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Page 2 Golden Valley News December 16, 2010 ":
Tomasita "Tommie" Kessei
DICKINSON - Funeral Services
for Tomasita "Tommie" Kessel, 86.
of Dickinson were held at 10 a.m.
Wednesday, Dec. 15. 2010. at St.
Patri ck's Catholic Church.
Dickinson. with the Rev. Todd
Kreitinger celebrating. Burial took
place at St. Bernard's Catholic
Cemetery, Belfield.
Visitation took place from 1-9
p.m. Tuesday. Dec. 14. at Stevenson
Funeral Home with Rosary and
Vigil Service at 7 p.m.
Tommie passed away,Thursday,
Dec. 9, at St. Benedict's Health
Center in Dickinson.
Tomasita Kessel was born Aug.
5. 1924. to Ernesto and Rosalina
(Rodriguez) Martinez in Ponce.
Puerto Rico. Tommie grew up in
Ponce. attending grade school, and
graduating from Ponce High
School. She completed her educa-
tion at Catholic University of
Puerto Rico Hospital de Damas.
where she received her degree as a
registered nurse. After her school-
ing, Tommie traveled to North
Dakota to help her sister through a
difficult pregnancy. During this
time she met Wendell Kessel.
Tommie married Wendell on Jan.
30, 1951. at St. Bernard's Catholic
Church in Belfield. The couple
made their home in Belfield. where
they raised their family. They
n'-wed to Dickinson in 1971. and
Tommie has lived there ever since.'
During her time in both Belfield and
Dickinson. Tommie worked at St.
Joseph's Hospital as an O,Rt nurse.
She retired in 1986 but continued to
volunteer at the hospital for many
Tommie loved spending time
with her family, especially her
grandchildren and great-grandchil-
dren, She enjoyed traveling and
made many summer visits to see her
family in Puerto Rico. She also
enjoyed gardening and baking. She
was a member of St. Patrick's
Catholic Church. American Legion
Auxiliary, Catholic Daughters. and
was a Cub Scout den mother.
She is-survived by her son.
Lloyd Ke el of Dickinson: daugh-
ters. Wanda Kilzer of Mesa. Ariz.:
Yvette (Greg Bavendick) Hecker of
Mandan: seven grandchildren.
Duane (Tammy) Kilzer. Angela
Kilzer. Dexxick (Amanda) Hecker.
Nathan Hecker. Mathew Hecker.
Taylo and Daniel Kessel: three
great-grandchildren. Hunter. Ryder
and Hailie Hecker; three brothers.
Ernesto (Ester Martinez. Carlos
(Carmen) Martinez. Louisto
Martinez. all of Puerto Rico: six sis-
ters. Annie Martinez. Mirian
Martinez. Andrea Martinez. all of
Puerto Rico: Carmen Martinez.
Sarah (David) Landstrom. both of
Wyoming; L)dia West of Illinois:
three brothers-in-law. Joe Betchner
of Illinois: Taro Rivera of Puerto
Rico: Mario Serrano of New York:
sister-in-law Luth Martinez of
Puerto Rico: and numerous nieces
and nephews.
She was preceded in "death by
her husband Wendell. son Duane;
both parents, and siblings, Emma.
Gina, Juanny, Pedro and Edger.
Remembrances and condo-
lences may be shared with the fam-
ily at
Keith Zinsli
Keith Martin in 1989. He then worked part-time
Anton "Tony" Kuntz
DICKINSON - Funeral Mass for
Anton "Tony" Kuntz. 73. of
Dickinson was held at 1 p.m.,
Friday, Dec. 10, 2010. at Queen of
Peace Catholic Church. Dickinson.
with the Rev. Jeff Zwack celebrat-
ing. Burial followed at St. Joseph's
Cemetery, Dickinson.
Visitation was from 12 p.m. to 9
p.m. Thursday. Dec. 9, at Stevenson
Funeral Home. Dickinson, with
Rosary and Prayer Service being
held at 7 p.m. Visitation continued
from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. on Friday,
Dec. 10.
Tony passed away on Monday,
Dec. 6. at the Southwest Health
Care Center in Bowman.
Tony was born on Sept. 8. 1937.
the youngest of 15 children born. to Tony was a member of the Elks.
Nicodemus 3nd Francis (Wock Queen of Peace Catholic Church
Kuntz. He grew up on the famil y and a past member of the South
farm north of South Heart and Heart School Board.
attended the local country school. Tony is survived by his wife.
After school. Tony took over the Gail; his seven children. Shannon
farm In the early years, Tony trav- (Joe) Fritz. Beach: Steve (Lynda)
eled with his friends every fall. On Kuntz. Dickinson: Ryan (Lisa)
one of his trips he visited his sister Kuntz, Dickinson: Ann (David)
in Idaho and met the love of his life. Wood. Ridge, Md.: Marty Steidt.
Anita Gaff Wakers. Tony and Gail Dickinson: Jody Kuntz. Deadwood.
were married on August 25. 1963 m S.D.: and Don (Amanda) Kuntz.
Elko. Nev. The couple made their Dickinson: 10 grandchildren. Drew.
home on the farm north of South Brooke. Mikavla. Mason. Madison.
Heart. It was here that they raised Cameron. Jasmine. Micah'. Dillan
their family of seven children: and Morghann; three sisters. Madge
Shannon, Steve, Ryan, Ann, Marty, Stefanatz. Jerome. Idaho: Veronica
Jody and Don as well as one grand- Gayda. Dickinson: and Adeline
son, Drew. (Floyd) Hushka. Dickinson: and
Tony felt blessed to live his two brothers. Reinold Kuntz.
entirelife on the farm. He likedhis Dickinson: and Stanley (Tillie)
toys: John Deere tractors, new cars Kuntz. Belfield.
and pickups and kept them all spot- He was preceded in death by iris
less. Tony enjoyed polkas, eating parents, four sisters and five broth-
out and visiting with family and ers.
friends. He had a great sense of Family suggests memorials to
humor and kept it until the very Southwest Health Care Center in
end. Tony thoroughly enjoyed his Bowman.
grandchildren and loved spending Remembrances and condolences
Christmas with all of his family. He may be shared with the family at
was a great teacher and example to
his children and grandchildren.
Sh riff' report
The following is the Golden 1" Domestic Dispute. 1: Ambulance
Valley County Sheriff's Office sum- Assist. 1: Verbal Abuse. 2: Salvation
mary of calls for November: Army Assist. l: Verbal Dispute. 1 :
Zinsli. 85, was called home by Our
Lord on Oct. 16. 2010. with family
by his side at the Colonial Center.
Colby. There will be a memorial
service held at a later date
Honorary pallbearers will be his
grandsons. Adam Weis. Zachary
Zinsli. Matt Zinsli, Brent Vruwink.
Brandon Vruwink and Logan
He was born on Nov. 2. 1924. in
Beach. to Joe and Neva Mac (nee
Hammond) Zinsli. He was raised in
Wibaux County. Mont.. and then
later moved back to Beach. where
he graduated from high school. He
then attended college in Fargo.
He married Shirley Bishop on
Oct. 6. 1951. in Marshfield. While
Jiving in North Dakota. he was
employed by Northside Grain
Elevator. They moved to Wiscoffsin
in 1957. where he was employed by
O.W. Trindal Co.. Loyal. and then
La, nd O'Lakes until his retirement
for Fi$i?s, Marshfield and the.~s Animal at large, 2: Motor Vehicle ~Drug Use/Paraphernalia. 2: Vehicle
Warn s:
Shop in Spencer until 1998:'He , Ace ts. 2; iViental Healili, Case, Unl k. t; wriiten
a emt er if the flcef' " th0dist 1: G +' .rive¢ rff. 1: Vandalism,' 1; Ffiilui= " to ...... 13isplay Ciii ent
Church and the Masonic Lodges in
Beach, Lo3 al. and Marshfield. since
1949. He was also an active mem-
ber of the Spencer Lions for several
He was raised with horses, and
anytime he could be on one he was
happy. He loved his kids and grand-
kids. especially the babies.
Survivors include his loving
wile of 59 years. Shirley Zinsti: five
children, Kristy (Randy) Erman.
Steven (Marie) Zinsli. Jon (Debra)
Zinsli. Loti (Ron) Vruwink. and
Scott (Susan) Zonsli. 17 grandchil,
dren and t5 great-grandchildren.
He was preceded in death by his
father, mother and sister. Online
condolences may be offered at Cremation
Society of Wisconsin. Altoona. is
serving the filmily.
Driving Under Suspension. 1: Registration. t: Citations: Driving
Criminal Trespass. 1: Civil Standby, Under Suspension, 3.
Inez Lydia Carlson
Lydia (Gordon) Carlson. 86. passed
away Saturday, Nov. 6. 2010, at
Kavanagh Hospice in Des Moines,
Iowa. A graveside service was held
Tuesday, Nov. 9. at Laurel Hill
Inez was born on June 9. 1924.
to Irving and Leona Gordon in
Beach. She graduated from Beach
High School in 1942. After gradua-
tion she moved to Des Moines.
Iowa. where she had resided since.
Inez loved being with her family.
She enjo3ed reading westerns by
Louis L'Amour. and playing har-
monica and guitar.
Inez is survived by her children.
Ronald G. Carlson (Annette) of
Griffin. Ga.: her daughter Joy
Dellaca. of West Des Moines. Iow/l:
her sister, Vera Schneider of Beach:
her live grandchil~lren, four step-
grandchildren, 23 great-grandchil-
dren. eight step-great grandchil-
dren. and seven step-great grand-
She was preceded in death by
her husband. Alvin M. Carlson. her
parents, two brothers and one infant
Memorial contribulions are sug-
gested to Kavanaugh House
Hospice of Central Iowa.
Beach, 57: Wibaux, 45
Boys varsity basketball. Dec. 7
Beach: 11.27, 49.57
Beach player point totals: Trevor
SiTe. 7: Jake Hardy, 19: Brady
Zachmann. 4: Lloyd Weinreis. 7:
Jade Bishop, 3: Landon Lechler.
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Thi Week's Local Forecast Weather Trivia
Farmers Union Oil Co.
Interstate Cenex
:aOT I Hot Stuff Pizza
Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday
Mostly Cloudy Mostly Sunny Mostly Cloudy Partly Cloudy Mostly SunnySnow Possible Mostly Cloudy
20/4 17/1 17/0 22/6 28/9 32/10 31/15
Preci[~ Chance: 10% Precip, Chance: 5% Precip Chance: 10% Precip Chance: 10% Precip Chance: 5% Precip Chance: 30% Precip Chance: 20%
Does lightning strike
more women or men?
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lsomlg ~lanJls la~ Ual,~ :Ja~SUV