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December 12, 2013 Golden Valley News Page 5
Billings County Commis-
NOVEMBER 5, 2013
The meeting was called to order at
9:00 A.M. with Commissioners Arthaud,
Kasian and Kessel in attendance.
Others present during portions of
the meeting were: Jon Cameron,
Stacey Swanson, Dave Jurgens, Pat
Rummel, Brenda Frieze, Keri Klang,
Shawn Thomas, Craig Kubas, Justin
Hyndman, Kayla Torgerson.
Kasian moved to approve the min-
utes from the October 1, 2013 regular
meeting. Arthaud seconded. All voted
Jon Cameron, from Sen. Hoeven's
office was in attendance to discuss
western North Dakota issues with the
The board reviewed the monthly
road report from Road Superintendent,
Jeff Iverson.
Auditor Lamb presented a waiver of
conflicts letter from the Association of
Oil & Gas Producing Counties and the
Petro-Hunt, LLC- Section 14-144-
98 along 8th Street SW
Ken Obrigewitch - Section 34-141-
98 along 24th Street SW
Pipeline Permits
Petro-Hunt, LLC - Section 1-143-
99 to Section 6-143-98 for gas gather-
OneOK Rockies Midstream, LLC -
Sections 27 & 28-141-99 for gas gath-
ering ,
Hiland Operating - Sections 22, 23
& 24-141-98 for gas gathering
Stacey presented a contract with
Vanguard Software and a module to up-
date property records in real time for in
the field. After review, Chairman
Arthaud signed.
Chairman Arthaud opened the Pub-
lic Hearing for the Billings County Zon-
ing Resolution No. 1 at 10:00AM as
published. Stacey Swanson went over
the changes and an email from a
Billings County landowner. Kasian
moved to adopt the resolution. Kessel
seconded. All voted aye. The amend-
ments will be published in the Billings
County Pioneer and the public com-
ment period will be open for 30 days.
The board reviewed zoning requests
that had been addressed by the zoning
board at their October 17, 2013 meet-
ing as follows:
Dean & Debbie Rodne: Application
to construct a home on a 17.3 acre tract
in the NWl/4 6-139-102 (3603 West
River Rd). Also requested is a variance
from the section line setback require-
ment. Property is zoned residential and
currently owned by David & Sharon
Humphrey. Home will be in NW corner
of property. Variance request was due
law firm Moss & Barnett. Discussion en- to the fact that no building or road would
' sued regarding the work they would be be possible on section line due to a
undertaking with the Association. After large valley. The zoning board ap-
review, Chairman Arthaud signed, proved both the variance and the build-
Auditor Lamb presented Resolution ings. Kessel moved to approve the
2013-14 to the board. After review and variance and the buildings. Kasian sec-
discussion, Kessel moved to approve onded. All voted aye.
the resolution. Kasian seconded. All Pat Rummel addressed the board
voted aye. Resolution 2013-14 reads as regarding risk management and well-
follows: ness program duties. Kessel moved to
RESOLUTION NO: 2013-14 allow Kathy Dosch and Chris Johnson
RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE to assume backup duties for Pat Rum-
NORTH DAKOTA DEPARTMENT mel with a salary increase of $200/mo.
OF TRANSPORTATION TO PRO- for each of them. Kasian seconded. All
U.S. HIGHWAY 85 BETWEEN WAT- Dave Jurgens introduced Shawn
* FORD ClTY AND BELFIELD, ND. Thomas as the newly hired Billings
WHEREAS, the accident and fatality County Sheriff Deputy.
rate on U.S. Highway 85 between Wat- Craig Kubas, Kayla Torgerson,
'~ ford City and Belfield is significantly in- Justin Hyndman with Kadrmas Lee &
, creasing; and Jackson met with the board for the
'~ WHEREAS, the North Dakota Leg- monthly engineers report and update
islature has budgeted $1.5 billion in this on the Little Missouri River Crossing
biennium for transportation improve-
ments in Western North Dakota; and
WHEREAS, the North Dakota Leg-
islature has allocated $590 million oil in
and gas revenue as the source of fund-
ing for these transportation improve-
ments; and
WHEREAS, the North Dakota De-
partment of Transportation has indi-
cated that safely moving people and
goods is its major priority; and
WHEREAS, North Dakota experi-
ences an annual construction inflation
of 12-20 percent annually; and
WHEREAS, we support the North
Dave Jurgens and Pat Rummel dis-
cussed the' procedure for transferring
deceased individuals out of the county
with the board.
The board recessed from 12:00 to
1:00 P.M.
Brenda Frieze, Pat Rummel, & Keri
Klang were present to discuss the Multi-
County Hazard Mitigation Plan that
Roosevelt-Custer is putting together.
This will be addressed at the December
3, 2013 commission meeting.
The board approved the revenue
vouchers for the month of October:
Dakota Department of Transportation in Recorder $18,156.45; Zoning
their current construction improvements $1,500.00~ Court ,~96.00~. Sheriff
85 f 655"Wafff'67d'CTt- /"
to Williston, including bypass routes; Revenues for materials and/or serv-
and ices rendered in October: Von Johnson
WHEREAS, an Environmental as- $1,313.55 gravel & scoria; Rick
sessment will determine impacts and Baranko $425.25 gravel; Larry Cym-
mitigation of the highway expansion baluk $463.05 gravel; WEED SPRAY-
through Theodore Roosevelt National ING (Mike Kasian $85.93; Pat Weir
Park. $72.45; Larry Hagen $57.46; Cody Reis
NOW THEREFORE BE IT $116.51 ; Cody Cerkoney $339.49; Terry
RESOLVED BY BILLINGS COUNTY Tachenko $1,036.85; Arvid Hecker
THAT: $483.13; Jerry Wagner $248.86; Tony
1. Safety of the traveling public is of Obrigewich $245.46; Kwirt Johnson
paramount importance and currently $82.40; Delry Sabroski $124.64; Greg
U.S. Highway 85 conditions are result- Kessel $68.71; Belfield Sportsman Club
ing in significant accidents and fatali- $180.92; Kevin Volesky $352.25; Ray-
ties. mond Kessel $27.54; Albert Kessel
2. The current status of U.S. High- $528.96; Kurt Kordon $106.22; TRMF
way 85 from Watford City to Belfield is $1,874.60; Michael Klym $205.12;
impeding the very industry from which Larry Ridl $242.58; James Adams
the revenue budgeted by the North $38.90; James Braun $112.34; Edwin
Dakota Legislature is being collected for Cerkoney $126.66; Ralph Froehlich
infrastructure improvements statewide. $267.34; Leonard Kordonowy$232.83;
3. The current status of U.S. High- Geoff Obrigewitsch $241.48; Kasper
way 85 from Watford City to Belfield is Family Trust $388.65; Medora Grazing
also limiting the interest of the labor Assn $6,087.67; Kevin Kirsch $435.82;
force needed to serve the energy in- Department of Agrigulture $5,937.03;
dustry in western North Dakota.William Palanuk $170.96)
4. The current status of U.S. High- Revenues for the month of October:
way 85 from Watford City to Belfield is Highway Tax Distribution $22,617.19;
also creating a dangerous situation for Oil & Gas Production Tax
visitors to western North Dakota, espe- $1,097,593.84; Interest $2,266.24;
cially those visiting Theodore Roosevelt Sheriff $47,170.00 permits/fees; Royal-
National Park and other public available ties $89,509.42; State Aid $90,630.49;
Federal lands. Misc Copies/fax/maps $43.38.
5. Delaying the planning and con- The following claims were approved
struction of this project will result in ad- for payment:
ditional unnecessary cost to the PAYEE
taxpayers in North Dakota. EXPLANATION
6. The proposed improvements CHECK# AMOUNT
would affect only existing roadway 3D Specialties, Inc.
within the Theodore Roosevelt National Parts & Supplies
Park. 006291 $930.00
7. I/We join with others to urge the Acme Electric
North Dakota Department of Trans- Sheriff- Safety Gear
portation to proceed with plans to ex- 006292 $15.99
pand the existing U.S. Highway 85 from Adams, Donna
Watford City to Belfield to a four lane Recorder- NDACO Convention
highway including the portion traversing 006293 $425.48
the Theodore Roosevelt National Park Advanced Business Methods
006306 $554.90
Blue Cross Blue Shield of N.D.
Dental & Vision Premiums
006307 $2,463.90
Bob's Photo
Sheriff - Camera
006308 $965.11
Booke, Travis
Ambulance - Travel Expense
006309 $45.00
Bound Tree Medical, LLC
Ambulance - Medical Supplies
006310 $180.02
Brooks & Associates, C. E.
Land Use Plan - Roadless
006311 $1,727.41
Buckman Plumbing & Heating
Shop Expense
006312 $198.10
Buffalo Gap, Inc.
Sheriff - Uniforms
006313 $30.00
Butler Machinery Co.
Parts & Supplies
006314 $590.48
Canad Inn Destination Center
Tax Director- Travel Expense
006315 $186.00
Cerkoney, Cathy
Zoning Meeting - Mileage
006316 $84.55
Creative Energy
Gas & Diesel Fuel
006317 $12,782.02
D & D Sprinkler Systems
Courthouse - Winterize Sprinklers
006318 $225.00
Dakota Farm Equipment, Inc.
Parts & Supplies
006319 $1,046.52
Dakota Insurance
Sheriff - Property Insurance
006320 $128.00
Dakota Rubber Stamp
D.E.M. - Office Supplies
006321 $145.58
Dakota Tool & Machine
Parts & Repairs
006322 $164.00
Dan's Interstate Conoco
Sheriff - Gas
006323 $463.50
Deans Distributing
Oil Tank & Drum Oil
006324 $4,387.30
Dell Marketing, Inc.
Courthouse - Server Software
006325 $564.80
Dickinson Public Library
Library Services
006326 $4,583.50.
Dickinson Ready Mix Company
006327 $319.10
Dickinson Tire, Inc.
Ambulance - Tires
006328 $847.40
DJ's Tesoro
Sheriff & Ambulance - Gas
006329 $185.15
Donut Hole
Ambulance - Training Expense
006330 $84.00
East End Auto & Truck Parts
Sheriff - Side Mirror
006331 $235.00
Electro Watchman, Inc.
Courthouse - Security Contract
006332 $331.95
Energy Systems Industrial
Air Compressor
006333 $3,301.25
Fastenal Company
Shop Supplies
006334 $309.06
Fisher Industries
Courthouse - Rock & Washed Sand
006335 $2,773.46
Four Seasons Trophies
Courthouse - Signs
006336 $192.50
General Steel & Supply Co.
Shop Supplies
006337 $155.83
George's Tire Shop
Tires & Supplies
006338 $200.00
Gilseth, Mitchel
Ambulance - Travel Expense
006339 $45.00
Golden Valley County
Social Service & Building Remodel
006340 $11,261.02
Haag, James M.
Travel Expense
006341 $258.40
Hedahls Parts Plus
Parts & Supplies
006342 $123.38
Heiser Electric, Don
Electrical Service & Repair
006343 $1,513.70
Hewlett Packard Company
Courthouse - Server Hard Drive
006344 $470.00
Hlebechuk Construction, Inc.
Gas Plant Road
006345 $140,914.23
Hlebechuk Construction, Inc.
Blade Roads
006346 $2,485.00
Hlebechuk, James N.
Gravel Royalties
006347 $22,161.33
Hlebechuk, John
Gravel Royalties
006348 $22,161.33
Hlebechuk, Martha
Gravel Royalties
006349 $22,161.34
Jamestown Communications, Inc.
Radio Repair
and other Federal Lands. Courthouse - Copier Contracts 006350 $72.50
i ADOPTED AND APPROVED ON 006294 $1,289.16 Johnson, Joshua
NOVEMBER 5, 2013 Alternative Sanitation Courthouse - Custodial Help
James Arthaud, Billings County Garbage Removal 006351 $2,337.50
Chairman 006295 $220.00 J P Steel & Supply, Inc.
Marcia Lamb, Billings County Audi- Ameripride Linen Service Shop Supplies
tor Mat Rental 006352 $30.50
Discussion was had by the board re-
garding a vacancy on the Billings
County Weed Board. No decision was
made at this time.
A division order from Continental
i Resources was reviewed and signed by
Commissioner Arthaud.
Auditor Lamb presented an applica-
tion from the Tax Director, Stacey
Swanson for an Abatement of mobile
home tax on an Alpha Oil & Gas skid
,shack in the NW1/4NWl/4 Section 14-
142-99. Skid shacks are classified as
personal property and not as mobile
homes. Kessel moved to abate this tax.
Kasian seconded. All voted aye.
The board received and approved
the following permits with road superin-
tendent conditions:
Construction in County Right-of-Way
Whiting Oil & Gas Corporation -
Section 1-141-100 along South Ash
Coulee Rd.
Continental Resources, Inc - Sec-
tion 21-141-98 along 28th Street
Continental Resources, Inc - Sec-
tion 23-141-98 along 28th Street
Roughrider Electric Coop. - Sec-
tion 33-140-100 crossing 35 V2 Street
006296 $51.05 Just-In Glass
AR Engh Heating & Air Conditioning Ambulance - Windshield Repair
Boiler Pump Repair 006353 $40.00
006297 $2099.00 Kadrmas, Lee, & Jackson, Inc.
A T & T Engineering
Cellular Service 006354 $117,367.28
006298 $71.58 Kasian, Connie J.
Baranko Bros Inc. Zoning Meeting - Mileage
Franks Creek Road - Project 006355 $78.90
006299 $130,715.58 Kasian, Michael E.
Billings County Rural Fire District Commissioner- Mileage
Taxes 006356 $387.03
006300 $7,050.57 Kessel, Anita
Billings County Pioneer Zoning Meeting - Mileage
Publishing 006357 $90.20
006301 $1,265.93 Kessel, Joseph L.
Billings County School District Commissioner & Zoning - Mileage
Taxes 006358 $337.87
006302 $740.99 Kevin's Auto & Truck Repair
Billings County Sheriff Parts & Supplies
Sheriff - Travel Expenses 006359 $305.90
006303 $282.36 Klang, Keri
Billings County Weed Board Ambulance - Travel Expense
Noxious Weed Spraying 006360 $30.00
006304 $8,697.03 Kohler Communications, Inc.
Belfield Automotive Supply, Inc.Gorham Tower Rental
Parts & Supplies 006361 $200.00
006305 $1,386.19 Krush, Paul
Belfield Plumbing & Heating Zoning Meeting - Mileage
Museum - Furnace Repair, etc. 006362 $92.46
Kulish, Randy
Travel Expense
006363 $393.50
Lamb, Marcia
Auditor - Travel Expense
006364 $258.22
Lapp, Colleen
Deputy Auditor - Travel Expense
006365 $176.90
Lyle Signs, Inc.
Road Signs
006366 $1,570.21
Mainstay Suites - Bismarck
Tax Director & Ambulance - Travel
006367 $320.00
Medora Convenience
D.E.M. - Supplies
006368 $48.44
Midstate Telephone Company
Courthouse - Telephone Service
006369 $1,011.32
Midwest Doors, Inc.
Shop Supplies
006370 $53.90
Mobile Binders
Recorder - Docket Binders
006371 $755.61
Motorola Solutions
D.E.M.- Radio Equipment
006372 $287.00
Mulligan's Catering
D.E.M. - Safety Meeting Expense
006373 $848.13
Missouri Valley Petroleum, Inc.
Gas & Diesel Fuel
006374 $38,208.96
National Association of Counties
Membership Dues
006375 $450.00
N.D. Association of Counties
N.D.A.C.O. - Convention Fees
006376 $1,485.00
N.D. Association of Counties
006377 $28.36
N.D. Assoc. of Assessing Officers
Tax Director- Registration Fees
006378 $115.00
N.D. Attorney General
Sheriff - Scram Program Fees
006379 $290.00
N.D. Cowboy Hall of Fame
Meeting Room - Maintenance
006380 $200.00
N.D. Department of Transportation
Sheriff- Title 2014 Chevrolet Truck
006381 $11.50
Health Insurance Premium
006382 $42,193.49
N.D. County Recorders Association
Membership Dues
006383 $100.00
N.D. State Radio Communications
911 Service & Sheriff- T-1 Line
006384 $1,557.66
N.D. State Treasurer
006385 $56.81
N.D.A.C.O. Resources Group
Courthouse- Tech. Mgmt. Contract
006386 $953.00
Ambulance - Membership Dues
006387 $40.00
Nelson International
Parts & Repairs
006388 $2,714.36
Newby's Ace Hardware
Parts & Supplies
006389 $83.31
Northern Improvement Co.
West River Road
006390 $60i ,535.86
Northern Plains Engineering
006391 $6,725.00
Northwest Tire, Inc.
006392 $1,642.75
O'Brien Oilfield Service, Inc.
Machine Work
006393 $45.00
Off Road Software, Inc.
Off Road GIS Software
006394 $1,400.00
O K Tire Stores
006395 $15,300.31
Peace Officer Standards
Sheriff - Evaluation Services
006396 $110.00
Pemberton, Juliana
Deputy Tax Director - Travel Expense
006397 $206.20
Penguin Management, Inc.
911 Voice Notifications
006398 $2,268.00
Pitney Bowes
Courthouse- Postal Machine Contract
006399 $349.08
Pizza Ranch
Ambulance - Training Expense
006400 $183.14
Pro Tint
Ambulance - AutoStart
006401 $490.00
Professional Printing
Sheriff - Office Supplies
006402 $499.00
Pump Systems, Inc.
Parts & Supplies
006403 $91.28
Putnam, Karen
Zoning Meeting - Mileage
006404 $46.13
Quality Xterminators
D.E.M.- Pest Control
006405 $160.00
Radisson Hotel - Bismarck
Sheriff - Travel Expense
006406 $415.80
Ramada Hotel - Bismarck
D. E.M. - Travel Expense
006407 $207.90
Ramkota Hotel - Bismarck
N.D.A.C.O. - Convention
006408 $1,315.20
Rau Designs, Inc.
Ambulance - Graphic Design
006409 $1,788.00
RDO Equipment Co.
Parts & Supplies
006410 $930.00
Roosevelt-Custer Regional Council
Mitigation Plan
006411 $10,655.64
Rummel, Patrick
D.E.M. - Travel Expenses
006412 $152.55
Runnings Farm & Fleet
Shop Supplies
006413 $483.11
Sax Motor Co. and Ally
Sheriff - 2014 Chevrolet Truck
006414 $15,441.00
Sax Motor Co.
Ambulance - Install Mud Flaps
006415 $144.10
Southwest Business Machines
Office Supplies
006416 $624.56
St. Alexius Medical Center
Employee Assistance Program
006417 $250.00
Stan's Communications
D.E.M.- Programming Cable
006418 $175.00
Stark County Auditor
S.W. Association of Counties
006419 $34.43
Steffan's Saw & Bike
Shop Supplies
006420 $19.98
Stein's, Inc.
Courthouse - Maintenance Supplies
006421 $1,006.37
Stoppleworth & Sons, Inc.
Blade Roads
006422 $395.50
Southwestern District Health Unit
006423 $3,170.88
Southwest Multi-Co. Correction Ctr.
Prisoner Care
006424 $643.38
Southwest Water Authority
006425 $970.06
Southwest Water Authority
Water Usage
006426 $2,460.82
Swanson, Stacey
Tax Director- Travel Expenses
006427 $220.35
Swanston Equipment Corp.
Parts & Supplies
006428 $409.10
Tab Electronics
Ambulance - Pager Programming
006429 $113.75
Tczap, John
Zoning Meeting & Training Expense
006430 $87.00
Thomas, Shawn
Sheriff - Special Deputy
006431 $1,409.85
Zoning - Billings County Plat Books
006440 $308.70
Westlie Crossroads Truck Center
Parts & Supplies
006441 $1,131.81
Martin Construction
Blacktail Road
006442 $26,991.24
Telephone Service
006511 $520.53
911 Changes & Internet Service
006512 $236.19
Discovery Benefits, Inc.
Flex Plan -Administrative Fee
006513 $84.00
Information Technology Dept.
Sheriff - T-1 Line
006515 $1,020.35
Johnson, Joshua
Courthouse - Custodial Help
006516 $3,125.00
Medora, City of
Courthouse - Utilities
006517 $198.67
Retirement Contributions
006520 $29,821.49
Reservation Telephone
Telephone Service
006523 $42.88
Roughrider Electric Cooperative
006524 $2,317.50
Ambulance - Supplies, etc.
006525 $1,214.02
Ambulance - Gas
006526 $379.52
Payroll in the following amounts
were approved for October: General
Fund $113,839.09; Road and Bridge
Fund $93,146.76; Weed Fund
With there being no further busi-
ness, Kasian moved to adjourn the
meeting 1:30 P.M. Kessel seconded. All
voted aye.
James Arthaud, Chairman
Marcia Lamb, Auditor/Treasurer
(December 12)
In the Matter of the Estate of Velma
Lorraine Bodner, Deceased.
Michael P. Kearney has filed herein an
Application for Formal Probate of Will
and Appointment of Personal Repre-
sentative, a copy of which is on file in
the office of the Clerk of Billings County
District Court, P.O. Box 138, Medora,
North Dakota 58645.
Hearing has been set upon said Ap-
plication on the 23rd day of January at
8:30 a.m. at the Courtroom of the
above-named Court in the city of
Medora, in the County of Billings, State
of North Dakota, with the Honorable
Dann Greenwood presiding.
Tom's Service Center Dated this 4th day of December,
Sheriff - Oil-x, Service, Tires, & Gas,2013.
006432 .~ $~1~?.~1.70 ~ ' '~ FURU~ETH, KAL1L, OLSON &
Total Safety US, Inc.
Shop S.uppljes ,;/," i~. ~i~! ~ ,;b,
006433 $156.38
Tyler Technologies, Inc.
Courthouse - Software License Fee
006434 $17,098.48
Uniform Center
Sheriff - Uniforms
006435 $394.96
UPS Store
Ambulance - Shipping Service
006436 $9.30
Verizon Wireless
Cellular Services
006437 $547.69
Courthouse & D.E.M. - Supplies
006438 $410.08
Watchguard Video
Sheriff - Radio Antenna
006439 $36.00
Western Edge Bookstore
/s/Jordon J. Evert :.~
Furuseth, Kalil, Olson& Evert, PC
PC Box 417
108 Main Street
Williston ND 58802-0417
(701) 774-0005
ID No. 06969
Attorney for: The Personal Repre-
(December 12, 19 and 26)
In compliance with the Civil Rights Act
of 1964, the Health Maintenance Program
and Southwestern District Health Unit do
not discriminate against applicants for
employment of services based on sex,
race, age, religion, national origin, political
belief or handicap. We are an equal
opportunity employment employer.
Real Estate Listings
former ~ Home
school, to be
II living
:,spaces proud of; 4
possible bedrooms
Beach - A large home
with lots of extras
B Beach:
10 acres
La Playa
6 residential lots
Beach: Beach
residential lots
Beach: Multi-use
commercial property
Beach: 4-bedroom
Spanish style, PENDING
Wibaux: 22
residential lots
Beach: Picture perfect
family home, 3 bedrooms
Beach 4 bedroom,
choice home, SOLD
Beach: turn key,
3 bedrooms
~ I Beach: I~i~'~ 'i~
~everything Beach: Great opportunity
new Food Center
Beach: 72.5 acres
Glendive: 4,080
sq. ft. home &
18 acres
Sentinel Butte: Leasing 4
new office spaces
12 acres
Beach: 3
bedroom newer
Beach: 3 bedroom ranch
style, excellent condition
New home, 146.41 acres
irrigated land
Licensed real
estate agent in
(701) 260-5087
(701) 872-4674
sallyre @ midstate, net
For more details see: