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December 22, 1938 |
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Bailey was hostess and served refresh-
~ ments in keeping with the holiday
The Sunnyvale Homemakers club
:- -- - ~~ ~ : ~ ~ - ~ Mr#. E. Brenneise and family. The~
Wibaux News
lll l I I I
County Commissioner W. L. Staggs
has been ill at his home north of town
the put week.
J. E. Trollope returned from Ronan,
Montana, last wee~ where he visited
his daughter and family.
Meek and daughter Biaflt~e
Mr and Mrs. Earl Bakex~anddand ~J~-
tars were Sunday din/ter guests ~at the
Hazelton home.
Mr. and Mrs.
blmines visitors In
returned to their home Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Ostby aut0ed
to Miles City one day last week.
~ ]~Ir. and Mrs. C. A. Steele were in
~Beach Wednesday.
Mr. HenrY Mullendore was a ~usl-
ness visitor from Olendtve Wednesday.
: Fifteen Brownies enjoyed a ~rtst-
mas party at the Relnicke Fri-
day after school, was
from Moor-
head, Minnesota where s~e at-
-: tends college to spend the hollda~
with home folks.
Dr. and G~O. Kellar were Glen-
clive vt~tor~ wedm~ay~
Mr. al~d %MrS, ~ph Reed were
i~p~g t. ~eaeh ~'~day.
The M. ~.. ~e~ies .~r~joyed Thurs-
~ day afternoon %t thq[ E. ~. Stair home
where an invit~g l~ach ~as servzecl..
Mr. and Mrsk Fr~k ] Stipek and
Mrs, Gorden aut~ed ~tozj~each Friday
afternoon, k '/
"~ The S. W. cl~ n~et/with Mrs, Wal-
lace Scott Tuesday evening. The host-
e~s served dainty refreshments.
Mrs. Lottis Eisenbart has returned
from Beach where she had been help-
ing at the hospital during Mrs. Rader's
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hall and sons
and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Reinecke and
daughters were 6 ~'clock dinner guests
at the Ross Bixby home in Glendive.
Mr. and Mrs. Bossert came from
Fallon, Friday, to visit their daughter,
~) :=: -~i.=__
their regular meeting Tuesday after-
noon at the Henry Snyder home. A
Christmas program and exchange of
gifts followed by refreshments was
~ enjoye~ by all wh attended.
i- Mrs. Sheldon was on the sick list
last week.
~ James O'Rourke was very ill last
week. but is reported to be better this
week. His friends wish him a speedy
Irene Morgan entertained the Sen-
for class and several other friends at
a birthday par~y at her home Tuesday
evening. At. the close of the evening a
lovely lunch was served•
E. Brenneise recently purchased lots
just west of the school house where
he plans to build a home later on.
Several young people surprised :Fran-
cis Baker at her home Thursday eve-
ning. It was a farewell party as Fran-
cis plans to leave soon ~Chicago to
attend school, we-e en-
joyed after the games the guests
~each left a cw y hand with
. ihtir best wial~ ~u"ccss and
I .....uiness iv ~'~ tlon
t Mr. at Beach
and Wibaux Glendive Sun-
' day District
Turner back
with him here in the
evening, was an overnight
gUest at home. He returned
to Glendive Mr. and Mrs. Bur-
It on Welsh .and Mr. Stair Monday
beautifully Wel- A baby
liver and a real Mrs. Ben
~stmas ~ Saturday
Mrs. A. Betty,' a hard
Mrs. Lydia Men- spoiled,
gel, and Mr. !and ha
and e amongl Joe Z
those In I Hansen were
Mrs. W. of Carlyle day.
and Mrs, and Mrs.~ The Sewing
was born, to
Bailard and son visit-.I es~ meeting at the home on
ors Monday. \ . l Saturday afternoon. This was a Christ-
Virginia Burns, pred~ent of the mas party and refreshments of, l~e
Fresh.nan class, entertain~ her ciass~crean~ and care were served. -
at a delightful Christmas party at herl Mr. and ~. Guy H~I and ~ons
home Monday evening. . I Plan to leave Thursday for P0mon~,
Wallie Kuch is driving a snappy I California to spend the holidays with
new V-8 Coupe which he purchased Mrs. Hall's mother and other rela-
n Wbaux. Win. Howard, Eli Swartz tives.
and Dr. Kellar also purchased newI E.B. Stair moved a house in from
V-8's recently, t the country onto the lots opposite the
The Bible Study club met at the Kellar residence, and expects to make
As Christmas comes
how much
we take th opport
all of
we realize
~a~.\ And so
"Y i'°
! •
It is our hope that you
may have a C~ristmas
filled and runnifi~-over
with the good things of.
life, including good
health, abounding happi-•
hess and abiding pros-
a comfortable home of it.
The B. and P. woman's club held
their Christmas party at the Suther-
land home Thursday evening, Mrs.
Frank Elliott and Mrs, Sutherland
were hostesses and served dainty re-
freslunents after the program•
t" /HURSDAY.DEC.~ 1938
omo b :
Grand Forks Saturday week for Sit,ix Fal~ S. ~., to
the holidays at the home of he.~tSar-lvisit friends and ~relati~S%f~ a few
ents. Mr. and Mrs. Harry LovelIi~ ~weeks.
John Oreenup, Jr. was a guest of ~
R, ussell Welsh Sunday• ]
Word has been received by Mr, and
Mrs, Thrams ~hat they have a little ~
grand daughter it] South
baby was born to Mr. and
Kappel. Mrs. Kappel ~
~Mary Thrams who the
local high school m
Mr, and Mrs, Mrs. ~ ~I~
E B Stair and . Eisenbart
c all~d on friends ch Saturday t~ _~._~_~-~-r=.
evening. ] .'-'-'_- . ~"-~---
The Woman's theh- an- . -_- - - " - -~
nua] Christmas par~y ~ the i~ome of ~..~ --
Mrs. Fred l~inicke wi M~. Dahl, ~ "="~
Mrs. J. Elliott, Mrs. Balla~tL Mrs. M. ~ " _.~. .... .r-.- ~ "~'---~rZ'~r;'~-'---"
Wheeler and Mrs. Tom PaFker I~s host- / /'~
esses. After the busine~ meeting an ~ /
amateur hour was enjofed b~ all and F
a lovely lunch was serried.
Last Wednesday evening the i~ j~
basketball team defeated ~We thank you fo]
while the high school
Ollie high evening ~ ing the past year ~incerely
the Sentinel ~I~
15-14 and the town~ You A
team lost to 24-27.
When Wibaux /'went to ~ "
Beach Friday by a
14-18 score. ,~I~ "MERRY and
Monday E.E. Tollef-] ~
son was down and held ~ NEW YEAR
candlelight services at the Lutheran ~I
church. A program of carols and rec-
Rations combined with the pastor's-
message was much enjoyed by those l~
. and .Mrs. A, C. Stone
May the Christmas season be one of l~ "
~peace and joy .in the risen Savior, is1
the wish of your correspondent. I~
Try the Want Ads ' ~m~~~~~~~~~i~
P:~C8 orl £~RT~I.. GO00 LUILI., TOLU,l:i'i:lO "~L,f,, men .. 1930 I
"." We're Hurryin I
i l n 1r ml nk Ii nln " ~i~
.... to be among the first to wish you Christmas joy
New Year's happiness and health~the t~
things in life. In tl~e spirit of for
friendship and patronage, we
friendly :~
Sentinel Butte, North Dakota
" 0 '
The Entire Getz Organizatioia