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December 12, 1935 Golden Valley News | ![]() |
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December 12, 1935 |
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Mr. * Win. Jandt
Beach on Monday
the doctor in regards to
Jimmy had to remain in
tal. His sister Hattie
was in a few days the first
of the
Mr, and Mrs. O. W. Youells were
Mrs. Edwards' on Wednesday even-
Perry Sutherland and recent bride
and Mr: and Mrs. H; E. Daily were
Sunday dpner guests at Mrs. Lelta
Bdwardm~ Perry formerly wor;~eO
for the I~ileys :a few years ago, so
the best ~f wishes ffor him and his
bride for their married life.
Kenneth Abraham spent the week-
end at the home of his grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Doblar.
Mrs. Mike Easton has left the hos-
pital and ~returned to her home. We
all glad she ts so much improved.
Mr. and Mrs. Butterfleld were In
Dickinson Sunday to see their daught-
er Mrs. Fuller who nnderWent an
operation recently and wasn't feeling
so well, *
Olaf Wibger and Mr. and Mrs. O.
W. Youells were brief callers st the
Abraham home on Thursday after-
W. O. Jandt and father have been
busy building an addition to W. O.
Jandt's house this vast week.
M. S. Easton bad the misfortune
of having his hand badly hurt while
helping his brother Harve put the
pipe down a new well this past week.
Mrs. Chris Cadwell Is in the hos-
pital again tn very poor health. She
Is unable }to eat a thing. Their young
daughter Lis staying at Hollstein's
Don't forget the Masquerade at the
Big Four ~lnll on Dec. 14th. Every-
o~e come masked. There will be a
fine for anyone not masked. This will
be the only meeting of the Big FoUl"
Community Club during December,
the regul;tr Saturday being too close
to Christmas.
Mrs. Olaf Abraham were
the l~ouck and Edwards
~'ednesday afternoo,.
was a dinner guest
Houck home on Monday.
~utre was a caller at the
he, me on Friday.
Mrs. 1~ A. Ltvermore was a caller
at the Olaf Abraham home on Mon-
day afternoon.
Happy Acker has gone to Minneso-
ta for the winter. He has worked
for Mahlon Stecker for the last
twelve years,
A number of young people were
oUt rabbit hunting on Sunday, They
brought home s~venrabhlts,
Mr. and Mrs,. Floyd Hobbs and
children were ostlers at the Martin
~ffeckert and Severson homes on Sun-
daY afternoon and evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Ola! Abraham and
: News
Young folks' card club at her home
Baturday evening. High prizes were
awarded to Miss Mildred Johnston
and Leo Nlstler and second high to
Mrs. Leighton Nunn and Gordon
~hmellng. DelicioUs refreshments
were served at the close of the even-
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Langber~
~ere shoppers in Glendlve Tuesday.
Mrs. L. T. Tungsvik visited Tues-
day with Mrs, M. B. Hogoboom.
Mrs. H. A. Bury left by bus on
Thursday morning for Genesee. Idaho
to be at the bedside of her mother.
]~r. and Mrs. Richard Fisher and
daughter visited at Johnston's Tues-
day. ~ ..... arfIVe~
Glen nurY " Th~ireday at the
~[-I. A. Bury home from South Dakota
to a~miat Mr, Bury with work.
Mr. I~aibakken of Rhame was in
the Alhpa vicinity Monday on busi-
Henry Wilkens and family spent
the weekend at the John Wilkens
Mr. Bury took Leona Williams to
Willtston Friday where she took the
train to Glasgow, Mont.
Evelyn Furstenan visited at the
Ztebarth home Saturday and Sunday.
Louis Sehmeling was in Beach on
business Monday.
Otto Johnson Is driving a V-8 car
I , _ i i
Mrs. Susan Hess, who is under the
care of Dr. Lyons at the Beach hos-
pital, is improving, but recovery is
Mrs. Hess, who recently has been
making her home with her son, B,
J, Hess., a few weeks ago from
her former home at Ek~laka, Mont.
While passing through Baker, Mont.,
the car in which she 4vas riding
skidded on an icy pavement, slld
into a plank crossing, and she sus-
tained a head injury from the im-
pact..~fter a few days at the Bal~er
hospital, she returned to the home
of her son in this county. Shdrtly
afterward, her condition grew worse,
and an examiX~tion at the Beach
hospital disclosed that a blood clot
had formed from the injury, So ser-
ious was her condition that the child-
ren were called to her bedside, Mrs.
John White coming from Forsythe,
MoRt.. Mrs. Guy Bingham from
Brinsmade. N. Dak,. Ed Hess from
the Bullion Butte vicinity, and John
Hess from Ekai~tlA, Mont.
Although still tn a weakened con-
dition, the patient is slowly improv-
ing, and attending physicians state
that unless compli*dK~ions develop,
she will fully recover.
IIII , -
Last Friday night the Sentinels
played a good game against the fast
Gladstone team which is one o~ the
strongest in this part of the state.
The girls get their test Friday night
against the Golva girls. Th~ Sentinel
boys also will play at Golva Friday.
The girls will have new sweat shirts
for the season. Tltey already have
sweat trousers.
A great deal of interest is being
shown in the coming declamation
contests. We hope to produce some
more good renditions this year.
The last six weeks examinations
revealed that several of our students
are below pa~ in the amount of In-
dustry they show.
The Christmas program is well
under way
The Biology class are making fine
drawings of the systems of the bodY.
The psychology class are sttldying
personality by their own self devised
The problems ot democrac~ class
are working out a plan to stop ~he
Ethiopian-Itallan war.
James White left for Ingomar,
Thursday to spend a few
his wife and family.
was a visitor at
~ury home Saturday.
Eide and Mr. and Mrs.
and family attended a
at the HT ranch
where he
,visiting f~lende.
Robert Sonnek ell'- (DELIVERED)
club at their home From Runions Coal
M,+I.+I,~.I++M-M.+-M~'~ *'X'+'X'"~H
Garner News
(Left Out Last Week)
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Allstot and
family left Thursday morning for
Fairview, Montana to al3end Thanks-
giving w~th Mr. and Mrs. Imer How-
ard and family, returning FridaY.
Mr. and Mrs. I~tatt Krause and
girls called at the Fred 3~assmann0
John Barthel, and H. L. Babcock
homes on Sunday.
ManY people from Garner'attended
ahe Thanksgiving dance at Alpha
Thursday night. "
Mr. and Mrs. J0~Dietz and ,fam-
ily, Andrew Kohler, Daisy Wassmann,
Leslie and Edna, ~!tt Luella, ar-
gavel, and Elmer Howard were vis-
itors at the Fred Wassmann home
Velma and Betty Babcock were
visitors at the Fred Wassman home
Friday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Vieland and
daughter were visitors at Roy Ha~
meny's Friday. They report that Mrs.
Harmon is on the sick list.
Ed Sheen and son George called at
th~ Fred Wassman home Friday.
Mr, and Mm, Fred Wassmau were
visitors at Andrew Kohler's on Tues-
Mr, and Mrs. H. Olson were din-
nor guests at Babcock's Tbursday.
Victor Renstrom and Mr. Stull
were callers at Fred Wassman's on
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Allstot and
family were visitors at Ewald John-
son's Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs~ Matt Krause and
girls and Mr. and Mrs. Babcock and
family were Beach callers SatUrday.
FOR SALF~-Several tons o~ pratl~e
hay. W. T. Dye; Beach. fix
Lil;niIo Coal.
$2.50 Per Ton
Sentinel Butte, N, D., Phone II
Little change is reported in the
condition of Otto Flaig, who was
taken to the Dickinson hospital re-
cently. Examining physicians advis-
ed that an operation was necess~rY~
Mrs. B. J. Hess was taken to the
Dickinson hospital Friday where on
Monday she underwent an oPeration,
from which she is reported as recov-
ering as well as could be expected.
Miss )~mma IAevens is acting, as
special nurse during her illness.
After being confined to home ~aiad
bed for the past year, the condition
of Mike Theisen has taken a turn
for the better. He has regained con-
siderably in weight, and was able +to
take a walk over town the other day.
The many~ friends of the Theisen
family rejoice with them, and hope
that his improvement will continue.
Art, son of Math Brown of West-
erheim, had a close call Prom drown-
ing Wednesday evening. The boy.
who is attending school in town, was
skating on the local pc~td, and while
passing under the wagon bridge,
broke through the ice. but fortunate-
ly was able to cling to the edge. His
cries attracted people of the neigh-
borhood, and Math Decker, who lives
close by, came to the rescue with a
rope and pulled the lad to safety.
R. C. Doyle and C. J. Englund
drove to Dickinson on business on
Wednesday, and incidentally attend-
ed a meeting of the Elks lodge. They
returned Thursday.
W. R. Conboy is confined to thel
Dickinson hospital where he has un-
dergone an operation.
Sam Rogers went out to the W.
E. Alleh farm home north of town
the first of the week where h~ is
erecting a garage building. +-
Miss Pearl Yates resumed her
duties at the Butte hotel Wednesday
ater spending a week's vacation 31
the home of her parents southeast of
Lyie Martin and Art Underwood
drove to Bismarck on business Sun-
day, re%iirnlng Monday.
Win. Higlin and son H~rry drove
to Dickinson Tuesday, Bill having a
:oublesome tooth attended to.
A group of neighbors and friends
gathered at the Walter Dixon home
Saturday evening, the gathering being
in the nature of a surprise party Jn
observance of the birthday of ~
Dixon. An enjoyable evening was
spent by those present.
t,tt .~,,N.,,N,,,Zi.ll..,X,,,ll.,lX~ ~,,X" 4t'ltH
Camel,s Hump
M-Nde~4t-X-4Ht4t ~4t-X~ 4t4e~4t4~d~ #
Mr. and Mrs. Jim ~onnston and
baby returned on Monday evening
after visiting a few days In Fallen,
Herman Dietz., county suerintend-
eat, was a visitor at the Plain View
school on Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Brier and family
and John Rilea were Sunday dinner
guests at the W. T, Brown home,
Murlel Ness spent the weekend at
her home. ~"
+The Friendly Neighbors Club met
with Mrs. Ross Johnstone Thursday.
Carl Grosgebauer spent the week-
end at his home in Mandan.
Billy Myers returned home last
Sunday after visiting with Cecil Ad-
Ole ~Oygaard and Mr. Bye from
near Medora were Friday dinner
guest at Clyde Myers.
Mr. and Mrs. Bud Myers and faro.
ily motored to Beach Saturday.
On Saturday evening a group of
friends gathered at the Henry Franzen
home to help him celebrate his birth-
day. The evening was spent in danc-
ing with music furnished by Richard
Grimes and Ray Brier. A fine lunch
was served at a late hour.
A large crowd of friends surprised
Mrs. Walter Dixon Saturday evening
You'll find a full line of
Monday was the 28th wedding an
niversary of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Liev-
ens and was duly observed first by
a dinner at the Frank Barter home.
after which cards were played, and
later hy a gathering at the Lievens
home at which time v~rious diver-
s~ons were enjoyed. The event was
a~ttended by the members of the
Lievens family, the E. D. Evans
filmily of Beach and the W. T. Pe-
dorson family of SentineI Butte. The
IAevens' received several fine gifts.
(From Sentinel Butte News)
The 4-H Sunny Sentinels held a
meeting at the school house Nov. 22
and election of officers was held. as
President--Mary Johnson
Vice President--Dorothea Wischow
Sec. and reas.~Avis Premo
Sec. and Treas.--Avis Premo
News Reporter-Margaret Gsllagher
Recreation Leadm~Patsy Lameres
Program Committee: Mary John.
son. Ramona Smith. Dorothea ~ris-
chow, Margaret Gallagher.
Stenograhers--Patsy Lameres. and
Margaret Gallagher.
A meeting was held at the home of
Dorothea Wlschow Nov. 29 and a
lovely dinner was served. The next
meeting will be held at the home of
Margaret Gal]a~]ier Dec. 11. The
discussion will be on meats. Ramona
Smith was the delegate the 4H girls
Sent to the Fargo convention.
,+ (From Sentinel Butte News.)
The Se]itinel Butte Foods club met
at the home of Mary Lou Trester ~)n
Friday, Nov. 22. The following offi-
cers were elected'.
President--Marian Gardner,
Vice President--Eleanor Boisen
~News Reporter~Frances Roesler
Sec. and Treas.~Dorothy Waldal
,The subject o the next meeting
will be Christmas decorations.
occasion being her birthday.
A surprise birthday party was also
held at the Clyde Myers home on
~aturday evening in honor of his
~irthday. Cards and dancing were
~en.~oyed and at midnight a ~leltcious
lunch was served.
Con Short was a visitor with Bud
Myers Friday evening.
Ooing Away.
WE invite
you to travel Northern
Pacific in comfort and
safety--and at t~reatly
reduced [~res !
Special holiday excur-
sion tickets on sale Dec.
12 to Jan. 1." Return
limit Jan. 31.
Route of the
Completel~ Air.Conditioned
North Coast Limited
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Martin spent
Wednesday with friends in Dickinson
The Reed home was the scene el
a pleasant party Wednesday after-
noon when Mrs. Reed entertained
the W. B. A. After a short business
meeting during which all officers of
the society for the ensuing year were
reelected, bridge was played at three
tables. Mrs. Pederson won first prize,
Mrs. Hoveland second and Mrs.
Gilbert. consolation. A delightful
lunch was served by the hostess.
While skating on the pond Wed-
nesday night, ArthUr Brown of Wes-
terheim who Is staying in town and
attending high school, broke through
the ice near the bridge and was only
rescued after help was called. Math,
Decker who lives nearby brought a
rope and managed to get the boy to
Mrs. A. P. Boisen and John made
a business trip to Medora Wednesday
The basketball game Friday night
was very well attended. The local
high school team went down in de-
feat before the strong Gladstone team
48 to 26. The independent game held
the same evening resulted in a win
for Sentinel Butte over" Golva 29 to
26~ The dance put on after the game
by the Independents was a success.
The Congregational Ladies Aid met
with Mrs. C, J. Englund Friday af-
ternoon. During the tbusiness meet-
ing officers for the ensuing year were
elected as follows:
President--Mrs. Fred Gilbert
Vice-President--Mrs. F. Smith
Secretary---Mrs. C. J. Englund
Treas.~Mrs. W. T. Pederson
The ladies had brought a potluck
lunch w~ch resulted in a delieibus
dinner which all enjoyed.
Miss Evelyn Lardy entertained ~be
Round Table Wednesday evening.
Reuben Nordtn spent his Thanks-
giving vacation with his parents.
The officers of the Beach O. E. S.
entertained the Past Matrons at a
1 o'clock luncheon at the Golden Val-
ley hotel in Beach Thursday after-
noon. Mrs. C. J. Englund. Mrs. And
Nunn, Mrs. Pederson and Mrs. Nel-
son from Sentinel Butte attended.
Mrs. Pederson won one of the high
Kenneth Flom was a dinner guest
at the E~glund home Sunday.
The Altar Society are sponsoring
another of their enjoyable card par.
ties on Dec. 13 at the hall. A moder-
ate sum will be charged~at the door
for cards, lunch and dancing and a
door prize will be given,
The young people of the Congrega-
tional church entertained the older
foik~ at a Christmas party Tue%daF
W. E. Burhans left on Monday
for Bismarck to attend to business
Thelma Lardy left Saturday morn,
ing for Flasher, N. D. where she
will act as nurse on a special case.
Dr. Riesland~ the eye sight spec-
ialist, is now at the Golden Valley
Hotel and may be cOnSulted t~ fin~m~
optical service at reasonable prtce~
until 2 p. m. Sunday, Dec. 22, It
Jess Houck was a caller at Sever
Tvedt's Thursday night, o,
"Old Faithful"
in Its Glory
doesn't compare to the scene
pictured above. If you want to
avoid such calamities, use our
radiator solutions at the first
signs of cold weather.
Drive in today and let us give
your car a complete winter ov-
erhauling. Shift the worry to
our shoulders.
W. C. Schulz
For . . .
Dad, Husband, or Sweetheart[
Furniture is the answer! And especially so
when it means a comfortable Chair ensemble
Chair,!iOttoman, Lamp
and Table
Just the Outfit for a man's comfort! Restful
lounge Chair with Ottoman to match (in a
choice of covers) ... lovely End Table, together
with a Reading Lamp and Shade. Buy on de-
ferred payments if desired. .
Hardware +,-,Furniture -- Undet~mRing :