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December 18, 2008
Page 7
G U R E ! by Linda Thistle
R.F.D. by Mik.e Marland
Crossword I, A ,c, LAyeRs.
4 Aries ~----I .... i'I£TLWFUP~~I [ IVtt6£1N'! .k~'*[ £ECRE'TTO I'%~ ~~!;:~
12 Carte lead-in -- By Fifi Rodriguez
,, borealis, or northern lights? ,~ ~=|
13 "-- lazy river 2--0"-I- 21 23 2 25 26 2. FAMOUS QUOTES: Who once
14apartment?Draftin an Bile said, "'Humor is just another defense "!',, "~" 8, ~=
3. MOVIES: Which Charlton Heston - ~" " ' ::~}~:: " R~~ '~"~" ~i
15 Hobbyist's 31 32 33 against the universe."
abbr. movie used more than I milliou props'?
nickname recorded the original theme song to
18 Swelled head 4~;;; "l ~ "Gilligan's Island"? Out on a Limb by Gary Kopervas
19 Nudge 5. LANGUAGE: What English word
20 Ignore rudely is pronounced exactly like its frst let-
ter, even though it's five letters long? .. _ .___. _ _._ . . ..,,. . ,
Buscaglia 6. ANATOMY: Of 206 bones in the F ~1
23 Bar 5-5-------- adultbody, aboutone-fourtharelocat- ( ATk .e q14g°l l14g_ I I
27 Discoverer's 7. LITERATURE: Who wrote the -
cry novel "The Time Machine"? [ ~2~C~TO~A(,- ~/~..:.. ~o (~~ ~ ~1
29 Painting on 8. BIBLE: Which biblical character :(,;.
piaster 55 Tokyo's old 9 Pop 37 Flew very ascended to heaven in a whirhvind?
31 Corn name 10 Work with close to 9. ANIMAL KINGDOM: How long
34 "Uh-oh!" 56 DSL device11 Apiece 40 Prince does a flealive, generally?
35 Soak up 57 Do sums 17 "Bow-wow!"William's 10. FOOD & DRINK: What kind of : =
37 Plead 58 Morning 21 Incompetent mum tYuit is creme de cassis liqueur made
38 Water moisture sorts Lub.cated from:
barriers 23 Hold the 43 Insinuating 1. Galileo (1616)• The name means .,,~... ~
39 End of a DOWN scepter 44 Be "'northern dawn.'"
school's URL 1 Green 24 Cleo's philanthropic 2. Mel Brooks
41 Durante gemstones slitherer to
trademark 2 Straighten 25 Rocks 45 Pond-surface
45 Grab 3 Ronstadt's 26 Section of matter
47 Hostel "Blue--" L.A.? 46 Ogled
48 1943 4 Hayseed 28 That girl 48 Shapely leg
Rooney/ 5 Moon 30 Bread grain(SI.)
Garland mission 31 Frenzied 49 Berlin's
musical name 32 Lawyers' org. "What'll i?,,
52 Cover 6 Perhaps 33 Doctrine 50 Disencumber
53 Farewell 7 Circulate 36 "Cheers" 51 Shelter
54 Born 8 Still, in verse order
© 2(K)8 King Features Synd., Inc.
3. "Ben-Hur'"
4. The Wellingtons
5. Queue
6. In the feet
7. H.G. Wells
8. Elijah
9. Two to three months
I 0. Black currant berries
By Samantha Weaver
• It was Americ~m author, humorist
and storyteller Garrison Keillor who
made the following observation:
"They say such nice things about peo-
ple at their funerals, that it makes me
sad to realize I'm going to miss mine
by just a few days."
• According to a recent poll of pet
owners, the most popular flame in the ~ ~~~@
United States for male dogs is Max;
for female dogs, it's Maggie.
• The murre, a bird found in the Arc-
tic, actually dives into the water and
swims to catch the small fsh that :y:h:rle; 71:~::2~:~ t~
comprise its diet. htterestingly, its
eggs aren't like those of any other bird I R I L L Y[ [ u l.
L ~0~'~r'~ ' ~ % J ~' date that occurs only once every fourblUe' in the world: The egg "whites" areand the yolks are bright-red. I IEI E E SiO U A SIHIOIRISI EISIi
• Statistics show that only l in every I ITlT H AIRV E SITIPIIIOIRIGI , -- tj
1,461 people is born on Eeb. 29, the I ISIT
~. years, in a leap year.
_anels. { - You might be surprised to leam that THE POINT OF NO RETURNI Can you deter- IOIc B A CIR E MIRIAI gl IILIDI I; ff(JL, Tfl
the kilt originated not in Scotland, but mine the safest takeoff point at the end of this IRIE Q H TiC H AIF FIJIFILIEI , I
inFrance, skijump? Iwlo L PLIA N TIIINIGIAIXlN g
• Did yon know that Dalton, Ga., is sae.q eql qSnoJql £1~es noA o~te/. II!M ~ lU!Od :Je~SUV ,~
the Carpet Capital of the World? I did- ~ ------ E
c n't think so. You no doubt were alsoAN INTERESTING MULTIPLICATIONI ,-~, DOWN ONTHE FARM '~
~r,,,,~~ . . .
¢ unaware that Martinsville. Va.. is the Did you know that if you multiply the number 99 by %'~' H~dden m the above diagram are words that
~. Sweat Shirt Capital of" the World, and any number from 1 to 100 the digits in the resulting ,~i/ come to mind when you think about farms :>
• ' o
that Central City, Nab., is the Pumpanswer wilt always add up to 18? Grab a calculator ,,~
and farming. They can be found by reading -=
Irrigation Capital of the World. " rr r . . .
and check ~t out. up or down, s~de to side, or diagonally.
' - Those who study such things claim .... Letters can be used more than once. Listed ~=
r~ that leeches have 32 brains. FIN[~A-WORD! On the top line is our mystery word. You below are the items that you're looking for.
• The next time you get jury duty need to fill in the missing letters. Clue words (smaller ~cre Harvest Planting ~,
• ,,,,,hen you'd rather be doin~ other words contained in letter-by-letter order within the mys- Bushel Horses Plow
" things, remember that the situationtery word) are defined below• Chaff Kernel Rooster ~,
could be worse. One man in Liver- 1. A summer place for kids. 2. Needed for loud music. Chickens Lettuce Squash ~-
k7 pool, England, was discharged from a 3. A swindle. 4. A curved wheel. Farmer Orchard Thresher
. ,'~Lo..,..,~ I~ j t,ry ill 2003 because the other jurors Fields Pasture Tractor
0 ) ~, in the case were complainimz that his
beard was infested with flea~ dweoS :OIOM AJO~,SA~/~ "UlRO "# "t,UeOs "g 'dtt~v "~ "dineO q. :mOMSUV Garden
ru!pt!nq o], pappe aJe sHo!Jfl 9 ru!ss!w oJe sod!J],S
sjeo!NO 9 Hoelq s! lJ!qs s,Ao£] t~ seHods e^eq sleeq/w
8 'Hoelq eJe sdp6 s, eH!£ ";~ 3,ueJeH!p s! u6!s' 1. :seoueJell!a
Kids' Maze
Sta rt @2008 King Features Synd., Inc.
The idea of Go Figure is to arrive
at the figures given at the bottom
and right-hand columns of the ---
diagram by following the arith- +
metic signs in the order they are i
given (that is, from left to right
and top to bottom). Use only the i
numbers below the diagram to-r
complete its blank squares and ---'-
use each of the nine numbers
only once.
* Moderate ** Difficult 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8
© 2008 King Features Syndicate, Inc,
"su! Zg :emil uognlos
- pm~ssoza ~ --
@)2008 King Features Synd., Inc.
This Week's Racing News
Driver's Bid
Pro Racing
Postseason Edition
When Bobby Labonte needed a fresh start, he chose Petty Enterprises even though the sto-
ned organizafion had fallen far beyond NASCAR's elite teems. The former NASCAR champi-
on never wavered in his commitment to help bring the famed No. 43 back to victory lane despite
obvious on-track struggles. After Boston Ventures took over controlling interest in June,
Labonte agreed to a four-year contract extension, indicating he thought the private-equity firm
had the financial resources to push Petty back to the top. However, now that the economic cn-
sis has hit and with no sponsorship in sight for 2009, the 44-year-old Labonte was released last
Thursday from his contract at Petty Enterprises. Pnvate equity firm
Boston Ventures has had two rounds of layoffs, letting go at least 70
employees since last month's season finale. Petty Enterpnses said it
was engaged in exclusive negotiations with Gillett Evemham
M0tomports in connection with a possible transaction. If the deal isn't
completed, Petty Enterprises will field the No. 43 as a single-car team
in '09 alter operating as a multicar team for the past decade.
Racing Trivia
Racing History
- NASCAR signed a contract At what track did the NASCAR Cup Sedes
with ABC Television, which would televise nine celebrate its 1000th race ?
NASCAR Grand National races, including five a) California Motor Speedway
live broadcasts dudng the 1970 season. In the b) Riverside Intemational Raceway
first race, Pete Hamilton cruised to a victory in c) Sacramento Fairgrounds
the Alabama 500 at Talladega as ABC Sports d) Ontario Motor Speedway
televised the second half of the race live to a Answer: d) Ontario Motor Speedway was the site
nationwide audience. The network squeezed of NASCAR's 1000th race. Ontario Motor
the three hour and 17 minute race into a Speedway in Ontario, California was a 2.5 mile
90-minute time slot. rectangular shaped paved course much like
Indianapois Motor Speedway.
Patrick Carpentier
Born: Aug. 13, 1971
Sponsor: Charter Comm.
Crew Chief: Mike Shiplett
Car: Dodge
Patrick Ca~ made his debut in Ihe NASCAR
Nationwide Series at Monlte~'s Circuit Gillas
Villanauve on August 4, 2007, taking the 10de in
qualifying and finished the r'ao~ in 2ncl place. His
Sprint Cup debut came on August 12, 2007, at
Watkins Glen, in the Gillatt Evemham Mo~mpods
#10 Valvoline/Stanley Tools Dodge, replacing
Scott Riggs and stsrted 40th. Carpen'der lad for 7
laps near the midway po~on of the race and
wound up finishing in the 20th position. In October
2007, it was announoecl he would drive the #10
car fu~ in 2008. In 2008, Ca~ won his
first pole for ~ Spdnt Cup Series in the Lenox
Industrial Tools 301 at New Hampshire Motor
Speedway. The pola was the first by a f0retgn born
in NASCAR's top division s/nca Uoyd Shaw (from
Toronto, Canada) won the pole at Langhome
Speedway in June 1953. Pabick earned his best
career Spdnt Cup finish by finishing 14th in the
Coke Zero 400. On October 7th, Caq3entier was
released by Gillett Evemham MotompmL