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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
December 6, 1934     Golden Valley News
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December 6, 1934
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DECEMBER 6 1934 N S T I T UTIONS ;K LARGER FOR 1935-37 Asylum Requests New Men's Ward Building; K. C. Wants $75,689 Additional Sum For Next Biennium. Eighteen state institutions seek an of $4,841,391 for the next years and total budget requests the coming biennium have a total of $8,377,731, it was Monday by the state board, in session at Bis- From the various institutions came uests for increases in budget al- totaling $2,568,198. In virtually every instance, offi- of the institutions pointed out excessive cuts in the past had the threat of reduced pros- or the menace of crippling of plant. &ll Institutions asked that salaries increased to the 1931-32 standard, 20 percent, in accordance the cut voted by the people years ago. Greatest proportional increase is asked by the state hospital for insane. While no increase is by the institution In operatirrg officials request a $200,000 for construction of a men's ward building, to care a steadily increasing demand fori room. Estimated income for biennium at the institution will operating expense, officials while boiler repairs are reduced $15,000 during the next two years. Increases of sizeable amounts are by the principal institutions higher learning In the state--the of North Dakota, State college, experimental ~tation and ext~Sion division. All of the state normal schools re= Increases during the biennium, with training schools and penitentiary. In most instances, the requests-by with the 1931=33 appro= show a decrease, although increases asked exceed the to- present appropriations by $50,351. At the agricultural college, extort- division, estimated Lfederal in- for the next two years takes drop of $169,152, necessitating an in budget request of $75,689. THE CHURCHES ST. JOHN'S ~HURG~I Beach, N.D.~ ORDER OF MASSES 1st Sunday, 10:30 a. m. 2nd Sunday, 8:30 a. m. 3rd Sunday, 10:30 a. m. 4th Sunday, 830 a. m. Michael's, Sentinel Butte, N. D. 1st Sunday, 8:30 a. m. 2nd Sunday, 10:30 a. m. 3rd Sunday, 8:30 a. m. 4th Sunday, none. Wm. Fred Hake, Pastor. UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH W.'B. Nelson, Pastor 10:15 Unified service worship and school. 8:30 Christian Endeavor. 7:30 Evening: worship. 3:00 p. m. service at Trotters. UNITED LUTHERAN" CHURCH P. A. Gisvold, Pastor December g Sunday School, 10:00 a. m. The Ladies' Aid will meet with Lewis Odland entertaining on Dec. 7. Worship, 11:00 a. m. Worship, 2:30 p. m. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCII "The Friehdly Church" Rev. C. G. Ellinger, Pastor THE REACtI, N. D., A I,~A.~ ,*, PAGE FIVE O UR CHRISTMAS ISSUE PUBLISHED NEXT WEEK Next week we will publish our annual Christmas number. It will, as usual, contain pic- tures, Christmas and home stories, so that the issue will be of interest to everybody. These Christmas issues have come to be a feature of the Advance's offer to readers and the folks out in the wide open spaces, as well as In the towns scan it closely for Christmas bargains and the holiday spirit which always makes the paper bright. This makes a splen- did medium for.advertisers to reach all sections of the coun- ty, down into Billings county and over into Montana north and south of Wibaux, for most families in these regions take the paper and an advertise- menL in it at such a time is read by most of the people, iyoung and old, for many reasons. iAdvertisers are requested to prepare their copy early as the edition will be many pages and we have but a week in which to set the type, print the various sections and mail it out on time. Our rates for this edition are the same as for the usual paper, so an excellent chance to meet buy- ers is presented without much cost. WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES There were three wedding anni- versaries celebrated in and about Beach the latter part of November, when the honored couples received many good wishes and gifts. The first two took place the same night; at the William Meyer home a group of relatives and friends as- sisted them in observing their silver wedding anniversary and also Mrs. Moyer's birthday. Gifts were given, cards were the diversion, and a lunch was served. On the south side, Mr. and Mrs. John Kukowskl were surprised when ten couples dropped in at suppertime to help them selebrate their 30th wedding anniversary. The guests brought a fine supper and a gift of beautiful glassware. The third event of the kind was the 20th anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Michels. The sixteen families present had a big dinner at six and late supper together, with card playing occupying the hours between. Mr. and Mrs. Michels were the recipients of many useful and ornamental gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Callander of the north country were Beach vis- itors Friday. Mrs. Ed. Paul's friends will regret to hear that she is again a patient in the Bismarck hospital, a sufferer from x-ray reaction. *She is re- ported as somewhat improved. Mr. Paul is in Bismarck with her, and after Mrs. Paul is well enough to travel it is their intention to go to the coast to spend the winter, stop- ping only at Glendive to have a short visit with Mrs. Paul's daugh- ter Harts and her husband. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Davis drove to Bismarck and back last Wednesday. There is really a lot of very pretty goods in the Beach stores this year, DEMOLAYS ORGANIZE BASKETBALL TEAM The Beach DeMolay order has organized their basketball person- nel for the coming season arid have ordered new suits for the players in the DeMolay colors, purple and gold. Robert Milloy is the team's manager and Howard I.arson is business manager. The boys have a good number of aspirants for the team in Rex Miller, Roy Oeeh, Paul Zielsdorf, Junior Schulz, t~'ed Don- aldson, Jack Miller, Victor Thomp- son, Win. Knezevich and others. Business Manager Larson states that the DeMolays will welcome games either at home or at other towns, after January first. They will play home games at the local LOCAL NEWS A as a birthday present. Mrs. Bradley Tillotson returned from Bismarck where she had taken her father, W. F. Cushing, for treat- ment in the Bismarck hospital, Wednesday afternoori'.- She will re- turn within the next few days to be at his bedside. Mrs. Nan Magee and Mrs. Harry Rice left for Bismarck Tuesday afternoon. Dan Wicks will be the substitute mailman on the south route held by Mrs. Purvis, for the next few high school, months. ANNUAL THANKSGIVING Mrs. R. L. Johnston and daughter P,M~TY [ Mildred, of Alpha, went to Bismarck )Friday to consult the doctors at the The Pleasant Valley Homemakers ~ Clinic in regard to Mildred's health. club gave their annual Thanksgivingi On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. R. H. party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I Milloy drove-to a meeting of the J. H. Hubble December 1. About 66 C. Penney store managers of this :persons attended, l locality. The conference was held ~hProgressive whist was played, l at Miles City and the social side of ~ ere were 12 tables. _Mrs: Glen it was featured by a very fine din- namaway and ~:rnes~ zieisaori re- ceiving high prizes, while Margie Zielsdorf and Cleo Harlan the con- solation gifts. A fine lunch was served and a de- lightful evening enjoyed by all. The next regular meeting of the club will be held the afternoon of December 12 at the Ernest Zielsdorf residence. SCHILLO WEDDING DANCE Anton Schillo, a bridegroom of Tuesday, entertained the friends of both the Schillo and Blair families at a dance in Golva Friday evening. A full hall attested to the popularity of the newly married couple, and good music added to the festivity, as did the plentiful coffee and doughnuts served at midnight. The young folks are spending a few days with the John Schlllo family, after which they will spend a month or so with the bride's father, Hiram Blair. Mrs. W. H. Blair, and Miss Dor- othy Bodis of Belfield, mother and niece of Mr. Blair, le~t Sunday for their home after a week of visiting in Beach and attending the wedding parties. CLUB PARTY DECEMBER 10 The Christmas season is nearly here, and the first of the holiday parties will take place on December tenth when the Woman's club meets at the home of Mrs. I. I. Grinst~len. Each member will bring a very small gift and a collection of fifteen cents apiece will be taken to send as a contribution to the work of the Florence Chrittenden home lni Fargo. Refreshments will be servedI and the evening spent in social re- :creation. I s°c*A "-F'INGSl Instead of meeting at Mrs. John. Keohane's, the Social Hour club will have its Christmas party at Mrs. E. A. Wieting's house Tuesday the llth. Each member is requested to bring a Christmas gift, whose value does not exceed a quarter, and these will i be exchanged. nor as the guests of Mr. and Mrs: Sidney Elliot, the Miles City Pen- ney folks. William Klppley spent two days recently at the Dickinson hospital, but is now home and feeling im- proved. Herman Brown also paid that hospital a fuor day visit the first of last week, having a complete check-up on his health. Mr. Brown as well as much of the more utility ful to Judge Halliday for making it stuff which makes good gifts. The possible to have such a fine location merchants report a good advance for the church. Farther, we hope sale and in some instances have al- the change in location will be bone- ready had to duplicate orders. Do !ficial, not only to the congregation, your shopping early, i but to the city of Beach as a whole. Have a look at the Christmas --St. Mathew's Episcopal Church. windows in most of the stores in town. All look happy in the glad- FEED FOR PHEASANTS some time and the wares are not only substantial and attractive but: Jack Lindt, game warden, has have price rages attached that make written the government, in view Of the posketbook smile and the carrier the government's program of feed- i rejoice. ~ing game birds through the winter, i AN APPRECIATION The members of St. Mathews Episcopal church are deeply grate- i to request ten tons of feed for the NOTICE. ~ h I i P easants in this county, estimating i there are about 3000 birds here that ] The Girl Scouts and the American lshould be taken care of. It is too [Legion Auxiliary are goin~ to collect e~rlyo for him to have received a ]old toys to be reconditioned by a reply as yeL All hope this project Federal Relief worker sent here will go through and a number of l fro" that purpose in connection with the birds preserved throughout an I tbe American Legion Christmas otherwise feedless winter. drive. ] 10 a. m. Church school. ~,~,~. I The toys will be given to children 50c Milk Of Magnesia pint until 11 a. m. Morning worship. ~u~,,~. .. . . . , , o d ]of famflms on ~ehef at Christmas Dec. 8--39c.~R~ Drug Co 31 it Glow." This is the sec n ~=, . . ....... - - on "Following the Star." i tm.e. Anyone having any old toys Mms Etsm Buldhaupt, who is era- will please leave them at the court ployed at the state capitol in Bis- house or call Mrs. O. R. Niece or marck, was at home for the hell- Mrs. A. H. Beckley and they will days. She is the daughter of H. C. be collected. Buldhaupt of west of town. While there is very little snow in[ Mrs. C. E. Koch left Eunday for aI HOSPITAL NOTES the Beach territory, more is found]visit in Gl~'ndive *~nd M'ss Lillian~ the further east one goes. Quite aI . ~ 2.'.~ ~' , +,~ l ~k baby be'; was born to Mr. and w~th her s:ster, Mrs. ~.o. Koch .... snow fall occurred in Bismarck on l ' ~ . ~ ~ ~.,,.:,. ,, ..... ,:~ ,,~ ~.e ~, ac Tuesday night and Wednesday ] ~,~ ~ n~sp',taL 75c put bo~tl~od Liver Oil 59ci ~2,:'. Uti¢rs has been confined to morning, luntil Dec. 8.--l~Ice Drug Store. 31-1t i the hospital for medical attention While driving on the road Irom [ Word has been received in the city I a~d is doing very well. Dickinson the first of last week, a'that Mrs. Clinton Taylor has not[ Mrs. Eddie Britten is a hospitaI car in which Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bret- yet recovered her health and has [patient at the Beach hospital for tin and Mr. and Mrs. Martin Kittel- With bumpers, spare tire and tire leek, the list price $18.00 add:transl. " " Pnce~L subject to change witho~,~dotice. 7 p. m. Christian Endeavor. Thursday, 7 p. m., Men's chorus ice. 7:30 p. m., choir practice. 8 p. m., Men's club meeting. Sentinel Butte 10 a. m. Church school. 2:30 p. m. Church worship. METHODIST EPISCOPAL school 10:00 a. m. worship service 11:00 a. m. devotional hour, Wed- 7: 30p. m. League Sunday 7:00 p.m. Thursday of this week is regular aid meeting date. Five entertain. Husbands are dote family supper at 6 p. m. monthly meeting of church follows the supper hour. The is cordially welcomed to our services. B. T. Osborne, Pastor. Your Xmas Shopping now. t~r~ line of Xmas Gifts. -- Rice 0o. ' 31-2t W. C. SCHULZ, Beach son were riding, was struck by an= other car, we are informed, Mrs. Brettin sustained a bruised arm and a fender on the car was damaged. A number of Beach folks were In DickInson Friday, among them Mrs. Marshall Miller, Miss Mary Stod- dard, Barbara and Bud Miller, Mrs. C. O. Carlson, Mrs. E. A. Nyman, Mrs. Jessie Kinsey, the Misses Fair- child and West, Mrs. O. R. Niece, Mary Helen Niece, Mrs. Cordia Wal= lace, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kukawski, Mrs. Ed Koshney and s~)l~ Wesley B. J. McDanold /:~f~__ and 50c tube of Burl~ne, 29c until Dec. &--Rice Dr~~" Store. 31-1t Thanksgiving Day brought more than an average amount of pleasure to Mr. and Mrs. Rhyne Breitenfeld, as the stork left them a fine baby boy, whom they have tentatively named Robert Wayne. The Breiten- folds live on Dr. Niece's farm across the line. A card party will be given Friday, December 14, by the Catholic Ladies guild, at the hall of the church. Other amusement. The Sunday issue of the Minne- apolis Tribune carried a very inter- esting and detailed account of the old Wells-Fargo chest found south of Wibaux. The Methodist Ladies aid will was accompanied to Dickinson by Mrs. Brown. Wednesday evening Grant Dennis meet at the church parlors Thurs- drove in to spend Thanksgiving with [ day with Mesdames Pearl Page, his wife, and his father-in-law,[George and Paul Mogle, Kermit George Christensen, and on Friday [King and C. K. Bryant serving the Mr. and M, rs. Dennis and daughter lunch. left for their home in Deadwood, Call for your 1935 McKesson cal- S.D. Mrs. Dennis has been spend- I ender at Rice's Drug Store. 31-1t ing the past month as the guest of P.E.O. met Tuesday at the home her father, of Mrs Ollie Donaldson JUST A R~ffNDER " cO ER LUNCH HAMBURGERS A SP~C! COFFEE SCHMITZ--BLUE N Cigars '\ 2 )bjtr~ Cigarettes Herman ~ Prop. Beach [] Gem SAT1 CARY GRANT, EVERETT HORTO] WESTMAI "LADIES been feeling very badly. Mr. and Mrs. George Clements of Skaar were in town shopping Mon- day. Mrs. Clements was also l~ving dental work attended t~~ $1.00 Soreton~, 4 ~ces, 79c until Dec. 8. only'~f~--Rice Drug Store. ~'~~ 31-1t Stanley Stevens o~ Trotters shop- ped in Beach Monday. F. F. Schmelling was a county seat caller Monday. medical treatment and is reported to be getting along nicely. 25c Milk o¢ Tooth Paste. two tubes f~/f3c. Until Dec. 8.-- I Riae Drug S~ore. 31-1t Mr. and Mrs. Vanderhoef have moved from the Wiley house to the second story a~artment of the Hud- son duplex on the hill. The apart- merit was furnished for them and will be rented as such in the future. THE MOST PERSONAL Dti~G~FTS [ Your Rh6togragh*: if yo~t'a~trg*~ Sitting now. ,/ t~t Stu o F. T. Reynolds Co. We have a full line of Xmas Candy and Nuts. Best Price in City. lO lb.. sack Holly Schillings' Coffee, pound...'... 2% Large Sweet Oranges ..... ..i.31c Apples, wrapped inesap ...$1.59 Milk tall ] ...... ,(. 6¢ T atoes Nq 2 ....... . .... 10c Head Lettuce, 2 large.. :. ..... 15¢ 1@ lb. St ck salt. / ........ ,