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December 22, 1938 Golden Valley News | ![]() |
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December 22, 1938 |
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THURSDAY, DEC. 22, 1938
Lyle Clark, son of Jesse Clark ar-
A1 Teed of St. Paul, formerly of this
city but who for the past two years
has been employed by the FCA in the
government offices, arrived here sun-
day night to visit Walt BrattOn and
friends here. He left Monday night for
Tacoma, Wash.. where he wil spend his
two weeks vacation with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Teed. His sister
Vyonne will a~company A1 on his re-
turn trm to St. Paul and both will stop
here for a few days visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Overstad and
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Overstad,
motred to Sidney Sunday where they
met the Jud Goodman family, Mrs.
Goodman and two children returned to
Beach with the Overstads and will
spend the holdiays here.
Mrs. Mac Baxter has been quite ill
for the past couple week but we are
glad to report that she is now much
Members of the grade school faculty
held a Christmas party at the Leonard
Wollen home Sunday evening. Games
were played, an exchange of gifts was
held, and a fine lunch served.
The C. E. Society 0f the Congregar
tional Church held~ sale of fancy
work and novelty v~od~arving last
Saturday at Wall's Dru~ Store. They
did very well and appreciate the pat-
ronage given them.
After a visit of ten days in Minne-
apolis, Mrs. C. O. Carlson returned
to Beach Saturday evening.
Give a subscription to the Golden
Valley News for a Christmas gift and
be remembered 5~ times throughoutI
the year. I
A fairly large crowd attended theI
Bingo party sponsored by the CatholicI
Sodality club in S. John's Hall on
Monday night.
Albert M~cheis arrived in Beach on
Saturday last for a visit with his
brothers, Frank and Charlie Mlchels
and their families. He plans'~ to leave
rived home Sunday night for his va-
cation. He has been attending the A.
C. at Fargo.
We have a few Christmas Cards for
last minute needs at the Golden Val-
ley News office.
Bill Knezevich arrived home Sat-
urday night from Grand Forks to
sp~_nd the holidays with his parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Knezevich.
Mrs. Mark Lovgren left on Friday
for Fargo where she will spend the
holidays with her daughter. She
plans to be gone about two weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Young of Glen-
dive are the proud p.~rents of a 7
~pound boy born Saturday night,
December 17. Mrs. Young will be re-
mem:~ered as Harts Lindt.
Carrie Witzig arrived in Beach on
Tuesday to spend Christm3s and New
Years a~ the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Witzig of Beach.
Returning home Saturday night were
IMrs. EarI Miller and daughter, Jayne.
Mrs. Miller has been visiting friends
land relatives in Wisconsin al~d Minn-
~esota for the past few weeks. Jayne
is attending the Minneapolis Business
college and home to spend her vaea-
Helen Robertson arrived home this
week from Forum, N. D., to spend the
holidays at the home of her parents,
I Mr. and Mrs. John Rebertson of Trot-
I ters.
; Having completed her nurses train-
ling at St. Alexias Hospital in Bis-
marck, Kathrine Moran arrived in
Beach for a short visit with Mrs,
Stanley Peplinskt on Monday after
which she left for Roseburg, Oregon,
to visit her mother, Mrs. Moran. After
the first of the year, Kathrine will be
employed at a hospital at that place.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Raisler and
son Bobby, Mrs. Henrietta Wallace
and daughter Joyce Renee, and Mr.
and Mrs. John Raisler and family
were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Oech Sunday the occasion being
today (Thursday) for Long Beach, Roy's birthday.
California, to visit his motller ~d to The Saddest Love Letter Ever Writ-
spend the remainder of the winter at ten! Inventors Jinxed by Their
that point. Genius! Two of the many interesting
Mr, and Mrs. Lee Summers left on features appearing in the American
Tuesday night for Reynolds, North Da- Weekly, the magas/ne distributed with
:,.~kota to spend the holdays with Mrs. the SUNDAY CIIICAGO HIRALD
-Summers' relatives. AND FJfJLMINE~
J • 1 ,,
To You MI..
Not so big or lavish, but truly sincere as
any greeting you will receive is our
Mrs. E. F. Cook entertained the
Dessert bridge cub at her home last
Thursday afternoon,
Mrs. Goodie Thompson entertained
the 13 Stitches sewing club on Thurs-
day afternoon at which time a Christ-
mas party was enjoyed by the mem-
bers. Phone :~our News To 39
St. John's Church
High Mass a~ Midnight.
Low Mass at 8:3 a. m.
Mass at Midnight.
Low Mass at 10:00 a. m.
Friday, December 23rd:
V. BL Diuen, Pastor
Dec. 24th: Children's Christmas
Program at 3 p. m.
mDee.. 25th: Divine Services at 10 a.
Herman Grove, Minister
Services for Christmas Day:--
Unified Worship Service a~ 10:15.
The Christmas Pageant, "Quest of
the Eas'~.," will be given by ~he Sun-
~:ay School at 7:30 P. m.
Mid week ,'-~crvices at the Parish
House on Wednesday
(Children's Time)
Beach. 1:30 and 2:30 p, m
Sentinel Butte, 9:00 and 10:00 a. m.
Saturday, December 24th:
Beach, 2:00 and 4:00 p. m.
Also 7:45 and 9:00 p.m. By assist-
ing priest,
10:30 and 11:30 p. m. by pastor.
Sentinel Butte, 2:00 and 4:00 p. m.
bY pastor. 11:00 arid 11:30 p. m. by
assisting priest.
Christmas collection is for the pastor'
and re all musl~,
instruments. '~
o. raLStON, Oe'~CAL
Beach, N.D. Block South of Delm~
J,, 1111
W ,A, Smith, Pastor ]
At the last regular meeting of the
Sunday school 10 a.m. [Lons Club it was decided to spov~or
Morning' worship 11 a.m. t a dance on January 30, with proceeds"
Let us celebrate the coming of the,~ to go f6r the benefit of crippled child-
Christ-Child by worshiping him. ren of this county. A committee,
No Christian Endeavor on Christmas. headed by O. E. Longstreth as general
The Christmas program will be given!chairman, was appointed and has
on Friday night at 7:30 p. m, been active the past few days in mak-
ing preliminary preparations for the
Sentinel Butte 1 event. Watch for further details.
Sunday School 2:15 p.m. I
Church service 3 p.m. Phqne Your News to 39
g -
N eRosm ous
g ~ NEW
Season's ~
Gre s z
and ~
Bes ~
and patrons dur-
this Yuleti te
Kindly us you the z e~ Steve- - Goodie .
• Col t'~ ! ~eas~n ~' ~ " ~
and e ~ appre~ati~nof~. ~ ~~~~~~~~.~~
:~llondurVng~l~e "~ ~~ ~~ ~~z Z~ ~':~'~° "~ ~ " ° ...... ° .....
past year ~ ~i~
~_ ~i~
Ernie Dale Tom .,.~
~l~ 193
i~zs "~ Merry Christmas ~~
We a .~ deeply for the many
~ favors :~ou haw d us during the
~¢ ~ past y!i~ar, a~ that We ltay con- ~
~ tinue i~s~ ~eyou ~ 1939, Ma~a kind- ~
~ . . " . ~# .,,,.~ ly Pro~l[ to e~ increas-
At thin we wmh to . ]~_ ~ ing happiness a=~ prosperity'
thank yQ for favors accord ~ ? ~,~_
edi ; dtg the past year ~ ~
" ~ ~' Sentinel Butte, North Dakota
g ~ North Dakota ~ ~
est~ ls ~
for a
Straight {rom the Heart
Comes mr Greeting
to y, our friends