The
First National Bank of ~enUnel
Butte. North Dakota. Washington,
And alk other persons unknown
claiming or having any interest in
or lien or encumbrance upon the
land described in the Petition; and
in the event that any of the persons
hereinbefore named is deceased, the
heirs, assigns, legatees or devisees
having or clalmtng any right, title,
interest or claim in the land here-
inbefore described or to be
titled to compensation in
of the taking
,~se and all
and they are hereby req
ed and admonished to app~tro a.~
wer or demur to the l~titiOn ng~a
in this case. the oad~dnal of whi0h
le on file with the-Clerk Of tlW~
Court at l~rgo, North D~kota. sitd