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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
December 6, 1934     Golden Valley News
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December 6, 1934
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i DECEMBER 6, 1934 THE R~ACH, N. D., ADVANCE By L L STEVENSON is ",the man who walks alone." name is Robert G. Elllott and in his early sixties. In the eight years, he has killed more 200 men and two women. But of breaking the law. he has IL He makes his living by human beings. He is the executioner of the states of York, Massachusetts, Pennsyl- New Jersey and Delaware. is the one who adjusts the the electrodes and that steel that looks so much like s foot- helmet. His is the hand that the switch that sends a current Into human centarE. His are the eyes watch the meter that registers lest there be smoke and flam~ For each execution he $150. At Sing Sing, from to 30 persens are executed each Twice ~hls year, there have three e~ecutions one night. $ * S e is Robert Elliott face is lined and furrowed. His are ~plerclng black. His for~ ad bulges slightly and there are ~at his temples. His hands l~r~e, possibly because he has tools all his lif~ For 20 in the service of .the electrician a~ Sing Sing. he retired. Davis, the state's -executioner. broke under the • of threats, resigned and wandering from town ~o ~wn. ,Halbert took his place. In Hulbert also broke. ~lliott | .assisted Davis in preparations ,executions. He was ~e only t Who knew about the grewsome So he came out of his and took over the Job. was in 1925. $ * 8 year, ~ was mot "the walks alone." He wasn,t -state exeeutlo~r ~m~-,so far ~the public knew. 'me ,execu- was merely "Mr. X," whose was concealed t~y a bladk Robert Rlllott was :a ~m- electrician who h~d ,turned the real estate buslne~. ~ven family believed tkat. Nlgh.~ he was wearing ~at 'b~ at Sing Sing, be wu ~mp- to be out closing dea~is means a commiselcm of $I50 But after he ~d ~ut "ten to death, there w~s a revela- and reporters a~d l~aot~. rushed to the two~ory Elllo~ home ~ Qneena • * Q Elliott is a m~ ~f ~dy He has been kmown toSleep way down l~m OsSining an execurlon. ~ut the Zews- men perturbed him. Two worried him--that his daugh- learn of his ~%~q)~on possible rep~ ~ and friends of ~hoSe whom to death. But he ga~e ,out-an He had taken the .Job a sense of duty, he said. one has to do those things;" Bat he was 95 ~re ,re- than that. a few months, ~is ~ears Justified. His ho~se wad by a bomb loaded with ~-Slugs. ~He and his faintly were at the time. but ~eaI~l ~n- The bombing has never been At the tlme It was m~ggest- radicals brooding over ~he of Sacco and Va~zetti., by Elllott, had attempt. FINNEY OF TVtE FOKCE GOLVA - _ : :-. __ :~ : Otto Hanson and family of Hanson Lumber and Hardware Co., left by far for Steele, N. D. to spend Thanksgiving with Mr. Hanson's 1 brother, H. B. Hanson. Harry Fmik and famliy went to Hebron Thanksgiving to spend a few days visiting relatives and friends. Prof. Donald l~aser went to De- troit Lakes, Wednesday evening to spend a few days with his wife and sou. There was no school Friday. ]~e returned Monday morning via train. -l~Irs. Lenore Kremer Auger of Minneapolis and little daughter are visiting her parents L. H. Kremer ~t Burkey. ~r.'and Mrs. Anton SchIrlo have returned from their wedding trip t~ Bismarck and are receiving congrat- Ulations from their many Golva friends. They gave a dance Friday night that was most enjoyable. Tbt*y expect to remain this winter In Beach and in the spring will reside west of town. L. D. Page and mother and Mrs. Ellen Welch ate turkey dinner at the W. W. Page home. Mrs. Bert Covert gave a very en- joyable party to a number ~ her friends Wednesday night. Mrs. Ralph Jacobs returned to her home in Harmon Mond~ ing after a pleasant Th~ving with her uncle and aunt, Duncan and Flora McPhee. I Duncan and Flora McPhee, Mrs. tFlorence Jacobs and son Ralph and A.H. Kreitlnger were "rhea guests at the Frank Kreltinger Joan Blondell's a Fond Mother ~Kmiling happily, .~oam ~londell, ',blonde movie star, poses with her first born ¢Mld in a ~*os Angeles hospital. Norman Scott Barnes the name ~of the lusty young newcomer yawnipg at his mother, who in Frivate life 4s Mrs. George Barnes, wife of a Hollywood cameraman. home. ~spend a week with her Mrs. Ellen Welch got a telegram and Mrs. Jens Oronning Thursday night stating her brotherI ~vas~ critically ill at her old home in I fr~s. St. Cloud, Minn., and left the sameI The card party evening, hoping to arrive ~here be-iwas well attended. fore he passed i were in play, Mrs. extend their ~ winning high •score Mrs. Welch she ana~Ind Wassman high ] Granning mccn him better her arrlval at'~St.[Ed Eide second i next party Will Ho~p~mom home Dinner guests revenge. But wt~rn a PisCher ,E/llott again threw the L~ ~guests ~t the A. M. Sing Sing. 1-u~ne ~nd eli Joyed a $ S • @ .all, four women have t~m in New ~ork--M~w. at- ;PISc~ of Brooklyn, wh~ Sunday. 'her stepdaughter, in 1899; .~aletadt were ~Mavy Farmer of Waterfowls, Mrs. Kirk- a neighbor woman, ~l Mrs. l~hl- ; "Mrs. Ruth Gray of Quee~s. feeling the best .with Jnd Snyder killed her lately and wen~ to Beach to con- .in ,1928, ~md a little while suit her ~yslcian Friday. ~rs- Antonio, who with Thoodm-a Maanum, Katherine killed her husband. Lorenz anti Lorena Hard, teachers .the switch that t~ok ~ the Alpha vicinity, spent Thanks- ~f M~s. Snyder and Mrs. [givt~ at GOlva. . I Mr. and Mrs. John Fischer Ade- n, • . [line and Tessie were dinner guests Antonio, ,executed after two ~ of Frank Kreitinger family Sunday. veprleves, was the moth- [In the evening they attended the three ~Ittle ~hlldren. Elllott |show at BeaCh. fether .of a son and a daugh- Thee. Maanum is making some What ~tIlott thought as She interior improvements in their home. ~41 never ~be known. He has Golva enjoyed their first little cmly 0~w~nt~rvlew. He Is snow storm Monday. w~no wMks alone." Miss Anna Dletz was a Golva Via- Bell Syndleate.-~W-NUServlee. it0r Saturday. She was enroute to St. Phillip where she will work for 'Gator I~ Watch Dog the priest who has been ill. Conn.~les Oum p- Murdock Cameron and Iamily, Mr. owns an alllg~t~r ~hat barks and Mrs. Christ Johnson and Mr and Mrs. Bob Fuhrman were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank I)av- idson at Beach Saturday night. ALPHA (Edna Wassmann, ~Reporter) market. Mrs. Edward Flanagan from Bts. rnarck ~ame last Sunday son home Mrs. L. Tun m~d Mrs~ A. R.L. Mrs. Leighton A. 1v. Irons a~ fanflly. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Je~dro and faro lly, Mr. and Mrs. Neff Thanksgiving ~ner Elmer Howard lmme, Mr. and Mrs. ~hie Kennedy are on the sick ~ the past few days. H. A. Bury and Gloyd were in Beach on buslr~ss Monday. Mrs. R. L. Johnston and daughter Mildred went to Bismarck Friday and returned SundaT evening. Mr. and Mrs. Bury and Leona spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Gloyd Bury. Mr. and Mrs. Gloyd Bury and Adeline Schouboe visited at the C. Schouboe home Saturday and re- turned home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Fasching vis- ited at the Robert Sonnek home ,on Smlday. Mr. and Mrs. John Knopp and Richard, Jerry Kauba went to Dickinson to see Mrs. John Kauba who is in the Dickinson hvspltal. Pete Hagen and wife went to Beach Saturday. Ulysses Gronnlng came home from Watford City Wednesday to spend Thanksgiving with his Parents and brother and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Junius Gronning and daughter, Ulysses Gro~ and Mrs. Edw. Flanagan from Bis- marck spent Thanksgiving at the Jens Gronning home. BONNIE VIEW Mary MeCaskey. Reporter • Mr. and Mrs. Arvid Abraham and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey Woolworth and family of Beach, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Doblar, Dick Kerr and son, Max, and Harry Hill were Thanksgiving guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Abraham. Miss Agnes Schauer wenv to Beach Wednesday and was a paient at the hospial there until Thursday morn- ing, during which time she submit- ted to a tonsillectomy. She returned to the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Schauer, Thursday, and is getting along nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Berg and family came out from Beach and spent Thanksgiving at the Alvia Rankin home in this vicinity. Dewey Hughes and John McCas- key went to Sentinel Butte Friday, I where they delivered ~ for Mrs, A. O. Roof, the~&~ been pur- chased by Ive~t/~elnitz. . Marion, l~rt and Raymond Schauer, L# Dunder, Cecelia and Joe McCa~y spent the Thanks- giving v~tlon/.~ ~ their respective homes, Be ch toi re- sume t#ir ~Jhoo)/~tles Monda~. sup of Was ~: c~iler at/tlte Bonnie View SCho~ Tflesday]af~ ~rnoom #d M# rove Mr. an, [~laughter, • ank~v~ day the home pf Mr. Mrs. Mike Tl~,qsen, the~e. Fritz Faschings had a turkey pick- ". and Mrs. Joe Pasha ~d fam- ing bee at their home Monday. A are entertaining frie~ds from nice lot of turkeys were dressed for th Dakota, tht~ weekf~,~he guests in arrlved Sat ~,~ls~f by car. Mr. and Mrs. Leo/Tobias and Kauba Thanks - at the Jerry spent a her sister, Mrs. returning to her home Bury put in a furnace at L. White home Friday. ADDITIONAL C~kRLYI~ NEWS Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Bushel of Wi- baux were visitors at the Roy Obrien home Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Stark motored to Wibaux Friday and had their baby baptized, l~ther Leahy per- Jeanette/of Golva, and ~lbert Meyer ~nt Thanksgiving d~y at the ~fl'e of Mrs. A. O. Roof. Schauer, who suffered a deep gash in his side, when he acci- dently fell on a pair of scissors, about a week ago, has recovered suf- ficiently from his injury as to be able to resume his school duties this week. A card Party was given last Satur- day at the community hail, for the purpose of raising money for the club funds. Due to the inclement weather, the crowd was not as large as usual. The pupils of the Bonnie View school and their teacher, Mrs. Nat- alie Adamson, enjoyed four days of vacation for Thanksgiving last week. Jess Still came out from Beacli to tl~ Albert Meyer home one day last week and Installed a radio for Mr. Meyer. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis AYarS and Rex Schultz were visitors a the Roy McCaskey home Thanksgiving day. Fur Bus|neas Is One of Oldest Known Industries T~e fur trade is one of the oldest formed the ceremony and called the] ~wdtmtries known to mankind. ~tl. babe Ralph John. The basket social at Offley schoolI most as far back as there is any ~record, says a writer in the Mont- house the Past week was a success real Herald, we find man killing in every way. Ethel Bryson is theI teacher. I animals for food and using the fur Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Stark and l for protection from the weather. family, Melvin Lund, Ed and Tom[ A~ first he used the skins raw-- Stark were Thanksgiving dlhner~ without any preparatlon. It was guests at the Claude Lund home. I an epoch-making occurrence when Miss Cehna Haagenstad was a he invented a way to make them soft and pliable. As long as he weekend guest of the L. H. West I traded only for necessities, and paid family. no attention to ornament, he turned Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Hall, Mr, and. the hairy side toward his body. Mrs. Gee. BrenzeL Mr. and Mrs. ! From the time, when. for appear~ Rush Hall. Everett Stuart, Mr. and~ ance~sake, the hairy side of a Mrs. Proctor, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. furred skin was worn externally, Hayes and families were six o'clock dlrmer guests at the P. O. Esmay home Ivriday. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Baughman of Beach were overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Fowler Thursday. Mrs. Rose Stuart and Miss Alma Bovey of Carlyle and Charley Meyer of Beach were Thanksgiving guests at the C. Hall home. ~nay be dated the use of fur~ In the sense which we now apply to the term. The sheep, w~aose wool forms the ~materlal for nearly all woolen elothlng, came originally from A~. rlc~ and many centuries muai~have elapsed before the tender sheep cw~ld be conveyed to and reared in the northern countries, where thick PAGE SEVEN \ \ a,z~ d~ ,n,t. _ DECEMBER 2~'~~-- 3--Illinois, 21st crate, a4- ,'~t~ n~tted to Ur~on, 1818. _ ~ ~d~ 4---H~ry Ford's Peace Mk- ---~ ~ton Ship tails, 1915. ~--CaHfornm declares Ind@. ~'~ pendence o~ Mexico, tSJ& ~ 6--The Irish Free State is e~tabltshcd, 1921. ~~_ 7--De.ware i~ first etate to sign Constitution, 1787. &-Washington retrest~ 4 ~f.~.~ ar~ous1776. Delaware river. a ~ ~--Jel'usalem ~an'endem t~ @~r~ Briti~ Allenby, 1917. Pennies Sk~ Slowly 'Native boys who dive for i~n- nies In many tropical ports do not work nearly as hard for their money as the average person thinks. The co~ns sink through the salt water quite slowly, and before they are half way down, the diver gen- erally has them In his teeth. Fh-~t Settlement in Missom4 The first permanent settlement in Missouri was established at 8re. Genevieve In 173,9. NOTICE ~. bed and boar~ an~l'wlll not be re- sponsible f~r/an~of her b~lls since Nov. 11th.--~l~ned) Anion Hude- cek, ~~-Jp NOTICE TO CRI[~DITORM IN THE. MATTER OF THE ES- TATE' OF " LENA BRUN~ffOLD~ DECEASED. NOTICE is hereby given by the undersigned Administrator of the estate of Lena Brunsvold, late of the Clty~ of Beach in the County sf Golden valley and State of North Dakota, deceased, to the creditors of, and all persons having claims against, said decedent to exhibit them with the necessary vouchers within six months after the first publication of this notice to said Administrator at the office of Keohane & Kuhfeld in Beach in said ~olden Valle North Dakota or to of said Cou and tkat the court for such elah June, 1935 o'clock A. the Court of the Court In House City of Beachin the Golden Valley Dakota. Dated this 24th day of Novemb 1934. B. P. ]~RUNSVOLD, Adminlstratdr of the Estate of Lena Bruns- void, Deceased. KEOHANE & KUHFE~D Attorneys for Administrator ' Beach, North Dakota. First publication on the 29th day of November. 1934. (Nov. 29 - Dec. 6-13) NOTICE ~FOR I~J]BLICAWION _~Dnr/ment of ~he ]n~evior ~. ~. l~and Off lee at ~lsmavek~ Now/& Dakota November lS, 1934 NOTICE is George A, Wrl N. Dak., who, on made Homestead in the Court House in the City of Beach in the County of Golden Valley and State of North Dakota. Dated this 16th day of November, 1934. MARY N. :SOOTH, Executrix of the Last Will and Estate of George Henry Booth,. Deceased• KEOHANE & KUHFELD Attorneys for Executrix, B~ach, North Dakota. First publication on the 22rid da~r of November, 1934. (Nov. 22-29 - Dec. 6) NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE M'A~ OF THE ES- TArE OF JOS~'I~ E, BOSSER- MAN, DECEASED. ~ NOTICE is hereby ~ven by the undersigned Admlnistrat~r of the estate of Joseph E. Bosserman, late of the City of Moscow in the County of Latah ~nd State of Idaho de- ceased, to the creditors of. and all persons having claims against, said decedent to exhibit them with the necessary vouchers w l .t hi n six months after the first publication of this notice to said Administrator at the office of Keohane & Kuhfeld, in the City of Beach in said Golden Valley County, North Dakota ~r to the County Judge of said Co~y, In his office in said CountJ~and State. ~- NOTICE is hereby furor ~lven that the time ~tnd place~ed bY the court for hea~lng 9J~ ~tdJu'stlng such claims aqe thq#~flth day oY June, 1935, at ~ten.~clock A. ~. in the Court Roo~ns, fof the County Court in the ]~irt House in the City of Beach ~i~ the Country 0f Golden Valley and State of North Dakota. Dated this 28th day Of November 193~. JOHN B. BOSSERMAN Administrator of "the~ Estate of JOseph E. ~ Besserman, Dece~tsed~ KEOHANE & KUHFELD. Attorneys for Admtnls~rat'~. / Beach, North Dakota. First publication on the 29th day : of November. ]934. (Nov. 29 - Dee, 6-13) PROFESSIONAL CARDS Rice Drug Co. BEACH, N. DAK. for All of, Sectl0 N., Range 103 W. lan. has flied ~ot intention to make three yeSr to establish claim to the ~bnj lbed, be ~ ~e~tJnel B~I~ A. E. ~astetrg ~f~ Judge Beach. North [jDa on the day of December. ~laimant names as witnesses : J, E. Cook, Taylor Cook, George W, C. ]~l~.~kD][J~'~r, ~ ](~ W. Coyle. J. "S Rathbun all of Westerheim. N. D. BiL... K~wa~ In l~lHlng C~hm.--The told. murder of the ~evenCy. Amerlvan mis- Dr. J. H. Ingrain, at his cottage outside Peiping, a new tendency in Ohi- handling of ~mch /mmedlately two rill- bureaus offere~l a reward thousand silver dollars $I~0 in United the Ancient ud Modern Blend The ancient and the modern blend more perfectly In Peru than In any other South American coun. try. Nowhere else Is there such a wealth of remains of the magnifi- cent Inca and pre-Inca civilizations, and many of them are within a short distance of Lima the capital, which was the "City of the Kings" 800 years ago, in the days of the Spanish viceroys, and is an impos- ing modern clty foday. Hake Fish Resemble~ Cod Hake is s fish of the cod type, but of a different family. Large, sped- mens attain a length of four feet. The meat is commmed both fruh ~~dted, in th~ mac wa~ as Maurtce Hogoboom was in Senti- nel Butte the last three days last week and Friday evening he brought the high school girls home to spend Thanksgiving with home folks. Mr. and Mrs. Rober~ Sonnek and litt2e son were Beach business vis. Itors Friday. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Zleb~rth had as Thanksgiving dinner guests Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Johnston and MIN dred and Myrtle, Mr. and Mrs. S. L. White and Arthur. A~ F. Irons went to Beach Monday after a truck load Of bailed hay. Thanksgiving guest,s at the Fritz ~ h~me were Mr. and Mrs. Julius Larsen and Betty, Mr. and Mrs. Robe~ ~k and family, Mr. Miss Euphla Stark of Baker spent the weekend with Mrs. P. O. Esmay, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Anthony, Mr. and Mrs. John Bosserman and faro- files spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Carol Hudson. Mrs. Ed Hartse and Ralph Doubles spent Thursday with relatives at Glendtve. That's Something The principality Of Monaco fo~- bids Its inhabitants access to the gambling tables, but exempts them from taxation. CHRIS BERTSCH, end Immense forest~ produced In _ Register. nbemdance agreat many varietie~ of (Nov. 22-29 . Dec. 6-13-20) animals which were capable of sup. plying the best furs; and where NOTICm TO ~aEDITORS the people lived too w~dely scat- tered to be led ~oon to Che cultiva- 'tion of the manufacturing arts by exchan~ng experienced Air and Eleetddty Normally the air ls a poor con- ductor of electridty. The Canary lel~ The Canary Islands were named in honor of a breed of ferociouS named in honor vouchers wi the