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Golden Valley News
November 29, 2018
Phyllis Joan
WIBAUX, Mont. - Phyllis Joan
Bailey, 97, graduated to heaven on
Friday, Nov. 16, 2018, at the
Wibaux County Nursing Home in
Wibaux, Mont.
Visitation was held on Sunday,
Nov. 25, from 3-5 p.m. and 6-8 p.m.
with a vigil service at 7 p.m. at Silha:
Funeral Home in Wibaux. A funeral
service was held on Monday, Nov.
26, at 10 a.m. at the Calvary Tem-
ple Assembly of God in Wibaux
with the Rev. David Fisher officiat-
ing. Silha Funeral Home of Wibaux
wasentrusted with the arrange-
Phyllis was born in Carlyle,
Mont to Herman and Hildur
(Swing) Storkel on June 23, 1921.
Her dad worked on the Fort Peck
Dam and bridge near Culbertson
during the Depression; conse-
quently, she attended grade schools
in Wibaux, Culbertson, Fort Peck
and Glasgow. She waited a year to
graduate, so her brother Conrad
could graduate with her from
Wibaux High School. Phyllis then
attended Billings Normal School
and obtained a degree in business.
She and Wayne met at a
Methodist youth group. They were
married on June 14, 1943, at the
Storkel farm south of Wibaux. Fol-
lowing a brief honeymoon in Glen-
dive, Mont they boarded the train
for Seattle. She was employed at
Naval Port of Embarkation in Seat-
tle until Wayne returned from World
War II. They returned to Wibaux to
raise their four children. The couple
celebrated 65 years of marriage to-
gether, prior to Wayne's death in
2008. Phyllis worked at Bailey's
Market and Locker Plant, Crescent
Hardware, the USDA office and B
& B Painting. She was very active
serving her Lord and Savior all her
life; teaching children and adults
and directing music. Phyllis and
Wayne were founding members of
the Calvary Temple Assembly of
God Church.
In later years of her life, she
resided at St. John's in Billings, the
Golden Valley Manor and finally,
the Wibaux nursing home until the
time of her death.
Phyllis is preceded in death by
her parents; her" husband, Wayne;
her daughter, Penny; her parents-in-
law; her brothers, Kenneth (Flo-
rence) and Conrad; her sisters,
Beatrice (Ben) and Aimee
(Howard); her sisters-in-law, Mary
(Earl); Louise (Johnny) and Virginia
and her nephews, Ken, Ron and
Phyllis is survived by her daugh-
ter, Connie IRon) Chaffee; her sons,
John (Vicki) and Paul (Teri); her
son-in-law, Les (Sue) Scammon; her
sister, Lois (Jim) Tallman; 18 grand-
children; 30 great-grandchildren and
numerous nieces and nephews.
Remembrances and condolences
may be shared with the family at:
Two hurt in incident near Dickinson
By News/Pioneer Staff on the left side of the road, but her
DICKINSON - A crash on Sun- vehicle, a 1993 Ford Ranger, slid on
day, Nov. 18, injured a Richardton the ice and snow covered roadway.
woman on Interstate 94 at mile Cleyre's Ranger struck Saverse's
marker 60 near Dickinson. pickup, which then struck Aina as
Oluwatoyin Aina, 22, Dickinson, he was standing next to the vehi-
and Cory Saverse, 24, of Ozone, cle. Cleyre and Aina were injured
Ark were assisting another person in the crash and transported to CHI
in pulling out a vehicle from the me- St. Alexius Dickinson by the Dick-
dian and onto the westbound lane. inson ambulance. Cleyre was wear-
Saverse had just pulled out the ve- ing a seatbelt.
hicle and both were parked near the The Ford pickup retained some
left side of the westbound lane. Aina rear-end damage while the 1993
was standing beside Saverse's 2013 Ranger was totaled.
Ford F150 pickup when Robin The crash remains under inves-
Cleyre, 40, Richardton approached, tigation by the N.D. Highway Pa-
Cleyre, also traveling westbound in trol, and charges for both Cleyre
the left lane, crested the nearby hill. and Saverse are under investiga-
She attempted to avoid the vehicles tion.
Crash near Mandan results in injury
By News/Pioneer Staff ditch. He was able to bring the Taurus
MANDAN A crash on out of the ditch but overcorrected and
Hwy. 1806 about 10 miles north of itentered the east ditch, where if struck
Mandan resulted in an injury on Nov. a culvert, overturned and came to rest
24. on its roof. Messmer was wearing his
Andre Messmer, 36, of Mandan, seatbelt and the airbag deployed.
was traveling northbound in a 2003 Messmer was injured but was able
Ford Taurus around 6:44 p.m. Roads to walk to his residence nearby and
were snow packed and the sky was was then transported to Sanford Med-
dark and overcast. Messmer's vehicle ical Center in Bismarck for his in-
left the roadway and entered the west juries.
Crash claims two lives near Minot
By News/Pioneer Staff 61, of Surrey and was traveling
MINOT- A crash near Minot on east. The Dodge ended up in the
Tuesday evening, Nov. 20, resulted south ditch facing north, and the
in the loss of two lives. Silverado came to rest on the north
Trey Bennet, 26, Bismarck, was shoulder on the roadway facing
driving a2008 redChevy Silverado north. Weather conditions were
westbound on 46th Ave. Northeast foggy with drizzle, and the road
around 7:42 p.m when witnesses was wet.
stated he tried to pass another vehi- Rodriquez was pronounced dead
cle and struck a 2004 silver Dodge at the scene. Bennett was trans-
Durango head-on. The Durango ported toTrinity Hospital where he
was driven by Mariano Rodriquez, later died of his injuries.
The deadline for submitted copy and stories and
all ad orders is noon on Fridays. Call 872-3755 or
S.D. counties on hook for Keyston
By Bart Pfankuch
S.D. News Watch
A group of mostly rural South
Dakota counties could be on the hook
for millions of dollars in costs related
to any protests that arise over con-
struction of the Keystone XL
Pipeline in the state.
The outlay would be required be-
fore the state kicks in any disaster
money to pay for the response to
protests that some expect will erupt
during construction of the controver-
sial oil pipeline.
"It will bankrupt some counties if
it happens," said Kathy Glines, emer-
gency management officer in Hard-
ing County, where the
Canadian-owned pipeline will enter
South Dakota. "There's a lot of coun-
ties that don't have this kind of
money sitting around, especially if it
(a protest) is a long-term issue."
The concerns in the nine West
River counties on the pipeline path
have coalesced around two factors: a
1969 South Dakota law requiring
counties to spend significant local
taxpayer money to handle an emer-
gency before state funding kicks in;
and the fear that protests over Key-
stone XL could mirror the massive 7-
month, sometimes violent
demonstration against the Dakota
Access Pipeline in North Dakota in
The sprawling protest near Can-
non Ball, N.D cost an estimated $38
million to control, and who pays
those costs remains in dispute. The
county where much of the protest
took place spent more than $4 mil-
lion on response.
The laws in South Dakota Chap-
ter 34 require that in order to qualify
for state financial assistance as part
of an official disaster declaration by
thegovernor that "minimum local ef-
fort" must first be met. The law de-
fines that spending as equal to 2
mills, or $2 per $1,000 of the full as-
sessed value of each county during
the 12-month period prior to the re-
quest for a disaster declaration.
Furthermore, the law requires the
state to fund only up to 60 percent of
t.he costs after the local spending
threshold has been passed.
The county spending requirement
will not prevent the state from re-
sponding in an emergency or from
declaring a disaster, said Kristi Tar-
man, division director within the
state Department of Public Safety
and former state emergency manage-
ment director.
Turman said public safety is the
top priority in any disaster, including
a major pipeline protest. How that re-
sponse gets paid for is dictated by
state law and is determined once the
emergency is over.
"This deals with the finances; this
does not mean that we're not going
to go help them by giving additional
resources or additional people," Tur-
The Keystone XL pipeline route runs diagonally across South
Dakota from the northwest to the southeast. Nine counties will be
affected by the construction, which is expected to begin next
summer. (Map courtesy of Transcanada)
"upon finding it necessary for the "There might be some pushback
preservation of life and property." from the state, but we've got to em-
Opponents concerned about power these counties. I think only
leaks two or three counties in the state
Opposition to the pipeline is would be able to respond on their
rooted mainly in concerns over po- own," he said. "Obviously the coun-
tential leaks and spills fouling lands, ties where the pipeline is going to go
surface Waters and underground through, they're very concerned
aquifers on the route, and by Native about it. They could end up spending
American tribes and others who say millions."
construction will destroy cultural and Costs could reach millions
historic sites and artifacts. Plans for building the under-
The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe in ground Keystone XL Pipeline are
September formally declared its sup- quickly taking shape, and construc-
port of any protests over three ongo- tion has begun on improving roads
ing pipeline projects, including the and building equipment staging sites
Keystone XL in Montana and South and oil pumping stations in South
Dakota. The Cheyenne River and Dakota. About 250 miles of the
Yankton Sioux tribes and the grass- pipeline's nearly 1,200-mile route
roots environmental group Dakota will run on a northwest to southeast
Rural Action all recently wrote letters path through the heart of West River,
to the South Dakota Public Utilities entering in Harding County and pass-
Commission opposing the pipeline ing roughly at a 45-degree angle
and questioning permit compliance through Butte, Perkins, Meade, Pen-
by TransCanada. nington, Haakon, Jones, Lyman and
In October, members of a group Tripp counties before moving into
called Bold Nebraska walked out in Nebraska.
protest of a U.S. Department of State The $8 billion pipeline is being
meeting held in Lincoln to take com- built by TransCanada Corporation to
ment on the pipeline route through move crude oil from Alberta,
that state. One member of the group, Canada, through Montana and South
which has organized peaceful Dakota to Steele City, Neb where it
protests against the pipeline, was will merge with existing pipelines to
quote1 as saying, "We'll battle as transport oil to refineries in Texas.
long as we have breath." During construction, South
Ore West River lawmaker said he Dakota will be home to several stag-
supports efforts to change the disaster ing areas and workforce camps that
response law in the 2019 legislative can house up to 1,000 workers per lo-
session to reduce the potential finan- cation.
cial burden on counties before the The pipeline will not cross the
roughly 2-year pipeline construction Missouri River, but will cross under
process begins next spring, the Cheyenne River at the border of
Rep. Thomas Brunner, R-Nisland, Meade and Pennington counties.
whose district includes three counties The "local effort" law means that
on the pipeline path, said there may if a protest broke out in Harding
need to be some local spending re- County, population 1,300, where the
quirement in disasters but that the pipeline will run for about 74 miles,
current threshold is far too high. local taxpayers would have to come
"If it's going to cost counties sev- up with $700,000 to pay costs asso-
eral million dollars, we need to take a ciated with those protests before any
look at that because I think the coun- state money would flow to the
ties will have to be covered better county.
than that," said Brunner, who has While many in Harding County
been contacted by concerned county are expecting a financial windfall
man said. "If they need help, we're officials. "I think we can change that from the pipeline, the potential for
going to go, we're going to go help " law and I don't see why we should- protests and paying to manage them
them." n't." is a downside of the project, Glines
Turman said the state law follows : Brunner said he anticipates legis- said.
a long-held emergency management :lation could emerge from the South In Meade County, which will have
mantra that, "all disaster response Dakota Association of County Offi- about 53 miles of pipeline within its
starts local, and it ends local." The cials to reduce the burden on coun-
laws in Chapter 34 also provide the ties, and that he would sponsor such
governor with discretion to increase a measure.
financial support from the state
dg,y O n, d dl lr ly Op ar ,d
or any other need/
Jox. Nk . Sim,m o,
tc.kle Bill
Golden Valley News
P.O. Box 156, Beach, ND 58621
(U.S.P.S. Pub.
No. 221-280)
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Established Aug. 15, 1919.
XL protest
borders, the requirement means
county taxpayers would have to
spend nearly $5 million to meet the
local effort threshold.
"It is a huge problem; we're very
concerned about potential protests
and the costs that would be incurred,"
Commission Chair Galen Niederw-
erder saidduring a recent meeting in
Sturgis. "Everything else, the logis-
tics of getting this pipeline through,
the roads, the pipeline, the right of
way this is an issue that concerns
the county more than anything else."
In Pennington County, which will
be home to only a short segment of
the pipeline near the Cheyenne River,
the local effort requirement would
amount to about $17 million, said
Auditor-elect Cindy Mohler.
Costs to manage a major protest,
even a peaceful gathering, including
crowd control, traffic and public
safety needs likely will be high.
Those costs can rise quickly and in-
volve numerous agencies and spend-
ing categories.
Lessons learned
According to the North Dakota
Office of Adjutant General, manag-
ing the 2016-17 Dakota Access
protest cost $37.4 million, including
about $16 million for response by
out-of-state agencies and $10.4 mil-
lion for North Dakota National
Guard assistance. An estimated 1,400
law enforcement officers and 300
other personnel from 11 states and 23
North Dakota agencies responded to
the protest that is believed to be the
largest and longest-duration protest
in American history. More than 800
state criminal cases were filed as a re-
sult of protest activities.
North Dakota filed a lawsuit
against the federal government in
July seeking reimbursement of the
full costs of containment, arguing
that the U.S. Army Corps of Engi-
neers failed to adequately enforce
trespass laws, enabling the protest to
extend for months. The U.S. Depart-
ment of Justice has reimbursed North
Dakota for $10 million of protests
costs and the Dakota Access
Pipeline, LLC has donated $15 mil-
lion to the state to offset response
The local government at the cen-
ter of the protest, Morton County,
spent about $4.4 million on person-
nel, equipment, staff housing, and
food and other costs related to the
protests, Emergency Manager Tom
Doering said.
Doering said North Dakota does
not have a spending threshold that
counties must meet before getting
state financial support, but there is a
damage value that must be met to
trigger a state declaration. He said
Morton County declared a local dis-
aster the day after the protest began
and the governor declared a
statewide disaster the next day that
provided funding and personnel al-
most immediately.
Doering urged South Dakota offi-
(Continued on Page 3)
Ma~ c~f~y Irmn.L~an
North Dakota
Corn m ission
Will hold a public h~ari~g ~o
Adrrin. Cot~
I atth DakOta
ommi slon Office
2301 Unlve Ry DOve
IBu|idlng 22
Bis k, ND
Tues Jan, 8, 2019
9:00 a,m.
A cc~l~ of th~ ~ ruL-~ nmy be
I~q~ by ~ 701-312~015~. Ah~,
P.O. El~t 502~ Elisn-mrok, ND,5i85~ t ='~l
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