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Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
December 6, 1934     Golden Valley News
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December 6, 1934
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DECEMBER 6, 1934 THE BEACH, N. D., ADVANCE PAGE THREE " , , | Teaching the True Fundamentals of Food Preparation NATIONAL Recosnized ,~ J 'JR I • A ~ • FoodAuth~ty __,, /IV ~ • " LJ f • • • B it /) ..;1~t/ A complete Cookery Arts Course ,n 19 F,,'~~/l~adi° Lecture, Lessons dealing with all the Fundamentals , ~ Autho, of this Important Subject. Thoroughly - "W]Nm We Entertain"" practical to the beginnm" as well as to the "N • -- • • . -- Cookery Am and,K, tchen experienced Cook who is interested an the 1 MJ"":~ment newer, better, more economical methods. II LESSON 8 I General Directions for Bread I Stir gradually into the four quarts OD I Making I of boiling water; remove from heat, HOW TO MAKE GO [ veas~ Is first dissolved in a ]add mashed potatoes salt and su- BItI~Av I sweT~e:ened liouid, which has been]gar. Cool to lukewarm (90 degrees .......... | ....... and cooled in lukewarm IF.), stir in the dry yeast cakes, ~ TI-I~ roul:lne iooas in ~t;=,u~t~ d~ I _ / ,~,~i,~, of the linuid will nrevent ] which have been soaked for 45 rain- . our diet, none is mor ],,ow~.~.~o ~o'rinc'- o, but the ltquld mu~t utes m the warm water. Cover, ordinary to us than bread. I be cooled as a too high temperature I place In a warm place (85 degrees But I really think that this, J kllis the yeast.) IF). for a few hours or over night. ....... | The S- --e--Beat in warmed iBe sure ~o use a vessel which wm me mos~ common o~ all otlr~ m,~ J ..... w,,,~ .... l~o ~ ~ro~v t flour to make a thin batter which I allow the mixture to rise. This yeast £uuxxuuz~ ~uuuo, ,~,~ ~,,~ ~,v -~-~ I will not spatter when beaten. Beat / will keep In a cool place Ior ~wo good that the most take-It-l very thoroughly to work plenty oft weeks and makes 10 to 12 large for-granted member of your i air for the growth of the yeast. Il°aves of bread. The mixture.should family will not be able to eat i cover closely to prevent a hard crust lbe allowed to s~ana over mgn~ oe- ~* without remark Before we : from forming, set in a warm place I zor using. :~ ': . ,. :, ~ of:Until light and full o~ bubbles (the~ Quick Method for Bread, Using begin ~o mscuss ~ne art yeast so it is better to auu mrge • - - - . bubbles will begin to break on toP I' Liquid Yeast bread making, let us look ~or wh - ' en very light.) Do not let the l 2 quarts bread flour a moment at an ideal loaf of sponge over-rise. . I 2 pints liquid yeast bread. The Dough~When the sponge m] Warm the flour, stir into the liq= Its crust will be crisp and golden !!lght, sufficient flour !wa.rmed) ist uld yeast; mix well. Turn on to a With what is called a "bloom." To ~eaten in to make a aougn wmcn/ board; knead until smooth and even. the taste it will be sweet and nut-,is stiff enough to handle without lPlace in a slightly greased bowl, • ,, When cut the bread will show tsticl~ng to the hands. At this point I cover place in a warm place Until even texture and it will be ltghtlextra.sugar:, shorte_ning/ and sa~ldoubled in bulk (about 1½ to 2 flavor may ~e aaaea ~nor~enmg ann and spongy, with the sweet , . ..... • ........ ]hours). Turn again onto the .boara, read sai~ ~ena ~o slow me ac~mn o~ me of the wheat berries. Such b .... ]knead well ,form into two loaves, Will be nutritious, satisfying and : , ~ put into greased pans, cover and set amounts of these at this point than to eat. ] /to rise again until doubled in bulk to the ~ponge ) The dough is then ~,~a ,.n~h ~e re~,n~,d as one of { " ) (about 1 hour.) Bake according to ~,'=':~ ~ ^~:'~',~: ~, ,,,o,~o j kneaded until very smooth. ! general directions. ~m +~o .,.,,~.,,.v =imnl~=t nr in~,redi-I Kneading--The doUgh ah Uld I Forming the Loaves--Knead the =,~ 7~,;':?~." ~==i d;,,,; 7,f-~-Ihan~d on an unnoured bo~m,..~l dough down on an unfloured board, :-_~:, ~::~,.-*~" .-~':':':~-~='~/~,~nlextra flour worked in after me]cut into pieces, wlflch will half fill ~-,e ,-~,-~, ..... "~ -- r d The kne ........... ,_ ~.~,~, th. harden the b ea. adtng loaf until very smooth. C~ver eloso- ~a~or, uu~ur, ~u~ ~ ~w~,, ~l_^~,^-- ,. ~-'^~ed with the t11:~ ............. ~--- ____ _ _ . ...... ,_ .__~, o._ t~._l ,u~,v,, ,~ ~,,~,~ .r-I ly and set, to m a w,*rm prow ~.~; so. u,~,~,s, ~,- ~--~ 7_ :_'='_~ I hands. With the balls of the hands I bulk~not more. xt~, ~.o aa.a, ~ ~eep I the dough [s flattened out, then it ] Baking--Place the risen loaves in ~e oreao moist; llqUla~wnole m~,I ~ folded Vl with the tins of the I _ ,_ ..... ~ ~^~. ~ ~^. ~= '2~e ..... ~'-'" -~:~'~ "l~ese "-(~ | fingers. Kneading the dough dlS o I mmutes, (durm~ this t~e the dough ~.te.r, or a mm~.ure us~ o" ~ ._r] tributes the ingredients verY evenlY[continues to rise) Then bake at oist longer ) h h be taken not to chill t e doug The ulckl ter • " in I ". l q y, af the first 20 minutes, -- ~" -- lant " Like all/ . _ i in 50 minutes. Totest, turn upside- nvmg, growing p . • . . I are visible all over the top. when down on a cake rack, tap gently~ rots, It must have zooa, momture/cut through with a sharp knife, the the loaf should give out a hollow td a favorable temperature. When] dough should show tiny, even-sized sound (A lar~er loaf may take un L these conditions are right, the' bubbles and no lumps At this point, ---- m - utes ~ - -- • toTO in . ly plant--it is so small that there l the dough is placed back in a Care of Bread after Baking--After e millions of them in a single greased bowl. (Greasing the bowl cooling thoroughly on a'wire cooler, ast cake--grows and gives off gas, prevents the dough from sticking.) store in a clean earthenware Jar or ~tch expan_d~ the little elastic cells Again it must be closely covered to tin box. Be sure that the crock is rmed by the gluten in the flour, prevent crusting, and placed to rise not so tt htl covered that it will g Y every one knows, the products of at 85 degrees iv., to double its bulk. prevent the entrance of air. ast action have a distinctive flay- Second Kneading Down~this is To Make Liquid Yeast from Dry a their own. done right in the bowl, simply by Yeast The yeast-food requlr.ed is ~ folding the dough from the sides in, A supply may be made for ten lch we mix into the aough) ann to break up large air bubbles. The days' or two weeks' use. -- (worked in by kneading). The dough is then left again to double - e temperature is very important. Its bulk. (Continued to Pug 6) 80 degrees or 85 degrees F. may vary a trifle etther way) considered to be about best for yeast. The temperature of the should be taken with a or tested by dropping the inside of your wrist, where Eaould feel neither warm nor cold. It is necessary, too, to keep an correct temperature during ris- This problem for some people a difficult one. A thermometer a real help. Then you can ex- and see what, for you, is ideal condition for your sensitive If you have no suitable comer, you might be inter- in a wooden cabinet made a packing case. In this the be placed and the temp- controlled by a low-turned lamp. is familiar to the home maker in a number of forms dry and liquid. Dry has all possible moisture re- Compressed yeast has about moisture of cheese, and comes in tin-foil; being fresh, It to ~t~re tt In a cool For the constant bread mak- yeast is a real conveni- since It ~ so rapid in use. It the dry yeast cakes below. yeast will keep indefinitely; yeast must be bought and should be of creamy color, ~ strong odor, and should break without crumbLb~g. Liquid be made fresh about or ~ weeks. M OY CAFE Is the Place To Go u..y.. -/oo ,.~Hooa~ ~. ~I : " --/~:) I__:I their Thanksgiving dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Covert at the Covert GARNER home. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wosepka and I*~,~.~ner guests Thanks- giving at the Fr~ Noil home. l Mr. and Mrs. T. A. WoseI~ka*~and~ Garner was well ~epresented at / children were visitors at ~the home ~ the wedding dance at t~e Alpha hall I of Mrs. Bertha Johns0~~ Sunday. I Friday evening. NEW MEXICAN PRESIDENT Mexico, D. P., Dec, 3.---Qen. La- zara Cardenas. whose knowledge of the aims of the Mexican revolution was gained at first hand during nearly 15 years of military cam- paigning, took the oath of office as president of Mexico Friday. economic and social program ed in the six-year plan of the n~ tlonal government. ROADS LEAD INTO YOUR TOWN AS WELL AS OUT OF IT Hard roads ~ea~ into a toWn ~s well as out. The modem ~ystem ~[ hard roads instead of ~gmndln~ the The Alpha btrthda~ club wtl~ h~p Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Wosepka and Mrs. Harry Wassrag~ celebrat~ l-Jer children left by car Friday morning A veteran of the field, Cardenas death knell of small town birthday, ThursdaY, Decemberrh3~hg/tne~tl~3 , for Lemmon, S..D wh~re they vis- this being the/last club lied relatlJ~ over the.weekend, re- before Christ~s and thICJ~ wil| n~t t~g~anday eve~ntng. have their l~ual sttun~but h~ve~a .~ C~r~e Wosepka/c~ame.. out to the white elepl~ant puny" which ~he~ non~" Iarm ~o neap run mmge w ne have had.)before C~I~Qnas e'ver~ the 'folks werofl~vay. year since they organized.~ For thl~ Mr. and M~. A. M. Peterson were party every member is ~UlbpOsed to dinner guess Sunday at the Bert bring a !present wit}~St~Ja name~Cove~.,l~0me. which w~ll be numl[et~d and each ~ .I~e "overlooked mentioning the member draws. There are no re-~od work done on the road east of strlctions except that each one A~¢sl ~°lye, especially east of the Ran- for the article they bring .and it l :dash school. absolutely must be useful. | --~ Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Crossman ate I ADVANCE ADS GET RESULTS also has had experience in govern- is simply a challenge to the m~r,, ment. He held office under the chant in the smaller communities. revolutionary government for five However, the public expects to 11o years before his election July 1 to informed of what each mer~ succeed President Abelard Rodriguez. and business man has to offer them, Youngest of Mexico's presidents at The most effective and eco~ 39, he comes into office at a time way to get your list of bargains wheu the revolutionary movement, fore the most people is tltrough th~ during five years of internal peace, pages of your home-town new~pap~, has consolidated and strengthened its position to such an extent that It has virtually no articulate opposl- Some R~uoa, of:. Co~ tempt to bring to fulfillment the world has gotten tired of him. OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS . You Can Save " 50 " II On your subscription to the 1 ii THE BEACH ADVANCE l !i You can have a Real Xmas Present of instructive and constructive literatare. ! . See Our Club Offer i' |, I , i F ~" i imie i s OFFE NO. 1 t" )F-l u ,o.,oo [:!] I [::] o . . Pictorial Review, 1 yr. P thfmder (Wk~I yr. 1.50 ~ yr. 1 "5 " ~ ~" r~L | Radio]and, I yr. $1"50I '~te] Country~I~me, 1yr. S I Woman's World, I yr. $ 0 ~:i I THE BEACH ADVANCE, 1 yr I B[etter Hql~es & Gardens, 1 yr. I THE BEACH ADVANCE 1 ; ~ ~: No.j0 I 1 I-7 No. ,0, McCall'e, Magazine, I yr. ] ~.J Club No. 105 ] ~-~^--~u~=~ u ~.~-~v"~'anix & ~ Woman s World, 1 yr. . 'Inventions 1 : . Dehneator, 1 yr. , yr. ~1 Good Storms, 1 yr. ¢I /=l't ] -- ~ . sions 1 $I.50 1 _ , - r- $1,50 ,: ? The Farm Journal, I yr. q'" ,~v [ *~rue uonzes , yr. I woman s wor a, JL yr. | THE BEACH ADVANCE, 1 yr. ) THE BEACH ADVANCE, I yr. ) THE BEACH ADVANCE, 1 yr. SPECIAL OFFER NO. 2 ....................... ....... == THE BEACH ADVANCE, 1 year HOW TO DO It And your ~hoice of any three (3) of ~ ~ these famous magazines for ............ ~q, ff..s~ . lib: | Mark an "X" before the three mazag~s y~uA~~ Check the magazines you want, sign your setter Home~ & ~ardens, t~. _~ne~ean Po try _ . name and address below and send to this ' r 1 l~e Ootmt, ry Home, 3 yrs. Deli~eato, Yr. ~ 1 " " ' i * 1 ~lle Farm_Journal, l yr. office w~th remittance. $ i H°MCC~'S M°vie'Magasme~,l.'yr, yr. OappeGent~,woZ~trmer,1 YrMa~,* yr. 1 ~P~.~ (~.~¢Wee%b~, ~o1~1~11~. Name .............................. -- ..... , Screen __Book, 1 yr. Mother's Home ~e, z yr. Postoffice .......................................... I q screen ~,~, x yr. s~.~,ft, t yr. i i 1"rue Oon~e~ions, 1 yr. BU