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Page 6 Golden Valley News December 3, 2015
busy lives with compli-
cated schedules. It is dif-
ficult for everyone to get
together at one time, but
the major characters have
been working about five
to six nights a week for a
minimum of two hours
per night so a great deal
of human effort is being
put into the show, and I
am grateful for their ded-
ication to the art of the-
atre and the craft of
Andrus has a bachelor
of science degree from
Dickinson State, where
he majored in theater and
speech. He works aS a tel-
evision advertising con-
sultant. "I have been
involved, off and on, with
a number of theatrical
productions over the
years being involved with
community theatre, sum-
mer theatre at Dickinson
State University's Soson-
dowah Theatre in the 70s
and 80s," he said.
The backstage staff is
mostly the cast members,
but Ben and Mary Jean
Brannum have assisted in
almost every aspect of the
production from set con-
struction, props, costumes
(Continued from Page 1)
Margo (Rachel Andrus) encourages the hero, Diamond Dan (Jacob
Waldo), as he prepares for a duel. (Courtesy Photo)
andlighting. Kim Colbert frontier melodramas,"contributed items for use
of Medora Boot & West- said Andrus. "The gam- as props in the play, such
ern Wear assisted with bler's coat must be just as holsters and water
obtaining period costum- so. The bartender's arm pitchers. "I don't know
ing for the cast. "Proper garters, the heroine's who they are but they all
costuming is critical to dress - all must be fitted should 'take a bow' for
the success of any show perfectly or the show will their help in making this
and is even more impor- suffer as a consequence." show a community suc-
tant when it comes toMany other residents cess," said Andrus.
Nov. 25, 1965 - 50 years ago: Wednesday evening until Christmas Savages shared the conference
The Sentinel Butte Athletic Asso- for the convenience of shoppers, crown with Valley City with identi-
ciation will sponsor a card party and starting Wednesday, Dec. 1. cal 1 t- 1 records. Ten letter winners
basket social at the Community Hall Nov. 22, 1990 - 25 years ago:returned to help the Savages defend
on Sunday Dec. 5. Whist and The Beach Lady Buccaneers the championship.
pinochle will be played, have successfully defended their Re- The Sentinel Butte High School
Janice Brettin, Beach Miss Rodeo gion 8 basketball title by downing reunion committee met at the home
North Dakota, will compete for the the Bowman Bulldog outfit 60-52, of Pearl Odland on Tuesday
title of Miss Rodeo America in Las and with a 24-0 record lor the sea- evening. Arrangements were made
Vegas, Nev., in the annual pageant son will advance to the state tourna- to have the only remaining rural
sponsored by the Hotel Sahara and ment in Bismarck. school in the district moved into
International Rodeo Management. Dec. 2, 1965 - 50 years ago: town and used to house a school mu-
Beach stores will be open every The 1964-65 Dickinson State seum.
aware of lake ice condition
North Dakota continues to pro- test holes as they make their way out ice is reasonably safe, it is still up to
duce a record number of anglers, and on the lake," Timian said. "And the individual to decide when to go
many are anxious to get on the ice then, an ice chisel should be used to out on the ice," Timian said.
and enjoy a favorite pastime. With check thickness while moving Winter anglers should wear a per-
that in mind, winter anglers are re- around." sonal flotation device, and carry ice
minded to consider ice conditions In addition, snow insulates ice, picks or a set of screwdrivers to pull
before traveling onto and across which in turn inhibits solid ice for- yourself back on the ice if you fall
North Dakota waters, mation, and hides cracks, weak and through.
State Game and Fish Department open water areas. Anglers should If someone breaks through the
enforcement chief Robert Timian avoid cracks, pressure ridges, slushy ice, Timian said 911 should be
said this w!nter should provide or dark areas, and areas around par- called immediately, with rescue at-
plenty of opportunities for anglers, tially submerged trees, tempts used by employing a long
as long as Mother Nature cooperates. "All of this signals thinner ice," item such as a pole, board or rope.'
"Access to area lakes shouldn't Timian said. If that's not possible, throw the vic-
be an issue with the lack of snow, The following minimums are rec- tim a life jacket, empty water jug or
but that can change in a hurry," ommended for travel on clear-blue other buoyant object.
Timian said. "As of right now, it is lake ice formed under ideal condi- "Going to the victim should be
just a matter of waiting forthe ice to tions. However, Timian said early in used as a last resort, but only by
become thick enough." winter it's a good idea to double forming a human chain where res-
Timian said ice conditions these figures to be safe: 4 inches for cuers lie on the ice with each person
shouldn't be judged by appearance a group walking single file; 6 inches holding the feet of the person in
alone, especially this time of year as for a snowmobile or all-terrain vehi- front," Timian said.
ice thickness can vary significantly cle; 8-12 inches for an automobile; To treat hypothermia, Timian
rather quickly, and 12-15 inches for a pickup/truck, said to replace wet clothing with dry
"The edges become solid before "While we can and do provide in- clothing and immediately transport
the center, so anglers should drill formation to assist in assessing if the the victim to a hospital.
Is having some sausage and bacon OK?
"They have biscuits and sausage ~ to a mall when the weather is cold or
gravy on the menu. I bet they know ~ rainy.
how to make it here," my husband If you are expecting a biscuits and
noted while we were traveling in a sausage gravy recipe, you won't find
southem state, it from me. This native Midwesterner
Sometimes restaurants cut up links hasn t perfected it yet.
instead of using ground meat, so the ture cooking of red meats on the grill I do know a good hotdish, though.
gravy is not flavored throughout. As a or in a frying pan can increase the pro- Here's a fiber-rich recipe chock-full
server walked by with a steaming duction of carcinogenic compounds, of beans, plus some ground beef and
plate of biscuits and gravy, we could Should study results such as these bacon. Enjoy a moderate intake of
see that this restaurant used ground make you drop meat from your menu? lean protein, such as meat, fish and
sausage. I hope not. Meat provides protein, poultry.
When I first met this Indiana- iron, zinc and other nutrients.Accord- Calico Beans Hotdish
raised guy 24 years ago, I never had ing to current recommendations 1/4 lb. bacon
heard of putting sausage gravy on bis- from, 1 pound lean ground beef
cuits. I'm sure I gave him the "you're most adults need 5 to 6 ounces of pro- 1 medium onion, chopped
not from around here" look when he tein daily, depending on the amount of 1/4 c. brown sugar
prepared it for me the first time. It was physical activity they get. 1/2 c. chili sauce
quite tasty, actually. However, I think we all know that 2 Tbsp. vinegar
He gave me a similar look when I "vitamin B" is not short for "vitamin 1 tsp. dry mustard
made the Midwest staple "tater tot bacon." Moderation and balance are 2 (16-ounce) cans baked beans
hotdish" for him. still keys to a healthful diet. 1 (15.5 -ounce) can kidney beans,
"Well, you better order the biscuits Most of us know someone who drained and rinsed
and gravy," I said. has or had colon cancer, so we want 1 (15.5-ounce) can cranberry
When the server arrived with a to take steps to reduce our risk. Re- beans, drained and rinsed
1 (15.5-ounce) can navy beans,
good-sized bowl of sausage gravy and search about diet and cancer is ongo- drained and rinsed
plate of biscuits, I looked at him with
uplifted eyebrows. Eating a bowl of ing.
With this knowledge, we can take 1 (15.5-ounce) can Great Northern
gravy at a restaurant was not my idea some steps in our kitchen. Therefore, beans, drained and rinsed
of"moderation." 1 (15.5-ounce) can pinto beans,
moderate your cooking temperatures, drained and rinsed
He grinned. Evidently "they made avoid flare-ups on the grill and use a
it fight." He even shared a little of his food thermometer to gauge doneness. Fry bacon in skillet until crisp.
generous entree with me. It was quite Instead of focusing on what not to Discard all fat. Drain bacon on paper
tasty, do, let's consider a few lessons about towels. Brown ground beef and onion
What is sausage, anyway? Sausage what to do to reduce our risk for can- in same skillet. Drain beans (do not
is a mixture of ground meat, salt and cer. Let's focus on "more" instead of drain the baked beans). Combine all
spices. It might be made of beef, pork, less. These tips are adapted from the ingredients. Bake, covered, at 350 F
poultry or a wide range of other meats, American Cancer Society and the for 45 minutes. For slow cookers:
including game meats. U.S. Dietary Guidelines for Ameri- Combine all ingredients as given
Sausage, bacon, ham, deli meats cans. above in a large slow cooker. Cook on
and red meat in general have received • Get more fiber in your diet. Fiber low for four to eight hours.
negative press in recent weeks. You fills you up and can help with weight Directions for freezing: Put left-
might have seen scary headlines such management. Eat more dry edible overs in a microwave/oven-proof
as "death by bacon., beans, lentils, split peas and other casserole, cover and freeze. Reheat in
As my husband contentedly fiber-rich foods, a preheated 350 F oven to an internal
chomped on biscuits and gravy, I -Enjoymorefmir~m~a ....... L,_ temperature of 165 F, as measured
thought about all the recent neaannes, because they contain phytochemicals w~th a t0od thermometer. Or cook in
The World Health Organization re- (cancer-fighting compounds). Have at a microwave on high for four min-
cently placed processed meats in the least 4 I/2 cups of fruits and vegeta- utes, stir and continue heating until
same carcinogen category as ciga- bles every day. beans are of desired temperature.
rettes. Specifically, the report said eat- ° Have more whole-grain foods, Makes 20 servings. Each serving
ing about 2 ounces of processed meat such as whole-grain bread, oatmeal has 240 calories, 6 grams (g) fat, 17 g
daily could raise your risk of getting and brown rice. protein, 33 g carbohydrate, 9 g fiber
colon cancer by 18 percent. Keep in • Get more physical activity. Use and 720 milligrams sodium.
mind that your risk for colon cancer is the steps instead of the elevator, take (Julie Garden-Robinson, Ph.D.,
fairly small, walking breaks instead of snack R.D., L.R.D., is a North Dakota State
Before you toss the bacon, let's breaks, and park farther from your University Extension Service food
consider that this news is not brand destination. Go dancing. Wear a pe- and nutrition specialist and professor
new. You may recall that years ago, re- dometer to chart your level of physi- in the Department of Health, Nutri-
searchers showed that high-tempera- cal activity. Walk on a treadmill or go tion and Exercise Sciences.)
Listings for high school
sporting events, plus public
events that are free to anyone
and aren't fund-raisers or
aren't family or business invi-
tations, can be published free
of charge in this column.
• Medora's 20th annual Old-
Fashioned Cowboy Christmas,
Dec. 4-6
• Beach Holiday Extrava-
ganza, Dec. 4-5, various busi-
nesses to host open houses
a 135 acre pasture
is located 7 miles south of Golva, ND
access,t This is a rare opportunity to purchase land in
southern Golden Valley County, and this will be one of
those chances that i will not want to miss out on!
Acres: 320 +/- Acres: 160 +/-
Legal: S½ 29-137-105 Legal: NWI,~ 32-137-105
CRP Acres: 291.42 CRP Acres: 154.78
Acres: 160 +/- Acres: 160 +/-
Legal: SW~,~32-137-105 Legal: SP,~32-137-105
Grassland: 134.95 CRP Acres: 133.42
CRP Acres: 26.25
A Manor
News column
this week.
Following are the
correct answers
for the turkey
scramble contest
that was in the
Nov. 12 editions:
1-4 p.m., Friday, Dec. 4
Golden Valley News &
lings County Pioneer Office
22 Central Ave., Beach
60 2ND ST NE • 872-2228
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1111s sale is managed by Pifer's Auction & Realty. All statements made the day of the auction take precedence over all printed materials. ]11e
;eller reserves the right to reject or accept any and all bids. Pifer's Auction & Realty, 1506 29th Ave S, Moorhead, MN 56560. Kevin Pifer, ND #715.
Pif.ero" 877.700.4099
of America