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Page 10 Golden Valley News December 12, 2013
. Oviraptor
(Continued from Page 1)
missing its feet. Not only does Pearl sued to professional paleontologists spokesman, said it was unclear when
have elements missing from the who must agree to preserve their the fossil would go on display be-
Carnegie specimen, but it is similar finds in a public museum, a college, cause more excavation is needed,
in size. or a university because of their sci- plus that would be followed by the
BLM-permitted excavation teams entitle importance. These remains process of preparing it for display.
working on public land must be fed- must also be made available to other The display would be in Illinois, but
erally-recognized repositories for pa- researchers and are held in trust for Jacobsen said it's hoped that a cast
leontological specimens before they the people of the United States. of part of the dinosaur would be
can be considered qualified to exca- Mark E. Jacobsen, BLM's East- made for display at the BLM's Miles
vate on federal lands. Permits are is- ern Montana-Dakotas DistrictCity, Mont office.
Scholarships available for college enrolled students
Scholarship America's Dream be a U S. citizen, 2) have received years or until a bachelor's degree is
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students from across the nation en- tember 2013, 3) have completed or newal is contingent upon satisfactory
tering their second year of higher ed- expect to successfully complete a academic performance in a full-time
ucation beyond high school, minimum of one year of post-see- course of study, Each year of eligible
Renewable scholarships are of- ondary education by. June 2014, 4) renewal, the award will increase by
fered each year for full-time study at have a minimum cumulative grade $1,000. Awards are for undergradu-
an accredited institution of the stu- point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale, ate study only.
dent's choice. The awards will grow and 5) demonstrate financial need. Applications must be submitted
in amount each year, allowing stu- If selected as a recipient, the stu- electronically by 11:59 p.m. CST,
dents to receive aid throughout their dent will receive an award ranging Dec. 19, 2013. The application can
college careers, from $5,000 to $15,000. Awards may be accessed at www.scholar-
Applicants for the award must: 1.) be renewed for up to three additional award.php.
"Oh, by gosh, by golly it's time for
mistletoe and holly. Tasty pheasants,
Christmas presents, countrysides cov-
ered in snow." These words from an
old holiday song fit this time of year
and our weather this week. Let's all try
to keep warm and remember the true
"reason for the season".
Thursday was a wonderful
Thanksgiving Day with many resi-
dents and guests attending dinner in
the Dining Room at noon. A great big
thank you to our Manor cooks and
kitchen staff for the feast that was
prepared and served. LaRae Techet-
ter visited with Helen Lindbo. Don
Brengle, Barb Hilbert, and Helen Re-
iter visited. Linda and Matthew Giet-
zen visited Charles Scherman. Ethel
Kniss visited her aunt, Mary Efta.
Edie Abraham accompanied her
cousins, Mike and Doris Berger of
Golva, to Bismarck on Wednesday.
She met with her son, Marvin, and
spent 5 days at their home. She en-
joyed Thanksgiving with family.
Their daughter, Heidi, came from
Minneapolis. They all visited at their
daughter Alison and Brian Block's
home. Jessica Savini spent the
Thanksgiving week-end with family
in Harvey. She helped her grand-
mother, Linda, and grandfather,
Richard, move to Harvey from Stan-
ley. Steven Finneman and Katie
Zinsli visited with Florence Finne-
man. Joey Tosner visited his grand-
mother, Verna Tosner. Jerry and Sue
Tosner came and picked Verna up for
Friday coffee and treats were
served in the Dining Room at 3 p.m.
Dennis and Melanie Nunberg visited
Ted and Jowayne Nunberg. Edie
Abraham and her son Marvin visited
at her daughter, Beverly Baumstack's
home with her son, Wesley and his
Some Manor residents show off their Rudolph reindeer pops.
family from Worland, Wyoming.son. Coffee and socializing in the Din-
Melinda, Jordan, and Peyton from ing Room began at 3 p.m. Elaine Noll
Fargo also came. They took lots of 4 came and decorated her mother,
generation pictures and enjoyed visit- Wiene Barthel's, room for Christmas.
ing and catching up. Jessica Savini Julianna Thoemke visited Wiene
had her ankle x-rayed to see how it Barthel. Edie Abraham rode back to
was healing. She still needs to wear a Beach in the Golden Valley Van.
bracewhen outdoors. Tuesday's activities began with Ex-
Saturday morning Exercises began ercises at 9:45 a.m. Adoration fol-
at l0 a.m. Coffee time in the Dining lowed. In the afternoon we played
Room was at 3 p.m. Elaine Warner bingo led by St. Paul's Church. Devo-
from West Fargo visited and wished tions were held in the Chapel with
everyone at the Manor a Happy Pastor Hojnacki at 7 p.m.
Thanksgiving. Darlene Begger visited Wednesday afternoon was Crafts
her mother, Wiene Barthel with the with Marlene and Bethine. Since it
rest of her family: Julia, Jason,Travis, was the first Wednesday of the month
Amanda, and Nathan.Jessica Savini it was Fun With Food day. We made
played games with family members, yummy Rudolph reindeer pops out of
One of her uncle's family members Nutterbutter cookies dipped in choco-
passed away this weekend, latethen decorated. We also strung
Sunday Word and Communion puff corn and cranberries to decorate
were held in the Chapel of Angels at our Activity Room Christmas tree.
l0 a.m. At 2 p.m. we were in the Din- Coffee and even more treats were
ing Room playing games and cards, served when we were all done.
Coffee and goodies were served at 3. Andy Rooney quote of the week:
Edie Abraham Attended Confirmation 'Tve learned That no matter how
for Birgen Black at St. Mary's Church. serious your life requires you to be,
Monday morning Bible Study everyone needs a friend to act goofy
began at 10:30 a.m. with Ardyn Matt- with."
The big news this week seemed to and Sarah (Noll) McCaskey. Those itinger had a crew consisting of her
be the weather around the area. Some- gathered for the occasion besides his daughters Mary, Ceil and Rose along
one left the freezer door open, icingup parents were his three brothers, with other family members, including
the roads and piling up the snow. Emery, Sawyer and Ryen; his grand- several grandchildren in her home and
On Thanksgiving, Don and Patsy parents, Karen Wojahn and Jerry Noll; yard decorating. They all stayed and
Maus entertained their daughter his great grandparents, Paul and Mary enjoyed lunch together afterward.
Amanda, Her husband Josh Heidimier Rose Peplinski from Wibaux, and Ed Rose, who was visiting over the week-
and their son Cade from Wyoming, and Anna Mae Wojahn from Dickin- end returned to her home in Bismarck
their sons Justin and Tyler Maus and son, and several other relatives and on Sunday.
Tyler's Fiancre Shawna, and Don and friends. Mary Weinreis along with Joe and
Marie Nistler. On Saturday evening, Perry Nistler had the misfortune of Arlys Kreitinger drove to Bismarck
Don and Marie Nistler were once breaking his leg on Monday. He got where Joe had surgery on Friday. He
again invited to attend when the Maus' medical attention in Dickinson, and said with a grin that he is feeling a bit
hosted a birthday supper for their son then was referred on to Bismarck for a smug since he will be in a warm hos-
Justin. second opinion on Friday. pital room while the rest of us will
JareynTravis, sonofDanandJessi It's beginning to look a lot like have to face old man winters deep
Kay Noll was baptized at St. Mary's Christmas in Golva. Several homes freeze. We wish him a speedy recov-
Catholic Church in Golva on Sunday. and businesses have lights and deco- ery, and perhaps are thankful we don't
His Godparents are Travis Wojahn rations. On Saturday, Bernice Kre- have to change places with him.
Tom and Kaitlynn Wyckoff from named her Harmony Annabelle. The North Dakota, To outside readers:
Dickinson were dinner guests Satur- little family lives in Virginia, and this We advise you to come in if you wish
day at the Jim and Marj Wyckoff also makes David and Linda great- to buy cheap farms. Farm lands will
home. Dean Nistler and Fern Bacon grandparents. Christina's father, go higher and the time to buy is now.
from Wibaux arrived at Jim and Larry is David and Linda's son, and Write us if you are interested. Lewis
Marj's later that afternoon. On he and his wife Isabel live in Wash- F. Crawford, Cashier.
Thursday evening, Dean Wyckoff ington state. Sunday, Jane Cook We wish to extend our sincere
stopped by his parents' home for a drove to Dickinson to have breakfast greetings to our patrons and friends,
visit, with her friend Laura Jacobson at and may you have a prosperous
Burt and Cheryl Cook, and Mary Perkins. 1914. At this time of the year the
Cook traveled to Helena, Mont the Rella Abernethy, and friends, Ted question is, "What shall I buy for
Friday after Thanksgiving to spend and Bev Trinka from Minot arrived Christmas?" We are prepared to an-
the holiday weekend with Burt and back Belgrade, Mont on Saturday swer that question. Stop in and in-
Cheryl's son and family, Ryan and after visiting relatives in that area spect our Xmas line. We feel that in
Jessica Cook, and son Ryder. On during Thanksgiving. Ted and Bey our goods you will find the answer.
Sunday, the family celebrated a sec- returned to their home on Sunday. Our prices are the very lowest and
ond Thanksgiving Day feast with On Monday, Rella attended the we carry the greatest variety. J. W.
those living there. They had planned gravesite service at the Sentinel Brown, General Merchant, Sentinel
to leave Monday or Tuesday, but be- Butte cemetery for Richard Wolfert, Butte, N. D.
cause of the storm, stayed an extra husband of Ruth (Wirtzfeld)Wolfert. Model Clothing & Shoe Store;
day, and returned home Wednesday Afterwards she stopped at the home We are showing a splendid assort-
evening. They reported icy roads of Pete and Laurie Wirtzfeld and vis- ment of these very serviceable men's
from Helena to Terry, but better ited with the family. Sally Abernethy sweaters, coats and Mackinaws at
roads the further east they came. Sat- stopped in at Rella's for a visit Mon- prices ranging from $1 to $9.50. All
urday, Mary Cook became a great- day evening, the newest in colorings and colors
great grandmother. David and Linda From the pages of the Sentinelcombinations for men's smoking
Cook's granddaughter, Christina Republican, Dec. 4, 1913: jackets and bathrobes at prices rang-
Hutcherson gave birth to a little baby Christmas ads: Interstate Bank of ing from $5 to $8.50. J. P. McDon-
girl. Christina and husband Barry Billings County, Sentinel Butte, aid, Manager, Sentinel Butte.
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