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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
December 6, 1934     Golden Valley News
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December 6, 1934
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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T~ BEACH, N. D., ADVANCE THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1934 Is Day of Feasts (Continued from page one) merry guests at the O. W. Ymmlis farm home. At the Ernest Smflth family, France Zieisdrof and Howard StockweU tToup sat together to a fine feast. An- gatherl~ was at the home- ~mad of Mr~ P. C. ~qe~, on the Golva road, where Mr. and Mra Ernle Anderson and son, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert ]~dckson, and the L. J. Xr~kson family were present at the varying of a giant bird. In town there were many groups, a feature of three of them being .that they were "community" affairs to which each family brought its assigned share of the bounteous dinner, One of these was at the Robert Menke apartment, With the Martin Peterson and Matt Ryan families present; another was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wail Johnson, With the E. A. Nyman, Earl Roberts, C. O. Carisma families, and Mrs. Jessie Kinsey ~s partiell~nts, Tl~e third group of this kind enjoyed a fine "pooled" dinner at the R. H. Mllloy home; Mr. and Mrs. R. K. VanDerhoef and small daughter, Mr. and ~xs. Aden Miller and Miss Connie WeSt were present. Finding that there was enough food left over for a second celebration, the same fe~ka/returned to Mllloy's Friday for s~r~nd~ Mrs. Mark Loveli enter- t~ed the Harry Lovell family and Miss Alma Berg; Mr. and Mrs. Rlee were hosts to Doctor and Mrs. Rice and the Basil M_%a~e family; there wa~ a complete garb- of the clan at the Leonard A~guire ~ce. t~mtlles were entertained by Mr, ~Mrs. E, A. Wleting at dinner at Golden Valley hotel at noon Thursday. The T, E. Hudson home was the ~ene of a very pretty dinner party at which Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sherman and Mr. and Mrs. George Haneen of Wlbaux, and Mr. and Mrs. P, J, aad family of Beach were the guests. Oeorge Christensen, Mr. and Mrs. litt~nJaUghter, Jghnson bungalow; the were hos~ to Dr. and daughters lind and Helen. In the same neigh- Abel had as Mrs. L I. Orlndstuen, Russell, Mr. and Mrs, on the hill, a large laden board of with the ~lbert Thompson and P. A. Glsvold familles sharing in the good things. The entire Alton family, .with the exception Of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth were Mr. and Mrs. Blll /-Iermel of Valley ¢~ty, who are at Alton's for the week end. Mrs. Hermel is well known in Beach, where she is better known by the name of Frances Alton. Coach Bicrman To Speak At Dix (Continued from page one) Blerman," as he could have a thousand speaking dates if he would consent to go. The arrangements for the dinner will be made by the State Teachers oollege at Diekins~. It is planned to charge only a z~mtmum cover charge for football team members and boost the charge to a slightly h~her figure for the public and business man, many of whom have declared they would be willing to pay a "fancy banquet cover charge" in support of the banquet, and the prospect is now that the seating capacity of 350 persons will not be enough far all those desiring to at- tend from this district. From here, it is expected that Supt. of Schools I. I. Orindstuen, Mr. Tobias, the coach, and the en- tire football team will attend, weather permitting, and there is great excitement at the prospect. Former university football players are also invited, but it is not en- tirely clear as to whether seating room will permit the attendance of the many others who would enjoy the program. These details were obtained from Mr. Grindstuen, who conferred W!th some members of the Blerman B~nquet committee in Dickinson Saturday. $1.00 Albagar, pint1 7~tfl Dec. 8 only.~Rice Drug ~e. 31-t BAR IN THEM HILL8 Bismarck, Dec. &--Elk, buffalo and deer and even predatory lynx, bear and wildcat will again roa~ the Bad/ands of North Dakota. With the completion of the park~ at Medora and Watford City by COC workers the task of returning wild life to the territory will begin, according to Robert BYrne~ seere. tary of state, and in charge of the park civilian corps service in North Dakota~ Mr: Byrne said elk, buffalo, deer and antelope will be obtained from national parks, where they now a~ JUSt as predatory animals ro~med the Badlands in early days, so too will they be released in the game reserve. AT MOSCOW Moscow, Dec. 4.~Thotmands ofl mourning workers massed in the snow before the Union House Tues- day, awaiting ~ chance to view body of Sergel Klr~ff, Soviet official, which arrived Leningrad and lies in state in th( Coltmm Hall of the historic building. NEW LOCATION St. Mathews Episcopal church o~ Beach Is the tmpDy recipient of a fine gift of two lots on south Hunter street given by Judge Haltiday for the use of the church. The present church Iocatlon is on north Blanchi street. The church building will be J moved onto its new location in the spring, Part of the money needed for this move will be advanced by Bishop Bartlett of Fargo, ~e rest to be made up by the co~fregation here. / Don't for~ tht~or ela. play Friday night. ~f 31qt Mr, and Mrs. John Kukowski were expecting to leave yesterday for ffornia, where they will enjoy the balmy breezes until spring, probably making Long Beach their headquar, ters. In their absence, their home will be occupied by Mr. and Mrs. visit with relatives Stanley Raisler, with whom little the Huber home a] Shirley Anne Kukowski will stay. away, the Ira Kaiser family The apartment formerly rented by rol 1 Medora to join with ] the Raislers in the MeUiellan build- o~ ,~nll Peterson and his IIng has been taken by Misses Marie, course the Hubers, in I Dorothy and MarJorie Zlelsdorf. and Mrs. Max Schlauch and family, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Bruspare, all of Giendive. Montana. Idttle Beaver creek, l~y which the ORfford Bartholomews and the Van Atter family showed their aPprecia- tion of the beautiful sunshine Which marked the holiday in Golden Valley county. ALTITUDE RECORD of 48.000 feet in Monday morn- altitude )f 47,3522 feet held by Lt. Renato Donatl of Italy, 50c Albemist with Ephedrin 39c. Until Dec. 8.~Mce Drug Co. 31-1t THE ADVANCE WANTS NEWS ! What we want is more news. If your wife socks you on the jaw and puts you out, let us Startling Dress Sale.. to Camels~~~--" =~ ~Mr.~mkna°kWllb~gU~:t~t~dthe~ublWtlc11" spend you are not ~amed of to~fWESTERHEIM you and their -=-- - ": " have Mrs. visit Thanksgiving friends Ellis you, tell ~_-Stecker and :=~ ~,lf rela- vaca- were = priced 50 At Many : ths new_dresses., of t,me these for hat For loy61y T " / wall S eet' now/o erd f¢oCk e For old DAY, p, arty for rdg l FR and Dm°rning $15.00 For $7.95 AY some Office and and and as $1 .50 $9.95. low and Wear SATURDAY as values especially fiftyand cents, are dinner guests Saturday evening at ! All vinter are reduced. the M. A. Brown home, later ac- Ther yl Shop companied by Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Brown and daugn~ers, they attended the play and dance given at the / Hump school. , ~J Sam Will and M. A. Brown drove to Dickinson Wednesday. Mr. Brown Exclusive Wearing Apparel For the Women Who Care" brought his children back with him tton at home. They returned to Dickinson Sunday, where they at- tend the Dickinson State Teachers college. June and Bobby Will, accompan- ied by their mother, came up from Lemmon, S. D., last Wednesday. The two children spent the Thanksgiving vacation with their father, John R. Will and brother Sam, also with their siteers, Mrs. Henry Franzen and Mrs. Earl Roberts of near Me- dora. They returned to their home at Lemmon Sunday. The relief workers are busy haul- ing scoria these days. ~p a large John R. ~ving with family. John S. s. Dick PendIeton gUest~ of Mx~ Pendle- Mrs. Emil Kur~ck and Sunday. Mrs; Otto Will their the Mrs, Dietz. and Mrs. from Thanksgiving with their Westerhelm. The recovering nicely for from Mr. family an~ M. Mr. and Mrs~ Ern Dailey ~ett were b, aller~ at t] C O~k home Sunday. ~y Wright t~ an guest of her frler~ Jean ( Sunday. % / Harry Lowman is spend~g a few days ~iown at the river/-f~a~visiting at the Bb~ McLeod homf/ Louis'~Pellisier an~Walter Nuens were lool~l~ag fog,~tle in our vicin- ity Iast Friday, stopping overnight at the Eddie Cook home, Norman Stedman was a caller at he J. E. Cook home Monday. There will be a meeting and a sale of miscellaneous articles, also home made candy, next Saturday night, Dec 8th, at the Westerheim school, sPonsored by the Westerheim P.-T. A. for the benefit of the children of the community for Christmas treats. The treats will be given at a later date, when a Christmas tree will be arranged with trimmings, etc. Lloyd Brown, who has been at- tending St. Joseph's Parochial school at Dickinson, is again attending the Westerheim SChool and riding horse back from his home. ALL D&Y CONVENTION The W. C. T. U. of Beach will meet with the Wibaux W. C. T. U. for an all day convention at Wi- baux December llth. jr[ . TH0 PSON'S STORE lb. jar { ] ill I Gold Star Coffeelb. 29c S ed He r ng Graham Crackers/ 2 lb. box Oranges, size 2 doz 10c 25c WE DELIVER Lettuce, Beach High School News CLASSIFIED SCHOOL NOTES The Junior class play, "The Hea-] thers at Home," will be presented Friday, December 7 at the high school auditorium. The admission charges in the afternoon are stu- dents, 10c, adults, 25c. Evening I prices are, students, 20c. adults 35c. ] The matinee begins at 3 o'clock. 1 Everybody come, ] Our basketball schedule will be l found elsewhere in this issue of the Advance. Post it in a convenient place and attend the games this winter. Our team promises to be year. A Christmas program of music will December 16. The W~II be furnished by both glee off, mob high under the d/- Fairchild. the boys are laboring over the dangers and haz- ards of fire, hot air, steam and hot water heating systems, fireless cook- ers, fire extinguishers, thermos bot- tles. In agriculture they are study- il~g the flax enterprise, history, seed s~lection, and local accepted prac- tices for soil preparation. In the shop some of the things that have been completed are bench hooks, bread boardc, saw horses, splicing and knot tying in rope work, draw- ing and soldering. The nex~ lyceum course will be held on Deember 17. Russel T. Neville, known as the caveman, will give a lecture on his adventures in the exploration of caves. Two new students hav~ enrolled in the Beach high school. James Lyons. an eighth grader, and Elleen Lyons. a junior. IS NAMED G. V. CO. KE: EANK~.R N. 5.--T. E. Hud- and Merchants' has been named key banker for Golden Valley county for 1935, representing the agricultural the North Dakota Bankers' association. He was al~ to this position by F. A. chairman of the bankers' ag- ~$ommlttec. He Succeeds P. Jord~ of the Interstate bank in Sentinel Butte. Included among the projects in which the bankers have interested themselves during the pas£ year, hue been: livestock feed aud seed loans and distribution; acreage con- trol campaigns; salvaging purebred herds from the emergency market- ing program; cooperating with fed- eral government's activities, related to ~ub-marginal land, farm credit 4tdmlnistration loans and advances, aM feed crop acreages; grasshopper control work; and general farm sur- • eys which reveal the actual eco- nomic conditions in whicR farmers of this state find themselves. SHOWER FOR RECENT BRIDE Mrs. BU-i'~IS-- Abe-~e-th~~ Lucy Feldhusen were hostesses at a pretty bridal showed in honor of Mrs. Roy Oech at the home of the latter's mother, Mrs. Ole Moc, north of ~each Friday afternoon. [ About twentyqive ladies were ] F:'csent and Mrs. Oech was the re-I cipient of many lovely and usefuli gifts. Late in the afternoon an ap-~ petlzing lunch was served. I RATES--Two cents a word for first insertion; one cent a word each succeeding Issue. No ad, accepted for less than 25 cents. These ads are cash. FOR SALR //" FOR SALE: A well~np cylinder and pipes.~Ed. St~ne~. • 29-3p and two color, ab-,~ne Advance Of- fice. FOR SALE: Oldsm~ six coupe. First class i~ditlon. Phone No. 95. ~ 31-2t FOR SAL~, TR.a~I('bR RENT, 1 modern ~l~]~t~rocm house. -- Ed Summer~f 29-3p MISCELLANEOUS HAVING A care for maturrdty take patients at Benson, Beach, N. D. More Funnies In You will Find ~5 World NEXT HER- , ALD AND Be Sure To Order Your Now From Newsdealer. / New shipm~nt/6f Wall received at R~ Drug Store. HELP i MAN WANTED Route of 800 Rawieigh, apolis, Minn. ~8-~p coon. Inquir~ ~ ,~Uldhaupt, Beach. ~ /f 31-p Wedmmday Al~moon FOR SALE: A fewfd young milk Wheat ' .$ cows eomingi fr~ this month.~ Flax ......................... 1.8~1188~: Frank Dyking/ 31-3t Oats ......................... Barley .... GOOD HOUSE FOH 8ALE -- Can Butter .'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'..'.'.'.~ and" be moved. See or~@rite I. Bakkens, Eggs ......................... O11ie, Mont, ,~/ 27-3p Cream ........ sour 25c; sweet REFRIGF ATORS ..... Mo~e~ ~0, Re~ P~, ~1~9~le P~ce ............ m9az (On Display) ~ ~" ~a Foreign Reception 6 Tu~~ntle Electric Radio .... $29.9~ GAMBLR STORES REOULA8 RATE StY. FOR A lIMITED TIME THIS SPEOIAL OFFER, A Daily Newspaper for lh Enlire Family for Less Than Penny a Day... ? perpetuating St. Paul Daily News Offer ..... This Certificate, which to The News for all time ..... 2R~s re- comes to t~e North° old custom .... T~ne Christmas G~t the ~ift is a Discount you to subscribe ~th a payment of onl~ $2.95 .... the paper when you /~-~u~... BUT ,' NOW 1934 ~ Gift Discount Cer- ! tificate possible a year's subscription at the low rate of $2.95 ($3~5 in Montana), • ents This Up! The Daily News P~e. as Theip Ann ual Chpistmas to the Northwest. Hubbard Celery, crisp Lowest Rate in the Northwest :: ( 1st Su 2nd S 3rd Sr ~4th S~ Rt. Micl 1st Su 2nd S~ 3rd St 4th S~ UNIT~ 10:15 • :30 Ci 7:30 E 3:00 p. UNITE P Sunday The I~ Lew E Worshil 10a. m lla. m Ok OI 7p.m. Thursda ai~ deto is C Ser