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December 16,
December 11 2010
City of Medora
P.O. Box 418-A.
Medora, ND 58645
These notices shall satisfy two sep-
arate but related procedqral require-
ments for activities to be]undertaken
by the City of Medora on behalf of the
Theodore Roosevelt Medora
On or about December 31, 2010,
the City of Medora. on behalf of the
Theodore Roosevelt Medora
Foundation. will submit a request to
the U.S. Department of Housing and
Urban Development for the release of
HUD-EDI funds under the EDI-SP pro-
gram of Public Law 111-117
(Consolidated Appropriations Act of
2010) for a grant which has been
approved for the Rough Riders Hotel
Renovation and Expansion.
An environmental review conduct-
ed for the Theodore Roosevelt Medora
Foundation has determined that the
project will have no significant impact
on the human environment. An
Environmental Impact Statement
under the National Environmental
Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) therefore, is
not required. Additional information is
contained in the Environmental
Review Record on file at the offices of
the Theodore Roosevelt Medora
Foundation in Medora. ND, and may
be examined or copied weekdays from
9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Any individual, group or agency
who has concerns about the environ-
mental impact of this project may sub-
mit written comments to the City of
Medora. All comments received by
December 31. 2010 will be considered
by the City of Medora prior to authoriz-
ing submission of a request for a
release of funds. Comments should
specify which Notice they are address-
The City of Medora. on behalf of
the Theodore Roosevelt Medora
Foundation, certifies to the U.S.
Department of Housing and Urban
Development that Douglas Ellison, in
his capacity as Mayor, consents to
accept the jurisdiction of the Federal
Courts if an action Js,.brought, to
enforce responsibilities in relation to
the environmental review process and
that these responsibilities have been
satisfied. The U.S. Department of
Housing and Urban Development's
approval of the certification satisfies its
responsibilities under NEPA and relat-
ed laws and authorities, and allows the
Theodore Roosevelt Medora
Foundation to use Program funds.
The U.S. Department of Housing
and Urban Development wil accept
objections to its release of funds and
the City of Medora's certification for a
period of fifteen days following the
anticipated submission date or its
actual receipt of the request (whichev-
er is later) only if they are made on one
of the following bases: (a) the certifica-
tion was not executed by the certifying
officer of the City of Medora; (b) The
City of Medora or Theodore Roosevelt
Medora Foundation has omitted a step
or failed to make a decision or finding
required by U.S. Department of
Housing and Urban Development reg-
ulations at 24 CFR Part 58; (c) the
grant recipient has committed funds or
incurred costs not authorized by 24
CFR Part 58 before the approval of a
release of funds by the U,S.
Department of Housing and Urban
Development; or (d) another Federal
Agency, acting pursuant to 40 CFR
Part 1504. has submitted a written
finding that the project is unsatisfacto-
ry from the standpoint of environmen-
tal quality. Objections must be pre-
pared and submitted in accordance
with the required procedures of 24
CFR Part 58 and shall be addressed to
the U.S. Department of Housing and
Urban Development. Region VIII
Office. 8ADE, 1670 Broadway Street,
Denver, Colorado 80202-4801.
Potential objectors should contact the
U.S. Department of Housing and
Urban Development to verify the actu-
al last day of the objection period.
Douglas Ellison
Mayor of Medora
(December 16)
This Week's Racing News
Driver's BiD
Racing History
Racing Trivia
Copies of the
Golden Valley News
are available at:
- Sip N Sew/Beach Floral
(22 Central Ave., Beach)
LaPlaya Mexican Restaurant
(27 Central Ave., Beach)
- Doubloons
(18 4th St. NW, Beach)
- Flying J Travel Plaza
(Junction of Interstate 94,
- Golva Grocery
(408 Terrell Ave., Golva)
- News and Pioneer Office
(22 Central Ave., Beach)
The American Red Cross West flood and wind storm in Mandan: people received education on disas-
Dakota Chapter has released its first providing shelter support because of ter preparation.
State of the Chapter report. The power outages in Sioux County; and The work of the West Dakota
Chapter serves 16 counties in south providing for people with emergent Chapter is accomplished with near-
central and southwestern North medical needs during the power out- ly 150 volunteers. They work with
Dakota: Burleigh, Morton• Adams. ages in Hettinger and Morton city, county and state emergency
Emmons. Sioux, Stark. Slope, Counties. A total of 110 people managers and first responders, act-
Hettinger, Grant. Golden Valley, received emergency, short-term ing upon their request to open a
Kidder, Dunn, Mercer, Oliver. financial assistance so far this year. shelter or respond to a disaster such
Billings and Bowman. Over 50 emergency communi-as a home fire.
As of Dec. 7. the West Dakota cations were facilitated, connecting Board Chair Mary LaDuke said.
Chapter responded to 40 disaster members of the military with their "'The American Red Cross is a sta-
incidents in 2010. This included families in times of crisis, ble. highly trusted organization in
assisting fanailies in 28 home fires: Finally. 4.500 people wereNorth Dakota. The support of the
feeding 220 responders searching instructed in First Aid., whether volunteering
for a lost child in Morton County; Babysitter's Training, and Aquatic or giving financially, is essential to
assisting victims impacted by a flash Lifesaving Courses. Over 1.000 completing our mission.'"
Services planned for Vietnam War pilot
A Vietnam War pilot who has trol assignment, the afternoon of July On Saturday, Dec. 18. visitation
been missing in action for more than 30, 1968. He was later declared dead will begin at 12:30 p.m. followed by
four decades came home to Fargo on May 2, 1978. and his remains the funeral at 1:30 p.m.. both at St.
this week. were identified Nov. 19 of this year. Mary's Cathedral. 619 7th St. N,.
The remains of "U.S. Air Force"This mission is so important Fargo. Burial will follow at Holy
Maj. Thomas Beyer were scheduled because a brother of ours who has Cross Cemetery, 1502 32nd Ave. N..
to arrive Wednesday evening, and his been listed as MIA for about 42 Fargo.
funeral will take place Saturday after- years is finally being reunited with "Gov. Jack Dalrymple and Maj.
noon. his family and friends." said Russ Gen. David Sprynczynatyk, North
Beyer served with the 20th Stabler. with North Dakota's Dakota National Guard adjutant gen-
Tactical Air Support Squadron at Chu Vietnam Veterans of America. "As eral, are expected to speak during the
Lai Air Base in South Vietnam. From veterans of the Vietnam War. each funeral service. Veterans groups and
there, he flew the O-2A Skymaster, a and every Vietnam and Vietnam-era honor guards as well as currently
military version of the Cessna 337, as veteran is eager to welcome home serving military men and women will
a spotter plane. He went m~ssing our brother. Maj, Thomas J. Beyer, again be present to show their sup-
while on mission No. 5096. a visual who has been gone for such a long port of their fallen brother, as well as
reconnaissance and forward air con- time." his family•
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North Dakota
State Board of
will hold a public hearing to address pro-
)used N.D. Admin. CodeArticle 61; Chap-
ter 61-02 amended sections 61-02-01-01
Permit required; 61-02-01-03 Pharmaceu-
tical CompoundingStandards; 61-02-06-
02 Requirements for storage and retrieval
of prescription information; Chapter 61
new section 61-04-03.1- Identification
Required for Controlled Substances plus
tmmadol and cadsoprodol: and amend 61-
04-05-03- Computer transmission of pre-
scriptions andamend 61-11 Fees.
Candlewood Suites
1831 NDSU Research Park Drive
Fargo, ND
Tues., Jan. 11, 2011
2:00 p.m. CT
The proposed rules may be reviewed at
the office of the ND State Board of Phar-
macy, 1906 E. Broadway, Bismarck, ND
58501 or Board website A copy of the
proposed rules and/or a regulatory analy-
sis may be requested by writing PO Box
1354, Bismarck, ND 58502-1354; emailing or calling
701-328-9535. Wntten or oral comments
on the proposed rules sent to the above
address or email address and received
by January 28, 2011 will be fully consid-
ered. If you plan to attend the public hear-
ing and will need special facilities or assis-
tance relating to a disability, please con-
tact the ND State Board of Pharmacy at the
above telephone number or address at
least two weeks (14 days) prior to the
)ublic headng.
Dated this 9th day of Dec. 2010.
Howard C. Anderson, Jr., R.Ph.
Executive Director
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Coming soon...our NEW location
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The Billings County School District is seeking proposals from licensed
realtors and/or auction services experienced n commercial real estate
sales to handle the sale of the Fryburg School and accompanying prop-
Proposals are to be marked "Fryburg Sale Proposal," and must be in the
Billings Co. School Dist. Office, Box 307, Medora. ND 58645 by noon
MT, January 10, 2011. Proposals will be reviewed by the Billings County
School Board beginning at 6:00 p.m. MT, Wednesday, January 12. 2011.
at the DeMores School in Medora Those submitting proposals should be
present at that meeting to answer any questions.
Proposals should detail any fees charged and what services would be
included in those fees, as well as information on previous commercial
sales experience. For further information, please contact Darlene
Mitchell at 701-623-4363 or 701-260-1316. The Board reserves the right
to accept or reject any or all proposals, and to waive irregularities.
By Order of the Board
Darlene Mitchell. Business Manager
Pro Racing
Postseason Edition
Scott Speed filed a $6.5 million breach-of-contract lawsuit against Red Bull Racing, the team that
released Speed following the 2010 season. In the lawsuit, filed in North Carolina Supedor Court
in Statesville, N.C., Speed claims that Red Bull did not fund the team as necessary to compete
at the Cup level. Red Bull "significantly reduced its fnancial commitment to Speed's race team
and was unable and/or unwilling to provide Speed with 'supporting equipment' satisfactory for a
driver of his skill to be effective to compete in the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series," Speed's complaint
states. Speed's complaint also ~rovides a rare, inside look at the money being paid in the Sprint
Cup series for a driver at his level. The lawsuit says Speed signed a
three-year deal in September 2007 for a salary of $300,000 in 2008,
$500,000 in 2009 and $1 million in 2010. He was to receive 50 percent
of his purse winnings for each top-10 finish, 45 percent for finishing 11 th
through 20th and 40 percent for finishes of 21st or worse. Speed, 27,
was released from the team last month as it made way for intedm
ddver Kasey Kahne in 2011.
Dec. 14. 19:~7 - Former Cup driver Hershel Who was the first Father-Son combination
McGriff was born on this day. McGriff made to win Cup Championships?
news in 2009 when he started two races m a) The Yarborough's c) The Eamhardt's
the Camping World West Series at the spry b) The Jarrett'sd) The Petty's
age of 81. He finished 13th of 26 care on
the road course of Portland (Ore.) Answer: d) The Petty's. Father Lee won his
International Raceway in July and two championships in 1954, 1958, an~ 1959. Not far
weeks later finishe¢ 19th on the road behind was son Richard, who won his first title in
course of Miller Motorsports Park in 1964. Six more crowns would come for King
Tooele, Utah. Richard. Ned Jarrett won a title in 1959, while son
Dale won his in 1999.
Scott Speed
Born: Jan. 24, 1983
Sponsor: Red Bull
Crew Chief: Ryan Pemberton
Car: Toyota
Scott Speed made his Formula One race debut at
2006 Bahrain Grand Prix. ~coming the first
American to race in F1 since Michael Andretti in
1993. In March 2008. Speed made his TPJck
Series debut at Atlanta Motor Speedway. He
recorded his first career Top 10 finish in just his sec-
ond race, when he finished tenth at MartJnsville
Speedway. Speed recorded back-to-back top ten
finishes in the Truck Series at Kansas Speedway
by finishing in eighth place in the #22 Red Bull
Toyota for Bill Davis Racing, and then won his first
career race the followng week at Dover. On
October 19, 2008, Speed started his first Cup
Series race at Marlinsville Speedway finishing in
30th place. In 2009, he won his first ever Rookie of
the Race honors at the prestigious Daytona 500.
Speed also won the pole for the Sam's Town 300
in his Natiodwide Series debut. Last year, Speed's
best performance was leading several laps of the
Daytona 500. He tlnished the season 30th in the
points standings.
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