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Beach, North Dakota
December 3, 2015     Golden Valley News
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December 3, 2015
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Page 2 Golden Valley News December 3, 2015 Beef Talk By Kris Ringwall Beef Specialist, NDSU Extension Service 4-H group assists two families Shown in the back row are Hillrunner's 4-H Leader Robert Sperry, and Owen Davidson, Garrett Tyler, Andrew Trask, KayLee Obrigewitch, Olivia Trask, Catie Loftsgard, Tevin Dietz, Golden Valley County Horse Leader Candle Loftsgard and 4-H Leader Hope Gasho. Front row: Beach City Auditor Kim Nunberg, and Morgan Tyler, Emery Noll, Kolby Sperry, Logan Tyler, Sawyer Noll, Adam Trask, Jessa Wersland and Kieffer Ernst, Not pictured: BreeAnna Wersland. For their Community Service Project this year, and with help from Nun- berg the Hillrunner's 4-H group gave Thanksgiving meals to two families in Golden Valley County. (Courtesy Photo) North Dakota's unemployment at 2 percent BISMARCK- Job Service North ber was 4.8 percent. Dakota reports that labor statistics Michael Ziesch, labor market In- show North Dakota's October not formation manager said,"Tradition- seasonally adjusted unemployment ally October has the lowest monthly rate was 2.0 percent, unemployment rate of the season. The rate is 0.2 percentage points This year benefited from nice lower than tile prior month (Septem- weather during the period that al- ber 2.2 percent), and is similar to one lowed outside projects to continue year ago. The national ]'ate in Octo- without interruption." Southwestern education group among grant recipients BISMARCK - The North Dakota Department of Health (NDDoH) awarded $93,832 to two schools and three regional education associations for new and established suicide pre- vention programs. Earlier this month, the Depart- ment of Public Instruction (DPI) re- leased results from the 20t4 Youth Behavior Risk Survey (YRBS). The report revealed startling rates of sui- cidal ideation and attempts among ND youth with 13.5 percent of high school students indicating they had made a plan to complete suicide while 9.4 percent of high school stu- dents had made an attempt within the last year. "The YRBS data shows that youth in our state are straggling and the De- partment ol' tlealth is taking action," said Alison Traynor, suicide preven- tion director. "'The good news is we are able to reinforce effective and es- tablished programs to address suicide prevention and provide a means for new programs to he implemented. Each grant supports evidence-based pro.jects." The NDDoH Suicide Prevention Program awarded $12,200 to grow Century High School and Bismarck High School's Sources of Strength program, a best practice progranl cre- ated in ND which teaches students and educators how to support those struggling with emotional challenges in an effort to prevent suicide. "The impacts [of the program] on school climate were apparent and wide- spread," stated Jessica Bents, Sources of Strength Peer Advisor and trainer at Century High School. The Turtle Mountain Outreach pro~am. a tribal nonprofit organization serv- ing each school within Turtle Moun- tain reservation, was also awarded $ 26,382 to continue work with their robust Sources of Strength and gate- keeper training programs. The REAs (Regional Education Associations) of Mid-Dakota Educa- tion Cooperative, North Central Edu- cation Cooperative, and the Roughrider Education Services Pro- gram was awarded $55,250 to train master trainers and multiple school districts in SafeTALK and Question Persuade Refer (QPR) programs to promote suicide prevention on a la~e scale. SafeTALK and Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR) are evidence- based curriculum that teach the warning signs and proven action steps to take if an individual is found to be suicidal. Suicide impacts all ages. Warning signs can be found at cide/suicide-warning-signs. 866-483-7900 or 701-483-7900 www. stevensonfuneralbome, corn Crop and Livestock Marketing Strategies Producer Workshop on Tuesday, Dec. 8. Details/RSVP at Farm Credit Services of Mandan www'farmcreditmandan'c°rn Have something that may be newsworthy that you'd like to share or submit to the Golden Valley News or the Billings County Pioneer? We won't know about it unless you tell us, and we welcome submitted news items! It's easy. Just give us a call, e-mail your item and a phone number, or mail a photo and the text that goes along with it. Golden Valley News/Billings County Pioneer: p.o. Box 156, Beach, ND 58621 (701) 872-3755; goldenandbillings Nontraditional beef production methods a real opportunity Traditional management sells Dickinson Research Extension Cen- ter steer calves at 609 pounds, and nontraditional management sells the ' O" center s lon~, yearling steers at. 1,264 pounds. Have you ever added water to a dried sponge and watched the sponge expand? The cow-calf industry re- sembles the sponge. For decades, cow-calf producers have used genetics, health, nutrition, reproduction, marketing, environ- ment and product development to improve production. This expansion of potential productivity is like the sponge soaking up water. The center's decades of experi- ence with traditional, experimental and just different management prac- tices has focused on production costs as related to improving efficiency. The efficiency could be reproductive or growth, cow or calf, range or feed- lot, retained ownership or selling at weaning or many different alterna- tive management practices that pro- vide options for cow-calf producers. The results have culminated in recommendations for cattle produc- ers that encourage production sys- tems that perform well and are quite efficient. The results generally reflect traditional cow-calf production prac- tices, traditional being historical: how grandma and grandpa survived, how morn and dad survived and, ul- timately, how the next generation will survive. The mantra for these strong generational ties has been "if O" "' it works, let s not chan=e. Hold that thought! Consider this question: "What happens to the sponge when you add water but you place the sponge back in the original container?" The sponge cannot expand or it can ex- pand minimally at best. The same is true with the cow-calf business. What happens if the pro- ducer never changes the original managerial foundation of the cow- calf operation? In other words, will the herd be able to expand and utilize new traditional or nontraditional thoughts and managerial principles'? Maybe those are the questions for the day. Today, the ever-increasing pres- sure of costs points to the need to limit costs and bring more cash back to the cow-calf operation. There is also continued pressure from con- sumers to justify all products derived from many aspects of agriculture, in- cluding meat. The opportunity to present non- traditional ideas of production is very real. Pictures are nice. However, cat- tle producers riding off into the sun- set, shaking the dust off a line of designer clothes after a beautiful day of working cattle are not an assur- ance that the operation is going to stay in business. Cattle circles - should I say "the discussion blogs" - actively search for nontraditional solutions to current challenges. And so, the center is chal- lenged to look at nontraditional cow- calf production. The struggle is the challenge to actually study the difference between the traditional and nontraditional cat- tle systems. Such studies seldom are done because time, space and cattle required to conduct such trials are prohibitive. There are some very well-done large cattle studies, but po- sitioning the data back to the local • cow-calf production unit is difficult, and if the unit is nontraditional in its approach to cattle production, more unknowns than knowns soon are identified. But that does not mean the center does not try. Back to the expanding. Why not keep watering the sponge to see how far the sponge will grow? In traditional center cattle management, bulls are turned out June 1, calves are due March 12, weaning will be in early to mid-November, and cows start their last trimester of pregnancy Dec. 12. Nontraditional center man- agement has a later calving system in which bulls are turned out Aug. 1, calves are due May 12, weaning is in early to mid-January, and cows start the last trimester of pregnancy Feb. 12. Traditional management sells cen- ter steer calves at 609 pounds in No- vember. Nontraditional management sells calves as yearlings at 1,264 potmds by mid-August, according to Doug Landblom, DREC animal sci- entist. Granted, costs and markets significantly impact producer deci- sions, but costs can be managed and markets can be predicted. In the end, a producer struggles with a sluggish production response to rapid changes in costs and mar- kets. But remaining traditional caps expansion of the operation. Further- more, all those production practices that have been shown to improve producer opportunity to enhance cow-calf production are held back. Traditional management sells center steer calves at 609 pounds; nontradi- tional management sells center long yearling steers at 1,264 pounds. May you find all your e,'u" tags. Put Your Money Where Your' House N Iocal ind'~nd~t £~ strengthen our bu~ne~s are~ community your best vslue and our economy Locally Owned and Family Operated Serving Southwestern North Dakota and Southeastern Montana Funeral Directors I 1 Jon Stevenson Nic Stevenson bTEVENSON ] I ............... Tom Muckle Bill Myers I / THANK YOU- EVERYONE/ Thank you so very much to all of my dear family, friends and co-workers for all of the out- pouring of love and support over the last couple of months. Thanks to everyone for the many beautiful flowers while I was in the hospital, for all of the visits, hugs and prayers. Thanks to everyone for the meals that were brought to the house, and also to everyone who helped get me to my appointments. To all of our co-workers at the Billings County schools - thank you - we seriously could not work for anyone that would take better care of us than you. - Then there is the benefit, WOW, a huge thank you to each and every one of you who helped plan this event, it was so well organized, to the many people that worked at it, donated such wonderful items, and to the tons of generous people who attended. We were totally overwhelmed by the number of people. We never realized just how big our circle of family and friends are. I was so impressed with how many of my hometown Bowman friends who at- tended; thank you so much. We hope that all of you know how much we appreciate absolutely everything that every- one has done for us. I know that if the Good Lord hears all of your prayers and see's all of you wonderful peo- ple cheering me on, that it's going to be 0K! Southwestern North Dakota definitely has the most kind, thoughtful, generous people in the world! Thanks again to each and every one oi you. Your kindness will never be forgotten. God Bless You, Maria, Tom, Ericka & Kaycee Hutzenbiler Lee G. Hanson SACRAMENTO, Calif. - Lee G. Coral, Fla.: Jacey Hanson of Hanson, 77, formerly of Belfield, Belfield: Lisa Stalcup of Overland passed away on Nov. 22, 2015, at Park. Kan., his son Guy Hanson of Mercy General Hospital in Sacra- San Antonio, Texas: and his sister mento, Calif. Loretta Hegstad of Mandan. He had Lee is survived by his three nine grandchildren and two great- daughters: LeAnn Hedge of Capegrandchildren. altwater release reported in southwest of Watford City The North Dakota Oil and Gas Di- that 420 barrels of saltwater were re- vision has been notified of a contained leased, contained and recovered at the release at a saltwater disposal well Evanson 21-24 saltwater disposal about 15 miles southwest of Wafford well. City. The cause is listed as a pump leak. A True Oil L.L.C. reported Monday state inspector has been to the location. Driver in fatal crash identified By News/Pioneer Staff The N.D. Highway Patrol has identified the deceased individual in- volved in a Sunday, Nov. 22, crash about three miles west of the Four Bears bridge. Jeremy Oberry, 26, of New Town, died at the scene. At about 9:38 p.m., he was driving a 2013 Toyota Tun- dra, traveling west on Highway 23. A 2016 Freightliner and trailer, driven by Charles Haas of Killaly. Sask., Canada, and his passenger, Cory Haas also of Killaly, also trav- eling west, had slowed to make a left turn onto 95th Ave. N.W. Oberry failed to yield to the slowing semi and began to pass the truck in the eastbound lane. The Toyota struck the side of the-trailer and the drive axles of the Freightliner. The Freightliner came to rest in the intersection of Highway 23 and 95th Ave. N.W. with the trailer ex- tended into the eastbound lane. and the Toyota came to rest in the ditch. Oberry was ejected from the vehicle, according to a Highway Patrol re- port. Please support your local merchants ABBREVIATED NOTICE OF INTENT TO AMEND ADMINISTRATIVE RULES relating to the Practice of Psychology and Applied Behavior Analysis. North Dakota State Board of Psychologist Examiners will hold a public hearing to address proposed changes to the ND. Admin. Code Title 66. 2100 S. Columbia Rd. Suite 202 Grand Forks, ND Tues., Jan, 5th, 2016 .... 9:00 a.m' to 11:00 a.m. (or sooner if no public comments are made.) A copy of the proposed rules and/or a regulatory analysis may be requested by calling 1-678-216-1190 or emailing Also, written comments may be submitted to the .same email until January 15, 2016. If you plan to attend the public hearing and will need special facilities or assistance relating to a disability, please email the board office at least three business days prior to the aublic hearing. Dated this 20th day of November, 2015. President, NDSBPE Golden Valley News P.O. Box 156, Beach, ND 58621 (U.S.P.S. Pub. No. 221-280) Staff: Richard Volesky, editor/ reporter, and Jane Cook, office and news assistant. - • The Golden Valley News is pub- lished each Thursday, 22 Central Ave., Suite 1, Beach, ND 58621 by Nordmark Publishing. Periodicals postage paid at Beach, ND and addi- tional mailing offices'. POSTMAS_-EER: Send address changes to: Golden Valley News, P.O, Box 156, Beach, ND 58621. Please allow two to three weeks for new subscriptions, renewal of ex- pired subscriptions and for address changes. Contact In(ormation • Phone: 701-872-3755 • Fax: 701-872-3750 Email: goldenandbillings@ Subscriptions: • 1 year: $34 Golden Valley County • 1 year: $38 elsewhere in - North Dakota • 1 year: $42 out-of-state and snowbirds • 9 months: $25 In-state college rate The Golden Valley News is a proud member of the North Dakota Newspaper Association. All content is copyrighted, R UFFET In eo.]unaion with Medora's Old-Fashioned Cowboy Christmas Sunday, December 6, 2015 10:30AM-2PM CHATEAU DE ~ lORES IN I ERPRETIVE CENTER - MEDORA, ND Sponsored by: $12 ADUL'rS/$5AGES 6.15 Under 6 FREE .... German Russian Heritage Society Cabbage Rolls German Potato Salad I f~i}~mu~se Cookies Czech Heritage Society l'¥ult Salad Culeslaw K~4ad~c Pork Roast w/| lure Sauce Scandinavians & Sons of N0rway Meatballs A']rtesalat (Pca Sal;~l) Kmmkaka KysKager (Meringue C~kies) Riskrem (Rice Cr~me) Ukrainian Cultural Institute Pvrohy (C)mese P< tato and Prt ne Buttons) Mexican American Azteca Cake Exhibit Galleries Open House featuring WiihdJJpi O~n'~a - Star Quilt - Native American Plains Culture in the "l'cmv,nuy Gallery FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT 701-623-4355 Weather Trivia Farmers Union Oil Co. 701-872-4471 Interstate Cenex 701-872-3590 ltOI STUFF I Hot Stuff Pizza 701-872-3191) Thursday Friday Saturday Sunny Mostly Sunny Mostly Sunny 42/23 44/24 39/23 Precip Chance: 0/i Precip Chance: 5% Pl-CCip Chance: 5?4, What is a fulgerite? Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 'i!os Sa l!als ~u!ulq~!l Mostly Sunny Mostly Sunny Partly CloudyMostly Sunnyuoqm pmvo.~a oatn,lsqns 42/25 45/29 45/31 44/28 XSSUl~e s~ 1I :~ 0 Precip Chance: 5% Precip Chance: 5% Precip Chance: 10% Precip Chance: 5z3 www.