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December 18, 1941 |
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i'!~ , .......... "--"--. __--"-""-U'-%'_~'-- ~_ ~ - , - ,, .... i u ~ ........ -- ....... :~= --
"' t~ "~INiels°n home Tuesday '
; I I A Merry Chrm~mas and a very " ------- .....
DI, ¢ A n'_ i! Program Imuortant! 2p / ? 2?2 x 2 :toveT- i ju j =; o h o .olly
~'" " ~k,',,- i {:7 .- __ I ieryone. _ ..... IMr: ani~M..~. Irv~ G ord::~..Rnd^~:amily.{were Glendive visibors Wednesday of
..... r HI, NDS MEET TO EAT" ~u .uL ~cLc.~ ,prug*uu* nuw~at the Bonnie View school house on'flY at a duck supper at ,their home' "
~ - Zazea on added s~gnllicance. 'Past his-I~,~,,o, ,.;~,~+ r~ .... ~ ,o ~,i~ ,~ i ..........
" __ .=.=...=. -- '~crL el our country proves _that our i p'e'~rance"w~l~ bT~r'c'c~ed~by"a" pz'*'o:!
:,:'umi-,,~fn~h: ~a~ays ramea to ~ne,gram w.hiOh will commence at 8:00
! . ~ a ,o ~ c.~,fnse, ana io,clock ~and to which everyone is in-;
.... ~gam we are caaeu up°n ~° ur°°uce 'vited" The Christmas spirit is runn":ng ! NO CE---
, Lunches or
Best In Beach -- -
more of the vital foods needed, not quite ,higI~ in Bonnie View district,i
only [or our own country, but also tl~s year end the following letter
Ior" our allies, will prove to the public th~ sentiment!
To ~e~ th~ b~_g job done ':,f'.iciently, tha~ occurs in and around this part.
~l farm maeh~ne~, implement,s ~nd :Beach, N, Dak. i
trucks must be in running order when December 15, 1941
spring arrives. Li~: your machinery, Dear Santa Claus:
~mplemeut and truck repair needs
A~ith your dealer as soon as p~sslble, like you very much. I want a
Your dealer s~ands ready and willing wagon, w~bh sideboards, also a Shirt,
belt: and a game. When you come,
to serve You and invites your cooper- don t forg,et to fill my stocking. I
will set a cup of coffee and a cookie
to the urgent demand for scrap on the d~tble. I will leave ,~he door
iron and metals for defense, we call
is Cooked Home Style o~o so you van come in, if you
everyone's attention t~at such ma~er- can,t get the wagon down the chlm-
tal should be moved at once.
, ney.
Cooperate and he~p yo~r goveru-~ You friend,
I Lenus Nielsen
Mrs. Mark Gilman informs the! XM~ ~." ... Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nehls returned
.... nab ~e~ata~ to t~elr home the ~irst ,part of lust
News that her brother Roy Wallace,,
~ visit ~and his father-in-law are in the wart The 3$tla Ann--~l C~ Seal week~e homeafter of ~ feWMr, days~nd Mrs.Visit sv~ntA1 Sch-at
week zone at Midway Island in t~e Pacific ~aIe Just concluded under the super- roeder, at Cheir home in Billings,
'!~tion trip ocean, having gone there some time vision of the pupils in the upper M~l~tax~,.
:~ So. Dak. ego to work on a submarine dock ,grades of the Lincoln Building pro- Mx. and Mrs. Jack Still and son
during " auced btm largest recelpts of any
~~ust how~She has not heard from them recently sale ever made in th " " Merton,the homeenJ°yedof Mr. aandv~nls°n~Irs. J~ckSUpper at
I ~ e IO¢~.1 com-
~ maybe land is awaiting a letter soon. 'muntW. A toted of 9~1 seals were
~n In Beach last Monday. /
there l Donald and Bob Hardy, Roy Hal- purchased by ~ne peop~ of Beach and Mrs. A. F. Doblar was a visitor at
extend stead and Emil Miller motored to Bin- community. This mon.y is deposited the Bonnie Clew school Monday.
:' !marek Tueed~ of this week where with the North Dakota Antl-Tubercu- Mr. a!IcI ~d[rs. Joe Pesha, Jr. and
~2aey met wi~ the aeronautics in- Iosis Association with headquarters at Al~ere~ "l~aer spent Thursday evening
speetor, Donald Thon~n and they Bismarck and is used by tha~ organ- I ....
now have permission to continue their, iz~tion to flg~t the occurrence or the" ' ' -
ying. ~nile .there ~:he men also took, spread of that dreaded disease in th~ ~ • ~ , ~, ,
their written tests for t~helr private local cowtmun~ty where the seals are
licenses but still have to make thelrlsold d.
flying tests. They returned home t~hst[ . • f ,~t~ r "
Fred Kannenberg and Paul WischowI F.N. Rlchert. Pastor
of the Sentinel Butte community are! _ ,,
,driving new NeSh ears Which they re-ISundaY, Decy. 21: ~ ~ t1151
i cently pttreha~d from the Ha1~eadl I0:00 Stmday School ' ~ ~ ~ llL~[ f • z//~
{Corp. Mrs. May Melvin of south ofI II:00 Morning Worship ~ ~ |
]Beach is also the owner of a new This will be the Christm,=~s service! ~ ~ ~~
; i for the h ch. ! : I! It !ilg _2hit
---__ [ Monday, Dec. 22. Young People's ~ |, J ~ f ~7"-J~
I Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Woodsend en-, Wednesday, Dec. 24: Christmas pro-: ,', illllll
ENTERTAINS I meeting at parsonage. I e I | ~ ~ ~-~
! r j ~rtained Sunday in honor of their, gram at the church at 8 p.m. i ** .i I I l~'l
aaug%ter, Betty's birthday. Those pre-I You a*9 invited. J II I [ III$
sent were r -" ~ •
| rams and family, Mr. and Mrs. Earl/ IN APPRECIATION ] l ' ~W~
|.%turk and family, Mrs. Julia Fisk and}
|family, Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm, Mr.i We w~ah to express our sincere ap- WIlEnr YOU ARE "'" ....
}~nd Mrs. Tom Fulton al~d Mr. B]lllpr~ciation 'to all for tile m~tny acts "" i:,~ lnP~
|Abram~ Oysters and crackers salad of kindne.~ shown in our bereavment ]~f~.-e}D FO.,~ ~IT~:" ~r~ ~-j
| tackles, cake and coffee wa-s served m the death of Henry Lehmann The EVENING !W ~"
• ' " . AY FR0 u
:~Y t~re hostess. Betty received many'm~nY