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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
December 22, 1938     Golden Valley News
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December 22, 1938
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE 2 The Golden Valley News A continuation of The Beach Advance and The Beach Review W. R. Bratton and H. E. Enderle Editors and Publishers A weekly published every Thursday at Beach, North Dakota. Entered as second class mail matter at the Postoffice at Beach North Dakota. October 7, 1936, under the act of March 3, 189~ Advertising rates furnished upon request Subscription price $2.00 in No. Dak.. Minn., Mont., and ~o. Dak., Elsewhere $2.50 [Schouboe high and Mrs. Bob Clarln GOLVA Il°w' _ . I ] Mrs. Gameron of Beach was a guest .... . i of her daughter Florence the past Mrs. A. M. Peterson left Monday xOrIweek. Lincoln Nebr, in answer to a tele- _ _~ ..~ ...~.. ~.~_,.. ~.. ' ML. ~lu ~VLA ~, ~L~A~ ~LIgJaJ~ /.gLL. gram stating her brother had died. and Mrs. Barthel and Fritz Noll and ~neral services were he~d Wednesday. I family were dinner guests of Mr. ~nd • . .... "~ pleasantly Thursday afternoon j~tt a her of the ~iovety ~easpreaa. ~crj bride,e ,~or~ Mrs Vera wo~-~: won night. ~m~:elnB, ~T t her~hter Isa'~i. Mrs/ McPhee Mrs. Otto Ha~tr~turned t~Ivai h~ visiting at~ the ]Ifuncan Mc- Wedn~sds.y morning ~rom l~ms~oro. ~Ib~hee ho~ several ~week~ Her many Her mother was fee some tte old frien are ai ~ glad to see but ~ttll ~¢e~e. e~ ae b~t~ ~; fr~n~ i ~y, Prank Ha_~h left S~tm'day n~!"'Hans~ar~n of Billings was a guest Winona, Minnesota/ where :a~r!Of h~ c~Jultus Larsen in Golva Marguerite. His son Tom..w~,~. ---._:]7~,_.~mee~[ Sunday ~din~l~r guests at the Joe vnu also spena her vacs~mn u]~wmona. I ,~ .... ~ a .... hte~ ~f Beach Thirteen tables played[ wl~st at the] .... parW in the church b~t Tuesday] The ladies (only) of the Jolly whist night and a very en~yable time is club gave Helen Schouboe a pleasant reported. Tony greit~.ger WOn hlgh[surprise Thursday n~ht..Re.f~ and Hubert ~chl~tz second. Helen I ment~ were served ana a ueng ~ m I I' Wishi You-- A RTIEST ~ A VERY H~PY ~LIDAT F0R YOU~\AND ~0URS" ~_ GEORGE ~S~ BAR Beach, North Dakota New Seats--- Air.Conditioned FRIDAY- SATURDAY Saturday Matinee at 2:30 p- nl. "IT HAPPENED ONE Cast: CLARK GABLE, BERT. A re-issue of a su erb it for sheer enjoyment. COL- re. See Also a Comedy Sunday- Monday- MATINEE SUNDAY AT 2:30 P. M. "BROTHER RAT" Cast: PRICILLA LANE, WAYNE MORRIS, EDDIE ALBERT, JANE BRYAN. Do not mistake this title for a gangster It is a term applied to cadets in a Virginm mil- itary school. A spirit of youthful zest and good fellowship prevades in this exception- al film. And a Comedy Wednesday- Don't Forget The ~RE'S WOMAN" Cast~ JOAN BLONDELL LAS,~ MARY ASTOR, Lively dialogue, natural tained suspense mark this film. Also A Comedy DOUG- DRAKE. and sus- THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS THURSDAY, DEC. 22, time was had. low. Mrs. Gearey also won the ~ravel- Dan Morris of Wibaux was in Beach Mr. an~ Mrs. George Wosepka of iing prize Delicious refreshments were I Saturday and from here took the bus Sentinel Butte were in town over the served weekend. • if or Sioux City, Iowa. Mlss Miller, Anna May Madison, ~-~-~~~7 Mrs, IAllia~ Kreitinger and Marguerite, Atbertand MaryLouKreitingerwere FREE CASH DAILY Beach shoppers Baturday. , The friends ¢f Bob Clarin were to, t,ear of h~ acci_ $IO0AND UP dent t~ ~attle int0~ Oolva he ~oon recoveF~ /"~ • Juliu~ Lar~ enter- whist part#~ Saturday aT:the home inGolva. G~o Commu 'it ,Di n v end °Snc~ er lohithMr':. ;hchef~'/~iI 1[~7, A I" I" :~° ~r-~r TI"~ I , sand Mrs. George Gearey WALz U "~ :~ .o--~,,=o ] Prescrl'ptlon Speci ' / -0.~~~:r 'i Phone 31 Be, O: Dak. ~ " ¢ We have found that Friendship in Business counts ~t for much and we are grateful for,/yours ~1 Let us wmh you a venv \~, !i ~f"~I MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPP~ ~ YEAR/ ~[. " E~~C"~ 11 ~ H. B. LOVELL IMPLEMENT CO. BEACH, NO. DAK. Chrishnas i We wish to extend ~reetings and our wish for a Happy, Prospero~s New Year to all our friends a~ p~trons el. ~ We also take this opportunity to remind you • . that we are selling McCormlck-Deermg farm ~, equipment at the same store in good weather ~ or bad~md that you get service with every machine you purchase here We thank you kindly for past business and .hope to merit your future patronage. MERRY CHRISTMASPPY NEW YEAR a# 1938 by LONG DISTANCE LOWEST REDUCED LONG DISTANCE RATES will apply ALL DAY on distance within~ and to Canada. These are the same low rates that apply every ~or a MERRY CHRIsTMAS aada HAPPY NEW YEAR