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December 6, 1934 |
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Chairman Give Reports O
Rehabilitaion a n d Child
Welfare Work in the Dis-
Lrict;--Chapter to Entertain.
The American Legion Auxiliary
met wlth Mrs. Ella Oasho, Tttesday,
Dec 4. Mrs. Brunsvold, rehabilita-
tion chairman, reported that shav-
ing cream and slip covers were sent
to the Fargo hospital in November.
Mrs. McCaskey, child welfare chair-
man, reported that the state depart-
ment allowed $39.00 for welfare work
done in this county last month, all
of which was spent locally. Jelly
made by the Auxiliary is being given
out at Skinner meat market with
the relief meat. Just now the sup-
ply is exhausted but there will be
more ready soon.
Five hundred poppies were ordered
for the annual poppy sale.
Donations of $5.00 to the stage
e.~Ald welfare fund and $5.00 to the
~tate rehabilitation fund were made.
The Beach Auxiliary must entertain
the Beifield unit as the l'egtilt of a
membership contest in which the
Beach Auxiliary lost.
~Sea~h is indeed a city of bridge
Players, as again proved by the org-
~mlzatlon of a new card ctub. which
will gather on alternate Sunday
nights this winter. The game will
he auction, and at the end of the
• eason those unfortunate enough to
be on the losing half of the score
~ill labor to give a party that the
~mmvrj will long remember.
'T~ las~ meeting was held ten
clays ago at the AI. Gilman's, and
this Stu~ay there will be a "Christ-
mas party" at Mr. and Mrs. Jea~
Among the Sa
visitors in Beach
R. Lorenz, John
merv01d, Mrs. Pe
Schfllo, William __,.t.nel, ~,,nn
Pischer, Mrs. Edw. l~scher and
daughter Adeline, O E. Hammond,
O E. Schallock, Vera Wright, Irene
Lorenz, Mrs. P. J. Hagen, Mrs. H.
BabCock, C. H. Slocomb, Ed. Os-
wood, Olaf Abraham, W. L. Wandke,
Mrs. A. C. Gibbons, Miss Ada Bovey,
Richard Fischer, Mrs. J. Ballard, J.
O. Feragen, J. Worst, Mrs. Elmer
Howard. From Wibaux Mrs. Lewis
G~llender, Mike Klerzek, John Baird
and Mrs. Welsh were in town. Most
of the above were accompanied by
their familie&
Miss Beatrice Peterson, daughter
of Mr, and Mrs. P. O Peterson oL
Beach, was united in marriage to
Raymond O. Blastervold of Ken-
yon, Minn.. at Wlbaux. Mont., Nov.
30th, by Rew Norton. Attendants
were Mr. and Mrs. Obert Peterson.
The young couple will live in the
Beach vicinity. Their many friends
wish them e~l happinecs.
The ladies of the United Brethren
church will give a bazaar and dinner
aL the U. B. commur~lty house Sat-
urday, December 15. The dinner
will be served from 11 a. m. to 8
p, m. Th? bazaar wi!l consist of
fancy work, produce, rummage, fish
pond, etc.
The Twin Butte Community club
met at the Camels Hump school on
December 1. with a large crowd in
attendance. Dancing and games
were enjoyed by all for several
hours after the play which was well
presented. The next regular meet-
ing will be held at the Twin Butte
school Saturday evening, Dee. 15.
--Club reporter. /
now 49c until I~c. W-only. -- Rice
Drug Store. I~ 31-t
J:~E u'/th
f~ I.~l~, M~s. I~
Pw.J~ ~d W~
2 '23 .22¢
.radley Tillotson, while in
Jk, was informed that Bishop
nrle, who has been very seriously
ill at St. Alexlus Hospital at Bis-
marck the past several weeks, 1~ now
improving very rapidly, and~ the
hospital authorities tl~re hopd for
his complete recovery in a short
time. Father Clements, of the
Bismarck Catholic churc l~ also
in the hospital, very fl~
Do your Xma~ Sh~l~ing now. Ex-
clusive llne of ~s Gifts. --~Rice
Drug Co ,v 31-2
Mr. and Mrs. Mason VanDerhoef
of Glendive left Friday for home
after a pleasant week's visit at the
Charles Purvis home.
Advertising makes a good business
As a car full of Medora folks were
rounding Knox's hill on their way
to the show in Beach Saturday
evening, for some unknown reason
the car was overturned, with result-
ing bruises to several of the occu-
pants. The mos~ severly injured
was a Mrs. Brown, whose husband is
the proprietor of a grocery store in
Medora, and she was taken to Dr,
Nyman for treatment. The car was
owned and driven by the Billings
county nurse, whose name ~-~ere
unabl~ to learn..
Aspirin ~ab~tC49c. Until
Dec. 8.--Rice ~ Store. 31-1t
The Dewey R~yner family spent
the weekend in Hebron with Mrs.
Rhy.,.cr's pare~.ts, Dewey himself
only staying over the holiday. Mrs.
Rhyner had returned only the night
before from a ~wo weeks' trip to
Fargo, where she went on Royal
Neighbor business, and to Chicago,
where she visited with Mr. Rhyner's
brother and sister-in-law.
A Girl Scout meeting is called
for Thursday, December 6th. at Mrs.
Rhyner's home. All members are
asked to attend.
William Schulz left by car Mon-
day for Fargo, where he is attend-
ing a code meeting. On .~e way,
he planned to stop in~l~marck to
call on Mr, Cushing~f the hospital.
Don't forget|t~J-unior class play
Friday night. ~ 31-1t
H. F. Funk drove to Hebron for
a family reunion on Thanksgiving, f~mily still residing there.
Mr. and Mrs. Cornell Eide and
daughters were among the out-of-
town folks here to spend the week
end with relatives and friends.
T. E. Hudson. president of the
Farmers and Merchants bank of
Beach, has purchased from the
Federal Land bank of St. Paul, the
former Albert A. Schouboe farm
nine miles southeast of Golva, it
was announced here this week by
Leonard MarFAund of Dickinson,
field representative of the land bank.
This farm comprises 414 acres and
was rented by Mr, Hudson during
the crop year of 1934.
• Mrs. Fredrlckson wishes to thank
the congregations of the different
churches, who contributed to the
Thanksgiving offering a~ the Beach
Geo. A. Wright and Taylor Cook
of Westerheim called at the Ad-
vance office Wednesday in regard
to Wrlght's proof of claim to a par-
cel of land he is proving up on out
that way, a proof off~lalm being
something new in t]~e days.
"BUy now wt~i~ur exclusive line
of gifts is complete. ~ Rice Drug
Company. 31-2t
J. C. Ulfers was taken to the
Dickinson clinic Tuesday to have a
check up.
J. M. MeCoy left Tuesday for Lit- ~- "~/-- - "~ ~-_ --:- -.
tie Falls, Minn., where he will join
Mrs. McCoy. who ceeded h,n CAMEL'S.HUMP
there about two weeks ago for a
visit with relatives. From Little
Palls, Mr. and MrS. McOoy Wm go ~J~~
on to Kentucky to spend the winter The Community club presented
months. The work on the farm will their play, "Blundering Billy,' Sa~
be cared for by Hollis McCoy. Mr. urday evening, December 1, a~
McCoy is a former Kentuckian and Camels Hump school to ~j~/~rge
will enjoy a season in the old sur- ' crowd and it was enjoyed v~much.
roundlngs. The characters were as ~ws: E~
The Congregational Missionary Tuttle, Ray Brier (a~t~h mln@D;
society will hold a food sale and Dorothy Tuttle, Dor~y Brier (his
serve lunches at 11:00 Ss~Rlrday, daughter); Billy ]~6tier, ~mmie
s at the Drug Johns r cthe bg ering eere-
Store. // tary); Hank Dib~e, Howard~ V_a.n
Two ounces Altat~l~i, 25c.--Until Horn (a sailor);/Lieut. Gr~old,
Dee. 8.--Rice D tore. Z-lt Oregor Decker lieu ant); r .
Harry Smith of~entinel Butte is Clara Burnam, ~Ir.s. Howard ~an
Horn (a grass ~idow); Sing ~y,
at the Olendive hospital. He has ~toy Berg (Chinese servant); W4~o
undergone an operation and is re- ,~an, Martha Ber~ (a Japanese se~-
covering nicely.
R~v. C, O. Ellinger will be the vent). After thd~ play was ovOr
games were playe~\for awhile and
speaker at a men s luncheon at dancing was enjoyed~.until the wee
hours of the morn~~
Dickinson Friday eve~g.
B.y now exclusive line
of gifts is co~te.~-- Rice Drug
Company. 31-2t
The Henry Helm's are the proud
parents of a baby boy, which came
~0 ~ay a~ their house last Tuesday,
November 29th.
Rev. E. T. Anderson of Mort. N.
D, of the English Lutheran church,
spoke at Beach and Sentinel Butte
Lutheran churches during the ab-
sence of Rev. Gisvold.
Mrs. Ed Evans reports the pleas-
ure of having Dr. and .~rs. W. E.
Blatherwlck of Van Hook, N. D.,
a their home over the weekend.
Mrs. H. Shoen has jus~ returned
from an extended trip through sev-
eral states visiting her sons, sisters
and friends. Mrs. Shoen paid the
Advance a pleasant call Wednesday
morning on her way home at Golva.
Mrs. Katherine Faurote of Grea¢
Falls, Montana is in this city for
an extended visit with her daugh-
ter and son-in-law, the Rev. and
Mrs. W. B. Nelson. We hope her
stay will be most enjoyable while
here among us.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bosserman
~rove from Harlem, Montana. last
*~eek ~o spend a couple of weeks
,vith Roy's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
5. B. Bosserman, of Golva.
Brown. Ben Maus. Ray Brier and
Miss Amber Grimes furnished the
:~rb and Jimmie Johnsone mo-
t~:~d ~o Beach Tuesday.
~ichard Moore was a business vis-
itor a~ Howard Van Horn's T~ esday,
John ttonnold was btlsy hauling
his hay last week from the Norn~tn
Haugse farm.
Hans Ogaard motored to town on
~Jol~n--B~g- tSok- Casper Berg's
son Norman to Beach Tuesday to
consult the doctor about his eyes.
I. Mills and Win. Carew were in
this vicinity Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Constant Van Horn
and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Van Horn
and children motored to Beach on
Mr. and Mrs. John Berg motored
to Beach Wednesday and Friday.
Miss Victoria Ziellnski spen~ her
Thanksgiving vacation at her home
near St. Phillip.
Herb. and Jimmie Johnstone en-
joyed Thanksgiving dinner at the
John Berg home.
Mr. and Mrs. Constant Van Horn
were guests to dinner Thanksgiving
day at the Howard Van Horn home.
Rufus Jacobs, Henry Franzen,
8 ~ei_v_each~a~_°n the
beaut~d China/Tea Set we
are giving tfso~to~ember 24th.
-Phone 177
,Lest You Forget
Chuck Moore and Zane Jacobsmo- t Mr. and Mrs. Ray
tcred to Beach Wednesday. The tincl Butte and Beach
latter had dental work done. Wednesday.
Johnny Honnold motored to Senti- Mr. and Mrs. Clyde
nel But~~ family were guess to
~town Wedn sday.~~d'Mrs'J°hneSCl~eling too- Thanksgiving day at the
Moore home.
Miss Ehel Walker spent ~hanks- Mr. and Mrs John Ho~
Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Honnold
giving vacation at her parent, s home children were guests to dinner
Senlnel Butte. / Thanksgiving day at the No
~-Ier~ Dietz spent Tha4ksgiving Haugse home in Sentinel Butt
va~tffon ~n Sentinel Bu~e at his Mrs. Mat Tescl~er and Peter
l~zn.t's 1me, Mr. an:/~d[rs. Matt In town Wednesday.
Johnny Honnold and Hay
® Mr. and]Mrs. Ole ~rg Sr. were were Beach visitors Saturday.
guests to~anksgivi~ dinner at the Mr. and Mrs. Mat Tescher
home ~ft~eir son,~asper Berg and Peter motored to Beach Sa~
family.~ /I Muriel Ness came home
Jimmie John~one visited Sunday Dickinson and is now staying
at the Beach~5ospital with his wife Beach hospital. Her many :
He t oo e l"o omo
"q~~ ~ :e there.~ ~~ ' improved..
/ IF
192~ Sedan in
for the winter.
Bring your car into our
inspe and tell ltS
coMhion charge for
tMs ser .'ce l • ./No hig pres-
sure selling .flust a f ;iendly
interes in andyour car
Beach, N. Dak.
Our Anniversary Sale
Ends December 8&
and gain the
Perfect Fitting
.* ,
~ZI dee
Fall's smartest styles in new patterns
and plain colors
Suede Cloth Shirts
Heavy suede cloth shirts in gray and
tan, zipper and button front.
78~, 911e and $1.49
Dress Gloves
our complete selection
this value event.
and dark oxford
lUxury and service
with true economy.
$11.95 and
..................... Suits
All you need do is see the gar-
ment, feel the substantial
woolens, to see that here is
real value. Look at the tail-
oring, fine detail and advance