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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
December 22, 1938     Golden Valley News
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December 22, 1938
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Extremely heavy infestations in the excessive destruction to crops in some a'-eas, control work last year resulted THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS Student Cry Last week the students of the Beach High School choose as the school name "The Beach Buccaneers." The name has been ~dopted by the Basketball team and the Pep Squad. Dale Hath- away who entered the winning name received a cash award of one dollar and the second best, The Bronchos" entered by Harold Halstead received fifty Cents as a prize. ÷÷'4"÷ The Christmas Decoration contest, l sponsored by the Travel Club, closed last Monday. Donna Mae Meredith received first prize for wrapping pack- ages and Erma Slocomb first prize for ~Marvel Erbele was called to the bed side of her brother in a Jamestown hospital hospital where he is seriously ill with pneumonia. IialU$i]16Bl~ll~l~$im ~, ~. ,8 SQUARE BUTTE Mrs. Harmon Olstad an~ babt Were overnight visitors Saturd~ ~Ight at the Yates home. Ed Olsen and Al Hougen were call- ers at J. V. Klien's Thursday. Johnny Wentland spent the past week with Lawrence Lemire. Mr. and Mrs. ~]ffacmon Olstad and baby were visitors a~ Einor Olstad's on Thursday. Christmas decorations. Bob Ridenhower an¢] Freddy Ellis THURSDAY, DEC. 22,: t038 Little Mary ~]VIoore Df Glendive, visitor and s~nt the afternoon on was .t guest of 3~ack Lindt!on Monday. a shopping tou~ and purchased a dress Jack was more than pleas~i with his a permanent for Mary Lou. Red River valley and Missouri Slope! ~ections, and infestations of variable! ~eriousness in most other sections, e~ch dollar expended. "4" "4" "4" "4" make another systematic grasshopper l Plans for a complete control pro- Between the halves of the Basket-1~th~, control program almost a necessity ih gram for 1939 are now under way ball game last Friday night, the crowd I ~ I North Dakota for 1939 if cro-- losses Th-r ................... -]was entertained bv the German Band~ i~ P t v c ~trc approximately l~u. cons oI! _ ~ .... : _' _ ~_.~: from the voracious insects are to be-.* m~terials already in storage in ian(~ an om ~asmone(~ square aance, ~ I [ [~. g~rl~ • nraac~ 'lh~ ~voided tt e st t - presented by eight girls The girls ~ • • ~ "a e, but in some cases redistri- :' . • . " . ] ~/~LL 31AIIIN I~ T ..... i were in costume Iour oresseo as bOyS ~ he state was appraised of the sit- rested areas into more hcavzly infest- . ' I ~ nation this week by F, Gray Butci~er, bution of materials from lightly in-tm overalls and straw hats, and the ~/]~][~]L~{~][-]~I~/ ~ NDAC extension entomologist, with ed districts will be necessary, tothers in print dresses with bonnet~. ~][~lfl/~][~JzL~l .~ the release of official grasshopper in-i ~ ~Those taking part were Loma Clark, ~ ~ festation estimates prepared by the ............ /and IAllian Thill as head couple, Ethel ¢}1 -- J]~ I~v..~tA~[ 15UT~ Pl~lglSn ' : |~ U S Bureau of Entomology and Plant ......... !Kippley and Marvel Erbele, Doris ~/'~lS~ f ~, under e;verec~e, x'Mmr ~uarantine. I Moore, Norene Kowaluski and the i fourth couple Anna~ell Michels and Basing its forecast on an intensive ~county by county egg survey, the Bur- eau estimates that 8.198,395 acres of crop and idle land and 935,875 acres of range land are involved in North :Dakota. Adequate protection for these areas will require spreading of 43.331 tons .of poisoned bait if conditions are fa- "coraCle to grasshopper develoment. Since the annual grasshopper sur- vey was estabUshed a few years ago, the forecasts based on it have provedi exceedingly accurate and reliable, t~ Butcher points out'that "the present / popttlaUon of grasshopper eggs, on/ which the forecast of the 1939 infesta- tion Valley and Missouri ~Iope areas. is baaed, is heaviest in the Red River Most seriotmly infested counties are/ Cass, Dun~ Grand Forks, Cavalier, / Stark, Walsh, Pembina and Pmmsey,/ listed in the order of largest estimated bait need~i. ~h¢ "Estimates for these counties range from 2.163 tons to 1,696 tons of p~ison bait. Other counties in which the es- timated bait requirements exceed 1.000 tons are McHenry, Morton. Nel,~n, Traill and Williams." /~.t. • 4" "4" "4" "4" Friday.Were visitors at the ~ien home on ~i~ ~ Vera Helm took charge of the Home Mr. and Mrs. John~entland and ~ Economics class last Monday morning family were visitors at the Lawrence ! in cast~ savings estimated at $46 for due to Miss shelland's illness. Lemire home on Sunday. ~ BEACH: j Verna Huber. Christmas Program, Friday, 7:30 p. "4" "4" ÷ "4" ~n. The Christmas vacation started on Christmas Services, 11 am. I Docember 22nd, and school will begin SENTINEL i'UTFE' J January 4th. Christmas Services, 2:30 p.m. ,4, @ "4" "4" Christmas Program after Services. Due to the Christmas vacation no CARLYLE: school notes will appear in the Golden Christmas Services, I~,.c. 26th 11 a. Valley News until January 13th. m. "4''4''4''4" [ The students and teachers of th~ Phone Your News to 39 high school are sorry to hear that While the infest~tion for the state as a whole is not expected to be as severe in 1939 as it was in 1938. the extension s~rvlce g~ recommending that "'every attemp~ should be made to a~¢ provide a more complete control pro- gram and co prevent crop losses ~rom migrating grasshoppet:~. The bait estimates for 1939 whi-.h exceed those of 1938 by 5.000 ~ons are ~¢ based on the assumption that more intensive control work will be don:~. The "stubble" or lesser migratory "hopper again is the predominating :species present in North Dakota :~ This is the form which was mainly responsible for the 1938 ~':%:t=':y~,~. ~.: and against which appr0ximatAy 42.- 000 North Dakota farmers distributed over 50,000 tons of prepare~ poison :..~t bait in contro efforts. In sl):~ ~f At This Happy Yuletide Season Sentinel Butte, Dak. AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR We thank you for your patro~ge, and as Christmas comes around ~e realize how much friendsh|ps mean So we take this o to extend to all of A VERY MERRY r~tRmTMAS OAS & PALACE BEAUTY SHOP we are glad tO again ex-~ l:ress our sinc~e apprecia-~ L::n for the favors we have bee:~ accarded during 1938.~ 9 38 .HALSTEAD CORPORATION MAY THE DAY BE MERRY!~ We join in Wishing you the Merriest of any Christ~ and in thanking you for your patronage ~. throughout the year MARK LOVGREN • JEWELER t Fine Watch Repairing '5 We hope that Santa Claus is as kind to you as our patrons ,have been during ., ,, ~ the past year i MERRY CHRISTMAS :'~ EL MAY THE DAY BE MERRY .f Let us cling to this season as one in whichto out a spirit of kindness and joy. during the past year with the public been pleasant. We wish you ev~gqod thing. MILDRELLA SHOPPE Dan Cafferty "Junior" Schulz Henry Wojahn Harold Owens W.C. SCHULZ Alfred Olsen~/i Ella C. Coutts Mildred Tobi,~s- J~ t