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Beach, North Dakota
December 12, 2013     Golden Valley News
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December 12, 2013
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, Page 4 Golden Valley News December 12, 2013 Notice NOTICE OF LAPSE OF MINERAL INTEREST TO: WILLIAM RUMMEL, Trustee under Agreement dated 02-01-1993 The undersigned, Andrew H. Smith & Tiffanie L. Smith, hereby give notice of the lapse of mineral interest pursuant to Chapter 38-18.1 of the North Dakota Century Code and does hereby further give notice that they intend to succeed to the ownership of the entire mineral interest in and under the following tract of land, said ownership having lapsed by abandonment and non-use for a pe- riod of 20 years. 1. The description of land on which the minerals are located is: Township 140 North, Range 104 West of the 5th P.M Golden Valley County, ND Section 29: SE1A 2. The names of the record owners of the lapsed mineral interests under some or all of the above described property are: WILLIAM RUMMEL, Trustee under Agreement dated 02-01-1993 3.The names of the persons giving notice of lapse of mineral interest are: Andrew H. Smith & Tiffanie L. Smith, whose mailing address is 3510 165th Avenue SW, Beach, ND 58621. 4. Andrew H. Smith & Tiffanie L. Smith are the record owners of the sur- face estate of the above described premises and as such by giving this no- tice intend/intends to succeed to the ownership of the above-described lapsed mineral interest. Dated this 1 day of November, 2013. Andrew H. Smith "riffanie L. Smith STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA ) : SS. - COUNTYOF GOLDEN VALLEY) - On this 1 day of November, 2011, before me, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally ap- peared Andrew H. Smith & Tiffanie L. Smith, to me known to be the persons " who are described in and that executed ,the foregoing instrument, and acknowl- ,edged to me that they executed the same. , /s/Beverly L. Maxted Notary Public " State of North Dakota ,My Commission expeires April 30, .% 2017 Attorney for Surface Owner: Charles J. Peterson, Attorney #04009 r. Mackoff, Kellogg Law Firm 38 Second Avenue East Dickinson, ND 58601 1-701-456-3210 (November 28, December 5 & 12) Notice Lange & Donovan, PLLP Patrick A. Donovan #04685 P.O. Box 488 Hazen, North Dakota 58545 (701) 748-2206 Attorneys for the Applicant Probate No. 04-2013-PR-00055 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF BILLINGS COUNTY, STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA In the Matter of the Estate of Clinton F. Merrick, Deceased. TO: All Interested Parties PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a Peti- tion for Intestacy and Determination of Heirs has been filed with this Court and a hearing on the Petition will come on for hearing before the District Court for Billings County, the Hon. William Her- auf, District Judge, presiding, at the Courtroom in the Billings County Court- house in Medora, North Dakota, on the 26th day of December, 2013, at 10:30 a.m. MST, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard. Dated this 25th day of October, 2013. Hon. Zane Anderson District Judge (November 28, December 5 and 12) Notice NOTICE OF ZONING HEARING NORTH DAKOTA B & W Rental, INC dba B & W Concrete Pumping, Plaintiff, VS. James A. Walz, dba Walz Concrete, Defendant. Case No. 04-2013-CV-00027 THE STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFEN- DANT: You are hereby summoned and re- quired to appear and defend against the Comp!aint in this action, which is here- with served upon you, by serving upon the undersigned an answer or other proper response within twenty-one (21) days after the service of this Summons upon you, exclusive of the day of serv- ice. If you fail to do so, judgment by de- fault will be taken against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. Dated this 29th day of October, 2013 MAUS & NORDSVEN, P.C. Attorneys for Plaintiff 137 First Avenue West, P.O. Box 570 Dickinson, ND 58602-0570 Telephone: (701) 483-4500 By: s/Michael J. Maus Michael J. Maus #03499 maus@ (December 12, 19 and 26) NOTICE OF HEARING PETITION FOR FORMAL PROBATE OF WILL AND APPOINTMENT OF PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE WHITNEY M. IRISH (ND ID#07240) VOGEL LAW FIRM 218 NP Avenue P.O. Box 1389 Fargo, ND 58107-1389 Telephone: (701) 237-6983 Court File No. 17-2013-PR-00045 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF GOLDEN VALLEY COUNTY, STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA In the Matter of the Estate of EVA M. BEATTIE, Deceased. [ 1] NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that JANET L. JOHNSON has filed herein a Petition for Probate of Will and Appointment of Personal Representa- tive. [ 2] In the matter of the estate of the above-named, whose last resi- dence was in Cass County, North Dakota. [ 3] The assets of the estate con- sist of, in addition to other property, min- eral interests (no surface) in the following described real estate: Golden Valley County minerals, in- cluding + ~, Township 137 North, Range 104 "' West 5th P.M. !', Section 22: NW1A [" Section 23:NW1,4 [ 4] The value of the Decedent's ,interest in property is unknown as of ~, June 5, 1999, (the date of death of the i' decedent). [ 5] The hearing will be held on the 26th day of December, 2013, at ~, 8:30 o'clock a.m at the Courtroom of ~. said Court at the County Courthouse in ~. the City of Beach, County of Golden ~,~'" Valley, State of North Dakota. Any per- ~, sons having an interest may file an ob- ~' jection stating why said petition should ~, not be granted. Such objections, if any, ~' must be in writing, filed with the Court ~' and copies served by mail on all inter- ~' ested persons. ~' [ 6] Failure to attend this hearing ~J , or to otherwise object in writing may re- ~ suit in the decedent's interest in the ~, above described property being distrib- uted to the following persons in the fol- lowing proportions: j, ~t l/6th to Janet L. Johnson l/6th to Gardis E. Mundt w l/6th to Geraldine M. Arneson l/6th to James L. Beattie r 1/12th to Angela Johnson 1/12th to John Mundt r 1/18th to Bobble Jo Beattie ~, 1/18th to William Beattie " 1/18th to Steven Beattie r Dated this 20th day of November, l# 2013. JANET L. JOHNSON, Petitioner ,3418 Waterford Dr. S. Fargo, ND 58104 W BY: Is/Whitney M. Irish Whitney M. Irish, =, Attorney for Petitioner (November 28, December 5 and 12) AUCTION ARRANGED, CLERKED AND CONDUCTED BY: DAN ZACHMANN, LIC. #73 CLERKING GOLVA, ND SERVICE 701-872-3468 EVENINGS LIC. #178 IP ,Notice r NOTICE OF HEARING W Belfield School District The Billings County Planning & Zon- REGULAR MEETING, BOARD OF ing Commission will hold a public hear- EDUCATION, ing on Thursday, December 19, 2013 at BELFIELD PUBLIC SCHOOL 1:00 PM in.the Commissioner's Room DISTRICT #13 at the county courthouse, Medora, ND NOVEMBER 14, 2013 to consider recommending to the Board SCHOOL LIBRARY of County Commissioners the approval or denial of the following items: The meeting was called to order by Gerald Grosulak: Final plat review board president Procive at 7:00 p.m of Saddle Butte Subdivision which di- Present: Delbert Kc.~,-,~,=,o, Anthony vides approximately 89.7 acres of land Krebs, Dan Obrigewitch (7:32), Edward in the RE1/4 34-141-99. The subdivi- Procive, Annette Steffan, Supt. sion is located west of Hwy 8~ng Northrop, Bus. Mgr. Berger, HS Prin. 29th St SW and contains 15 residential Lamprecht. lots ranging in size from 5.0 acres to 7.6 M/S Krebs/Kadrmas to approve the acres. Oct. 10, 2013 board meeting. Motion Tower Associates, LLC: Conditional carried unanimously. use permit to construct a meteorologi- M/S Kadrmas/Steffan to approve the cal tower in the $1/2 16-142-98. Tower agenda with addition of school board will be used to monitor & collect wind convention. Motion carried unani- data. Property is zoned agricultural and mously. owned byArnold & Josephine Schmidt. Ms. Berglund, Mr. Keck and stu- Timothy Henricks: Application to re- dents were present to demonstrate their zone lots 5, 6, 7, & 8 Block 5, Updike robotics project. They placed 2nd in the Addition, Fryburg 9-139-100 from agri- area qualification round and will be at- culturalto residential. Also requested is tending regionals in December. The a conditional use permit to place a man- board voiced their support for this pro- ufactured home and garage on the site. gram. Review the Zoning District bound- Item # 8 was moved forward. Allen aries in Township 139-100. Rapacz from Schutz Foss Architects Other Business: was present to discuss a planning The board will also address poten- process to assess the needs of the tial & pending zoning violations and rec- school district facilities. M/S Stef- ommend any action needed by the fan/Kadrmas to hire Schutz Foss Ar- Zoning Director, State's Attorney, or chitechts to assess the needs of the Board of County Commissioners. school district facilities. Motion carried Applications are available for review unanimously. during regular office hours at the HS Prin Lamprect listed student ac- Billings County Courthouse. tMties. Dated at Medora this 27th day of The business manager presented November, 2013. the financial reports for October. Stacey Swanson Supt. Northrop discussed the Land Zoning Director Trust Grants, extra curricular travel, and (December 5 and 12) cheerleading program. He noted the security project has been comPleted! Notice and there is a need to expand the se- curity cage in the technology room. He also noted a trailer home has been pur; NOTICE TO CREDITORS chased and is the process of being set up. The board discussed the open bus Probate No. 17-2013-PR-00044 route. The school has a listing on Job IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF Service for a bus driver for this route GOLDEN VALLEY COUNTY, STATE and will also advertise through the Dick- OF NORTH DAKOTA inson Press and Billings County Pio- In the Matter of the Estate of Joan neer. R. Smith, Deceased. Procive gave a report on the NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that RACTC meeting. the undersigned has been appointed The Cougar Coop meeting was dis- Personal Representative of the above cussed. estate. All persons having claims M/S Steffan/Kadrmas to approve the against the said deceased are required bills. Motion carried unanimously. to present their claims within three 29843ACTIVITY FUND BHS35883.08 months after the date of the first publi- 29844 CENTURYLINK 204.53, cation of this notice or said claims will 29845 CENTURY LINK 47.01 be forever barred. Claims must either 29846 COLLEGE PREPARATORY be presented to Arnold T. Smith, Per- MATHEMATICS 11877.30 sonal Representative of the Estate, or 29847 TOM'S SERVICE filed with the Court. STATION 184.00 Dated this 21 day of November, 29848 WAL-MART 2013. STORE #1567 193.89 /s/Arnold T. Smith, Personal Repre- 29849 CITY OF BELFIELD 519.60 sentative 29850 CHASE CARD 16540 36th St. SW, Beach, ND SERVICES 687.57 58621-9433 29851 HORACE MANN 305.69 MACKOFF KELLOGG LAW FIRM 29852 HEARTLAND Office Address: VILLAGE INC 58780.00 38 Second Avenue East 29853 ACTIVITY FUND BHS 49,13 Dickinson, North Dakota 58601 29854 ADVANCED By: Charles J. Peterson, Attorney MIDWEST REGENT 45.00 #04009 29855 ALTERNATIVE Email: cpeterson@mackoff.comSANITATION 550.00 Attorneys for: Personal Representa- 29856 AQUA-PURE INC 1408.30 tives 29857 B&K ELECTRIC 450.00 (December 5, 12 and 19) 29858 BELFIELD AUTOMOTIVE SUPPLY 70.97 Notice 29859 BELFIELD PLUMBING & HTG. 3083.38 PUBLIC NOTICE 29860 BEST WESTERN PROPOSED PLUS RAMKOTA HOTEL 790.73 TELECOMMUNICATIONS TOWER 29861 BILLINGS COUNTY PIONEER 159.04 Municipal Communications, LLC is 29862 THE BISMARCK proposing to build a 404-foot Guyed TRIBUNE 37.20 Telecommunications Tower. Anticipated 29863 BOSCH LUMBER CO 138.54 lighting application is medium intensity 29864 BW SEVEN SEAS INN 207.90 dual red/white strobes. The site Ioca- 29865 CAPTIALCITY tion is at 134th Avenue Southwest, RESTAURANT SUPPLY 183.34 Belfield, Billings County, ND (46 44' 29866 CARNEY, VICKI 40.68 39.8" N and 103 16' 21.5" W). The 29867 CASS CLAY Federal Communications Commission CREAMERY, INC 1354.19 (FCC) Antenna Structure Registration 29868 CITY OF BELFIELD540.62 (ASR, Form 854) filing number is 29869 CITY OF BELFIELD126.11 A0865948. 29870 COLLEGE PREPARATORY ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS - In- MATHEMATICS 131.44 terested persons may review the appli- 29871 CONNECTING POINT 395.00 cation ( 29872 CREATIVE ENERGY 1630.26 by entering the filing number. Environ- 29873 DAN'S SUPERMARKET355.84 mental concerns may be raised by filing 29874 DEPT. OF PUBLIC a Request for Environmental Review INSTRUCTION 33.00 ( 29875 DEPT. OF PUBLIC quest) and online filings are strongly en- INSTRUCTION 416.60 couraged. The mailing address to file a 29876 DOLLYWOOD paper copy is: FCC Requests for Envi- FOUNDATION 80.48 ronmental Review, Attn: Ramon 29877 DORVAL, PAULETTE 499.00 Williams, 445 12th Street SW, Wash- 29878 DYE, DARIN 356.40 ington, DC 20554. HISTORIC PROP- 29879 EDUTECH, A ERTIES EFFECTS - Public comments DIVISION OF ITD 50.00 regarding potential effects on historic 29880 EXPRESSWAY SUITES639.70 properties may be submitted within 30 29881 FLINN SCIENTIFIC1046.18 days from the date of this publication to: 29882 FORT UNION Terracon - Telecommunications Group, SUPPLY & TRADING CO 396.75 10625 West 1-70 Frontage Road North, 29883 GEIGER, ALAN 141.80 Suite 3, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033. 29884 HAMMOND & (December 12) STEPHENS 221.25 29885 THE HERMITAGE ART COMPANY, INC 74.38 Notice 29686 HLEBECHUK CONSTRUCTION 9313.50 . SUMMONS 29887 HOBART SALES & SERVICE 295.59 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF 29888 HORAcE MANN 216.00 /BILLINGS COUNTY, STATE OF 29889 JACOBSEN MUSIC INC 25.46 29890 LIBRARIANS' CHOICE93.94 29891 LORGE, LOUISE 22.60 29892 MCDOWELL, KRISTY 182.23 29893 MENARDS 51.94 29894 MESCHKE, LINDA 141.00 29895 MIDAMERICA BOOKS 91.03 29896 MONTANA-DAKOTA UTILITIES 3684.72 29897 ND ASSOC OF OIL & GAS PROD COU 55.00 29898 ND SAFETY COUNCIL, INC 1276.00 29899 NEWBY'S ACE HARDWARE 88.49 29900 NORTHROP, WADE 449.48 29901 NORTHSTAR TECHNOLOGY GROUP 39410.35 29902 PEARSON EDUCATION407.02 29903 POSTMASTER 92.00 29904 PRAXAIR 94.88 29905 QUILL CORPORATION 467.89 29906 REISENAUER, JANE 546.92 29907 RELIABLE OFFICE SUPPLIES 72.51 29908 RUDY'S LOCK & KEY 8271.00 29909 RUDY'S LOCK & KEY2.80 29910 RUNNINGS SUPPLY INC 300.10 29911 SCHOLASTIC 20.06 29912 SCHOLASTIC INC 50.99 29913 SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC 513.22 29914 SHIFFLER EQUIPMENT SALES, INc 162.68 29915 SMART COMPUTER AND CONSULTING 32.99 29916 SOUTHWEST BUSINESS MACHINES 218.56 29917 SOUTHWEST BUSINESS MACHINES 272.60 29918 TOM'S SERVICE STATION 103.00 29919 TRAVEL WORLD 535.00 29920 US FOODSERVICE, inc 5476.22 29921 VANDERESCH, IVAN 600.00 29922 WEST RIVER STUDENT SERVICES 1583.07 29923 WEST RIVER STUDENT SERVICES 2057.81 29988 CENTURYLINK 204.09 29989 HUTZENBILER, KENNETH 4696.66 29990 WAL-MART STORE #1567 80.04 29991 BERGLUND, TABITHA 10.12 29992 BAER, MARY 211.39 29993 BILLINGS COUNTY PIONEER 198.80 29994 DICKINSON NEWSPAPERS INC. 167.00 29995 CHASE CARD SERVICES 168.53 29996 CENTURY LINK 30.04 STUDENT ACTIVITY 7125 DISTRICT 5 FCCLA 364.60 7126 MATHCOUNTS 95.00 7127 MSU DIVISION OF MUSIC20.00 7128 NAT FFA ORGAN IZATION 163.00 7129 MERRIMAN, PAT 136.15 7130 BEACH HIGH SCHOOL 125.00 7131 CENTER/STANTON HIGH SCHOOL 125.00 7132 WAL-MART STORE #1567 182.62 7133 BLAKE, DON 450.00 7134 DISTRICT 5 FCCLA 648.00 7135 OLD TYME MEAT SHOP 39.00 7136 SURESIGN 160.00 7137 WATERBILL BOARDS 756.00 7138 ALLIANCE AG COOP 437.50 7139 KOLLING, SAVANNA 144.10 7140 LACHER, KRISTIN 121.50 7141 TRAVEL WORLD 525.00 7142 HOFFMAN, RUSSEL 25.00 7143 JARRETT, DEB 25.00 7144 JOHNSON, ELAINE 25.00 7145 JUNG, SCOTT 50.00 7146 KRANCE, BRITTNI 25.00 7147 KUDRNA, LAYNEE 25.00 7148 MCCAY, SANDRA 186.30 7149 MILLER, ZACH 25.00 7150 OFFMAN, PAM 25.00 7151 OLSON, BOBBLE 25.00 7152 SUPERPUMPER INC 96.25 7153 WALBY, JACQUELINE 73.30 7154 WENDEL, KATHY 25.00 7155 API/FCCLA 238.16 7156 CLUB'S CHOICE FUNDRSR 4163.78 7157 COCA-COLA BOFFLING 1148.20 7158 DALES CLOTHING 233.30 7159 DISTRICT 8 FFA 35.00 7160 DUTTENHEFER, ROBERTA 25.76 7161 FOUR SEASONS TROPHIES 235.30 7162 GERRELLS AND COMPANY 21.75 7163 GREAT AMERICAN OPPORTUNITIES 3876.14 7164 LIFETOUCH PUBLISHING INC 3957.94 7165 LOGO MAGIC 1072.00 7166 PEPSI COLA BOTTLING 900.25 7167 POSITIVE PROMOTIONS, INC 138.75 7168 RICHARDTON HIGH SCHOOL 385.00 7169 TOOLEY, RHONDA 192.10 7170 TRAINING ROOM 259.68 7171 US FOODSERVICE, inc 341.30 7172 WOLF, ASHLEE 190.00 7173 WAL-MART STORE #156755.91 7174 BERGLUND, TABITHA 70.32 7175 HAZER HIGH SCHOOL 125.00 7176 CHASE CARD SERVICES 1950.22 (Open enrollment applications due to a family moving were presented. M/S Obrigewitch/Krebs to approve the open enrollment applications for Seth and Noah Rhoads to continue attending Belfield School from South Heart. Mo- tion carried unanimously. M/S Steffan/Kadrmas to revise the Title fund budget accounts to match the approved Consolidated Title Grant, in- cluding $7,081.76 of reallocated funds received. Motion carried unanimously. Policy DAA- Residency require- ment was discussed. It is the consen- sus of the board to delete this policy as it is no longer being used. Science room remodel - it is the consensus of the board to wait with this project until Schutz Foss Architects complete their assessment. It was noted that the ventilation needs to be checked out for safety. Discussion held on holding a Wednesday evening football game in October 2014. M/S Steffan/Obrigewitch to not approve school activities on Wednesday evenings as this has been traditionally considered a church/family night. Motion carried unanimously. It was noted that South Heart ath- letic director had done the scheduling of games and officials for this year's sports. M/S Krebs/Kadrmas to pay Scott Jung $1000 towards his work of scheduling games and officials for the coop for this year. Motion carried unan- imously. RESP was discussed. It was noted that the director has resigned. The board discussed topics that were brought up at the school board convention. The next meeting is scheduled for December 12, 2013 at 7:00 pm. Meeting adjourned at 9:45. Alice Berger, Business Manager Edward Procive, School Board President (December 12) Billings County Commis- sion NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING The Billings County Board of County Commissioners will hold a special meeting on December 18, 2013 at 9:00 A.M. in the meeting room of the court- house. The purpose of the meeting is to approve any bills to be paid with De- cember 24th payroll and to act on any necessary budget or fund adjustments n,=~ooe~ry I=ofore the end of the year. Dated this 3rd day of December 2013 by order of the board of county commissioners. Marcia Lamb Billings County Auditor (December 12) Put Your Money Where Your Nouse Is~ bcal ~ndependent ~t~z~strer~gthen our bu~nesses are ~ community your best value at}d our economy N. CENTRAL AG & CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT INTERNET AUCTION TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17 Bidding starts to dose at t 0 a.m. CST purple auc " Straight. Simple. Sold." ALL ITEMS SELLING WITHOUT RESERVE=. Incl.uding: forestry equip, tractor, excavators, backhoe, combines, baler, sprayers, ripper, grain cart and more. 10% buyer's premium applies. 8&&.&08.?2831 Dec. 21, ,1: P.M. M Location of sale: Golden Valley County Shop, 16843 Old Highway 10 Directions Exit # 1 (Beach Exit) off of 1.94 one mile south, 5 blocks east ROADS WILL BE MARKED VEHICLES/TRUCK I DOZER/TRAILER ADDITIONAL SURPLUS ITEMS 2004 Ford Expedition, 5.4L/auto, transmission,4 wheel Cattle guards drive, 178,263 miles on odometer, VIN 2 1000 gallon tanks 1FMPU 16L04LA92933 1 2000 gallon tank 2006 Ford Expedition, 5.4L/auto, transmission, 4 wheel 5 hand gun holsters drive 127,139 miles on odometer, VIN Super chips computer programmer for 2004 Ford F series 1FMPU 16526LA45455 Super chip 1714 Max Micro Tuner for 2004 Ford 1996 Dodge Ram 2500, diesel/manual, transmission, 4 Assortment of desks wheel drive 269,034 miles on odometer, fiat bed ,fifth Assortment of tables wheel ball VIN 1B6KF23C6TJ 139024 Assortment of filing cabinets 1998 Chrysler Sedan, VIN 2C3HD46RXWH141042 (need Assortment of desk chairs works to run Sheriff Certification of Sale provided) Assortment of shelves 1997 Ford Crown Vic Interceptor, 4.6L, 122,538 miles, 7 bicycles VIN 2FALP71W1VX135426 needs work to run, Sheriff Truck tarp Certification of Sale provided) CB radio 1997 Chrysler Concorde, 4D, 141756 auto transmission Motorola communication equipment VIN 2C3HD56F6VH728400 needs work to run, Sheriff Office equipment Certification of Sale provided) APC surge protector 1996 Oldsmobile Achieva, 4D,181032 VIN Assortment of other miscellaneous items. 1G3NL52TXTM334776 needs work to run, Sheriff Certification of Sale provided) BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT SURPLUS 1979 Chevy Pickup,74328 miles on odometer 4 wheel 1996 Ford E350 Ambulance diesel engine, auto drive auto transmission VIN CKR249J145361 needs transmission, 90,438 miles on the odometer work to run, Sherriff Certification of Sale provided) 1971 1981 Ford Econoline Ambulance, V eight gas engine, Ford L9000 truck with dump box, tandem axle 318 Detroit auto transmission, 73, 999 miles on odometer engine, 13 speed Eaton Fuller transmission 10 MSA SCBA NFPA certified air packs, tested in 2012 1945 IH TD18 dozer with hyd. controlled dozer blade. 2 NSA SCBA air packs not tested non NFPA certified. Avenger 20ft tandem axle enclosed trailer 0 WNERS: GOLDEN VALLEY CO UNTY & BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT, BEACH, N.D. 701-872 -6662 (Beach Fire Departmen0 701-872 4132 (Golden Valley County Shop) 70]-872-4733 (Golden Valley Sheriffs Office) Although every effort has been made to describe in a conscientious manner the items at this auction, the auction company and owner make no warranties or guarantees, or accept liability for error or omissions. Everything is offered as-is-where-is. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS. All statements made sale day by Auctioneer take precedence over any previous advertising. Terms: Cash or Personal Check With Proper Identification AUCTIONEER NOTE: Sale to be held indoors at the Golden Valley County Shop. PowerPoint presentation to be used to offer surplus items outside of the County Shop, with balance of surplus items to be offered inside County Shop. Sale will take approximately 1 hour. Sale order will be surplus items then PowerPoint presentation for outside surplus items. f