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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
December 12, 1935     Golden Valley News
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December 12, 1935
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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| ' • THURSDAY, D~CEMBER 12, 1935 THE B~dk~',~~,,,::,~. ;,net" Just arrived• Complete new line of jewelry. Priced from 5c to $1.00. J "~! The Fair Store. tf Gifts at Rice' The Johnson 'M@tor Co. reportq ~ • • " A Leather acke ,o, ,o • ;I. q:OCh, John Rice an ~ar~Y '~IL, ,. Ut )1 ~and Used ~e~rs to Otto Joh~n.; IS ONE GIFT o. and Andrew Carlson. HE'LL WEAR ALL YEAR! and up A. M. Kuhfeld was hostess ~the DoRa Dek bridge club Tuesday For SMe--Copy New Analytical Family Bible and Hurlbut's Stories for Christmas, B. T. Beach. It Genuine leather jackets Suede or smooth grain, zipper or button front. A practical gift, Mr. and Mrs. A1 Longbottom re- turned on Friday evening from a two week trip to Minneapoh8. St. Cloud and other Minnesota points. They also stopped over in Bismarck for a short time• Special 25 Cigars Xmas Packed-- 60¢. Woodward Drug Co. 2t Goodwiu Thompson and Robert AI- guire drove to Bismarck on Friday, returning the same day. Goodwin brought liome a new Dodge coupe which he purchased from the Alguire ~gency. Ideal Beauty Parlor III HOLIDAY SPECIALS ON FREDERICS AND OIL PERMANENTS $'2.50 to $5.00 Holiday entertainents~be assured you look your best by letting us do your hair for the occasion. A shampoo and fingerwave only 50 cents, plus a free eyebrow arch ALL WORK GUARANTEED Phone i5 McClellan Building OPERATORS: Nellie Newman Ann Mary Volk BIGCEST PIANO B~RGAIN EVER OFFERED. Beautif~l small model in this community~used about one year but in perfect condition--like new. C~n be ,taken over for balance due us on original contract. Terms to re- sponsible people. Write Credit Mgr. Tavis Music Co., Bismarck, N. D. for particulars. Dec5-2tp A baby daughter Was born recently to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dye, who live near Oolva. FOR CHRISTMAS---The gift that only you can give--that grows more precious with the years--your photo- graph. There is still time to get them before Xmas if you come at once. Welch Studio. tf Ed Justesen and C. C. Clark re- turned on Friday from Minneapolis where they spent about a week oll business connected with the bearing invention upon which Ed recently re- ceived a patent. Several companies inspected the device and were very favorably impressed with its possi- bilities, When holiday shopping see our new complete line of toys and gift goods. The Fair Store, N28-t~ Walt Bratten stopped off in Beach Sunday evening enroute to Baker, where he is employed with the Fallen County Times; after having spent a week at his home in Rugby, N. D. Walt is a friend of A. D. MacMastor who now coaches tn the high school there, and says that "Mac" sends greetings to the Beach folks. Complete line of Cigars packed 10 to 50. All leading brands. Tobaccos. Smokers' article6. WOOdWard Drug. 2t Mr. and Mrs.'Jesse Still and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Raisler entertained at bridge at the home of the former last Thursday evening. Following a seven o'clock dinner, bridge was played at four tables. LOST--Brown Female Boston Ter- rier Dog. Please return to John Carroll. lt-p Mrs. Charles Henry Callender re- turned:to her home at Trotters yes- terday a~ternoOn, following confine- ment at the W: Wallace borne here. A sensational bargain: 1927 Chrys- ler Coach at $65.00. Johnson Motor Co. ' It Ted Johnson and) Bradley Tlllot- son were weekend visitors here from Miles City. Ted came down to take his family to Miles City where he is now connected with the Yellowstone Journal• Paul Hem and James Smith trucked the Johnson furniture to their new home on Monday. The American Legion members en- tertained the Auxiliary ladies at a card party at the Legion Hall last evening. Otto Johnson, Yic Renstrom, ~nd] Charles Howarth of the south coun- try, took the train ,from Beach on A more complete line has never been shown SHAVING SETS Coty's $1.00-$3.00 McKesson's American Gentleman Set, ($1.35 value) 98c W~iams Set ~ -- ~ 98c Mitcham's English Lavendar Sets $1.50-$1.85 Fougere Royal Sets -- ~ $1.00-$3.95 C~eo Quality Bill Folds $1.00-$3.00 Cameo Quality Men's Travelling Sets $5.64-$15.58 Cigarette Lighters ~ ~ $1.00-$5.00 Carter Pen - Pencil Sets $3.50-$5,1~) Desk Pen Set $1.00 Cigars, Cigarettes, and Pipe Tobacco in Half-Pound and Pound Packs I I Help your, Junior! I I II I $100 in J. B. B. coupons with each $1 of Christmas gifts lVrrs: kathrine Brann is" quite' seriously~ ill, being taken to the Bis- marck hospital on Saturday. Hattie Wilson is spending a short time in town with Anna Vlasoff, while her brother. James Wilson. is con, (Smart Side Out) stockings do wonders for your legs. The fiat inside surface is on the outside~ they appear twice as sheer, twice as dear. $1.00 PER PAIR Other Munsingwear Chiffons and Service weights priced from 59c to 79c per pair Where you can nd your gifts for prices that are attractive - Xmas Present , BEAUTY ,~., QUALITY WORK AT MODERATE PRICES. SPECIAL PRICES ~" PLEASURE ON TWO, THREE OR FOUR WAVES. ~"~'W~() i~ tho lqflt~whos'(~i~ "" A~.L WORK ~U~ANTE~D tO his ~e or mother is so appropriate OPERATORS that it .will bring years of happineu EVELYN ZOPFI MILDRED KUSTER ~ and satmf~tctton, : :'~== Palace Beauty Shop : Monlana Dakota Power Co. .... . ~ "PHONE 126,~ anyone at ..... BEACH, NORTH DAKOTA • ~ Monday evening for California where Mrs. Bernard Hettth entertained at in for a few minutes at the 17~VJew ~a' ~ O /v~e~~t~ they plan t° spend m°st °f the a farewell party at her h°me f°r Mrs" LillyM°en cameup fr°mherh°me °filer* S 0 ~ e.s S winter. Ted Johnsm~~ last Thursday evening, near Carlyle on Sunday to spend the Just $30 in gifts given away Dec. 25tb. Several ladies were present and. the week with Miss Edith Summers. for" 1 Woodward Drug Co. guest of •honor was presented with A real buy and a Johnson Used good 4 9 ~, ! ~ ~ . a nice g~ft. , _ Car: 1934 Dodge Ford0r, in good con- drivel] _ • Mrs. Lloyd Orifl~th gave a party Ior dttlon at $575.00, It tor Co. ~k :~, ~ I+ ~m~ , .., her Sunday School class on Friday~ ~~ m [] evening. , !1 . ,lml ...... m t I m Mrs. Scott Secora has returned , I II i I m ,ey m from the Dickinson hospital where mm UNDER THINGS , ;~ m she spent several days receiving fi: / HIo,"~ " ;~ l t~~Ji~ •medical treatment. ,-, n ~ ~!Ir%.~ • .~nnieButterfleld arrived iu .each i~~i' i A~IN_~ ,I C~':~ | . I.. ,~'~.. on Tllesllay and that --me daY, ac- ~ ,(~~~~~-., r I • ~ nix. in •eompaniod by Ward Butterfleld and ¢//~/~ ~¢~ :om?°:e~. f•yTe ~o;:~:~a ~;:: , m l--mE,--,, m • .r c. E.Fuller, wel!t to Dickinson ' m m ~ m# v m • to see Mrs/Fuller, whois eonvalesc- ~~ ; I unde~hlngs for your Xmas sh~pplng I .... • 111~ d m •ing from a recent operation. They ~~ , list. Panties, b, oome., c.em,se., I J/#$~)) m • brought ba¢l~ the good word that Mrs. J~~]~ and Iounging-and-leeplng garments. , #.~"f~.~.,L/,~ . ,Fuller is'much improved, and may t~~¢.!~/~/m,!! • ~ "~~~ Made of the new, pattered, BRIGHT i ~-~/ .- -'--~ m be able to return home on Saturday, / ~.,~...,.z~ . "~ ~'~ i' The Beach Woman's Club is hold- • ~f~ (~hK ~SH Rayon, ill Chic desi~ hY ~.~ ~~g_Wi " ,~ , : . ~ ~ that most careful creator of feminine / •i ing its annual Christmas party at ,the ~ , '': . .. i! homo of Mrs. John Keohane on Mon- i_-~ I~ intimate things. Munsingwear. Come i PrepareforYour i4day evening. ',- .~ -- in a, nd see thelrl all. [ I", !. )~ 11"7 ,'. " Mrs" C]arenL~e Overstad returned " --m I~~-- ~" '.d~ /~6 I n o.aay v aca.on Ill on Tuesday evening from Glendive [ ...... ~ m( she spent a~few days visiting i , iii i away over unrmtmas. •(friends .3' ...... "~'~ -.,,--~ ~/~ :¢- m I,f you- are you'll want all your ml John'Keohane and daughter Marie i~ i clothes cleanefl before you •] drove to Fargo on Sunday, returning, m leave, 'so don't walt until the m] on Tuesday evening. They were ac- ~ | last minute. Coats, suits, drees- ml companied home by Mrs. Keohaue ~==~ , ~ ~ .... ) / SM RTEST • ~" i es, sweaters., and other wearing mJ who has made an extended visit at .t: " | apparel thorough!y cleaned and •1 the home of her daughter, Mrs. John ~H n:E R E~T ~/~'~ " ' pressed at exdeedinglY l°w •[ Halbkat ] BEST mprices, mi Art ~Iaijsman and Warner Kippley ~~ i _ _ "] returned home on Monday from a I' girTS I ltokstad I/vacation trip of over a month which ~-.~ .~ • ~ yo~~o~ ~om m m took them first to Seattle, then down " " our chic asso "~,B~-I m ,~]...... • the coast as ~ar as Tin Juana, Mex- ~wc~ H :~(~ \ . ~ F',./ m ~m~nsmcr~ • ico, ~md back by way of Bolder Dam. i m The boys report a most enjoyable ~g~t~o.w~~ \ ./. ~ / mmmm mm~m~ me~cursi°n• i* LEISURE I . want to pay. lWUnsingwca~ ~~' /( ~ m= m m i-A- COMFORT q~'J h~o~,~,,, ,,a~, : --Give a Permanent for an i~t: , ECONOMY CONVENIENCE fined in the local hospital. Just the'car you have been waiting for: 1934 V8 Tudor in exceIRtOt~lty good condition at $525.00. A~ oft!jr driven a short while. Johnsom ~0- I Chas. Reed was up from Seetlt~l Butte Monday having some ~Datr 'work done on his truck, and stolrl~