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December 12, 1935 |
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THURSDAY. DECEMB~t 12. 1935 ~ -+- TH~ B~&~J~
i .,, i la i i i i - oL~ . i
...... , - , ., . - r + , , , , i " , .
~o~ rOved and ordered Paid by the
rd of County Commi88|onerl, 8Uho
Ject to personal property taxes due
~fiT~rg all noticed that whenever a train makes a long enough stop in a
' V¥ station, there's somebody on the job, dodging in and out under the cart
making sure that everything is in good shape, for the train to continue its
trip. One of the things checked at every inspection
point is the brakes. For nobody knows better than
railroads how important it is to be able to stop when
you have to stop.
Now, if we think of it in a certain light, we people
who own automobiles are all running little trans-
portation systems of our own ... just like the rail-
roads and airlines and bus companies. Home is the
main terminal and there are lots of stops along the
line.., flag stops, you might say, and regular sched-
uled stops---like the office, the grocery store, the
school, the theatre, and our friends' houses.
Just like the railroads, one of the main things we
need to look out for is our brakes. Of courseeevery-
body knows this and yet somehow or other we're apt
to be a little careless about it. Not that brakes don't give us plenty of
notice when they're going to need adjustment. As time goes on we find that
we can push the pedal lower and lower, till after a
while we can shove it down almost to the floor-
boards before the brakes take hold. Even then we
sometimes wait quite a while before we have them E--'-'~
off things like that. They tell ns the result is that ~
one-third of all cars on streets and highways at any
given time have something wrong with their brakes.
The trouble is that when, we let our brakes go like
that, all of a sudden we may have to make an emer-
gency stop, and we may find it rather embarrassing.
Engineers say that if we realized what goes on ..'~
in brakes we would see why we ought to keep them :__'.:'~-=
checked up. As they explain, it's a story of momentum
and friction, the same old forces we've talked about before•
They say that when we get going we build up a certain energy in thc
form of momentum. Now when we want to stop, we
r BRAKE "~ can't just destroy that energy, because, scientists tell
MULTIPLIES/ | us, Nature never lets any of its energy be destroyed.
We can only convert it into some other form of energy.
I\ !
into heat-energy. When we push down on the brake
pedal we press the brake lining against the brake
drums and this creates friction that changes the
energy to heat. When we have changed all the speed
energy to heat, then we come to a stop.
Now modern brakes are very powerful. In fact, a
100-horsepower car will have about 500-horsepower
brakes. They can stop us pretty quickly even from
high speed~ But when they do, they simply'change
those speeds into a great deal of heat, in a very short
time. The fact is v/e sometimes build up temperatures iu our brakes as
high as 1400 degrees!
It's easy to see that heat like that can cause a lot
of trouble. Some of us may think it's fun to rush up
to sudden stops, but we might as well realize that we 40 ~ 80 FT.
have to pay for that kind of fun in excessive brake STOP STOP
lot faster than it can be thrown off. And we certainly
get hardly anything back in time saved. For instance,
if we're going 30 miles an hour, our brakes can stop
us in 40 feet if they are all right; but it takes them
less than two seconds ~onger to stop+us in twice that
distance. How much better it is, under any normal ps
circumstances, to begin to apply the brakes a few
seconds earlier and, with gradually increasing pres-
suxe, bring our car to an easy stop. As a matter of fact, M.P.H. I 8[¢om~$
smooth, gradual stopping wherever the circumstances
permit, is generally taken as a sign of ti good driver.
Now if we want to keep our brakes safe and sound, it's important to re-
member what these fast t~ops do to them. But it's |ust as important to re-
member that all stops generate some heat in qpr brakes. That's what gradu-
ally wears down the linings, and sooner or later makes q brake-adjustmeut
necessary. And that's why we must watch them and see that adjustments are
made when they are needed.
So maybe it would be a good idea to keep on thinking of our cars as
' private transportation systems. If we keep them in good running condition,
+ they will serve us with safety and n~tion.
~ltate of North Dakota
of Golden Valley
Dec. 3rd. 193~, 9:00 A. M. The
of County Commissioners )net
"l~rmm~t to adjournment with all
~embere present.
The following hills were audited
by the county Welfare
submitted for p'ayment to
Board of County Commissioners.
to personal property taxes
m~nd delinquent.
Mogle, Oct. allow-
ance .................... $ S.O0
E. A. Ernest. Board
and room for transients 24.14
W. C. Bradley, Care
of Poor .................. 43.98
HoslMtal, Care
Scherle ......... 63.63
P. Thlll. Groceries for
Poor ...... , ............... 10, O0
]~. A. Ernest, Board
and room for 3 patients 27.00
Hospital, Care of
!Poor ..................... 110.00
I. G. A., Gro-
~'les for poor .......... ~.6.00
Drug Co., Medi-
for ~Oor ............ 23.45
& Wieting, Grocerlee
pOOr .... o .............
r & Wietlng, GrOceries
Thiti~ " "~eries" "for
poor. ....,.. ............
Store. GrOceries
"• "~r~"" oY'~;
Dru~ co•.;• "~e~:
for p~r ............
Store. Grocerms
s~o~: .... d~'rB~
' ~e;i~
Ho~'l~/" ~'~
~. Wm. Faust ....
try Snook, C&re+ Cf
Door .... 54.0C
Mrs. Jo~n "'i~'e~.""~/~"
vember rent .............. 4.00
Mrs. Fred Stacker. Csxe
of E. Bates and Clothing 24.70
Dickinson Clinic. Care of.
Mrs. Win. Faust ........ 11.97
St. John's Orphanage, Care
of Musil and Niehouse
children .................. ~O. 00
ThomPson's Store, Grocer°
ies for poor .............. 25.18
$. C. Fenney Co., Clothing
for poor .................. ~.00
Joseph Pleslk. ~qovember
allowance ................ 10.00
Bert Mogle, November al-
lowance .................. 3•00
The following bills were rejected
Re not authorized by the County
Welfare Board.
Woodward Drug Co., Med-
icine for Mrs. I~alstad ..$ 7.24
WoodWard Drug Co., Med-
icine for Mrs. J. Fisher 1.02
woodward Drug Co., Med-
icine for Mrs. Faust .... 3.37
Greene Drug Co.. Medicine
for Mrs• Seherle ........ 3.06
Beach Hospital. Care of
Mrs. Jess Piayle ........ 20.00
St. John's Orphanage, Dup-
lication of previous bill 15.00
Dr. Lyons, Care of Mrs.
Faust .................... 17.29
The following bills were audited,
and delinquent.
Claus Rishovd, Plumbing re-
pairs in court house •.$ 10,30
Dolphins Barthei, R o a d
dragging ................. 7.00
Northwestern Bell Tel. Co.,
November bill ............ 52.22
Schroeder Hardware Store.
Repairs for county house 3.64
Beach Review. CommisSion-
ers Proceedings .......... 39.12
J. Clayton Russell, Expense
& Salary for County Agent 211.30
J. F. Hardy, Mileage &
meeting of Rescttlemer, t
Board .................. 1.50
(Continued Next Week)
Chairman of the BoArd of
County Commissioners of
Golden Valley County, North
Audltor of Golden Valley County.
~North Pagers.
) as:
County of Golden Valley )
Beach. North Dakota.
To Henry Gehrmann. ow.ner of the
hereinafter described land. and
to McCloskey Bros., mortgagees
holding an unsatisfied mortgage
You are hereby notified that the
tract of land hereinafter described
and assessed in the name of Henry
Gehrmann for taxation for the year
1928. was on the ]0th day of Dec-
ember, 1929 duly sold, as provtded by
law, for the delinquent taxes of the
year 1928, and that the time for re-
demption from said sale will expire
~inety days from the completed tier-
Vice of this notice, to-wit: on March
28th. 1936.
Said land is described os follows:
Southeast Quarter (SE~) of Sec-
tion 34, Township 140, R3nge 103.
The amount for which said land was
sold for was $33.44. Subsequent tax-
es for the years 1929. 1930, 1931, 1932.
1933 and 1934 have been paid by
the certificate holder and purchaser
at said sale, The amount that will
be required to be Paid in order to
make redemption Yrom such sale, ex-
clusive of costs of serving this notice,
is $266.53.
In addition to the above amount
you will be required to" pay the costs
of the service of this notice and In
.ooWe Men or
. ,o nybody "s
Beat A
terest as provided by law, and unless
you redeem said I~tnd from said sale
before the e.'¢Piration of the time
for redemPtlou as above stated, a
deed thereof will iSSue to the holder
of the tax sale certificate as provid-
ed by law.
You are further notified that bY
the provisions of Chapter 280 Session
Laws North Dakota 1935 the period
in which the holder of a tax certifi-
cate of sale can ask for and obtain
a tax deed, and the time in which
OF course you must serve the
traditional desserts on Christ,
man day. Everyone will expect
it and your guests would be dis-
appointed if you did not. But
they also expect from a modern
hostess something new -- a sure
prise--an up-to-date dessert that
they have never before tasted.
Surprise is one of the most im-
portant elements of Christmas in
food as well as in the presents
which Santa Claus brings, so be
sure to have something novel up
your sleeve or in your recipe
Desserts form the climax of
the meal, and for that reason
we're going to tell yOU abo~t
some desserts that will make your
guests sit up and take another
bite after even the most bounte-
ous dinner. It doesn't matter how
simple these extra touches are, if
the~/re new to your guests.
For a White ChrtM~nas
Y~tlde 8nowbeJl : Scoop up
vanilla ice cream, using a ro~md
the owner of the property may re- |De cream dipper and making the
deem from such tax sale has " been balls as nearly round as pe~tble.
extended to and until July I, 1937, Roll ,the balls In canned mot~t
and if you wish to take advantage
of the provisions of said act you may COCg~M~Ut nut~ th~okly cogted,
file with the undersigned a notice to Pour hot cboeolat~ mm~ ~ the
that effect within ninety (90) days bottom of ice cream glasses, and
after the service of this notice upon deposit the snowballs on top.
WITNESS my hand and official ~k've at once.
seal this 6th day of December A.D. ~fe IO~/e$ Or ~$O~0b~::
Melt three squares chocolate in
1935. MINNIE +E. SMITH double boiler, add the contents
Auditir. Golden Valley County,
North Dakota. O~O can condensed milk, and stir
'(First Publication December 12. 1935). for two or three minutes ~" until
Keohane & Kuhfeld. very thick. Remove fxom fire and
Attorneys. a~ld two tablespoons butter and
Beach. North Dakota. one-half teAsP0on VEIILq£. Then
Dec• 12-3t
add about two cups confecUoner'a
sugar, cooking it until stiff. When
cold. form with palms of hands
into slim little rolls like icicles or
into small bails like snowbeJls.
November 4th. 1935
A regular meeting of the City
Council of the City of Beach. North
Dakota was held on the 4th day of
November. 1935. with Mayer Elalate~d
Members present were P. A. Cook,
D. L, Logan, M, ~'. Lovgren. H.
R. Thompson, and W. H. Woodhull.
Robert Alguire absent.
The Official Oath of M. P. Lov-
gren as Alderman for the First
Ward was presented and ordered
placed on file.
The Official Oath and a certificate
from the State Bonding Department
showing that (~. O. I-~lvorson is
bonded in the amount of ~2,000.00
as City Auditor were presented.
Moved bY COok and seconded
TIion~pson that the bond of C. (~:
I-Iglvor~on in the sum of $2,000.00
ae City Auditor be approved as to
sufficiency and. tOgether with the
Oath of Office be placed on file.
Upon roll being called all members
voted Kye.
The mfnntes of the pre~jous reg-
ular meeting were read and on mo-
41on by Logan and seconded by
Woodhull were approved as read.
The following bills were reed:-
Office ~peclaities Co.; Carbon paper,
$3.76; Beach Review, Publishing Pro-
c'eedings and Ordinances, $37.29: Wi-
baux County, Mont., Taxes, $20.78;
Robert Algulre, Attending nine coun-
cil meetings, $18.00; P. A. Cook.
Attending ten: council meettng~, $~0.-
00; C, O. Halvoreou, Attending eight
council meetings, $16.OO; D. L. Lo-
gan, Attending eleven council meet=
ln~, $23.00; H. R. Thompson. At-
tending eleven council meetings,
$22.00; W. H. WoodhulL Attending
eleven council meetings, $22.00; Nina
Kirst, City Treasurer's sala-,w, six
months, $120.00; John Keohane, City
Attorney's safety, two months. $40.-
04)" C. O. Halvorson. City Auditor's
e~lary, Oct., $40.00: W. H. Wood-
hull, Team work on bridge, $1.80;
Mike Murphey, I~bor on leak and
bridge, $25.46; Rob~.t Walker, Z~tbor
on leak and bridge, $25.80; Cll~ord
Bartholomew. Team work on bridge,
Prices $1.20; Lloyd Sparks, Labor on lea~k,
$.~;2 $17.$0; .Art. Mogle, Labor on le~k,
21.28 • $4.00; Alvin Bey, Labor on leak, $1,20:
Art. Engebrctson, Labor on leak,
10.63 ~ r* ~, ) el0.00; Golden Valley Lumber yard,
5.00 Lumber for stand pipe, $5.97; ~ne
Texas Co., 54 gal. lubHeatinlg oil,
& JEWELRY_ $.0,: M. L. vell, O+tober
+.00 DRUG: .+ Tu.,., Cleant..
BUTTE r& w... $1,0.; Mon oa o Pew.
er CO., Street ltghts, $122,23; Light
in pum~ house, $1•53; Light and gas
29.45 in Fire Hall. $3.89.
MOVed bY Cook that the bills be
ii i
allowed- as read an4 that warrants
be drawn on the various funds In
payment thereof. Motion seconded by
Roll being called the vote was as
follows: -Cook, yes; Lovgren, yes;
Logan, Feel Thompson. yes; Wood-
hull, yes. ~ays. none. The Mayor
declared the motion carded.
The followin~ motion was read:-
'~I~o the Mayor and City Council.
CRy of Beach. N. Dak.
Your committee appointed to con-
sider engaging additional council to
assist in the case of Odin vs the
City of Beach met on the 10th day
0f October. 1985.
Those present at the meeting were
Mayor H. H ,Haistead and Alder-
men P. A. Cook, H. R. Thompson,
and W. H• Woodhull, City Attorney
John Keohane and Attorney Mack-
off of Dickinson. N, Dak. Also C.
O. Haivorson. City Auditor.
After dlectmsing various propesl*
tions tO determine which would be to
the bent Interests of the City, a mo-
tion was made by p. A. Cook that
Attorney Mackoff be engaged . to
a~ist In the case of Odin vs the
City of Beach as additional counsel
at a salary of Fifty Dollars per day
spent in preparing the case and sev-
enty-five Dollars per day engaged in
court work.
Mot[0h was seconded bY Woodhuli
and carried.
F. A. COOK, Alderman
H. R• THOMPSON. Alderman
W. H. WOODI~ULL. Alderman
City Auditor
Moved by Logan that the a~tlon
of the committee lit engaging At-
torney Mackoff to assist as addition-
al counsel in the case o1[ Odin ve
the City of Beaoh be approved. Mo-
tion seconded by T~oxgren.
On roll call COOk voted yes; Lo-
~n, yes; Lovff~en, yes: Thoml~on,
yes: Woodhull. yes• Nays. none. The
Mayo~ declared the motion carried.
The' aPrdlcation of O. G. Lindhe
for a license to sell beer at retail in
the concrete block building situated
on Tract A-1 in Block 2 Of the Or-
igtnal Tow~slte of Eeaoh, N. Dak..
read. The license fee of |100.00
accompanied the appllcaUon.
MOved I~r Cook and seconded by
Lovgren'that the application ee ac-
cepted and the license granted.
On roll call ~ook voted aye: Lo-
gan, Aye; ~vgren, Aye; Thompson,
Roll thickly in canned moist
A Pudding with a Pue,~
Pfoz~t OAH~tmu~ Pudding: Mix
two tahlespoons corn~areh with
one-half cup sugar, add to two
cups scalded milk. and cook in
double boiler until thick
smooth• Beat two egg yolks
slightly, add the hot mixture
slowly~ return to double boiler
and cook a minute ~r two longed'.
Cool. Add one cup cream, beaten.
Add one cup canned mincemeat
and one and a half teasDoon~ rum
~avoring and freeze in refrigera-
tor trays. Serves eight.
Y~ P~mc~: Mix one quart
eider, the contents of a No• ~ can
pineapple Juice, one cup bottled
cranberry Julee, o~e cup orange
Juice and one-fourth cup lemon
Julcev and sweeten with sugar it
desired. Chill; then pour over
ice t~ a large bowl. Slice into
the bowl ~me banana and a slhm
of ptnend)ple. Makes from sJxt~m
to eighteen punch glasses. If de-
sired, this punch may be slightly
diluted with water•
Chriltmu Cookies
A really good ~krlstmas dinner
should tempt even a hermit to
come out a~d eat. Perhaps that's
w~c~dthe following cooldse wea~
Ghri~ma~ Herm/t~: Cream one-
third cup butter and onv-lm~ cup
brown sugar, and add one well-
beaten egg. Add one cup camaed
mincemeat and one CUp flora"
sifted with two teaspeom ba~d~g
powder. Dr~p by spoonfuls o~to
a greased cookie sheet. Bake in
a hot--400 degree--oven for from
eight to ten minnte& Make,
aboEt thirty small cookie~
, i , ij i
Aye; Woedhull, Aye. Nays, none.
Motion declared carried•
An application
Motor Freight Co.
• to construct a
Freight depot on Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4
in Block 3 of R[chards Heights, same
to be ~ corrugated metal construc-
tion, WaS read.
Moved by Cook and seconded bY
Logan that the permit be gr~nted.
Motion carried.
An application for a building
mit to construct five cabins on Lots
1 to 7 in Block 4 of Richards Heights
filed by Rufus Arnold was read.
Moved bY Logan and seconded bY
Cook that the permlt be granted.
Mottoff carried,
Moved by Logan that a committee
be appointed to fnvsst[gate erecting
a building at the dam west of Reach
to serve as a hath house in summer
and a warming place for sl~ters ~
w|nter. MotiOn seconded by Lovgren
and carried. The Mayor aPpOinted
Lovgren, Logan and Lovell on this
There belng no further business a
motion to adjourn was made by
gan and seconded by Woodhuli'. ~o-
ties carried,
May, or
CRy Auditor
_ i
Dr. W. C. Bradley
Office Phone 13 R~lden~e 181
t o:=+ o Me+ +ll
ji i !_ _ 1,1 _ _ jl ] i ]r
i i i
County of Golden Valley )
Floyd W. Hguck, )
E. G. Favell. the unknown)
Heirs of Harry A. Hunter,)
unmarried, also knowr~ as)
H. A. Hunter, Deceased,)
Golden Valley County, a)
municipal corporation of the)
State of North Dakota, and)
all other persons unknown)
claiming any estate or in-)
terest ill or ]ien or encum- )
brauce upon the property)
described in the complaint,)
Defendan t~.
YOU are hereby summoned and re-
quired to answer the complaint of
the Plaintiff in the above entitled
action, which is on file in the office
of the Clerk of the District Court
of the Sixth Judicial District in and
for the County of Golden. Valley and
State of North Dakota. and to serve
a copy of your answer thereto uI~on
the subscribers hereto at their office
in the City of Beach in the County
of Golden Valley and State of North
Dakota. within thirty (30) days after
the service of thls summons upon
you. exclusive of the day of such
service, and in case of your failure
to appear or answer ap above re-
quired the PLaintiff will take judg-
ment against you by default for the
relief demanded iu the complaint.
Dated at Beach. North Dakota. this
25th day of November. A. D. 1935.
Attoruey~ Yor Plaintiff.
Office & Postoffice Address.
~each. North Dakota.
You. and each of you, will take
notice that the above entitled action
is brought for the purpos~ of quiet-
Ing title in thP plaintiff and depriv-
ing you, and each of you. of any and
all Interest in and re the following
described lands and premises situated
In the County of Golden Valley and
State of North Dakota. to-wit:
Lol Two (2) in Block Ten (10) of
Hunter's First Addition to ]~tch.
North Dakota. also known as
Auditor's Tract A-22, bein~ the
North 147.6 feet of said L,ot 2
and Auditor's Tract A-25~ being
the South 100 feet of said Lot
Two (2) in said Block Ten (10)
of Hunter's First Addition to
Beach, North Dakota. as the
same is platted and the l~at
thereof on file and of record in
the office of the Register of Deeds
of Goldeu ~Talley County, North
and of determining ad~ el~
thereto. Further that no ~)ersonal
claim is made against you, or either
of you. unless you appear and de-
fend in this action.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Beach. North Dakota
Nov. 28. Dee. 5-12-19-26, Jan. 2
Dr. O. R. Niece t[
Modern X-Ray Equipment [|
i i J
We have taken over the barber
business formerly operated by Mr.
Merle: Adler across from t~e de-
pot. Your Patronage will b~ aP.
We also specialize in ladl~ and
children's hslrcutting.
Harris Bros.
Kidneys Must '
Clean. Out Acids
~Wt~rlH EN every-
w thiagyou a~
teml~t is S ~n
--wneu ,you 8~
nervous and h~
table--at your
wit's end--try
this medicine, h
rosy be just what
you need for extra
energy. Mrs. Charles L. Cadmus o[
Tzentoa, New Jersey, says, "Abet
doin~ just a ~it~le work I had to lie
down. My mother-in-law
mended the Vegetable
! can see g wonderful,